2015 journal article
The production of renewable transportation fuel through fed-batch and continuous deoxygenation of vegetable oil derived fatty acids over Pd/C catalyst
International Journal of Energy Research, 39(8), 1083–1093.
2014 journal article
Investigation of the effects of renewable diesel fuels on engine performance, combustion, and emissions
FUEL, 140, 541–554.
Contributors: D. Ogunkoya n, W. Roberts n, T. Fang n & n
2013 journal article
Semi-Batch Deoxygenation of Canola- and Lard-Derived Fatty Acids to Diesel-Range Hydrocarbons
ENERGY & FUELS, 27(12), 7489–7496.
2012 journal article
Hydrocarbon fuels from vegetable oils via hydrolysis and thermo-catalytic decarboxylation
FUEL, 95(1), 622–629.
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