@article{burugula_sharma_dhiman_aljumah_bhattacharya_2024, title={Control of parallel connected Dual Active Bridge converters under unbalanced input voltages in an MV compliant Solid State Transformer}, ISBN={["979-8-3503-1767-1"]}, ISSN={["2473-7631"]}, DOI={10.1109/ITEC60657.2024.10599006}, journal={2024 IEEE TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPO, ITEC 2024}, author={Burugula, Vasishta and Sharma, Shrivatsal and Dhiman, Shubham and Aljumah, Osamah and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2024} } @article{dhiman_sharma_aljumah_bhattacharya_2024, title={DC Short Circuit Fault Analysis of a Triple Active Bridge Converter for Fault Ride-Through Capability}, ISSN={["1048-2334"]}, DOI={10.1109/APEC48139.2024.10509326}, abstractNote={This paper presents the analysis of a triple active bridge (TAB) converter during a DC short circuit fault (SCF). An understanding of the converter operating during SCF is required to design the converter for fault ride-through capability. The analysis is done by evaluating the inductor currents of a TAB converter during rated conditions and during SCF conditions. The analysis aids the design of magnetic components, thermal requirements, and device selection of a converter. The analytical model based on generalized harmonic approximation (GHA) is developed to derive the fault current magnitudes. The impact of different power transfer inductances and different powersharing operating modes of a TAB converter are analyzed in detail for the SCF study. Extensive simulations are carried out in PLECS to demonstrate the operation of TAB converter during SCF. Experimental results on a laboratory prototype are provided for a wide range of operating conditions to validate the results from the analytical model and switching simulations.}, journal={2024 IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, APEC}, author={Dhiman, Shubham and Sharma, Shrivatsal and Aljumah, Osamah and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2024}, pages={2112–2118} } @article{dhiman_sharma_aljumah_bhattacharya_2024, title={Triple-active Bridge DC-DC Converter Control for PV and ESS Integration in DC Microgrid Applications}, ISBN={["979-8-3503-1767-1"]}, ISSN={["2473-7631"]}, DOI={10.1109/ITEC60657.2024.10598952}, journal={2024 IEEE TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPO, ITEC 2024}, author={Dhiman, Shubham and Sharma, Shrivatsal and Aljumah, Osamah and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2024} } @article{aljumah_isik_alshammari_bhattacharya_2022, title={SiC-based Isolated Three-port DC-DC Converter Implementation for MV Microgrid Applications}, ISSN={["2329-3721"]}, DOI={10.1109/ECCE50734.2022.9948147}, abstractNote={Integrating microgrids or distributed energy sources into a utility grid requires a meticulous control design. The energy management between the source and the load should be rapidly and carefully controlled. Solid State Transformer (SST) and Power Conditioning System (PCS) are emerging technologies with the development of medium voltage (MV) Silicon Carbide (SiC) power semiconductor devices, which offer high-frequency isolation between MV grids, distributed energy storage, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging, etc. Besides, power flow and power factor can be easily controlled. This paper presents three-port Triple Active Bridge (TAB) applications for micro-grid integration. The system consists of three power conversion stages: AC to DC, DC to DC, and DC to AC. The front-end converters control the DC voltage, and the power flow is dispatched by controlling the TAB. Verification of the system at 24.5 kV DC is tested with the NovaCor, Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS).}, journal={2022 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE)}, author={Aljumah, Osamah and Isik, Semih and Alshammari, Sulaiman and Bhattacharya, Subhashish}, year={2022} }