@article{kolli_parashar_kokkonda_bhattacharya_veliadis_2024, title={Design of Asynchronous Microgrid Power Conditioning System with Gen-3 10 kV SiC MOSFETs for MV Grid Interconnection}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC48139.2024.10509274}, journal={2024 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC}, author={Kolli, Nithin and Parashar, Sanket and Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Veliadis, Victor}, year={2024}, pages={514–521} } @article{parashar_kolli_kokkonda_kanale_bhattacharya_baliga_2024, title={Dynamic Voltage Balancing Across Series-Connected 10 kV SiC JBS Diodes in Medium Voltage 3L-NPC Power Converter Having Snubberless Series-Connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2644-1284"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/OJIES.2024.3450509}, DOI={10.1109/OJIES.2024.3450509}, journal={IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF THE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY}, author={Parashar, Sanket and Kolli, Nithin and Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Kanale, Ajit and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Baliga, Bantval Jayant}, year={2024}, pages={1058–1084} } @article{parashar_isik_kolli_kokkonda_bhattacharya_2024, title={Overvoltage Protection of Series-Connected 10kV SiC MOSFETs Following Switch Failures in MV 3L-NPC Converter for Safe Fault Isolation and Shutdown}, volume={12}, ISSN={["2169-3536"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3351184}, DOI={10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3351184}, abstractNote={This paper presents a design methodology for overvoltage protection across 10kV SiC MOSFETs during turn-off after switch failure in a MV SST Power Conditioning System (PCS) enabled by a cascaded Three-Phase (3P) Three-level (3L) Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) Active Front-End Converter (AFEC) and Dual Active Bridge (DAB) using series-connected 10kV SiC MOSFETs and 10kV SiC JBS diodes. The methodology uses an active voltage clamp at the gate terminal and desat detection technique to identify abrupt open and turn-on switch failures across series-connected 10kV SiC MOSFETs. The analytical model estimates over-current time and turn-off voltage transition by considering bus bar inductance, device base plate capacitance and common mode (CM) choke tied between the heat sink and midpoint of the DC link capacitor. The transition model is used to evaluate the turn-off timing for series-connected MOSFETs, snubber resistors, snubber capacitors, and gate resistors to avoid MOSFET overvoltage during converter shutdown, without affecting the voltage balancing and efficiency during normal operation. The MOSFET turn-off transition during the shutdown has been verified in the Saber RD simulation using the validated Saber RD MAST model of 10kV SiC MOSFETs and 10kV SiC JBS diodes at 13.8kV AC/24kV DC level. The fault isolation and MV SST PCS shutdown have been verified in a real-time environment using HIL setup with Xilinx FPGAs and RTDS, at 13.8kV AC/24kV DC link under PCS operating conditions. The normal operation of 3L-NPC pole hardware with modified snubber resistors, snubber capacitors, and gate resistors is verified by experiments conducted at 7kV DC, 10A load current.}, journal={IEEE ACCESS}, author={Parashar, Sanket and Isik, Semih and Kolli, Nithin and Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2024}, pages={10102–10119} } @article{parashar_kolli_kokkonda_kanale_bhattacharya_baliga_2024, title={Mitigating Voltage Imbalance Across Series-Connected 10 kV SiC JBS Diodes in a Medium-Voltage High-Power 3L-NPC Converter}, volume={39}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2023.3339809}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2023.3339809}, abstractNote={This article presents a design methodology for RC snubbers to address dynamic voltage imbalance in series-connected 10 kV SiC junction barrier Schottky (JBS) diodes, utilized in a 3-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) converter. The proposed method considers the effect of bus bar inductance, unequal diode junction capacitance, baseplate capacitance, and common mode (CM) choke tied between the heat sink and midpoint of the dc link capacitor on snubber losses and turn-off voltage mismatch across series-connected diodes. In addition, the effect of hard-switched turn-on across complementary SiC mosfets has been considered on snubber loss and dynamic voltage balancing across SiC JBS diodes. The following steps have been used to simplify the RC snubber design: modeling the switching transition across series-connected 10 kV SiC JBS diodes and 10 kV SiC mosfets on two-level clamped inductive switching test setup, modification of snubber capacitor and switching transition model for 3L-NPC topology, using the experimental data, and modification of snubber resistor using experimental data from 3L-NPC setup with CM choke. Key design parameters obtained from the proposed model have been compared with the experimentally obtained data, which validates the accuracy of the model. Experimental results at the 7 kV dc bus show that the designed RC snubber constrains the turn-off voltage mismatch, snubber loss, and turn-on transition time within the specified limit.}, number={3}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, author={Parashar, Sanket and Kolli, Nithin and Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Kanale, Ajit and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Baliga, Jay}, year={2024}, month={Mar}, pages={2896–2911} } @article{kolli_parashar_kokkonda_bhattacharya_veliadis_2023, title={Switching Loss Analysis of Three-Phase Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter Pole Enabled by Series-Connected 10 kV SiC MOSFETs}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC43580.2023.10131392}, abstractNote={The recent advancement in the technology of SiC MOSFETs has spurred interest in designing compact and high switching frequency (10–20 kHz) power converters. However, grid-integration of these power converters at medium voltage (MV) scale would require a conventional transformer. With the development of new high voltage (HV) 10 kV and 15 kV SiC MOSFETs, these converters can directly interface with medium voltage (MV) grids without the need for line-frequency transformers, using simple two-level and three-level topologies. The application of these devices is currently being explored in all MV Applications (8 kV to 30 kV) like Solid State Transformer, MV Drives, Power Conditioning Systems, and MVDC isolators. This paper discusses application of 10 kV SiC MOSFETs and JBS Diodes for enabling Asynchronous Microgrid Power Conditioning System (AMPCS). This medium voltage power converter is enabled by series-connection of devices, in a Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped (3L-NPC) configuration. The voltage balancing of these series-connected devices is achieved by using R C-snubbers. This paper addresses the different conduction modes and switching sequences of a 3L-NPC pole, which is used as building block for the three-phase converter. The switching loss analysis, for various snubber values, is presented for the MOSFETs and the clamping diodes along with experimental results. This research helps in providing an overview of switching losses that are disspated through the device (and heatsink) and through the snubber resistor in a 3L-NPC convertor pole.}, journal={2023 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC}, author={Kolli, Nithin and Parashar, Sanket and Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Veliadis, Victor}, year={2023}, pages={2353–2360} } @article{anurag_acharya_kolli_bhattacharya_weatherford_parker_2022, title={A Three-Phase Active-Front-End Converter System Enabled by 10-kV SiC MOSFETs Aimed at a Solid-State Transformer Application}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1941-0107"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/TPEL.2021.3131262}, DOI={10.1109/TPEL.2021.3131262}, abstractNote={The use of high-voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices can eliminate multilevel and cascaded converters and their complicated control strategies, making converter systems simple and reliable. A three-phase two-level voltage-source converter system serves as a simple converter system for interfacing any dc source to a three-phase grid. However, when the high-voltage devices are used in two-level converters, they are exposed to a high-voltage peak stress and a high $dv/dt$ (up to 100 kV/$\mu$s). Operating these semiconductor devices at these stress levels requires careful design not only of the semiconductor die and the module, but also of the gate drivers, busbars, and passive filters. This article demonstrates the operation of 10-kV SiC mosfets and discusses the design considerations, advantages, and challenges associated with the operation of the three-phase two-level medium-voltage converter system used as the active-front-end converter system. Reliable operation of the medium-voltage converter system requires the development of reliable high-voltage modules and auxiliary parts, such as gate drivers, busbars, inductors, voltage and current sensors, and proper design of the controller system. Successful tests demonstrating continuous field operation of the medium-voltage active-front-end converter at a nominal rating of 7.2-kV dc-link voltage is demonstrated for the first time in the literature. The results indicate that these devices can accelerate the growth and deployment of medium-voltage SiC devices for field operation, as demonstrated by the operation inside the mobile container.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS}, publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)}, author={Anurag, Anup and Acharya, Sayan and Kolli, Nithin and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Weatherford, Todd R. and Parker, Andrew A.}, year={2022}, month={May}, pages={5606–5624} } @article{kolli_parashar_kokkonda_anurag_kumar_bhattacharya_veliadis_2021, title={Design Considerations of Three Phase Active Front End Converter for 13.8 kV Asynchronous Microgrid Power Conditioning System enabled by Series Connection of Gen-3 10 kV SiC MOSFETs}, ISSN={["2329-3721"]}, DOI={10.1109/ECCE47101.2021.9594975}, abstractNote={The recent growth in power generation using renewable energy sources has led to extensive research and development of robust and resilient power converters, which can integrate them with the medium voltage (MV) grids (13.8 kV,60Hz). Conventional power converters need a line frequency transformer for their integration to the MV grid, which increases the overall footprint and installation cost of the system. Therefore, a compact and lightweight alternative are required for largescale integration of the renewable energy source to the MV grid. With the advent of high voltage SiC MOSFETs, the operating frequency of grid converter can be increased up to 10-20 kHz, thus significantly reducing the size of filter inductors. The use of these devices in multi-level configurations with series-connected devices facilitates the design of power converters that can interface directly with MV grid, eliminating the need for line frequency transformers. The converter presented in this paper is designed to interface a 13.8 kV three-phase grid to a dc link of 24 kV. A three-level neutral point clamped (3L-NPC) topology enabled by series-connected 10 kV 15 A SiC MOSFETs and 10 kV 15 A SiC JBS diodes is presented. This paper focuses on the advantages, design considerations, and challenges associated with a medium voltage 3L-NPC converter. Experimental results show the successful operation of series-connected 10 kV 15 A SiC MOSFETs and JBS Diodes at medium voltage levels and highlights the series connection that is realized with snubber circuits for voltage balancing.}, journal={2021 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE)}, author={Kolli, Nithin and Parashar, Sanket and Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Anurag, Anup and Kumar, Ashish and Bhattacharya, Subhashish and Veliadis, Victor}, year={2021}, pages={1211–1218} } @article{agarwal_anurag_kolli_kumar_bhattacharya_2021, title={Design considerations of 6.5kV enabled three-level and 10kV enabled two-level medium voltage SST}, ISSN={["2329-3721"]}, DOI={10.1109/ECCE47101.2021.9595367}, abstractNote={The advent of medium voltage silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductor devices (6.5kV and 10 kV) has opened up the possibilities of looking into different converter topologies for the MV grid interfaced applications. A medium voltage mobile utility support equipment-based three-phase solid-state transformer (MUSE-SST) system is one such application aimed to interconnect a three-phase 4160 V/60 Hz grid to a three-phase 480 V/60 Hz grid to provide a shore-to-ship power interface for naval vessels. The system can be realized by both 10 kV SiC MOSFET and 6.5kV SiC MOSFET employing a two-level and three-level architecture respectively. The aim of this paper is to understand the thermal challenges and provides detailed design considerations of the two MV device-based architectures for a system scale-up to 500kVA rating. Device characteristics for both 6.5kV and 10kV SiC MOSFETs have been evaluated from experimental results. Based on these experimental data, the thermal performance of these devices enabled converter architecture is compared using elctro-thermal simulation-based loss comparison.}, journal={2021 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE)}, author={Agarwal, Apoorv and Anurag, Anup and Kolli, Nithin and Kumar, Ashish and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2021}, pages={282–289} } @article{kokkonda_kumar_anurag_kolli_parashar_bhattacharya_2021, title={Medium Voltage Shore-to-Ship Connection System Enabled by Series Connected 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC42165.2021.9487119}, abstractNote={Increasing concern about the environmental impact of ships has made Shore-to-Ship (STS) power an attractive solution for ship owners and port authorities worldwide in reducing emissions at ports. Existing shore-to-ship solutions for 0.1 MVA to 5 MVA applications employ silicon (Si) IGBT based static frequency converters. Recent developments in high voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices have facilitated improvement in efficiency and power density of medium voltage (MV) converters in various applications. This paper proposes an MV STS system enabled by series connection of three 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs, which shows the potential for improved power density and efficiency compared to existing Si IGBT based solutions. A 100 kVA 3-phase two-level voltage source converter (VSC) with series connected 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs is designed and demonstrated. Experimental results for the series connected 3.3kV SiC MOSFET based converter is shown at 6 kV dc link voltage to validate the design and operation of such a system. Successful demonstration of a MV converter system enabled by series connection of high voltage SiC MOSFETs can open up opportunities to replace conventional Si IGBT based converters with SiC MOSFET based converters in applications interfacing with medium voltage grid.}, journal={2021 THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC 2021)}, author={Kokkonda, Raj Kumar and Kumar, Ashish and Anurag, Anup and Kolli, Nithin and Parashar, Sanket and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2021}, pages={1380–1387} } @article{kolli_pramod_bhattacharya_2021, title={Performance Analysis of PMSM during Regeneration fed by Dual-Inverter System}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC42165.2021.9487450}, abstractNote={Fault mode operation of motor drives, especially in traction applications, is gaining ground. One of the common practices during fault mode is to turn off the inverter. If the inverter circuit is not electrically isolated from the machine, it acts as an uncontrolled rectifier, because of anti-parallel diodes, leading the machine to cause regenerative braking. In this paper, the performance analysis of PMSM during regeneration, which is fed by dual-inverter system, is studied in a synchronous reference frame as it gives better insight from the analysis and active compensation point of view. The harmonic analysis of all the currents and braking torque is also presented for all the operating modes during regeneration.}, journal={2021 THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC 2021)}, author={Kolli, Nithin and Pramod, Prerit and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2021}, pages={2200–2205} }