2021 journal article

Population Genomics Trace Clonal Diversification and Intercontinental Migration of an Emerging Fungal Pathogen of Boxwood

PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 111(1), 184–193.

By: N. LeBlanc n, M. Cubeta n & J. Crouch*

author keywords: boxwood blight; Calonectria; clonality; emerging diseases; evolution; fungal pathogens; genomics; population biology; single-nucleotide polymorphisms
MeSH headings : Bayes Theorem; Buxus; Europe; Hypocreales; Metagenomics; North America; Phylogeny; Plant Diseases
TL;DR: Evidence for multiple introductions of this pathogen into the US and intercontinental migration indicates that future introductions are likely to occur and should be considered in plant disease quarantine regulation. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 15, 2021

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