Works (89)
2024 journal article
Ethics in practice: Beware: Using social media for consultation
NASW-NC Newsletter, 48(1), 7.
2023 conference paper
A call for advocacy: Confronting barriers to voter registration and voting rights
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
2023 journal article
Ethics in practice: Where do we go from here: Ethics, law, and moral distress
NASW-NC Newsletter, 47(3), 7.
2023 journal article
Voter Registration in the United States: A Call for Change
Social Work, 69(1), 99–102.

2023 conference paper
Voting rights in the United States: A cross-cultural perspective
NC State Equity Research Symposium.
2022 journal article
And then there was COVID... Reflections
Narratives of Professional Helping, 28(1), 75–82.
2022 journal article
Ethics in practice: When a colleague behaves unethically
NASW-NC Newsletter, 46(3), 7.
2022 conference paper
Insider-outsider and the space between: Researcher identity politics and practices
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
2022 conference paper
Mixing the methods for equity [Roundtable]
NC State Equity Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC. Raleigh, NC.
2021 report
Documentation 101
Raleigh, NC: North State University Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2020 conference paper
The role of the black church in the domestic violence prevention and intervention
Annual North Carolina State University Gender and Equity Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2019 conference paper
Environmental toxins and environmental justice: What is the role for social work?
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
2019 journal article
Readability, suitability, and writing for clients with limited literacy skills
JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK, 19(5), 614–628.

2019 conference paper
The role of the Black church in domestic violence prevention and intervention
Black Communities: A Conference for Collaboration. Durham, NC.
2018 conference paper
Intimate partner violence in the African American community: Can social workers and churches work together?
2nd Annual North Carolina State University Gender and Equity Symposium. Raleigh, NC.
2017 conference paper
Intimate partner violence in the African American community: Addressing intimate partner violence: A social work model for community engagement with clergy and other faith-based leaders
NASW Mental Health Section Connection.
2017 conference paper
Policy and advocacy: The intersection of poverty, race, and gender [Poster presentation]
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Dallas, TX.
2016 journal article
Editorial: $cholarship – paying to publish?
The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 13(1).
2016 article
Writing Clearly for Clients: What Social Workers Should Know
Ames, N. (2016, April). SOCIAL WORK, Vol. 61, pp. 167–169.

2016 weblog post
Writing for an academic audience
Ames, N. (2016, November 19).
2015 chapter
Latino Protestants and violence against women
In Religion and men’s violence against women. New York, NY: Springer.
2015 journal article
What is readability and why should it matter to social workers?
The New Social Worker, 22(1), 10–12.
2015 book
Writing clearly for clients and colleagues: The human service practitioner's guide
Chicago, Ill.: Lyceum Books, Inc.
2015 conference paper
Writing for readability: An unrecognized social work skill
Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Annual Conference. Kansas City, MO.
2014 journal article
Protecting Rural Church-Going Immigrant Women from Family Violence

2014 weblog post
Three cheers for plain language
2014 conference paper
Three cheers for plain language! Writing for clients and colleagues
NASW-North Carolina Fall Conference. Asheville, NC.
2012 journal article
What Would They Do? Latino Church Leaders and Domestic Violence

2011 conference paper
How to write it so clients can read it
NASW- West Virginia Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
2011 journal article
Latino Church Leaders and Domestic Violence: Attitudes and Knowledge

2011 report
Lighting the way to a better future: A domestic violence prevention program for churches. A guide for community domestic violence team members
Raleigh, NC: Department of Social Work, North Carolina State University.
2011 weblog post
Lighting the way to a better future: A domestic violence prevention program for churches. A resource manual for pastors
2010 journal article
Implementing an Elective BSW Community-Based Evaluation Research Course
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 15(1), 105–119.
2010 conference paper
Lighting the way: A domestic violence prevention program for Latino lay ministers
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Portland, OR.
2009 conference paper
Implementing an elective BSW community-based evaluation research course
Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors. Phoenix, AZ.
2009 chapter
Oral history studies
In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Ed(s): B. Thyer
2008 conference paper
If it isn’t in writing, it didn’t happen: Teaching recording skills
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
2008 report
Lighting the way to a better future: A domestic violence prevention program for churches. A guide for community domestic violence team members
Raleigh, NC: Dept. of Social Work, North Carolina State University.
2008 report
Lighting the way to a better future: A domestic violence prevention program for churches. A resource manual for pastors
Raleigh, NC: Dept. of Social Work, North Carolina State University.
2008 review
Medically Underserved Children's Access to Health Care: A Review of the Literature

2008 journal article
Teaching recording and documentation to BSW students: An exploratory study of field instructors' views
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 13(2), 69–82.
2008 journal article
Toward a Model for Engaging Latino Lay Ministers in Domestic Violence Intervention

2008 journal article
Using diffusion of innovation theory to encourage the development of a children's health collaborative: A formative evaluation

2008 conference paper
Using video to teach assessment and documentation: A “virtual” home visit training tool
87th Annual Social Services Institute, North Carolina Association of County Directors of Social Services. Raleigh, NC.
2007 chapter
Human behavior and the social environment: An oral history service-learning project
In V. M. M. Nadel & M. Sullivan-Cosetti (Eds.), Social work and service learning: Partnerships for social justice (pp. 107–120). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Ed(s): V. M. Nadel & M. Sullivan-Cosetti
2007 journal article
Improving underserved children's access to health care: Practitioner?s views
Journal of Child Health Care, 11(3), 175–185.
2006 conference paper
How to write it so clients can read it
NASW-NC Fall Conference. Asheville, NC.
2006 journal article
Intergenerational and diverse oral history: Pedagogical connections and outcomes for BSW HBSW courses
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 11(2), 115–125.

2006 journal article
Using intergenerational oral history service-learning projects to teach human behavior concepts: A qualitative analysis
2005 report
Building a child health collaborative: A network analysis
Raleigh, NC: Institute for Nonprofits, North Carolina State University.
2005 conference paper
Intergenerational and diverse oral history: Pedagogical connections and outcomes for HBSE courses
Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. New York, NY.
2005 motion picture
The home visit [video recording]
Raleigh, NC: Dept. of Social Work, North Carolina State University.
2005 conference paper
Using video to teach assessment and documentation skills
30th Annual Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas. Shepherdstown, WV.
2005 conference paper
Using video to teach social work assessment and documentation
Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors. Austin, TX.
2004 journal article
Clear writing critical: Nonprofits should write in a way clients can understand
Philanthropy Journal of North Carolina, 5(34).
2004 conference paper
Enhancing BSW marketability: Teaching objective assessment skills
Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors. Detroit, MI.
2004 conference paper
Factors related to rural adults’ compliance with fecal occult blood testing
9th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer. Washington, D.C.
2002 journal article
What are we teaching our students about social work recording: An exploratory study
Arete, 26(2), 100–106.
2001 conference paper
How to write it so clients can read it
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
2000 conference paper
Case recording: Principles and practice
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
2000 conference paper
How to write it so clients can read it
National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas. Presque Isle, Maine.
1999 journal article
Social work recording: A new look at an old issue
1998 conference paper
Case recording: Principles and practice
Summer Institute on Aging, WVU School of Social Work. Morgantown, WV.
1997 conference paper
Case recording: Principles and practice
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
1996 conference paper
Case recording: Principles and practice
Summer Institute on Aging, WVU School of Social Work. Morgantown, WV.
1996 conference paper
Social work career options for the 21st century
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
1996 motion picture
Social work practice with African American clients [video recording]
Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, School of Social Work.
1995 conference paper
How to write it so clients can read it
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
1994 conference paper
Closing the comprehension gap: Delivering health promotion to adults with limited literacy skills
Eighth Annual Governor's Conference on Worksite Wellness. Charleston, WV.
1994 conference paper
Write it right!
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
1993 journal article
Closing the comprehension gap: Low literacy and the Cancer Information Service
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs, 14, 157–163.
1993 conference paper
Communicating with clients with low literacy skills
WV State Health Education Council, 14th Annual Conference. Canaan Valley, WV.
1993 conference paper
Write it right!
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
1992 conference paper
Clear and simple: Writing skills for social workers
NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference. Charleston, WV.
1992 conference paper
Closing the comprehension gap: Communicating clearly with clients who have limited literacy skills
National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas. Morgantown, WV.
1992 conference paper
Delivering low literacy cancer information
Society for Public Health Education. Austin, TX.
1992 conference paper
Delivering low literacy cancer information. Round table discussion
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
1990 conference paper
Getting the biggest bang for your buck: Working with other agencies to develop a public education program
National Association of Extension 4 H Agents. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
1989 report
Good food, good health: Teaching the public to make good food choices
Bozeman, MT: Montana State University.
1988 report
Good food, good health instructor's guide
Morgantown, WV: Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University.
1988 journal article
One more look at PMS: Implications for women of a new focus on an old problem
Health Education, 19(2), 48–52.

1987 conference paper
A unique approach to smokeless tobacco education
Las Vegas, NV: American Association of Public Health Dentistry.
1987 conference paper
Smokeless tobacco education
Community Development Society Annual Conference. Morgantown, WV.
1986 motion picture
The smokeless showdown [video recording]
Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University.
1986 report
West Virginia smokeless tobacco education program
Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, Cancer Communications System.
1985 journal article
Hypertension: The demographics of management and control
Health Education, 16(4), 11–14.
1984 review
Nursing care of victims of family violence [book review]
[Review of Choice, 22(1), 138.
1984 journal article
The socialization of women into and out of sport
Journal of the National Association of Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors, 47(2), 3–8.
1983 review
Power and the profession of obstetrics [book review]
[Review of Choice, 20(9), 317.
Updated: January 15th, 2025 13:06
2003 - present