2020 book
Marriage after Migration: An Ethnography of Money, Romance, and Gender in Globalizing Mexico
In Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/marriage-after-migration-9780190056018?cc=us&lang=en&
2019 journal article
“Lies build trust”: Social capital, masculinity, and community-based resource management in a Mexican fishery
World Development, 123, 104601.
2018 chapter
Empowering Women?: Conditional Cash Transfers and the Patriarchal State in Calakmul, Mexico
In E. Balen & M. Fotta (Eds.), Money from the government in Latin America: social cash transfer policies and rural lives (pp. 97–113). New York: Routledge Press.
Ed(s): E. Balen & M. Fotta
2018 newspaper article
Mexican anti-poverty program targeting poor women may help men most, study says./El programa Mexicana que intenta reducir la pobreza de mujeres beneficia más a sus maridos
Haenn, N. (2018, July 24). The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/mexican-anti-poverty-program-targeting-poor-women-may-help-men-most-study-finds-97917
2018 newspaper article
North Carolina’s ties to Mexico are strong. Let’s make them stronger
Haenn, N. (2018, July 4). News and Observer. https://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/article214253494.html
2017 journal article
The Gender Dynamics of Conditional Cash Transfers and Smallholder Farming in Calakmul, Mexico
Women’s Studies International Forum, 65(Special issue: Latin American women’s farm land and communal forests), 17–27.
2016 journal article
The Middle-Class Conservationist: Social Dramas, and Blurred Identity Boundaries and Their Environmental Consequences in Mexican Conservation
Current Anthropology, 57(2), 197–218.
2015 journal article
The Legacy of Mexico’s Agrarian Counter-reforms: Reinforcing Social Hierarchies in Calakmul, Campeche
Journal of Agrarian Change, 16(1), 145–167.
2014 journal article
A Cultural Consensus Regarding the King Vulture?: Preliminary Findings and Their Application to Mexican Conservation
Ethnobiology and Conservation, 3(1), 1–22.
2014 journal article
Between Capitalism, the State, and the Grassroots: Mexico’s Contribution to a Global Conservation Debate
Conservation and Society, 12(2), 111–119.
2014 journal article
Improving Conservation Outcomes with Insights from Local Experts and Bureaucracies
Conservation Biology, 28(4), 951–958.
2013 magazine article
When Mutant Mosquitos Attack
Haenn, N. (2013, February 19). New York Times Magazine.
2013 journal article
‘Gentlemen-Type Rules’ and ‘Back Room Deals’ in Public Participation: Natural Resource Management and a Fractured State in North Carolina
Journal of Political Ecology, 20, 444–459.
2012 article
Instituting Nature: Authority, Expertise, and Power in Mexican Forests
Haenn, N. (2012, October). HUMAN ECOLOGY, Vol. 40, pp. 803–805.
2011 chapter
Who’s Got the Money Now?: Conservation-Development Meets the Nueva Ruralidad in Southern Mexico
In H. Kopnina & E. Shoreman (Eds.), Environmental Anthropology Today (pp. 215–233). New York: Routledge Press.
Ed(s): H. Kopnina & E. Shoreman
2010 chapter
A Sustaining Conservation for Mexico?
In G. Woodgate & M. Redclift (Eds.), International Handbook of Environmental Sociology (pp. 408–426). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ed(s): G. Woodgate & M. Redclift
2009 journal article
Regulation, Conservation, and Collaboration: Ecological Anthropology in the Mississippi Delta
Human Ecology, 37(1), 95–107.
2007 journal article
Citizens, Experts, and Anthropologists: Finding Paths in Environmental Policy
Human Organization, 66(2), 99–102.
2006 journal article
The Changing and Enduring Ejido: A State and Regional Examination of Mexico’s Land Tenure Counter-reforms
Land Use Policy, 23(2), 136–146.
2005 book
Fields of Power, Forests of Discontent: Culture, Conservation, and the State in Mexico
Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2004 journal article
New Rural Poverty: The Tangled Web of Environmental Protection and Economic Aid in Southern Mexico
Journal on Poverty, 8(4), 97–117.
2004 chapter
New Rural Poverty: The Tangled Web of Environmental Protection and Economic Aid in Southern Mexico
[Reprint]. In K. Kilty & E. Segal (Eds.), Poverty and Inequality in the Latin American–U.S. Borderlands: Implications of U.S. Interventions (pp. 97–117). New York: Haworth Press.
Ed(s): K. Kilty & E. Segal
2003 chapter
Risking Environmental Justice: Culture, Conservation, and Governance at Calakmul, Mexico
In S. Eckstein & T. Wickham-Crawley (Eds.), Struggles for Social Rights in Latin America (pp. 81–101). New York: Routledge Press.
Ed(s): S. Eckstein & T. Wickham-Crawley
2002 journal article
Commentary on S. Atran et al., "Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons"
Current Anthropology, 43(3), 442–443.
2002 journal article
Nature Regimes in Southern Mexico: A History of Power and Environment
Ethnology, 41(1), 1–26.
2000 journal article
Renovating Ecology
American Ethnologist, 27(3), 736–745.
2000 report
‘Biodiversity Is Diversity in Use’: Community-Based Conservation in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve [2001, Spanish lang. version published as “Biodiversidad es diversidad en uso”: Conservación basada en la communidad en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul]
Arlington, Virginia, USA: The Nature Conservancy.
1999 journal article
Community Formation in Frontier Mexico: Accepting and Rejecting Migrants
Human Organization, 58(1), 36–43.
1999 journal article
The Power of Environmental Knowledge: Ethnoecology and Environmental Conflicts in Mexican Conservation
Human Ecology, 27(3), 477–491.
1999 journal article
Working Forests: Conservation and Conflict in Tropical Mexico
Delaware Review of Latin American Studies, 1(1). http://www.udel.edu/LASP/vol1Haenn.html
1994 journal article
A New Tourist, a New Environment: Can Ecotourism Deliver?
Trends, 31(2), 28–30.
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