Nam Truc Dinh
nuclear reactor safety, thermal-hydraulics, severe accidents, boiling heat transfer, modeling and simulation, verification and validation
Works (200)
2025 journal article
Building a multiscale framework: An overview of the NEAMS thermal-hydraulics integrated research project
2024 journal article
Evaluating the reliability of machine-learning-based predictions used in nuclear power plant instrumentation and control systems

2024 journal article
Knowledge representation to support EMDAP implementation in advanced reactor licensing applications
2024 journal article
NEAMS IRP challenge problem 1: Flexible modeling for heat transfer for low-to-high Prandtl number fluids for applications in advanced reactors
2023 article
Data-Driven High-to-Low for Coarse Grid System Thermal Hydraulics
Iskhakov, A. S., Leite, V. C., Merzari, E., & Dinh, N. T. (2023, April 28). NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 4.
Contributors: A. Iskhakov n , V. Leite *, E. Merzari * & n

2023 article
Data-Driven RANS Turbulence Closures for Forced Convection Flow in Reactor Downcomer Geometry
Iskhakov, A. S., Tai, C.-K., Bolotnov, I. A., Nguyen, T., Merzari, E., Shaver, D. R., & Dinh, N. T. (2023, March 16). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3.
Contributors: A. Iskhakov n , C. Tai n, I. Bolotnov n , T. Nguyen* , E. Merzari *, D. Shaver *, n
2023 article
Direct Numerical Simulation of Low and Unitary Prandtl Number Fluids in Reactor Downcomer Geometry
Tai, C.-K., Nguyen, T., Iskhakov, A. S., Merzari, E., Dinh, N. T., & Bolotnov, I. A. (2023, June 17). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 6.
2023 journal article
Interface Capturing Flow Boiling Simulations in a Compact Heat Exchanger

2023 journal article
Machine learning from RANS and LES to inform coarse grid simulations

2023 article
Uncertainty Quantification for Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics Closure Relations with a Physics-Informed Bayesian Approach
Liu, Y., Dinh, N., Sun, X., & Hu, R. (2023, February 17). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 2.

2022 article
A Perspective on Data-Driven Coarse Grid Modeling for System Level Thermal Hydraulics
Iskhakov, A. S., Tai, C.-K., Bolotnov, I. A., & Dinh, N. T. (2022, September 10). NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 9.
Contributors: A. Iskhakov n

2022 journal article
An adaptive knowledge-based data-driven approach for turbulence modeling using ensemble learning technique under complex flow configuration: 3D PWR sub-channel with DNS data

2022 journal article
Data coverage assessment on neural network based digital twins for autonomous control system

2022 journal article
Development and assessment of a reactor system prognosis model with physics-guided machine learning
2022 journal article
Development and assessment of prognosis digital twin in a NAMAC system

2021 journal article
AI-Guided Reasoning-Based Operator Support System for the Nuclear Power Plant Management

2021 report
Development of a Nearly Autonomous Management and Control (NAMAC) System for Advanced Reactors (Final Report for ARPA-E Project)

2021 journal article
Development of the Machine Learning-based Safety Significant Factor Inference Model for Diagnosis in Autonomous Control System

2021 journal article
Digital-twin-based improvements to diagnosis, prognosis, strategy assessment, and discrepancy checking in a nearly autonomous management and control system
Contributors: L. Lin n, P. Athe n , P. Rouxelin n, M. Avramova n, A. Gupta n, R. Youngblood*, J. Lane*, n

2021 report
Enhancing the Operational Resilience of Advanced Reactors with Digital Twins by Recurrent Neural Networks
2021 article
Enhancing the Operational Resilience of Advanced Reactors with Digital Twins by Recurrent Neural Networks

2021 journal article
Integration of neural networks with numerical solution of PDEs for closure models development
Contributors: A. Iskhakov n , n & E. Chen n
2021 review
Uncertainty quantification and software risk analysis for digital twins in the nearly autonomous management and control systems: A review
[Review of ]. ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, 160.

2021 journal article
Uncertainty quantification for Multiphase-CFD simulations of bubbly flows: a machine learning-based Bayesian approach supported by high-resolution experiments

2020 journal article
Adequacy evaluation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods for simulating the external-flooding scenario
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 365.
Contributors: L. Lin n, N. Montanari, S. Prescott *, R. Sampath, H. Bao * & n
2020 article
An Application of ASP in Nuclear Engineering: Explaining the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident Scenario
HANNA, B. O. T. R. O. S. N., TRIEU, L. Y. L. Y. T., SON, T. R. A. N. C., & DINH, N. A. M. T. (2020, November). THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING, Vol. 20, pp. 926–941.
Contributors: B. Hanna *, L. Trieu*, T. Son * & n

2020 journal article
Computationally efficient CFD prediction of bubbly flow using physics-guided deep learning
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 131.
Contributors: H. Bao *, J. Feng *, n & H. Zhang *

2020 journal article
Deep learning interfacial momentum closures in coarse-mesh CFD two-phase flow simulation using validation data

2020 journal article
Development and assessment of a nearly autonomous management and control system for advanced reactors
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 150.
Contributors: L. Lin n, P. Athe n , P. Rouxelin n, M. Avramova n, A. Gupta n, R. Youngblood *, J. Lane *, n

2020 journal article
Enhancement of risk informed validation framework for external hazard scenario
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 204.
Contributors: S. Bodda n, A. Gupta n & n

2020 conference paper
Probing interfacial momentum closures in two-phase bubbly flow with machine learning-aided methods
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 122, 844–847.
2020 journal article
Reynolds-Averaged Turbulence Modeling Using Deep Learning with Local Flow Features: An Empirical Approach
Contributors: C. Chang *, J. Fang* & n
2020 journal article
Using deep learning to explore local physical similarity for global-scale bridging in thermal-hydraulic simulation
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 147.
Contributors: H. Bao *, n , L. Lin n, R. Youngblood *, J. Lane * & H. Zhang *

2019 conference paper
A data-driven approach to scale bridging in system thermal-hydraulic simulation
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, 6069–6082.
2019 journal article
A data-driven framework for error estimation and mesh-model optimization in system-level thermal-hydraulic simulation
Contributors: H. Bao*, n , J. Lane* & R. Youngblood*

2019 journal article
A framework for assessment of predictive capability maturity and its application in nuclear thermal hydraulics
Contributors: P. Athe n & n
2019 conference paper
An artificial intelligence-guided decision support system for the nuclear power plant management
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, 394–406.
2019 conference paper
Assessment of smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods for simulating the external-flooding scenario
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, 981–992.
2019 conference paper
Demonstration of a data-driven approach for error estimation in two-phase flow simulation using coarse-mesh CFD
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 121, 1865–1868.
2019 conference paper
Development of a data-driven turbulence model for 3D thermal stratification simulation during reactor transients
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, 2223–2234.
2019 journal article
Machine-learning based error prediction approach for coarse-grid Computational Fluid Dynamics (CG-CFD)
Contributors: B. Hanna n, n , R. Youngblood* & I. Bolotnov n
2019 conference paper
Reynolds-averaged turbulence modeling using deep learning with local flow features
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, 1698–1711.
2019 journal article
Risk informed validation framework for external flooding scenario

2019 journal article
The life and the contribution of B. R. Sehgal, G. Yadigaroglu and G. Hewitt: Remembrance statements
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 354.
Contributors: N. Aksan, M. Andreani, S. Bechta, M. Corradini, . F. D'Auria, V. Dhir, W. Frid, J. Jones
2019 conference paper
Uncertainty quantification and reduction for multiphase-CFD solvers: A data-driven Bayesian approach supported by high-resolution local measurements
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, 3582–3597.
2019 journal article
Uncertainty quantification of two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer simulations through a data-driven modular Bayesian approach

2019 journal article
Validation and uncertainty quantification of multiphase-CFD solvers: A data-driven Bayesian framework supported by high-resolution experiments

2018 journal article
Classification of machine learning frameworks for data-driven thermal fluid models
Contributors: C. Chang n & n

2018 conference paper
Coarse grid computational fluid dynamics (cg-cfd) error prediction via random forest regression
Proceedings of the 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2018, 1125–1133.
2018 journal article
Data-driven modeling for boiling heat transfer: Using deep neural networks and high-fidelity simulation results
Contributors: Y. Liu n, n , Y. Sato * & B. Niceno *

2018 conference paper
Design of validation experiments for model improvement of dispersed flow film boiling in COBRA-TF
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 119, 133–136.
2018 journal article
Experimental investigations on the boiling heat transfer of horizontal flow in the near-critical region
Contributors: X. Lei n, W. Zhang *, J. Zhang*, n & H. Li *

2018 book
Flow boiling in tubes
In Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering (pp. 1907–1949).
Contributors: Y. Liu n & n
2018 conference paper
Inverse uncertainty quantification of turbulence modeling in multiphase-CFD solver using high-resolution data from particle image velocimetry
International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, ATH 2018 - Embedded Topical Meeting, 1028–1040.
2018 conference paper
Predictive capability and maturity assessment with Bayesian network
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 118, 1087–1090.
2018 journal article
Safe reactor depressurization windows for BWR Mark I Station Blackout accident management strategy
Contributors: H. Bao n, H. Zhao *, H. Zhang *, L. Zou *, P. Sharpe * & n

2018 conference paper
Study of data-driven mesh-model optimization in system thermal-hydraulic simulation
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 118, 1091–1094.
2018 journal article
Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for Wall Boiling Closure Relations in Multiphase-CFD Solver
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(1-2), 81–99.
Contributors: Y. Liu n & n

2017 conference paper
A data-driven approach for turbulence modeling
17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2017, 2017-September.
2017 journal article
A study of heat transfer scaling of supercritical pressure water in horizontal tubes
Contributors: X. Lei n, H. Li *, n & W. Zhang *

2017 conference paper
Assessment of smoothed particle hydrodynamics in application of high-wind risk analysis
17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2017, 2017-September.
2017 conference paper
Development of a VUQ framework for Wall Boiling model in McFD Solver
17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2017, 2017-September.
2017 conference paper
Integrated use of modeling and simulation in high winds PRA
International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, PSA 2017, 1, 30–39.
2017 conference paper
Physics-constrained machine learning for two-phase flow simulation using deep learning-based closure relation
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 117, 1749–1752.
2017 journal article
Probabilistic risk assessment based model validation method using Bayesian network

2017 conference paper
Sensitivity analysis of interfacial momentum closure terms in two phase flow and boiling simulations using MCFD solver
ASME 2017 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2017, 2.
2016 conference paper
A computational study of thin film dynamics on micro-structured surfaces
ASME 2016 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2.
Contributors: L. Lin n, R. Sampath, n & N. Akinci
2016 conference paper
A study of bwr mark i station blackout accident with GOTHIC modeling
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2016, 1, 184–193.
2016 conference paper
A study of physics-informed deep learning for system fluid dynamics closures
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 115, 1785–1788.
2016 journal article
Analysis of heat transfer under high heat flux nucleate boiling conditions
Kerntechnik, 81(3), 308–314.
Contributors: Y. Liu * & *
2016 conference paper
Assessment of a smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for thin film on textured surfaces
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 115, 1453–1456.
2016 conference paper
Development of a severe accident analysis engine using approximate reasoning
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 115, 830–833.
2016 journal article
Experimental study on the difference of heat transfer characteristics between vertical and horizontal flows of supercritical pressure water
Contributors: X. Lei*, H. Li *, W. Zhang *, n , Y. Guo * & S. Yu*

2016 journal article
Foreword special issue on the 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 184(3), III-.
2016 conference paper
High-fidelity simulation-driven model development for coarse-grained computational fluid dynamics
International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics 2016, ATH 2016, 121–131.
2016 conference paper
Investigation of similarity metrics for simulation based scaling analysis
International Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics 2016, ATH 2016, 409–425.
2015 conference paper
International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics 2015, NURETH 2015, 1.
2015 conference paper
Simulation of BWR Mark i station black-out accident using GOTHIc: An initial demonstration
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 113, 1377–1380.
2015 conference paper
Treatment of nucleation and bubble dynamics in high heat flux film boiling
International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics 2015, NURETH 2015, 5, 4097–4111.
2014 conference paper
A framework for assessment of severe accident management effectiveness in Nordic BWR plants
PSAM 2014 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management.
2014 conference paper
A scoping study of direct containment heating in a small modular reactor
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 111, 907–910.
2014 conference paper
Advanced calibration and validation of a mechanistic model of subcooled boiling two-phase flow
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2014, 2, 1486–1493.
2014 conference paper
Development of 3D containment simulation capability: High pressure steam slowdown scenario
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 111, 1545–1548.
2014 conference paper
Validation data: Managing the weak link
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 111, 1444–1445.
2013 journal article
A study of the effect of binary oxide materials in a single droplet vapor explosion
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 264, 168–175.
Contributors: R. Hansson*, T. Dinh * & L. Manickam *
2013 conference paper
Observations of bubble nucleation and interaction dynamics in high heat flux boiling
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109(PART 2), 1819–1820.
Contributors: T. Dinh & J. Tu
2013 conference paper
Statistical modeling support for calibration of a multiphysics model of subcooled boiling flows
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2013, 3, 2229–2244.
2012 journal article
Guest editorial special issue on “Nuclear reactor safety simulation and uncertainty analysis”
Guest editorial special issue on “Nuclear reactor safety simulation and uncertainty analysis.” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 52, 1.
Contributors: T. Dinh *
2012 journal article
Simulation and validation of the dynamics of liquid films evaporating on horizontal heater surfaces
Applied Thermal Engineering, 48, 486–494.
2011 conference paper
A system simulation code to support the safety case in the LVVR life extension: Selection, development, and testing of code architecture and solution algorithms, invited
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 104, 951–953.
Contributors: T. Dinh, R. Nourgaliev & R. Youngblood
2011 conference paper
Framework for applying a next-generation safety analysis code to plant life extension decision making, invited
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 104, 949–950.
Contributors: R. Youngblood, R. Nourgaliev, D. Kelly, C. Smith & T. Dinh
2011 conference paper
Heartbeat model for component failure time in simulation of plant behavior
International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis 2011, PSA 2011, 1, 646–654.
Contributors: R. Youngblood, R. Nourgaliev, D. Kelly, C. Smith & T. Dinh
2011 conference paper
Lessons learned from an initial VU-assessed code development effort
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 104, 358–360.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, T. Dinh & R. Nelson
2011 conference paper
On physics modeling and components development in R7
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 104, 523–525.
Contributors: A. Bui, R. Nourgaliev & T. Dinh
2010 journal article
A reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin method for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations on arbitrary grids
Journal of Computational Physics, 229(19), 6961–6978.
Contributors: H. Luo n, L. Luo n, R. Nourgaliev *, V. Mousseau* & *
2010 journal article
An experimental study of rupture dynamics of evaporating liquid films on different heater surfaces
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54(7-8), 1538–1547.

2010 journal article
Diagnostic techniques for the dynamics of a thin liquid film under forced flow and evaporating conditions
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 9(6), 1077–1089.

2010 journal article
The defor-s experimental study of debris formation with corium simulant materials
Nuclear Technology, 170(1), 219–230.
Contributors: P. Kudinov *, A. Karbojian*, M. Weimin * & T. Dinh *
2009 journal article
A scoping study of debris bed formation in the DEFOR test facility
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239(9), 1653–1659.
Contributors: A. Karbojian*, W. Ma *, P. Kudinov * & T. Dinh *

2009 journal article
An approach to numerical simulation and analysis of molten corium coolability in a boiling water reactor lower head
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(9), 2148–2159.
Contributors: C. Tran*, P. Kudinov * & T. Dinh *

2009 journal article
Dynamics and preconditioning in a single-droplet vapor explosion
Nuclear Technology, 167(1), 223–234.
Contributors: R. Hansson*, H. Park* & T. Dinh *
2009 conference paper
Risk-informed safety margin characterization
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, 1, 11–17.
2009 journal article
Simulation of core melt pool formation in a Reactor pressure vessel lower head using an Effective Convectivity Model
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 41(7), 929–944.
Contributors: C. Tran* & T. Dinh *

2009 journal article
Simultaneous high speed digital cinematographic and X-ray radiographic imaging of a intense multi-fluid interaction with rapid phase changes
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 33(4), 754–763.
Contributors: R. Hansson*, H. Park* & T. Dinh *
2009 journal article
The effective convectivity model for simulation of melt pool heat transfer in a light water reactor pressure vessel lower head. Part I: Physical processes, modeling and model implementation
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 51(8), 849–859.
Contributors: C. Tran* & T. Dinh *

2009 journal article
The effective convectivity model for simulation of melt pool heat transfer in a light water reactor pressure vessel lower head. Part II: Model assessment and application
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 51(8), 860–871.

2009 journal article
The effects of debris bed's prototypical characteristics on corium coolability in a LWR severe accident
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(3), 598–608.

2009 journal article
Thermal-hydraulic performance of heavy liquid metal in straight-tube and U-tube heat exchangers
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239(7), 1323–1330.

2008 conference paper
A computational study of debris bed formation
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 341–342.
Contributors: P. Kudinov & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
A study of ex-vessel debris formation in a LWR severe accident
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2007, "The Nuclear Renaissance at Work", 5, 2848–2859.
Contributors: P. Kudinov, A. Karbojian, W. Ma, M. Davydov & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
A study of reactor systems during a loss of offsite electric power in Forsmark-1 plant
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2007, "The Nuclear Renaissance at Work", 4, 2642–2651.
Contributors: S. Roshan, W. Ma, T. Kozlowski & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
An effective convectivity model for simulation of in-vessel core melt progression in a boiling water reactor
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2007, "The Nuclear Renaissance at Work", 2, 925–935.
Contributors: C. Tran & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
An experimental study on debris formation with corium simulant materials
International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2008, 2, 1191–1199.
Contributors: P. Kudinov, A. Karbojian, W. Ma & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
Application of the phase-change effective convectivity model to analysis of core melt pool formation and heat transfer in a BWR lower head
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 617–618.
Contributors: C. Tran & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
Design of BWR instability suppression system
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08, 3, 2062–2068.
Contributors: A. Kubarev, T. Kozlowski, S. Roshan & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
Effect of non-condensable gases on triggering and energetics of a single drop vapor explosion
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 547–548.
Contributors: R. Hansson & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
European Research on the Corium issues within the SARNET network of excellence
International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2008, 2, 1172–1181.
Contributors: C. Journeau, J. Bonnet, L. Godin-Jacqmin, P. Piluso, D. Tarabelli, E. Dufour, B. Spindler, L. Nicolas
2008 journal article
Integration of multiphase science and technology with risk management in nuclear power reactors
Multiphase Science and Technology, 20(2), 81–211.
Contributors: T. Theofanous * & T. Dinh *

2008 conference paper
Modeling of two-phase natural convection flows in a water pool with a decay-heated debris bed
International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2008, 2, 1141–1150.
Contributors: S. Yakush, P. Kudinov & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
Multiphase flow phenomena of steam generator tube rupture in a lead-cooled reactor system: A scoping analysis
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2007, "The Nuclear Renaissance at Work", 5, 2765–2775.
Contributors: T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
On solidification mechanism that governs the effect of binary melt composition on steam explosion energetics
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 615–616.
Contributors: T. Dinh, R. Hansson & P. Kudinov
2008 conference paper
Relating system-to-CFD coupled code analyses to theoretical framework of a multiscale method
Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2007, "The Nuclear Renaissance at Work", 5, 2959–2967.
Contributors: F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
Spatial coupling for BWR stability analysis
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 603–605.
Contributors: T. Kozlowski, J. Peltonen & T. Dinh
2008 conference paper
Spatial coupling for coupled code safety analysis of BWR design-basis accidents
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08, 2, 1313–1320.
Contributors: J. Peltonen, T. Kozlowski & T. Dinh
2007 conference paper
A study on effects of debris bed prototypicality on coolability
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: M. Weimin & T. Dinh
2007 book
Adaptive characteristics-based matching (aCBM): A method for interfacial dynamics in compressible multiphase flows
In Fluid Mechanics and its Applications (Vol. 81, pp. 341–352).
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, * & T. Theofanous *
2007 journal article
Aerobreakup in disturbed subsonic and supersonic flow fields
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 593, 131–170.
Contributors: T. Theofanous *, G. Li*, T. Dinh * & C. Chang *

2007 conference paper
An analytical study of mechanisms that govern debris packing in a LWR severe accident
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
2007 book
Compressible multi-hydrodynamics (CMH): Breakup, mixing and dispersal of liquids/solids in high speed flows
In Fluid Mechanics and its Applications (Vol. 81, pp. 353–369).
Contributors: T. Theofanous *, R. Nourgaliev *, G. Li * & *
2007 conference paper
Dynamics and preconditioning in a single drop vapor explosion
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: R. Hansson, H. Park & T. Dinh
2007 conference paper
Evaluation of coupled codes RELAP5/PARCS capability for BWR global stability prediction
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: T. Kozlowski, S. Roshan & T. Dinh
2007 conference paper
Material property effect in steam explosion energetics: Revisited
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: T. Dinh
2007 conference paper
RELAP5 and TRACE codes comparison and validation under steady-state and transient conditions on the basis of NUPEC data
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: J. Suchoszek, F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski & T. Dinh
2007 conference paper
Simulation of core melt pool formation in a reactor pressure vessel lower head using an effective convectivity model
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: C. Tran & T. Dinh
2007 journal article
The effect of thermal radiation on the solidification dynamics of metal oxide melt droplets
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 238(6), 1421–1429.
Contributors: L. Dombrovsky * & T. Dinh *

2007 conference paper
Thermal-hydraulic performance of lead-bismuth eutectic in a straight-tube and a U-tube heat exchangers
Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12.
Contributors: M. Weimin, A. Karbojian, B. Sehgal & T. Dinh
2006 conference paper
Analysis of melt pool heat transfer in a BWR lower head
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 95, 629–631.
Contributors: C. Tran & T. Dinh
2006 journal article
High heat flux boiling and burnout as microphysical phenomena: Mounting evidence and opportunities
Multiphase Science and Technology, 18(3), 251–276.
Contributors: T. Theofanous * & T. Dinh *
2006 journal article
Introduction to the Festschrift honoring the 70th Birthday of Professor Bal Raj Sehgal
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 236(19-21), 1939–1940.
2006 journal article
On the numerical simulation of acceleration-driven multi-fluid mixing
Multiphase Science and Technology, 18(3), 199–230.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & T. Theofanous *

2006 conference paper
RELAP5 performance in predicting critical power in a BWR fuel bundle
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 95, 650–651.
Contributors: F. Cadinu, T. Kozlowski & T. Dinh
2006 book
Treatment of particle collisions in direct numerical simulations of high speed compressible flows
In Fluid Mechanics and its Applications (Vol. 81, pp. 247–259).
2005 journal article
Adaptive characteristics-based matching for compressible multifluid dynamics
Journal of Computational Physics, 213(2), 500–529.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *
2005 conference paper
Adaptive strategies for mass conservation in level set treatment
17th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, S. Wiri, T. Dinh & T. Theofanous
2005 conference paper
Investigation of breakup of isolated and multiple drops in subsonic flow
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, 4995–5005.
Contributors: G. Li, T. Dinh, Y. Yang & T. Theofanous
2005 conference paper
Numerical investigation of shock wave refraction patterns at multimaterial interfaces
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, 10905–10921.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, S. Suschikh, T. Dinh & T. Theofanous
2005 journal article
On improving mass conservation of level set by reducing spatial discretization errors
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 31(12), 1329–1336.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, S. Wiri *, * & T. Theofanous *
2005 conference paper
Sharp treatment of surface tension and viscous stresses in multifluid dynamics
17th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *

2005 journal article
Shock wave refraction patterns at interfaces
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 31(9), 969–995.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, S. Sushchikh*, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *
2004 conference paper
A numerical study of the shape effect on drag in supersonic low reynolds number (rarefied) flows
AIAA Paper, 6566–6575.
Contributors: S. Sushchikh*, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *
2004 journal article
A pseudocompressibility method for the numerical simulation of incompressible multifluid flows
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 30(7-8 SPEC. ISS.), 901–937.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *

2004 journal article
Aerobreakup in rarefied supersonic gas flows
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 126(4), 516–527.
Contributors: T. Theofanous, G. Li* & T. Dinh *
2004 conference paper
An experimental study of droplet breakup in supersonic flow: The effect of long-range interactions
AIAA Paper, 12063–12073.
Contributors: G. Li, T. Dinh & T. Theofanous
2004 conference paper
Burnout in high heat flux boiling: The hydrodynaraic and physico-chemical factors
AIAA Paper, 1865–1872.
Contributors: T. Dinh, J. Tu & T. Theofanous
2004 conference paper
Characterization and predictability of transient heat transfer in an unstably stratified fluid layer during power startup
37th AIAA Thermophysics Conference.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, J. Tu *, Y. Yang*, R. Nourgaliev * & T. Theofanous *

2004 conference paper
Direct numerical simulation of disperse multiphase high-speed flows
AIAA Paper, 10365–10375.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, T. Dinh, T. Theofanous, J. Koning, R. Greenman & G. Nakafuji
2004 conference paper
Particle-to-particle long range interaction and drag in supersonic flows
AIAA Paper, 6604–6614.
Contributors: G. Li *, R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *
2004 conference paper
Rayleigh-Bénard natural convection heat transfer: Pattern formation, complexity and predictability
Proceedings of the 2004 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP'04, 1342–1352.
Contributors: T. Dinh, Y. Yang, J. Tu, R. Nourgaliev & T. Theofanous
2004 journal article
The Characteristics-Based Matching (CBM) method for compressible flow with moving boundaries and interfaces
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 126(4), 586–604.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *
2004 conference paper
Two-phase natural circulation flow in AP-1000 in-vessel retention-related ULPU-V facility experiments
Proceedings of the 2004 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP'04, 928–938.
Contributors: T. Dinh, J. Tu & T. Theofanous
2003 conference paper
A characteristics-based approach to the numerical solution of the two-fluid model
Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 2 B, 1729–1748.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, * & T. Theofanous *

2003 conference paper
Aerobreakup in rarefied supersonic gas flows
Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 2 B, 1685–1703.
Contributors: T. Theofanous, G. Li & T. Dinh
2003 conference paper
An investigation of droplet breakup in a high mach, low Weber number regime
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, G. Li* & T. Theofanous*

2003 journal article
Assessment of reactor vessel integrity (ARVI)
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 221(1-3 SPEC.), 23–53.
Contributors: B. Sehgal*, A. Theerthan*, A. Giri*, A. Karbojian*, H. Willschütz*, O. Kymäläinen*, S. Vandroux*, J. Bonnet*
2003 journal article
Nucleation phenomena in boiling
Multiphase Science and Technology, 15(1-4), 349–363.
Contributors: T. Dinh * & T. Theofanous *
2003 conference paper
Nucleation phenomena in boiling on nanoscopically smooth surfaces
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
Contributors: T. Dinh, J. Tu, A. Dinh & T. Theofanous
2003 journal article
On the multiscale treatment of multifluid flow
Multiphase Science and Technology, 15(1-4), 275–288.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & T. Theofanous *

2003 conference paper
The 'Characteristics-Based Matching' (CBM) method for compressible flow with moving boundaries and interfaces
Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 2 B, 1705–1728.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, * & T. Theofanous *
2003 conference paper
The characteristics-based matching method for compressible flow in complex geometries
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, T. Dinh, S. Sushchikh, W. Yuen & T. Theofanous
2003 journal article
The multiphase Eulerian-Lagrangian transport (MELT-3D) approach for modeling of multiphase mixing in fragmentation processes
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 42(2), 123–157.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh *, A. Dinh*, H. Haraldsson* & B. Sehgal*
2002 journal article
Characterization of heat transfer processes in a melt pool convection and vessel-creep experiment
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 211(2-3), 173–187.
Contributors: B. Sehgal*, R. Nourgaliev * & T. Dinh *
2002 journal article
On lattice Boltzmann modeling of phase transition in an isothermal non-ideal fluid
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 211(2-3), 153–171.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & B. Sehgal*

2002 journal article
The boiling crisis phenomenon part I: Nucleation and nucleate boiling heat transfer
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 26(6-7), 775–792.
Contributors: T. Theofanous *, J. Tu *, A. Dinh* & T. Dinh *
2002 journal article
The boiling crisis phenomenon part II: Dryout dynamics and burnout
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 26(6-7), 793–810.
Contributors: T. Theofanous *, T. Dinh *, J. Tu * & A. Dinh*
2002 journal article
The lattice Boltzmann equation method: Theoretical interpretation, numerics and implications
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 29(1), 117–169.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh *, T. Theofanous * & D. Joseph *
2001 journal article
Effect of solidification on drop fragmentation in liquid-liquid media
Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- Und Stoffuebertragung, 37(4-5), 417–426.
Contributors: H. Haraldsson *, H. Li*, Z. Yang *, T. Dinh * & B. Sehgal*

2001 journal article
Numerical investigation of boiling regime transition mechanism by a Lattice-Boltzmann model
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 204(1-3), 143–153.
Contributors: Z. Yang *, T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & B. Sehgal*
2001 journal article
Numerical investigation of bubble growth and detachment by the lattice-Boltzmann method
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44(1), 195–206.
Contributors: Z. Yang *, T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & B. Sehgal*
2000 book
Analysis of the breakup length of a thin jet penetrating a fluid pool
In Advances in Fluid Mechanics (pp. 435–444).
Contributors: H. Haraldsson, I. Kazachkov, T. Dinh & B. Sehgal
2000 journal article
Core melt spreading on a reactor containment floor
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 36(4), 405–468.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, M. Konovalikhin* & B. Sehgal*
2000 journal article
Evaluation of the Darcy's law performance for two-fluid flow hydrodynamics in a particle debris bed using a lattice-Boltzmann model
Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- Und Stoffuebertragung, 36(4), 295–304.
Contributors: Z. Yang *, T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & B. Sehgal*
2000 journal article
Numerical investigation of bubble coalescence characteristics under nucleate boiling condition by a lattice-Boltzmann model
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 39(1), 1–17.
Contributors: Z. Yang *, T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & B. Sehgal*
1999 journal article
Experimental and analytical studies of melt jet-coolant interactions: a synthesis
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 189(1), 299–327.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, V. Bui*, R. Nourgaliev *, J. Green* & B. Sehgal*
1999 journal article
Investigation of film boiling thermal hydraulics under FCI conditions: results of analyses and a numerical study
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 189(1), 251–272.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, A. Dinh*, R. Nourgaliev * & B. Sehgal*
1999 journal article
Numerical simulation of droplet deformation and break-up by lattice-Boltzmann method
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 34(4), 471–488.
Contributors: B. Sehgal*, R. Nourgaliev * & T. Dinh *
1997 journal article
Effect of fluid Prandtl number on heat transfer characteristics in internally heated liquid pools with Rayleigh numbers up to 10<sup>12</sup>
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 169(1-3), 165–184.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & B. Sehgal*
1997 conference paper
Molten-metal jet impingement: insights from experiments and analysis
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, 227.
Contributors: J. Green, T. Dinh & B. Sehgal
1997 conference paper
Numerical simulation of film boiling heat transfer: Modeling concept and model capabilities
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 348, 1–10.
Contributors: T. Dinh, A. Dinh, R. Nourgaliev & B. Sehgal
1997 journal article
On heat transfer characteristics of real and simulant melt pool experiments
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 169(1-3), 151–164.
Contributors: T. Dinh *, R. Nourgaliev * & B. Sehgal*

1997 conference paper
On mechanisms that govern the vessel melt source for ex-vessel FCIS
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, 233.
Contributors: T. Dinh, J. Green & B. Sehgal
1997 conference paper
Parametric investigation of a local-homogeneous-slip model of film boiling on horizontal cylinders
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, 232.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, T. Dinh & B. Sehgal
1997 journal article
Simulation and analysis of transient cooldown natural convection experiments
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 178(1), 13–27.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev *, T. Dinh * & B. Sehgal*

1997 conference paper
Simulation of multiphase mixing by a particle transport model
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE, 231.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev, T. Dinh & B. Sehgal
1997 journal article
The investigation of turbulence characteristics in an internally-heated unstably-stratified fluid layer
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 178(3), 235–258.
Contributors: R. Nourgaliev * & T. Dinh *
1997 journal article
Turbulence modelling for large volumetrically heated liquid pools
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 169(1-3), 131–150.
Contributors: T. Dinh * & R. Nourgaliev

1996 journal article
Analysis of major accidents at atomic power stations
Heat Transfer Research, 27(1), 201–209.
Contributors: B. Nigmatulin & T. Dinh
1996 journal article
Assessment of the thermal load when molten debris interact with a VVER reactor vessel during a severe accident
Thermal Engineering, 43(3), 189–197.
Contributors: T. Dinh, B. Nigmatulin, R. Nurgaliev & N. Rassokhin
1996 journal article
Modelling of heat and mass transfer processes during core melt discharge from a reactor pressure vessel
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 163(1-2), 191–206.
Contributors: T. Dinh, V. Bui, R. Nourgaliev, T. Okkonen & B. Sehgal
1993 conference paper
Molten corium - reactor vessel interaction: Scaling and other aspects
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper), 1–9.
Contributors: T. Dinh & A. Popov
1991 conference paper
Mathematical and experimental modeling of the thermal-hydraulics for PWR reactivity initiated accident simulation
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 165, 69–74.
Contributors: V. Zemlianoukhin, T. Dinh, L. Egorova, A. Ustinov, R. Khasanov, V. Buchilin, O. Nechaieva
Updated: May 10th, 2017 10:14
2013 - present
Updated: May 10th, 2017 10:00
1991 - 1993
1988 - 1991
1982 - 1988