@article{touchell_lynch_shekasteband_dickey_chinn_whitfield_ranney_2024, title={Biomass yields, reproductive fertility, compositional analysis, and genetic diversity of newly developed triploid giant miscanthus hybrids}, url={https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.13174}, DOI={10.1111/gcbb.13174}, abstractNote={Abstract Miscanthus × giganteus (giant miscanthus), first found as a naturally occurring hybrid, has shown promise as a bioenergy/biomass crop throughout much of the temperate world. This allotriploid (2 n = 3 x = 57) hybrid resulted from a cross between tetraploid Miscanthus sacchariflorus (2 n = 4 x = 76) and diploid Miscanthus sinensis (2 n = 2 x = 38) and is particularly desirable due to its low fertility that minimizes reseeding and potential invasiveness. However, there is limited genetic diversity in commonly grown cultivars of triploid M. × giganteus and breeding and development efforts to improve and domesticate this crop have been minimal. Here, we report on newly developed M. × giganteus hybrids compared with the industry standard M. × giganteus '1993‐1780'. Dry biomass yields of new hybrids ranged from 19.5 to 32.4 Mg/ha/year for the fourth growing season, compared with 21.0 Mg/ha/year for M. × giganteus '1993‐1780'. Plant reproductive fertility remained low for all accessions with overall fertility [(seed set × seed germination)/100] ranging from 0.3% to 4.5% for new hybrids compared to 0.4% for M. × giganteus '1993‐1780'. Culm density and height varied among accessions and were positively correlated with increased biomass. Based on compositional analyses, theoretical ethanol yields ranged from 9, 740 to 16,278 L/ha/year for new hybrids compared to 10,406 L/ha/year for M. × giganteus '1993‐1780'. Relative feed value indices were low overall and ranged between 66.0 and 72.8 for new hybrids compared to M. × giganteus '1993‐1780' with 71.3. The genetic diversity of new hybrids, compared with existing cultivars, was characterized using whole genome sequences. Based on pair‐wise distances, cluster analysis clearly showed increased diversity of new hybrids compared with earlier selections. These results document new triploid hybrids of M. × giganteus with enhanced biomass and theoretical ethanol yields in combination with broader genetic diversity and lowreproductive fertility.}, journal={GCB Bioenergy}, author={Touchell, Darren H. and Lynch, Nathan and Shekasteband, Reza and Dickey, Allison N. and Chinn, Mari C. and Whitfield, Matthew and Ranney, Thomas G.}, year={2024}, month={Jul} } @article{nix_ranney_lynch_chen_2024, title={Flow Cytometry for Estimating Plant Genome Size: Revisiting Assumptions, Sources of Variation, Reference Standards, and Best Practices}, volume={149}, ISSN={["2327-9788"]}, DOI={10.21273/JASHS05376-24}, abstractNote={Flow cytometry has been widely used to estimate relative and absolute genome sizes (DNA contents) of plants for more than 50 years. However, the accuracy of these estimates can vary widely because of many factors, including errors in the genome size estimates of reference standards and various experimental methods. The objectives of this study were to reassess genome sizes of commonly used reference standards and quantify sources of variation and error in estimating plant genome sizes that arise from buffers, confounding plant tissues, tissue types, and plant reference standards using both 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and propidium iodide (PI) fluorochromes. Five separate studies were performed to elucidate these objectives. Revised estimates of genome sizes of commonly used plant reference standards were determined using human male leukocytes as a primary standard with an updated genome size (6.15 pg; 12.14% lower than that of earlier studies) using both DAPI and PI fluorochromes. Comparison of six different buffers (Galbraith’s, LB01, MB01, MgSO4, Otto’s, and Sysmex) resulted in variations in genome size estimates by as much as 18.1% for a given taxon, depending on the buffer–fluorochrome combination. The addition of different confounding plant tissues (representing 10 diverse taxa and associated secondary metabolites) resulted in variations in genome size estimates by as much as 10.3%, depending on the tissue–fluorochrome combination. Different plant tissue types (leaf color/exposure and roots) resulted in a variation in genome size estimates of 10.7%, independent of the fluorochrome. The selection of different internal reference standards introduced an additional variation in genome size estimates of 5.9%, depending on the standard–fluorochrome combination. The choice of fluorochrome (DAPI vs. PI) had one of the largest impacts on genome size estimates and differed by as much as 32.9% for Glycine max ‘Polanka’ when using human male leukocytes as an internal standard. A portion of this variation (∼10.0%) can be attributed to the base pair (bp) bias of DAPI and variations in Guanine-Cytosine (GC):Adenine-Thymine (AT) ratios between the sample and standard. However, as much as 22.9% of the variation in genome size estimates may result from how effectively these fluorochromes stain and report the genome. The combined variation/error from all these factors (excluding variation from bp bias for different fluorochromes, and assuming variations from confounding tissues and tissue types to both result from secondary metabolites) totaled 57.6%. Additional details of how selected factors impact accuracy, precision, and the interaction of these factors are presented. Overall, flow cytometry can be precise, repeatable, and extremely valuable for determining the relative genome size and ploidy of closely related plants when using consistent methods, regardless of fluorochrome. However, accurate determination of the absolute genome size by flow cytometry remains elusive, and estimates of genome size using flow cytometry should be considered gross approximations that may vary by ±29% or more as a function of experimental methods and plant environments. Additional recommendations of best practices are provided.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE}, author={Nix, John and Ranney, Thomas G. and Lynch, Nathan P. and Chen, Hsuan}, year={2024}, month={May}, pages={131–141} } @article{crowl_fritsch_tiley_lynch_ranney_ashrafi_manos_2022, title={A first complete phylogenomic hypothesis for diploid blueberries (Vaccinium section Cyanococcus)}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1537-2197"]}, DOI={10.1002/ajb2.16065}, abstractNote={Abstract}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY}, author={Crowl, Andrew A. and Fritsch, Peter W. and Tiley, George P. and Lynch, Nathan P. and Ranney, Thomas G. and Ashrafi, Hamid and Manos, Paul S.}, year={2022}, month={Oct} } @article{redpath_aryal_lynch_spencer_hulse-kemp_ballington_green_bassil_hummer_ranney_et al._2022, title={Nuclear DNA contents and ploidy levels of North American Vaccinium species and interspecific hybrids}, volume={297}, ISSN={["1879-1018"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.scienta.2022.110955}, abstractNote={Breeding strategies for improving blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum and V. virgatum) cultivars often include introgressing regionally adapted species into the cultivated gene pools through interspecific hybridization. However, these approaches are complicated by variation in ploidy, triploid blocks and infertility, production of unreduced gametes, and aneuploidy. The objective of this study was to use flow cytometry, k-mer distribution analysis, and known pedigree information to evaluate genome sizes (2C nuclear and 1Cx monoploid), and ploidy of diverse accessions from Vaccinium sections and species. A total of 369 accessions, including a diversity panel (DP) of 251 inter- and intra-specific hybrid Vaccinium accessions, as well as 118 non-hybrid Vaccinium species across multiple sections, were sampled from the North Carolina State University blueberry breeding program and the National Clonal Germplasm Repository. The nuclear DNA content was analyzed via flow cytometry. The mean (range) DNA content of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid reference species were 1.20 pg (0.99 pg in V. crassifolium ‘Well's Delight’ to 1.41 pg in V. caesariense NC79–24), 2.37 pg (2.11 pg in V. corymbosum ‘Concord’ to 3.01 pg in V. corymbosum DE599), and 3.64 pg (3.24 in V. constablaei NC83–21–2 to 3.80 in V. virgatum ‘Premier’ and NC4790), respectively. Of the 369 unique accessions analyzed for ploidy, 259 were tetraploid, 46 were diploid, one was triploid, 51 were pentaploid or aneuploid with 2C values between tetraploid and hexaploid values, and 12 were hexaploid. Tetraploid hybrid pedigrees, which involved hexaploid crosses within three prior generations, had a 2C value range between 2.22 pg and 2.59 pg. Interspecific pentaploid and aneuploid progeny 2C DNA content ranged from 2.61 pg to 3.15 pg. We speculate some of these progeny to be near tetraploids with extra chromosomes from hexaploid progenitors. Further karyotyping of these individuals is necessary to ascertain aneuploidy anomalies. This research provides an expanded knowledge base of genome sizes, ploidy, and reproductive pathways for diverse species and hybrids to enhance future breeding, improvement, and the genomic study of blueberry.}, journal={SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE}, author={Redpath, Lauren E. and Aryal, Rishi and Lynch, Nathan and Spencer, Jessica A. and Hulse-Kemp, Amanda M. and Ballington, James R. and Green, Jaimie and Bassil, Nahla and Hummer, Kim and Ranney, Thomas and et al.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @article{hembree_ranney_lynch_jackson_2020, title={Identification, Genome Sizes, and Ploidy of Deutzia}, volume={145}, ISSN={["2327-9788"]}, DOI={10.21273/JASHS04779-19}, abstractNote={The genus Deutzia, in the Hydrangeaceae family, includes ≈60 species that range in ploidy from diploid (2x) to tetradecaploid (14x). There have been extensive breeding efforts for Deutzia, but this has been limited to a few parental species. Although there have been numerous studies of the cytogenetics of some species of Deutzia, the ploidy level of many species remains unknown, and there are few cytogenetic data available for Deutzia hybrids and cultivars. The purpose of this study was to validate the identification and determine the genome sizes and ploidy of a diverse collection of Deutzia species and hybrids using cytology and flow cytometry. Accessions were identified using the most current taxonomic key and voucher specimens were deposited for each at the North Carolina State University herbarium. Corrected and updated species names are provided for all cultivars and accessions studied. Traditional cytology was performed for roots of representative taxa to calibrate the genome size with the ploidy level. The genome size and estimated ploidy were determined for 43 accessions using flow cytometry. Ploidy levels were reported for the first time for three species of Deutzia including D. calycosa (2n = 4x = 52), D. paniculata (2n = 4x = 52), and D. glauca (2n = 12x = 156). The base and monoploid genome size (1Cx) were somewhat variable and ranged from 1.20 to 2.05 pg. No anisoploid hybrids were documented, suggesting the presence of an interploid block. The information produced from this study are beneficial to future curation, research, development, and improvement of this genus with corrected nomenclature and clone-specific data regarding cytogenetics.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE}, author={Hembree, William G. and Ranney, Thomas G. and Lynch, Nathan P. and Jackson, Brian E.}, year={2020}, month={Mar}, pages={88–94} } @article{haynes_phillips_krings_lynch_ranney_2020, title={Revision of Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae), including resurrection of F. parvifolia and a new species, F. milleri}, ISSN={["1314-2003"]}, DOI={10.3897/phytokeys.177.49589}, number={144}, journal={PHYTOKEYS}, author={Haynes, Jake E. and Phillips, Whitney D. and Krings, Alexander and Lynch, Nathan P. and Ranney, Thomas G.}, year={2020}, month={Mar}, pages={57–80} } @article{haynes_phillips_krings_lynch_ranney_2020, title={Revision of Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae), including resurrection of F. parvifolia and a new species, F. milleri (vol 144, pg 57, 2020)}, ISSN={["1314-2003"]}, DOI={10.3897/phytokeys.146.53037}, abstractNote={Not applicable}, number={146}, journal={PHYTOKEYS}, author={Haynes, Jake E. and Phillips, Whitney D. and Krings, Alexander and Lynch, Nathan P. and Ranney, Thomas G.}, year={2020}, month={May}, pages={117–118} } @article{ranney_ryan_deans_lynch_2018, title={Cytogenetics and Genome Size Evolution in Illicium L.}, volume={53}, ISSN={["2327-9834"]}, DOI={10.21273/hortsci12922-18}, abstractNote={Illicium is an ancient genus and member of the earliest diverging angiosperms known as the Amborellales, Nymphaeales, and Austrobaileyales (ANA) grade. These adaptable, broadleaf evergreen shrubs, including ≈40 species distributed throughout Asia and North America, are valued for diverse culinary, medicinal, and ornamental applications. The study of cytogenetics of Illicium can clarify various discrepancies and further elucidate chromosome numbers, ploidy, and chromosome and genome size evolution in this basal angiosperm lineage and provide basic information to guide plant breeding and improvement programs. The objectives of this study were to use flow cytometry and traditional cytology to determine chromosome numbers, ploidy levels, and relative genome sizes of cultivated Illicium. Of the 29 taxa sampled, including ≈11 species and one hybrid, 2C DNA contents ranged from 24.5 pg for Illicium lanceolatum to 27.9 pg for Illicium aff. majus. The genome sizes of Illicium species are considerably higher than other ANA grade lineages indicating that Illicium went through considerable genome expansion compared with sister lineages. The New World sect. Cymbostemon had a slightly lower mean 2C genome size of 25.1 pg compared with the Old World sect. Illicium at 25.9 pg, providing further support for recognizing these taxonomic sections. All taxa appeared to be diploid and 2n = 2x = 28, except for Illicium floridanum and Illicium mexicanum which were found to be 2n = 2x = 26, most likely resulting from dysploid reduction after divergence into North America. The base chromosome number of x = 14 for most Illicium species suggests that Illicium are ancient paleotetraploids that underwent a whole genome duplication derived from an ancestral base of x = 7. Information on cytogenetics, coupled with phylogenetic analyses, identifies some limitations, but also considerable potential for the development of plant breeding and improvement programs with this genus.}, number={5}, journal={HORTSCIENCE}, author={Ranney, Thomas G. and Ryan, Connor F. and Deans, Lauren E. and Lynch, Nathan P.}, year={2018}, month={May}, pages={620–623} } @article{ranney_thomasson_neill_lynch_weathington_2018, title={Ploidy, Relative Genome Size, and Inheritance of Spotted Foliage in Aucuba Species (Garryaceae)}, volume={53}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI13221-18}, abstractNote={Aucuba have been cultivated for centuries and are valued as adaptable, broad-leaved, evergreen shrubs that also can have attractive, spotted variegations on the foliage. Improved understanding of the cytogenetics and heritability of specific traits, for specific clones and cultivars, can provide basic information to help facilitate the breeding and improvement of aucuba. The objectives of this study were to determine ploidy level and relative genome size of a diverse collection of species and cultivars of aucuba using flow cytometry and cytology and to make additional observations on heritability of spotted leaf variegation. Chromosome counts were 2n = 2x = 16 for Aucuba chinensis (A. omeiensis), 2n = 4x = 32 for A. japonica ‘Rozannie’, and 2n = 6x = 48 for A. sp. ‘Hosoba’. Relative 2C genome size for the 57 taxa varied from 13.8 pg for A. obcordata to 42.0 pg for A. ‘Hosoba’ and fell within three discrete groups consistent with cytotype. Genome size for diploid taxa (A. chinensis and A. obcordata) ranged from 13.8 to 21.0 pg, tetraploids (A. himalaica var. oblanceolata, A. japonica, and A. japonica var. borealis) ranged from 28.8 to 31.2 pg, and the first-ever reported hexaploids (A. ‘Hosoba’ and A. sp. – Vietnam) ranged from 40.5 to 42.0 pg. Unlike prior reports that indicated inheritance of spotted variegations were extranuclear genes that were maternally inherited, we found that the spotted leaf trait expressed in A. japonica ‘Shilpot’ appears to be a nuclear gene that is inherited in a quantitative fashion and not strictly maternal. These data provide an enhanced foundation for breeding improved aucuba.}, number={9}, journal={HortScience}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Thomasson, T.H. and Neill, K. and Lynch, N.P. and Weathington, M.}, year={2018}, pages={1271–1274} } @article{lattier_ranney_lynch_2013, title={History and Cytological Reassessment of Rhododendron canadense}, volume={67}, number={2}, journal={Journal of the American Rhododendron Society}, author={Lattier, J.D. and Ranney, T.G. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2013}, pages={92–98} } @article{trueblood_ranney_lynch_neal_olsen_2010, title={Evaluating fertility of triploid clones of Hypericum androsaemum L. for use as non-invasive landscape plants}, volume={45}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI.45.7.1026}, abstractNote={Although Hypericum androsaemum L. is a valuable landscape plant, the species can be weedy and potentially invasive in certain locations. Infertile, non-invasive cultivars of H. androsaemum with desirable ornamental features would be ecologically beneficial and valuable for the horticultural industry. The male and female fertility of 10 triploid H. androsaemum, developed with a combination of variegation and foliage colors, was investigated under greenhouse (controlled pollination) and field conditions (natural pollination). Male fertility was evaluated based on pollen viability tests (pollen staining and pollen germination). Female fertility was based on fruit set, seed set, germinative capacity of seeds, and number of seedlings produced for each flower. Although values for different measures of fertility varied among triploid clones, pollen germination was significantly reduced for all triploids and nine of the 10 triploids produced no viable seed. These results represent 100% failure of ≈171,000 potential fertilization events based on fertility levels of diploid controls. The remaining triploid clone produced two seedlings per flower compared with 260 seedlings per flower for the controls. However, the seedlings produced by the triploid clone died shortly after germination. This research documented that the triploid H. androsaemum tested are highly infertile with no measurable female fertility. These clones will provide ideal alternatives to fertile forms of H. androsaemum where invasiveness is a concern. These methods also provide a useful protocol for evaluating fertility of other taxa that are selected or developed as non-invasive cultivars of potentially weedy species.}, number={7}, journal={HortScience}, author={Trueblood, C. E. and Ranney, T. G. and Lynch, N. P. and Neal, J. C. and Olsen, R. T.}, year={2010}, pages={1026–1028} } @inproceedings{ranney_touchell_eaker_lynch_mowrey_smith_2010, title={Progress developing non-invasive nursery crops}, volume={60}, booktitle={Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators’ Society}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Touchell, D.H. and Eaker, T. and Lynch, N. and Mowrey, J. and Smith, J.}, year={2010}, pages={422–423} } @article{palmer_ranney_lynch_bir_2009, title={Crossability, cytogenetics, and reproductive pathways in Rudbeckia subgenus Rudbeckia}, volume={44}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI.44.1.44}, abstractNote={Rudbeckia L. are valuable nursery crops that offer broad adaptability and exceptional ornamental merit. However, there is little information on interspecific and interploid crossability and ploidy levels of specific cultivars. The objectives of this study were to determine the ploidy levels and relative DNA contents (genome sizes) of selected species and cultivars, to evaluate self-compatibility and crossability among species and ploidy levels, and to explore reproductive pathways in triploid R. hirta L. with the goal of facilitating future breeding endeavors and development of new hybrids. Reciprocal interspecific crosses were performed between R. hirta cultivars and R. fulgida Ait., R. missouriensis Engelm. ex C.L. Boynton & Beadle, and R. subtomentosa Pursh. as well as reciprocal interploid crosses among four R. hirta cultivars. A combination of relative DNA content analysis and chromosome counts was used to test for hybridity and to determine ploidy levels for selected species, cultivars, and interploid R. hirta F1 hybrids. Of the specific clones tested, R. subtomentosa and R. missouriensis were diploid, R. fuligida varieties were tetraploid, and R. hirta include both diploid and tetraploid cultivars. Mean 1Cx DNA content varied over 320% among species. The interploid R. hirta crosses produced triploids as well as pentaploids and hexaploids. Seedlings from open-pollinated triploid R. hirta appeared, based on diverse phenotypes and DNA contents, to be aneuploids resulting from sexual fertilization, not apomixis. Of the 844 seedlings from interspecific F1 crosses, only one individual, R. subtomentosa ×R. hirta, had a DNA content intermediate between its parents and was confirmed as the only interspecific hybrid. Although most taxa had low self-fertility, seedlings (with genomic sizes similar to their maternal parent) resulted after interspecific crosspollination, indicating that pseudogamy is one reproductive pathway in Rudbeckia species.}, number={1}, journal={HortScience}, author={Palmer, I. E. and Ranney, T. G. and Lynch, N. P. and Bir, R. E.}, year={2009}, pages={44–48} } @inproceedings{lebude_upchurch_ruth_lynch_conner_2008, title={Effect of Preemergence Herbicide Application in Containerized Rootstock on Grafting Success of Various Woody Ornamental Species}, volume={53}, booktitle={Proceedings Southern Nursery Association Research Conference 53rd Annual Report}, author={LeBude, A.V. and Upchurch, B.L. and Ruth, C. and Lynch, N.P. and Conner, J.C.}, year={2008}, pages={214–217} } @inproceedings{ranney_touchell_eaker_lynch_mowrey_smith_2007, title={Breeding non-invasive nursery crops}, volume={57}, booktitle={Proceedings International Plant Propagators’ Society}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Touchell, D.H. and Eaker, T.A. and Lynch, N.P. and Mowrey, J.A. and Smith, J.C.}, year={2007}, pages={643–645} } @article{ranney_lynch_fantz_cappiello_2007, title={Clarifying taxonomy and nomenclature of Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) cultivars and hybrids}, volume={42}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI.42.3.470}, abstractNote={ Fothergilla L. spp. are valuable nursery and garden plants. However, clear differentiation among F. gardenii Murray, F. major Lodd., and potential hybrids can be difficult based solely on morphological characteristics. The objectives of this work were to verify and describe the existence of interspecific hybrids and to clarify the proper nomenclature for cultivars of Fothergilla that are commonly grown in the nursery industry. A comparison of morphological characteristics was made among diverse clones representing both species and potential hybrids. A combination of chromosome counts and DNA contents was used to clearly differentiate among F. gardenii (2n = 4x = 48), F. major (2n = 6x = 72), and hybrids (2n = 5x = 60). It was determined that the majority of cultivars represented in commerce were hybrids. Fothergilla ×intermedia Ranney and Fantz (hybrid fothergilla) is proposed as the name for these hybrids and is validated with a Latin diagnosis. Although certain morphological characteristics can be used to differentiate between F. gardenii and F. major, the hybrids tend to be intermediate and are particularly difficult to separate from F. major on the basis of appearance. The correct classification and nomenclature for 17 different taxa are presented.}, number={3}, journal={HortScience}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Lynch, N.P. and Fantz, P.R. and Cappiello, P.}, year={2007}, pages={470–473} } @inproceedings{palmer_ranney_lynch_bir_2007, title={Exploring crossability among Rudbeckia L. species}, volume={52}, booktitle={Proceedings Southern Nursery Association Research Conference 53nd Annual Report}, author={Palmer, I.E. and Ranney, T.G. and Lynch, N.P. and Bir, R.E.}, year={2007}, pages={355–358} } @article{jones_ranney_lynch_krebs_2007, title={Ploidy levels and relative genome sizes of diverse species, hybrids, and cultivars of rhododendron}, volume={61}, number={4}, journal={Journal of the American Rhododendron Society}, author={Jones, J.R. and Ranney, T.G. and Lynch, N.P. and Krebs, S.L.}, year={2007} } @inproceedings{ranney_touchell_olsen_eaker_lynch_mowrey_2006, title={Progress in breeding non-invasive nursery crops}, volume={53}, booktitle={Proceedings Southern Nursery Association Research Conference}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Touchell, D. and Olsen, R. and Eaker, T. and Lynch, N. and Mowrey, J.}, year={2006}, pages={51} } @inproceedings{ranney_eaker_mowrey_lynch_2005, title={Intergeneric hybrids between Gordonia lasianthus and Franklinia alatamaha}, volume={50}, booktitle={Proceedings Southern Nursery Association Research Conference}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Eaker, T.A. and Mowrey, J.A. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2005}, pages={651–652} } @inproceedings{ranney_eaker_mowrey_lynch_2005, title={Shiloh Splash’ river birch}, volume={50}, booktitle={Proceedings Southern Nursery Association Research Conference}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Eaker, T.A. and Mowrey, J.A. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2005}, pages={653–655} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2004, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicide evaluation for tomato early blight and late blight, 2003}, volume={Report 59}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2004}, pages={V120} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2004, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicide product evaluation for tomato gray mold, 2003}, volume={Report 59}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2004}, pages={V123} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2004, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and combinations for tomato late blight and other diseases, 2003}, volume={Report 59}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2004}, pages={V122} } @inproceedings{ranney_eaker_mowrey_lynch_2004, title={Propagating Betula nigra ‘Shiloh Splash’ PPAF river birch}, volume={54}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Plant Propagators’ Society}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Eaker, T.A. and Mowrey, J.A. and Lynch, Nathan P.}, year={2004}, pages={651–653} } @inproceedings{ranney_eaker_lynch_olsen_2004, title={Reproductive pathways among flowering crabapples}, volume={49}, booktitle={Proceedings Southern Nursery Association Research Conference}, author={Ranney, T.G. and Eaker, T.A. and Lynch, N.P. and Olsen, R.T.}, year={2004}, pages={575–579} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2004, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Spray schedules for tomato bacterial canker management, 2003}, volume={Report 59}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2004}, pages={V121} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2003, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicide evaluation for tobacco blue mold at Laurel Springs, NC, 2002}, volume={Report 58}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2003}, pages={FC027} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2003, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicide evaluation for tobacco blue mold at Waynesville, NC, 2002}, volume={Report 58}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2003}, pages={FC026} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2003, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and combinations for tomato late blight, 2002}, volume={Report 58}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2003}, pages={V101} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2003, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Product evaluation for tomato bacterial canker and bacterial speck, 2002}, volume={Report 58}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2003}, pages={V100} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2003, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Spray schedules and fungicide evaluation for tomato foliage and fruit diseases, 2002}, volume={Report 58}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2003}, pages={V053} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2002, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Evaluation of fungicides and resistance for tobacco blue mold at Waynesville, NC, 2001}, volume={Report 57}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2002}, pages={FC77} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2002, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and combinations for tomato late blight, 2001}, volume={Report 57}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2002}, pages={V120} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2002, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Integrated management of tomato bacterial speck and bacterial canker, 2001}, volume={Report 57}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2002}, pages={V121} } @inproceedings{louws_ferguson_lynch_shoemaker_2002, title={Methyl bromide alternatives in tomato production systems in North Carolina}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction}, author={Louws, F.J. and Ferguson, L.M. and Lynch, N.P. and Shoemaker, P.B.}, year={2002}, pages={101/1–101/2} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2002, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Spray schedules for tomato early blight and bacterial speck, 2001}, volume={Report 57}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2002}, pages={V122} } @inproceedings{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2001, title={Evaluation of acibenzolar-s-methyl in float systems for blue mould control on tobacco seedlings}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P}, year={2001} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2001, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and combinations for tomato early blight, 2000}, volume={Report 56}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2001}, pages={V110} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2001, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and combinations for tomato foliar diseases, 2000}, volume={Report 56}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2001}, pages={V111} } @article{shoemaker_milks_lynch_2001, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and resistance for tobacco blue mold at Waynesville, NC, 2000}, volume={Report 56}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2001}, pages={FC73} } @book{louws_randall-schadel_lynch_shoemaker_2001, title={Integrated Management of Bacterial Speck of Tomato}, author={Louws, F.J. and Randall-Schadel, B. and Lynch, N.P. and Shoemaker, P.B.}, year={2001} } @article{shoemaker_milks_cochrane_lynch_2000, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and combinations for tomato early blight and other foliar diseases, 1999}, volume={Report 55}, number={283}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Cochrane, W.K. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2000}, pages={282} } @article{shoemaker_milks_cochrane_lynch_2000, place={St. Paul, MN}, title={Fungicides and resistance for tobacco blue mold at Waynesville, NC, 1999}, volume={Report 55}, journal={Fungicide and Nematicide Tests}, publisher={The American Phytopathological Society}, author={Shoemaker, P.B. and Milks, D.C. and Cochrane, W.K. and Lynch, N.P.}, year={2000}, pages={422} }