Works (13)
2023 journal article
Graded BMP signaling within intestinal crypt architecture directs self-organization of the Wnt-secreting stem cell niche
Cell Stem Cell, 30(4), 433–449.e8.

2023 journal article
Role of PDGFRA+ cells and a CD55+ PDGFRALo fraction in the gastric mesenchymal niche
Nature Communications, 14(1).
2023 journal article
Smooth muscle contributes to the development and function of a layered intestinal stem cell niche
Developmental Cell, 58(7), 550–564.e6.
2020 journal article
Cellular and molecular architecture of the intestinal stem cell niche
Nature Cell Biology, 22(9), 1033–1041.
2020 journal article
Distinct Mesenchymal Cell Populations Generate the Essential Intestinal BMP Signaling Gradient
Cell Stem Cell, 26(3), 391–402.e5.
2019 journal article
Novel Ethanol‐Sensitive Mutants Identified in an F3 Forward Genetic Screen
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(1), 56–65.
2016 journal article
An Fgf-Shh signaling hierarchy regulates early specification of the zebrafish skull
Developmental Biology, 415(2), 261–277.
2016 journal article
Pdgfra</i> and <i>Pdgfrb</i> genetically interact during craniofacial development
Developmental Dynamics, 245(6), 641–652.
2014 journal article
Gene–ethanol interactions underlying fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 71(14), 2699–2706.
2013 journal article
A Screen of Zebrafish Mutants Identifies Ethanol‐Sensitive Genetic Loci
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38(3), 694–703.
2013 journal article
Pdgfra protects against ethanol-induced craniofacial defects in a zebrafish model of FASD
Development, 140(15), 3254–3265.
2012 journal article
Hh signaling regulates patterning and morphogenesis of the pharyngeal arch-derived skeleton
Developmental Biology, 369(1), 65–75.
2008 journal article
A test of the oxygen paradox using antioxidant deficient cyanobacteria
Gravitational and Space Biology, 21(2).