Otis B Brown
climate change, adaptation and resilience, western boundary currents, sea surface temperature, ocean optics, ocean color, observing systems
Otis Brown is a Research Professor in the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and the director of the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) at North Carolina State University (NCSU). At NCSU, Dr. Brown led the formation and development of NCICS as an University of North Carolina System inter-institutional research center. NCICS has served as host for a NOAA Cooperative Institute since 2009 and is co-located with NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information in Asheville, NC. Dr. Brown was NCSU Principal Investigator (PI) and Director for the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites – North Carolina (CICS-NC) from 2009-2019 and, since 2019, is now leading the successor CI, the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies in North Carolina (CISESS NC). NCICS/CISESS provides research to operations, stewardship, access, system engineering, and system prototyping support to NOAA. Prior to coming to NCSU, Dr. Brown was a University of Miami Professor in the Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography and served as Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science from 1995 through 2009. While at Miami Dr. Brown was a member of the NASA EOS MODIS Science Team and was responsible for the algorithms and processing system for the global sea surface temperature product as well as validation methodologies and support for the TERRA/ MODIS and AQUA/MODIS instruments. Dr. Brown’s specialties include radiative transfer in the ocean-atmosphere system for visible light; particulate scattering in sea water; satellite infrared observations of sea surface temperature; kinematical studies of warm core rings; transient processes in western boundary currents; tropical eco-system function in the Caribbean and Arabian Seas; innovative approaches to developing diversity and K-12 education; and inter-disciplinary studies of climate change and severe weather impacts. His interests also include strategies to address the science / policy interface and public outreach. He is the recipient of multiple NASA Group Achievement Awards, and a fellow of the American Meteorological Society and the AAAS. He earned his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Miami in 1973. He served as a member of the National Academies Oceans Studies Board, Space Studies Board Earth Sciences Decadal Survey Committee, and the Committee on Radio Frequencies. He also was a member of the Environmental Task Force and MEDEA.
Works (203)
2023 journal article
NOAA Open Data Dissemination: Petabyte-scale Earth system data in the cloud
Science Advances, 9(38).

2022 journal article
Expanding Access to Open Environmental Data: Advancements and Next Steps
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(11), E2579–E2583.

2022 other
NOAA Open Data Dissemination (Formerly NOAA Big Data Project/Program)
2020 journal article
Observations for Model Intercomparison Project (Obs4MIPs): status for CMIP6
Geoscientific Model Development, 13(7), 2945–2958.

2020 journal article
Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice Extent to Sea Ice Concentration Threshold Choice and Its Implication to Ice Coverage Decadal Trends and Statistical Projections
Remote Sensing, 12(5), 807.

2019 article

2019 article
CODATA2019Beijing - A Holistic Framework for Supporting Evidence-Based Institutional Research Data Management
2019 article
CODATA2019Beijing - A Holistic Framework for Supporting Evidence-Based Institutional Research Data Management
2019 article
Observations for Model Intercomparison Project (Obs4MIPs): Status for CMIP6
Waliser, D., Gleckler, P. J., Ferraro, R., Taylor, K. E., Ames, S., Biard, J., … Tuma, M. (2019, November 11).
2019 article
Understanding the Various Perspectives of Earth Science Observational Data Uncertainty
Contributors: D. Moroni, H. Ramapriyan, G. Peng, J. Hobbs, J. Goldstein, R. Downs, R. Wolfe, C. Shie
2019 report
Understanding the Various Perspectives of Earth Science Observational Data Uncertainty
Contributors: D. Moroni, H. Ramapriyan, G. Peng, J. Hobbs, J. Goldstein, R. Downs, R. Wolfe, C. Shie

2018 journal article
A Conceptual Enterprise Framework for Managing Scientific Data Stewardship
Data Science Journal, 17(0), 15.
Contributors: G. Peng n , J. Privette *, C. Tilmes *, S. Bristol *, T. Maycock n, J. Bates, S. Hausman *, n , E. Kearns *
2017 journal article
Unlocking the Potential of NEXRAD Data through NOAA’s Big Data Partnership
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(1), 189–204.
2015 journal article
A decade of sea surface temperature from MODIS
Remote Sensing of Environment, 165, 27–41.
Contributors: K. Kilpatrick*, G. Podestá *, S. Walsh *, E. Williams *, V. Halliwell*, M. Szczodrak *, * , P. Minnett *, R. Evans *

2014 conference paper
Climate data to decisions
Air and Waste Management Association - Climate Change Conference 2013: Impacts, Policy and Regulation, 50–58. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84919703316&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2013 conference paper
Challenges of a Sustained Climate Observing System
Climate Science for Serving Society, 13–50.

2011 conference paper
Developing a Curriculum for a Summer School on Climate Change
91st Annual Meeting - American Meteorological Society. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society., Seattle, WA.
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. at Seattle, WA on January 22-27, 2011
2008 journal article
Five years of Florida Current structure and transport from the Royal Caribbean Cruise ShipExplorer of the Seas
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(C6).

2008 journal article
Tidal variations of flow convergence, shear, and stratification at the Rio de la Plata estuary turbidity front
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(C8).

2006 conference paper
Scientific applications of the Marine-Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer
AGU Fall Meeting. Presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA
2004 journal article
On the limiting aerodynamic roughness of the ocean in very strong winds
Geophysical Research Letters, 31(18).
Contributors: M. Donelan *, B. Haus *, N. Reul *, W. Plant *, M. Stiassnie*, H. Graber *, * , E. Saltzman *

2004 conference paper
Sea-surface temperature measurements from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) on aqua and terra
IEEE International IEEE International IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004, 7, 4576–4579.
Contributors: P. Minnett *, * , R. Evans*, E. Key *, E. Kearns *, K. Kilpatrick*, A. Kumar*, K. Maillet*, G. Szczodrak*
Event: IEEE International IEEE International IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004
2004 journal article
Seasonal and interannual studies of vortices in sea surface temperature data
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(7-8), 1371–1376.
Contributors: Q. Yang *, B. Parvin*, A. Mariano *, E. Ryan *, R. Evans * & *

2003 conference paper
Sea surface temperature measurements from the MODerate- resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on AQUA
AGU Fall Meeting. Presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting at San Francisco, CA
2003 conference paper
Sea-surface temperature measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Presented at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS 2002.
Event: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS 2002

2002 report
Regional Observing Systems: Observations and Pilot Studies On Board the Explorer of the Seas

2001 conference paper
MODIS Ocean Product Quality Improvement over the First 16 Months
IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Presented at the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sydney, Australia.
Event: IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium at Sydney, Australia on July 9-13, 2001
2001 conference paper
Measurements of the Ocean Surface Temperature from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Presented at the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Sydney, Australia.
Event: IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium at Sydney, Australia on July 9-13, 2001
2001 conference paper
Satellite Earth Remote Sensing: The Earth Observing System and the Next Decade
Oceanology International Americas. Presented at the Oceanology International Americas, Miami, FL.
Event: Oceanology International Americas at Miami, FL on April 3-5, 2001
2001 journal article
The Marine-Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer: A High-Accuracy, Seagoing Infrared Spectroradiometer
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 18(6), 994–1013.

2001 journal article
UCAR and NCAR at 40
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82(6), 1139–1149.
2000 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature, TMI Surface Wind Velocity, SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a, and TOPEX/POSEIDON Sea Surface Topography during 1998
(JPL Publication No. 00-08).
2000 journal article
An Independent Assessment of Pathfinder AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Accuracy Using the Marine Atmosphere Emitted Radiance Interferometer (MAERI)
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81(7), 1525–1536.
Contributors: E. Kearns *, J. Hanafin *, R. Evans*, P. Minnett * & *

2000 conference paper
Early Results from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): Global and Arabian Sea Regional Ocean Color and Thermal Observations
Proceedings of the 5th Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC2000), 1, 5.
Event: 5th Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference at Panaji, Goa, India on December 5-8, 2000
2000 conference paper
Improved determination of the accuracy of satellite-derived SST fields
Tenth ARM Science Team Meeting. Presented at the ARM Science Team Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Event: ARM Science Team Meeting at San Antonio, TX on March 13-17, 2000
2000 conference paper
Seasonal and Interannual Studies of Vortices in SST Data
Oceans from Space. Presented at the Oceans from Space, Venice.
Event: Oceans from Space at Venice
1999 conference paper
Observational Study in the Rio de la Plata Estuary and Adjacent Shelf, South America - Winter 1999
Proceedings LOICZ 4th Open Science Meeting - Regimes of Coastal Change, 69.
Event: LOICZ 4th Open Science Meeting - Regimes of Coastal Change
1999 chapter
Physical Characteristics and Processes of the Río de la Plata Estuary
In Estuaries of South America (pp. 161–194).

1999 report
The MODIS infrared sea-surface temperature algorithm. Algorithm Technical Basis Document
Greenbelt, MD: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
1998 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature, AMI Surface Wind Velocity, and TOPEX/POSEIDON Sea Surface Height During 1995
(JPL Publication No. 98-5).
1998 journal article
An overview of MODIS capabilities for ocean science observations
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36(4), 1250–1265.
Contributors: W. Esaias*, M. Abbott *, I. Barton*, * , J. Campbell, K. Carder*, D. Clark*, R. Evans*

1998 journal article
Sea surface temperature anomalies off the Río de la Plata Estuary: Coastal Upwelling
Transactions AGU, 79(1), 128.
1997 journal article
Agulhas ring dynamics from TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter data
Journal of Marine Research, 55(5), 861–883.
Contributors: G. Goni *, S. Garzoli *, A. Roubicek*, D. Olson * & *

1997 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, AMI Surface Wind Velocity, TOPEX/POSEIDON Sea Surface Height During 1994
(JPL Publication No. 97-1).
1997 conference paper
Measurements of near-surface vertical temperature gradients in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA,
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at San Francisco, USA,
1996 journal article
Assimilation of sea surface height data into an isopycnic ocean model
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26(7), 1189–1213.
Contributors: C. Forbes * & *

1996 journal article
Observations of the Infrared Radiative Properties of the Ocean—Implications for the Measurement of Sea Surface Temperature via Satellite Remote Sensing
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 77(1), 41–51.
Contributors: W. Smith *, R. Knuteson *, H. Revercomb*, W. Feltz*, H. Howell*, W. Menzel *, N. Nalli *, *

1996 conference paper
Observations of the infrared radiative properties of the ocean - implications for the measurement of sea-surface temperature via satellite remote sensing
Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 531–535. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society.
Event: Eighth Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography at Atlanta, Georgia on January 28 - February 2, 1996
1996 journal article
Study of the Río de la Plata turbidity front, Part 1: spatial and temporal distribution
Continental Shelf Research, 16(10), 1259–1282.

1995 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, AMI Surface Wind Velocity, TOPEX/POSEIDON Sea Surface Height, and ECMWF Surface Wind Velocity During 1993
(JPL Publication No. 95-3).
1995 journal article
Mesoscale ocean variability signal recovered from altimeter data in the SW Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of orbit error correction in three Geosat data sets
1995 journal article
Mesoscale ocean variability signal recovered from altimeter data in the SW Atlantic Ocean: a comparison of orbit error correction in three Geosat data sets
Boletim Do Instituto Oceanográfico, 43(2), 101–110.

1994 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, ARGOS Buoy Drift, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, AMI Surface Wind Components, and ECMWF Surface Wind Components During 1992,
(JPL Publication No. 94-4).
1994 report
Ocean Color in the 21st Century: A Strategy for a 20-Year Time Series
(S. B. Hooker & E. R. Firestone, Eds.) [NASA Technical Memorandum].
Ed(s): S. Hooker & E. Firestone
1994 book
Ocean-Atmosphere Observations Supporting Short-Term Climate Predictions

1993 journal article
A comparison of GEOSAT altimeter inferred currents and measured flow at 5400 m depth in the Argentine Basin
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 40(4-5), 989–999.

1993 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, ARGOS Buoy Drift, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, and ECMWF Surface Wind Components During 1990
(JPL Publication No. 93-1).
1993 journal article
Calibration of advanced very high resolution radiometer infrared channels: A new approach to nonlinear correction
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 98(C10), 18257–18268.

1993 journal article
Calibration of advanced very high resolution radiometer infrared channels: a new approach to nonlinear correction
Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(C10). http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0027830194&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1993 journal article
Eddy and wave dynamics in the South Atlantic as diagnosed from Geosat altimeter data
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 98(C7), 12297–12314.
1993 journal article
Long-term variations in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence
Annales Geophysicae, Part II, Oceans, Atmosphere, Hydrology and Nonlinear Geophysics, 11(Supplement 11), C164.
1993 chapter
Sea Surface Temperature
In Atlas of Satellite Observations Related to Global Change, Eds. R.J. Gurney, J. L. Foster and C.L. Parkinson (pp. 237–249). Cambridge University Press.
1993 conference paper
The use of GEOSAT altimetry to study western boundary currents
Terceras Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar. Presented at the Terceras Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
Event: Terceras Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar, at Puerto Madryn, Argentina on September 21-25, 1993
1992 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of GEOSAT Sea Surface Height, SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, and ECMWF Surface Wind Components During 1987
(JPL Publication No. 92-3).
1992 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of SSMI Surface Wind Speed, ARGOS Buoy Drift, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, and ECMWF Surface Wind Components During 1989
(JPL Publication No. 92-17).
1992 journal article
Analysis of a general circulation model product
Eos Transactions.
1992 journal article
Analysis of a general circulation model product: 1. Frontal systems in the Brazil/Malvinas and Kuroshio/Oyashio regions
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 97(C12), 20117–20138.
Contributors: S. Garzoli *, Z. Garraffo *, G. Podesta * & *

1992 journal article
Comparison of GEOSAT Sea Level Height Residuals in the SW Atlantic Using Three Orbit Correction Methods
Eos Transactions, 73(14), 170.
1992 journal article
Efficient objective analysis of dynamically heterogeneous and nonstationary fields via the parameter matrix
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 39(7-8), 1255–1271.
Contributors: A. Mariano * & *

1992 journal article
Observations of offshore shelf-water transport induced by a warm-core ring
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 39, S97–S113.

1992 journal article
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Satellite-derived Sea Surface Temperature in the Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, January 1982-June 1989
Caribbean Marine Studies, 3, 1–19.
1992 journal article
Variability of the Turbidity Front in the Rio de la Plata Estuary and its Relationship to Oceanographic, Meteorological and Hydrologic Parameters
Eos Transactions, 73(43), 289.
1991 journal article
1987 El Nino and 1988 La Nina Fluctuations of Global Monthly Mean Variables at the Sea Surface
Eos Transactions, 72(Supplement), 261.
1991 report
An Atlas of Monthly Mean Distributions of GEOSAT Sea Surface Height, SSMI Surface Wind Speed, AVHRR/2 Sea Surface Temperature, and ECMWF Surface Wind Components During 1988
(JPL Publication No. 91-8).
1991 journal article
Analysis of a general cirulation model product.1991
Eos Transactions, 72(51), 42.
1991 journal article
Satellite-derived global sea surface temperature fields: 1982–1989
Global and Planetary Change, 4(1-3), 179–181.
Contributors: , R. Evans * & P. Cornillon * *

1991 journal article
The annual cycle of satellite-derived sea surface temperature in the southwestern Atlantic ocean
Journal of Climate, 4(4), 457–467.
1990 conference paper
CONFLUENCE 1988”1990: An intensive study of the southwestern Atlantic
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 71(41), 1131–1133.

1990 conference paper
Development of an Objective Analysis Technique for the Assimilation of GEOSAT altimeter data over the South Atlantic Ocean
International Symposium on Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology & Oceanography. Presented at the International Symposium on Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology & Oceanography, France.
Event: International Symposium on Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology & Oceanography at France
1990 conference paper
Efficient Objective Analysis of Dynamically Heterogenous and Nonstationary Fields via the Parameter Matrix
International TOGA Scientific Conference. Presented at the International TOGA Scientific Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Event: International TOGA Scientific Conference at Honolulu, Hawaii
1990 journal article
Monthly Mean Global Distributions of Sea Surface Temperature, Surface Wind Speed, and Sea Surface Height During 1988
Eos Transactions, 71(43), 1387.
1990 conference paper
Satellite-derived global sea surface temperature fields: 1982-1989
In J. A. Smith (Ed.), SPIE Proceedings (Vol. 1300, pp. 71–79).
Contributors: P. Cornillon *, * & R. Evans*
Ed(s): J. Smith
Event: SPIE at Orlando on April 16, 1990

1990 journal article
Spatial and Temporal Variability in the North Atlantic as Determined by NIMBUS-7 CZCS Pigment Observations
Eos Transactions, 71(2), 120.
1990 journal article
Surface Color and Deep Carbon Flux in the Sargasso Sea: Seven Years of Concurrent Data
Eos Transactions, 7l(2), 120.
1990 journal article
Surface-ocean color and deep-ocean carbon flux: how close a connection?
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 37(8), 1331–1343.
Contributors: W. Deuser*, F. Muller-Karger *, R. Evans*, * , W. Esaias* & G. Feldman*

1990 journal article
The Annual and Super-annual Patterns of Satellite-derived Sea Surface Temperatures in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Eos Transactions, 71(17), 542.
1989 conference paper
Use of remote sensing techniques for the study of oceanic processes in the Southwestern Atlantic
Proceedings of Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar. Presented at the Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
Event: Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar at Puerto Madryn, Argentina
1988 journal article
A semianalytic radiance model of ocean color
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 93(D9), 10909–10924.

1988 journal article
Correction to “Processing and analysis of large volumes of satellite‐derived thermal infrared data” by Peter Cornillon et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 93(C5), 5158–5158.

1988 journal article
Gulf Stream remote forcing of shelfbreak currents in the Mid‐Atlantic Bight
Geophysical Research Letters, 15(5), 405–407.
Contributors: J. Bane *, * , R. Evans* & P. Hamilton *

1988 conference paper
Height and Thermal Field Mesoscale Variability in the South Atlantic
ONR South Atlantic Accelerated Research Initiative (ARI), South Atlantic Section, SAARI Meeting Report, 6,
Event: ONR South Atlantic Accelerated Research Initiative (ARI), South Atlantic Section, SAARI Meeting at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
1988 journal article
Processing, Compression and Transmission of Satellite IR Data for Near-Real-Time Use at Sea
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 5(2), 320–327.

1988 journal article
Space/time structure of western boundary current fronts: A global comparison
Eos Transactions, 70(15), 360.
1988 journal article
Temporal variations in the separation of Brazil and Malvinas Currents
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 35(12), 1971–1990.
Contributors: D. Olson *, G. Podestá *, R. Evans* & *

1988 conference paper
Temporal variations in the separation of Brazil and Malvinas Currents
ONR South Atlantic Accelerated Research Initiative (ARI), South Atlantic Section, SAARI Meeting Report, 37–38.
Event: ONR South Atlantic Accelerated Research Initiative (ARI), South Atlantic Section, SAARI Meeting at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
1988 conference paper
The association between the distribution and abundance of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and satellite-derived sea surface temperature fields off the northeastern United States
Inaugural Meeting of the Oceanography Society. Presented at the Meeting of the Oceanography Society, Monterey, CA.
Event: Meeting of the Oceanography Society at Monterey, CA
1987 book review
Book review of Introduction to Satellite Oceanography, by George Maul, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985
[Review of Introduction to Satellite Oceanography, by G. Maul]. Bulletin of Marine Science, 40(2), 389.
1987 journal article
Long-Period Variations in the Western Boundary Current Systems in the South Atlantic
Eos Transactions, 68(16), 338.
1987 journal article
Multiplafform sampling (ship, aircraft, and satellite) of a Gulf Stream warm core ring
Applied Optics, 26(11), 2068.
Contributors: R. Smith*, * , F. Hoge*, K. Baker *, R. Evans*, R. Swift*, W. Esaias*

1987 conference paper
Present capabilities for Global mapping of sea surface temperature
IUGG XIX General Assembly, Vancouver, Canada, Abstract, 3, 1002.
Event: IUGG XIX General Assembly at Vancouver, Canada
1987 journal article
Processing and analysis of large volumes of satellite‐derived thermal infrared data
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 92(C12), 12993–13002.

1987 journal article
Relationship between Gulf Stream position and shelfbreak currents in the Middle Atlantic Bight
Eos Transactions, 68(16).
1987 conference paper
Sea-WIFS: An initiative for an ocean color sensor in 1990
IUGG XIX General Assembly, Vancouver, Canada, Abstracts, 3, 1054.
Event: IUGG XIX General Assembly at Vancouver, Canada
1987 journal article
The Use of Satellite Observations in GOFS
Eos Transactions, 68(50), 1703.
1986 book review
Book Review of Elements of Dynamic Oceanography by David Tolmazin. Allen and Unwin, London, 1985: 195
[Review of Elements of Dynamic Oceanography, by D. Tolmazin]. Bulletin of Marine Science, 38(2), 396. London: Allen and Unwin.
1986 journal article
Brazil Current Confluence Variability
Eos Transactions, 66(51), 1300.
1986 conference paper
Eddy Resolving in Situ and Satellite Remote Sensing
Proceedings of the Ocean Prediction Workshop, 235–242.
Event: Ocean Prediction Workshop at Cambridge MA
1986 journal article
Gulf Stream warm rings: a statistical study of their behavior
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 33(11-12), 1459–1473.
Contributors: , P. Cornillon *, S. Emmerson * & H. Carle* *

1986 journal article
Large-scale Surface Circulation in the South Atlantic from Satellite IR and Drifter Data
Eos Transactions, 66(51), 1300.
1986 journal article
Methodology for Acquisition and Analysis of Satellite Imagery
Eos Transactions, 67(44), 893.
1986 journal article
Regional Estimates of Surface Chlorophyll Variability Using NIMBUS-7 CZCS Color Imagery
Eos Transactions, 66(51), 1275.
1986 conference paper
Study of Seasonal to Interannual Sea Surface Temperature Variation in the Arabian Sea (1982-1985)
Proceedings of AIBS International Conference on Marine Science of the Arabian Sea. Presented at the AIBS International Conference on Marine Science of the Arabian Sea, Karachi, Pakistan.
Event: AIBS International Conference on Marine Science of the Arabian Sea at Karachi, Pakistan
1986 conference paper
Study of Seasonal to Interannual Sea-surface Temperature Variation in the Arabian Sea (1982-1985)
In M.-F. Thompson & N. M. Tirmizi, (Eds.), Marine Science of the Arabian Sea, Proceedings of an International Conference. Washington, DC: American Institute of Biological Sciences.
Ed(s): M. Thompson & N. Tirmizi,
Event: Marine Science of the Arabian Sea, Proceedings of an International Conference at Karachi, Pakistan
1986 journal article
Visible Remote Sensing of the Ocean: The present and the future
Eos Transactions, 67(44), 1055.
1986 report
WOCE Remote Sensing with Operational Systems, February 1986 World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)
[White paper,]. Texas A&M: WOCE Planning Office.
1985 journal article
A Satellite Infrared Survey of the Brazil/Falklands Confluence
Eos Transactions, 66(18), 291.
1985 book review
Book Review of Remote Sensing Applications in Marine Science and Technology, NATO ASI Series C, 106, ed. A.P. Cracknell. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster, 1983
[Review of Remote Sensing Applications in Marine Science and Technology, by A. P. Cracknell]. AMS Bulletin.
1985 journal article
Calibration of advanced very high resolution radiometer infrared observations
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 90(C6), 11667–11677.

1985 journal article
Calibration of advanced very high resolution radiometer infrared observations.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(C6). http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0022185970&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1985 journal article
Chronology of warm‐core ring 82B
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 90(C5), 8803–8811.
1985 journal article
Phytoplankton Blooming Off the U.S. East Coast: A Satellite Description
Science, 229(4709), 163–167.
Contributors: , R. Evans*, J. Brown*, H. Gordon*, R. Smith* & K. Baker * *

1985 journal article
Remote Sensing of Shelf Sea Hydrodynamics
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 66(34), 605–605.

1984 report
NOAA AVHRR Data Digest, 15 February 1982 - 15 June 1983
(UM RSMAS No. 83017).
1984 journal article
Rapid evolution of a Gulf Stream warm-core ring
Nature, 308(5962), 837–840.
Contributors: T. Joyce *, R. Backus*, K. Baker *, P. Blackwelder *, * , T. Cowles*, R. Evans*, G. Fryxell*
1984 book
Satellite images of warm core ring 82-B sea surface temperature and a chronological record of major physical events affecting ring structure

1984 journal article
Temperature and Chlorophyll Time Series of Warm Core Ring 82-B and its Surroundings
Eos Transactions, 64(52), 1082.
1984 journal article
Warm Core Ring Motion Statistics as Derived From Satellite Observation
Eos Transactions, 65(45), 906.
1983 journal article
A first attempt at construction of the seasonal variation of surface pigments off the U.S. east coast as deduced from NIMBUS-7 CZCS observations
Eos Transactions, 64(18), 234.
1983 journal article
Advances in satellite oceanography
Reviews of Geophysics, 21(5), 1216–1230.

1983 journal article
Development of Near-Surface Flow Pattern and Water Mass Distribution in the Somali Basin in Response to the Southwest Monsoon of 1979
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 13(8), 1398–1415.

1983 journal article
Gulf Stream frontal statistics from Florida Straits to Cape Hatteras derived from satellite and historical data
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 88(C8), 4569–4577.
Contributors: D. Olson *, * & S. Emmerson *

1983 journal article
Nimbus 7 CZCS: Reduction of its radiometric sensitivity with time
Applied Optics, 22(24), 3929–3931.
Contributors: H. Gordon*, J. Brown *, * , R. Evans* & D. Clark*
1983 journal article
Passive infrared sea-surface temperature observations
Eos Transactions, 64(18), 231.
1983 journal article
Phytoplankton pigment concentrations in the Middle Atlantic Bight: comparison of ship determinations and CZCS estimates
Applied Optics, 22(1), 20.

1983 journal article
Satellite infrared observations of the kinematics of a warm-core ring
Marine and Freshwater Research, 34(4), 535.
Contributors: , D. Olson *, J. Brown * & R. Evans* *
1983 conference paper
Ship and satellite chlorophyll observations in Gulf Stream Warm Core Ring 82-B and its environs
IUGG 18th General Assembly. Presented at the IUGG 18th General Assembly, Hamburg, W. Germany.
Event: IUGG 18th General Assembly at Hamburg, W. Germany
1983 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise 3, NOAA AVHRR Imagery Digest, 16 May 82 - 8 July 82
(Technical Report UM RSMAS No. 83011).
1983 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise 4, NOAA AVHRR Imagery Digest, 9 July 82 - 2 Sept. 82
(Technical Report UM RSMAS No. 83010).
1982 report
Evolution of sea surface temperature patterns in the Somali Basin
In J. P. McCreary Jr., D. W. Moore, & J. M. Witte (Eds.), Recent Progress in Equatorial Oceanography (A report of the final meeting of SCOR Working Group 47 in Venice, Italy, April 27-30, 1981 (pp. 387–392). Dania, FL: Nova University Ocean Sciences Center/N.Y.I.T. Press.
Ed(s): J. McCreary, D. Moore & J. Witte
1982 report
Gulf Stream Frontal Climatology Analysis, 19 May 1976 - 25 December 1980
(Technical Report UM RSMAS No. 82004).
1982 conference paper
Gulf Stream frontal statistics from Florida Straits to Cape Hatteras derived from satellite and historical data
Proceedings, Workshop on Gulf Stream Structure and Variability, 278–301. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina.
Event: Workshop on Gulf Stream Structure and Variability on April 1-2, 1982
1982 journal article
Kinematics of Gulf Stream warm core rings
Eos Transactions, 63(3), 51.
1982 journal article
SST interannual variability in the Arabian Sea
Eos Transactions, 63(18), 360.
1982 journal article
Satellite infrared observation of warm core rings - a tool for kinematic description
Eos Transactions, 63(45), 994.
1982 journal article
Satellite infrared remote sensing: an overview and some applications
Eos Transactions, 63(18), 354.
1982 journal article
Satellite measurement of the phytoplankton pigment concentration in the surface waters of a warm core Gulf Stream ring.
Journal of Marine Research, 40(2), 491–502. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0020428674&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1982 journal article
Study of Gulf Stream variability utilizing satellite and historical data
Eos Transactions, 63(18), 362.
1982 journal article
The dynamics of chlorophyll in warm core rings as determined using complementary ship and satellite data
Eos Transactions, 63(45), 958.
1982 journal article
Visible and infrared satellite remote sensing: A status report
Naval Research Reviews, 29, 7–25.
1982 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise I, NIMBUS CZCS Imagery Digest, 15 August 81 - 14 October 81
(Technical Report, UM RSMAS No. 81005).
1982 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise II, NOAA AVHRR Imagery Digest, April 1982 - 13 May 1982
(Technical Report UM RSMAS No. 82005).
1982 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise II, Nimbus-7 CZCS Imagery Digest, 5 April 1982 - 15 May 1982
(Technical Report UM RSMAS No. 82006).
1982 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise V, NOAA AVHRR Imagery Digest, 3 September 1982 - 25 October 1982
(Technical Report UM RSMAS No. 82007).
1981 chapter book
Interannual Variability of Arabian Sea Surface Temperature

1981 book
MONEX oceanographic observations along the East African coast.
In Proc. international conference on early results on FGGE and large-scale aspects of its monsoon experiment, Tallahassee, FL, Jan 1981, (World Meteorological Organization, Geneva). http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0019647643&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1981 journal article
Propagation of thermal fronts in the somali current system
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 28(5), 521–527.

1981 report
Warm Core Rings Experiment Cruise I, NOAA AVHRR Imagery Digest, 17 August 81 - 16 October 81
(Technical Report, UM RSMAS No. 81004).
1980 journal article
Evidence for zonally-trapped propagating waves in the eastern atlantic from satellite sea surface temperature observations
Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 18(2), 145–157.

1980 journal article
Evolution of Sea Surface Temperature in the Somali Basin During the Southwest Monsoon of 1979
Science, 209(4456), 595–597.

1980 journal article
Interannual variability of the Somali Current system during the summer monsoon
Eos Transactions, 61(32), 574.
1980 chapter
In Oceanography and Surface Layer Meteorology in the B/C Scale (pp. 103–124).

1979 report
INDEX 1979 physical-oceanographic observations off the Somali Coast during 1979 made aboard R/V COLUMBUS ISELIN
(UM/RSMAS Technical Report No. TR 79-5).
1979 journal article
Observation of long period variability during GATE
Eos Transactions, 59(4), 300.
1978 conference paper
Design and implementation of a software analysis system for support of oceanographic data and satellite image processing
Proceedings of Second Working Conference on Oceanographic Data System, WHOI, 305–317.
Event: Second Working Conference on Oceanographic Data System, WHOI
1978 conference paper
Processing NOAA VHRR infrared data for geophysical applications
Proceedings of Second Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems. WHOI, 28–48.
Event: Second Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems. WHOI
1978 book review
Review of Marine Optics, by N.G. Jerlov
[Review of Marine Optics, by N. G. Jerlov]. Bulletin of Marine Science, 28(2), 391–392.
1978 conference paper
Shipboard Satellite Communications: A Progress Report
Proceedings of Second Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems. WHOI, 186–204.
Event: Second Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems. WHOI
1977 report
A current profiling survey in the Straits of Sicily
(Technical Report No. 75-TMPC-04).
1977 report
Large-scale equatorial surface thermal anomalies as observed by the GOES satellite
In The GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE). Report of the International Workshop on the GATE Equatorial Experiment (pp. 1.2–1.11). Geneva, Switzerland: International Council of Science Unions. World Meteorological Organization.
Event: International Workshop on the GATE Equatorial Experiment at Miami, FL
1977 conference paper
Oceanographic applications of satellite image enhancement systems
Interactive Video Displays for Atmospheric Studies. Proceedings of a Workshop at the Univ. of Wisconsin, 57–70. Madison.
1977 conference paper
The solid state color image display system used at the Univ. of Miami
Interactive Video Displays for Atmospheric Studies. Proceedings of a Workshop at the Univ. of Wisconsin, 121–132. Madison.
1976 report
A current profiling survey in the Straits of Sicily
[Technical Report (nIterim Confidential Report),].
1975 journal article
A multi-phase Monte Carlo technique for simulation of radiative transfer
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 15(5), 419–422.
1975 journal article
Computed Relationships Between the Inherent and Apparent Optical Properties of a Flat Homogeneous Ocean
Applied Optics, 14(2), 417.

1975 conference paper
Computers at sea: is satellite communication a viable alternative?
Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems. WHOI, Woods Hole, MA. Proceedings, UNOLS, 81.
Event: Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems at Woods Hole, MA
1975 journal article
Diffuse reflectance of the ocean: some effects of vertical structure
Applied Optics, 14(12), 2892.

1974 journal article
Comparison between the diffuse reflectance of homogeneous and two-layer oceans
Eos Transactions, 55, 287.
1974 report
GARP/GATE Report No. 14, Preliminary scientific results
In GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (Vol. 1, pp. 33–337).
1974 journal article
Influence of Bottom Depth and Albedo on the Diffuse Reflectance of a Flat Homogeneous Ocean
Applied Optics, 13(9), 2153.

1974 report
Meander motions in the Equatorial Atlantic
[Preliminary report, first results from the Equatorial PCM Experiment during GATE, phase II, UM/RSMAS Scientific Report].
1974 journal article
Semi-empirical relations between the inherent and apparent optical properties of the ocean
Eos Transactions, 55, 289.
1974 journal article
Size–Refractive Index Distribution of Clear Coastal Water Particulates from Light Scattering
Applied Optics, 13(12), 2874.

1973 thesis
A Study Of Light-Scattering By Ocean Borne Particulates
1973 journal article
Comment on “Method for the determination of the index of refraction of particles suspended in the ocean”*
Journal of the Optical Society of America, 63(12), 1616.

1973 journal article
Irradiance Reflectivity of a Flat Ocean as a Function of Its Optical Properties
Applied Optics, 12(7), 1549.

1973 journal article
Irradiance reflectivity in and above a homogeneous ocean
Eos Transactions, 54(4), 317.
1973 journal article
Light scattering in the Florida Straits
Eos Transactions, 54(4), 311.
1973 journal article
Two Component Mie Scattering Models of Sargasso Sea Particles
Applied Optics, 12(10), 2461.

1972 journal article
Limnology and Oceanography, 17(6), 826–832.

1972 conference paper
Immersion Corrections for the Eppley Underwater Pyranometer
Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 163. Boston, MA: AMS.
Event: Conference on Atmospheric Radiation at Fort Collins, CO on August 7-9, 1972
1972 journal article
Multicomponent models of light scattering by ocean particles
Eos Transactions, 53(4), 400.
1972 journal article
Theory of Coincidence Counts and Simple Practical Methods of Coincidence Count Correction for Optical and Resistive Pulse Particle Counters
Review of Scientific Instruments, 43(10), 1407–1412.
1971 report
Measurement of the classical scattering matrix
(Univ. of Miami Physics Dept. Publication No. MIAPH-OP-71.6).
1971 journal article
Small angle mie scattering calculations for low index hydrosols
Journal Optical Society of America, 61, 599.
1971 journal article
Spectra of underwater light field fluctuations in the photic zone
Bull. Mar. Sci., 21(2), 446–470.
1971 report
Tables of mie scattering functions for low index particles in water
(Univ. of Miami Physics Dept. Publication No. MIAPH-OP-71.5).
1971 journal article
Theoretical models of light scattering by hydrosols
Eos Transactions, 52(4), 25.
1970 journal article
The computer in hydrological optics
Optical Spectra, 4(5), 50–55.
journal article
A comparison of AVHRR and GEOSAT Derived Locations of the Brazil Current Surface Front
Podestá, G. P., Goñi, G. J., & Brown, O. B. Eos Transactions, 73(43), 128.
EOS Aqua Oct
Trenberth, K. E., Belward, A., Brown, O., Haberman, E., Karl, T. R., Running, S., … Wielicki, B. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Investigator, P., & Brown, O. B. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Investigator, P., & Brown, O. B. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Investigator, P., Brown, O. B., Near, A., & Objectives, T. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Updated: July 1st, 2014 11:38
2012 - present
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1983 - 1987
Updated: July 1st, 2014 11:46
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Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: August 18th, 2022 12:28