Works (43)
2024 journal article
Bioavailability of molybdenite to support nitrogen fixation on early Earth by an anoxygenic phototroph
2024 review
Community standards and future opportunities for synthetic communities in plant-microbiota research
[Review of ]. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY, 9(11), 2774–2784.
2024 article
Contrasting Effects of Catecholate and Hydroxamate Siderophores on Molybdenite Dissolution
Guo, D., Sheng, Y., Baars, O., Duckworth, O. W., Chen, P., Zhu, Z., … Dong, H. (2024, December 16). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 12.
2024 article
Inactivation of siderophore iron-chelating moieties by the fungal wheat root symbiont <i>Pyrenophora biseptata</i>
French, K. S., Chukwuma, E., Linshitz, I., Namba, K., Duckworth, O. W., Cubeta, M. A., & Baars, O. (2024, January 19). ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS, Vol. 1.

2024 article
Stability of metal ion complexes with the synthetic phytosiderophore proline-2′-deoxymugineic acid
Evers, A., Kohn, J., Baars, O., Harrington, J. M., Namba, K., & Duckworth, O. W. (2024, August 28). BIOMETALS, Vol. 8.
2024 journal article
Using Manganese Oxidizing Fungi to Recover Metals from Electronic Waste
MINERALS, 14(1).
2023 article
Bioavailability of mineral-associated trace metals as cofactors for nitrogen fixation by Azotobacter vinelandii
Srivastava, S., Dong, H., Baars, O., & Sheng, Y. (2023, February 27). GEOBIOLOGY, Vol. 2.

2023 journal article
Development of transgenic corn planthopper <scp><i>Peregrinus maidis
Insect Molecular Biology, 32(4), 363–375.

2023 journal article
Enzymatic textile fiber separation for sustainable waste processing
Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 13, 100118.

2023 article
Metabolomics of bacterial-fungal pairwise interactions reveal conserved molecular mechanisms
Luu, G. T. T., Little, J. C. C., Pierce, E. C. C., Morin, M., Ertekin, C. A. A., Wolfe, B. E. E., … Sanchez, L. M. M. (2023, May 23). ANALYST, Vol. 5.

2023 article
Mineral-Bound Trace Metals as Cofactors for Anaerobic Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Sheng, Y., Baars, O., Guo, D., Whitham, J., Srivastava, S., & Dong, H. (2023, April 28). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 4.

2022 journal article
Asymmetrical lineage introgression and recombination in populations of Aspergillus flavus: Implications for biological control
PLOS ONE, 17(10).
Ed(s): W. Nierman
2022 article
Asymmetrical lineage introgression and recombination in populations of Aspergillus flavus: implications for biological control
Molo, M. S., White, J. B., Cornish, V., Gell, R. M., Baars, O., Singh, R., … Carbone, I. (2022, March 14). (Vol. 3). Vol. 3.
2022 article
Gestational Cd Exposure in the CD-1 Mouse Sex-Specifically Disrupts Essential Metal Ion Homeostasis
Jackson, T. W., Baars, O., & Belcher, S. M. (2022, February 25). TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 2.

2022 journal article
Interactions between copper homeostasis and the fungal cell wall affect copper stress resistance

2021 article
Gestational Cd Exposure in the CD-1 Mouse Sex-Specifically Disrupts Essential Metal Ion Homeostasis
Jackson, T. W., Baars, O., & Belcher, S. M. (2021, November 7). (Vol. 11). Vol. 11.
2021 article
Salicylate coordination in metal-protochelin complexes
Doydora, S. A., Baars, O., Harrington, J. M., & Duckworth, O. W. (2021, November 27). BIOMETALS, Vol. 11.

2020 journal article
Copper limiting threshold in the terrestrial ammonia oxidizing archaeon Nitrososphaera viennensis
RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY, 171(3-4), 134–142.

2020 journal article
Extraction and Detection of Structurally Diverse Siderophores in Soil

2019 journal article
Aspartic acid racemization constrains long-term viability and longevity of endospores
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95(10).

2018 journal article
Effect of iron limitation on the isotopic composition of cellular and released fixed nitrogen in Azotobacter vinelandii

2018 journal article
Genetic, structural, and functional diversity of low and high-affinity siderophores in strains of nitrogen fixing Azotobacter chroococcum
Metallomics, 11(1), 201–212.

2018 journal article
Quorum sensing and iron regulate a two-for-one siderophore gene cluster in Vibrio harveyi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(29), 7581–7586.

2018 journal article
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017
CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 493, 210–223.

2018 journal article
The purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris produces novel petrobactin-related siderophores under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

2017 journal article
Crochelins, siderophores with a novel iron-chelating moiety from the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum
Angewandte Chemie, 11.
2017 journal article
Crochelins: Siderophores with an Unprecedented Iron-Chelating Moiety from the Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57(2), 536–541.
2017 journal article
Siderophore production in Azotobacter vinelandii in response to Fe-, Mo- and V-limitation
Environmental Microbiology, 19(9), 3595–3605.
Contributors: D. McRose *, * , F. Morel * & A. Kraepiel*
2016 journal article
Meteorology and oceanography of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean—a review of German achievements from the last decade
2016 article
Small Molecule LC-MS/MS Fragmentation Data Analysis and Application to Siderophore Identification
Baars, O., & Perlman, D. H. (2016, July 7). Applications from Engineering with MATLAB Concepts.
2016 journal article
The effect of acidifcation on the bioavailability and electrochemical lability of zinc in seawater
Contributors: J. Kim *, * & F. Morel *

2015 journal article
Bioavailability and Electroreactivity of Zinc Complexed to Strong and Weak Organic Ligands
Environmental Science and Technology, 49(18), 10894–10902.
Contributors: J. Kim *, * & F. Morel *

2015 journal article
Interpretation of complexometric titration data: An intercomparison of methods for estimating models of trace metal complexation by natural organic ligands
2015 article
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014
2015 journal article
The Siderophore Metabolome of Azotobacter vinelandii
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82(1), 27–39.
Ed(s): M. Kivisaar

2014 journal article
ChelomEx: Isotope-assisted discovery of metal chelates in complex media using high-resolution LC-MS
Analytical Chemistry, 86(22), 11298–11305.
Contributors: , F. Morel * & D. Perlman *
2014 journal article
Dissolved cadmium in the Southern Ocean: Distribution, speciation, and relation to phosphate
Limnology and Oceanography, 59(2), 385–399.

2014 journal article
Dissolved cobalt speciation and reactivity in the eastern tropical North Atlantic
Marine Chemistry, 173, 310–319.

2011 journal article
Comparison of Alternate Reactants for pM Level Cobalt Analysis in Seawater by the Use of Catalytic Voltammetry
Electroanalysis, 23(7), 1663–1670.

2011 article
Distribution and speciation of zinc,cadmium and cobalt in the Southern Ocean
2011 journal article
The speciation of dissolved zinc in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58(25-26), 2720–2732.
Contributors: & P. Croot * *

2010 journal article
The distribution of dissolved zinc in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58(25-26), 2707–2719.
Contributors: P. Croot *, * & P. Streu*

2007 journal article
Tetranuclear nickel(II) complexes composed of pairs of dinuclear LNi <inf>2</inf> fragments linked by acetylenedicarboxylate, terephthalate, and isophthalate dianions: Synthesis, structures and magnetic properties
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (33), 5277–5285.
Contributors: J. Klingele*, M. Klingele*, * , V. Lozan *, A. Buchholz *, G. Leibeling*, W. Plass *, F. Meyer *, B. Kersting *