@article{harris_priyadarshi_melamed_ortega_manohar_dooley_kriplani_davis_franzon_steer_et al._2012, title={A Transient Electrothermal Analysis of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits}, volume={2}, ISSN={["2156-3985"]}, DOI={10.1109/tcpmt.2011.2178414}, abstractNote={A transient electrothermal simulation of a 3-D integrated circuit (3DIC) is reported that uses dynamic modeling of the thermal network and hierarchical electrothermal simulation. This is a practical alternative to full transistor electrothermal simulations that are computationally prohibitive. Simulations are compared to measurements for a token-generating asynchronous 3DIC clocking at a maximum frequency of 1 GHz. The electrical network is based on computationally efficient electrothermal macromodels of standard and custom cells. These are linked in a physically consistent manner with a detailed thermal network extracted from an OpenAccess layout file. Coupled with model-order reduction techniques, hierarchical dynamic electrothermal simulation of large 3DICs is shown to be tractable, yielding spatial and temporal selected transistor-level thermal profiles.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY}, author={Harris, T.R. and Priyadarshi, S. and Melamed, S. and Ortega, C. and Manohar, R. and Dooley, S.R. and Kriplani, N.M. and Davis, W.R. and Franzon, Paul and Steer, M.B. and et al.}, year={2012}, month={Apr}, pages={660–667} } @article{jang_kriplani_steer_2013, title={Behavioural modelling of amplifier asymmetry in the time domain}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1099-1204"]}, DOI={10.1002/jnm.1842}, abstractNote={SUMMARYPower amplifier asymmetry is captured by a behavioural model that contains multiple slices representing the amplifier's nonlinearity and long‐term, that is low frequency, memory. The simulation is performed entirely in the time domain, and the expense associated with performing a purely transient radio frequency (RF) simulation is circumvented by scaling down the carrier frequency by two orders of magnitude. This leads to a manageable transient simulation with results scaling back to the original carrier frequency. The model is empirical and can be easily implemented in any general purpose circuit simulation environment. The baseband portion of the model parameters was extracted and the simulation result was compared with measurement, thereby demonstrating that a nonlinear and accurate transient analysis routine can be effectively employed to capture memory‐related RF power amplifier phenomena. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}, number={2}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS}, author={Jang, W. and Kriplani, N. M. and Steer, M. B.}, year={2013}, pages={112–126} } @article{priyadarshi_saunders_kriplani_demircioglu_davis_franzon_steer_2012, title={Parallel Transient Simulation of Multiphysics Circuits Using Delay-Based Partitioning}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1937-4151"]}, DOI={10.1109/tcad.2012.2201156}, abstractNote={A parallel transient simulation technique for multiphysics circuits is presented. The technique develops partitions utilizing the inherent delay present within a circuit and between physical domains. A state-variable-based circuit delay element is presented, which implements the coupling between two spatially or temporally isolated circuit partitions. A parallel delay-based iterative approach for interfacing delay-partitioned subcircuits is applied, which achieves the reasonable accuracy of nonparallel circuit simulation if both incorporate the same interblock delay. The partitioned subcircuits are distributed to different cores of a shared-memory multicore processor and solved in parallel. A multithreaded implementation of the methodology using OpenMP is presented. Examples showing superlinear speedup compared to unpartitioned single-core simulation using the direct method are presented. This paper also discusses the impact of load balancing and absolute delay on simulation speedup.}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS}, author={Priyadarshi, Shivam and Saunders, Christopher S. and Kriplani, Nikhil M. and Demircioglu, Harun and Davis, W. Rhett and Franzon, Paul D. and Steer, Michael B.}, year={2012}, month={Oct}, pages={1522–1535} } @inproceedings{steer_wilkerson_kriplani_wetherington_2012, title={Why it is so hard to find small radio frequency signals in the presence of large signals}, DOI={10.1109/inmmic.2012.6331916}, abstractNote={The essence of radar, radio and wireless sensor engineering is extracting small information-bearing signals. This is notoriously difficult and engineers compensate by transmitting high power signals, reducing range, and spacing wireless systems in frequency and time. New understandings of passive intermodulation distortion, thermal effects, time-frequency effects, and noise are presented. It is seen that the familiar frequency-domain-based abstractions have missed important underlying physics. Through greater understanding, RF engineers can develop microwave systems with far lower levels of distortion and noise.}, booktitle={2012 Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Circuits (INMMIC)}, author={Steer, M. B. and Wilkerson, J. R. and Kriplani, N. M. and Wetherington, J. M.}, year={2012} } @article{kabir_christoffersen_kriplani_2011, title={Transient simulation based on state variables and waves}, volume={21}, number={3}, journal={International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering}, author={Kabir, M. and Christoffersen, C. and Kriplani, N.}, year={2011}, pages={314–324} } @article{kriplani_fletcher_langdon_penney_fast_steer_2009, title={Integration of FDTD EM Analysis and Transient Circuit Simulation of RF Systems}, ISBN={["978-1-4244-2803-8"]}, ISSN={["2576-7216"]}, DOI={10.1109/mwsym.2009.5166012}, abstractNote={A combined transient simulation of a 300 MHz input, 20 MHz output RF radio transceiver system was performed using an industry standard FDTD simulator integrated with an open source state-variable based multi-physics simulator. The two simulators were interfaced at every time step and several nonlinear iterations were performed at each step in order to ensure simulation convergence of the system which contains strong nonlinearities and a wide range of signal strengths at different points in the system.}, journal={2009 IEEE/MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-3}, author={Kriplani, Nikhil M. and Fletcher, Jonathan and Langdon, Scott and Penney, Christopher W. and Fast, Stephen A. and Steer, Michael B.}, year={2009}, pages={1577-+} } @article{kriplani_luniya_steer_2008, title={Integrated deterministic and stochastic simulation of electronic circuits: Application to large signal-noise analysis}, volume={21}, ISSN={["1099-1204"]}, DOI={10.1002/jnm.674}, abstractNote={AbstractThe ability to model the effect of non‐negligible levels of white noise superimposed on a carrier is investigated when this signal–noise combination is fed to the input of an MMIC power amplifier. Transient simulation using stochastic differential equations is introduced here to handle large levels of noise of arbitrary frequency characteristics. The effectiveness of the modelling is ascertained by looking at measured gain‐compression plots at the output of the amplifier and comparing these with simulated results. It is found that increasing levels of noise introduce increased compression of the output power characteristic. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}, number={6}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS}, author={Kriplani, Nikhil M. and Luniya, Sonali R. and Steer, Michael B.}, year={2008}, pages={381–394} } @article{kriplani_nackashi_amsinck_di spigna_steer_franzon_rick_solomon_reimers_2006, title={Physically based molecular device model in a transient circuit simulator}, volume={326}, ISSN={["1873-4421"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.chemphys.2006.03.003}, abstractNote={Abstract Two efficient, physically based models for the real-time simulation of molecular device characteristics of single molecules are developed. These models assume that through-molecule tunnelling creates a steady-state Lorentzian distribution of excess electron density on the molecule and provides for smooth transitions for the electronic degrees of freedom between the tunnelling, molecular-excitation, and charge-hopping transport regimes. They are implemented in the f REEDA™ transient circuit simulator to allow for the full integration of nanoscopic molecular devices in standard packages that simulate entire devices including CMOS circuitry. Methods are presented to estimate the parameters used in the models via either direct experimental measurement or density-functional calculations. The models require 6–8 orders of magnitude less computer time than do full a priori simulations of the properties of molecular components. Consequently, molecular components can be efficiently implemented in circuit simulators. The molecular-component models are tested by comparison with experimental results reported for 1,4-benzenedithiol.}, number={1}, journal={CHEMICAL PHYSICS}, author={Kriplani, Nikhil M. and Nackashi, David P. and Amsinck, Christian J. and Di Spigna, Neil H. and Steer, Michael B. and Franzon, Paul D. and Rick, Ramon L. and Solomon, Gemma C. and Reimers, Jeffrey R.}, year={2006}, month={Jul}, pages={188–196} }