@article{yilmaz_powell_banks-lee_michielsen_2012, title={Hemp-fiber Based Nonwoven Composites: Effects of Alkalization on Sound Absorption Performance}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1875-0052"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000309249900015&KeyUID=WOS:000309249900015}, DOI={10.1007/s12221-012-0915-0}, number={7}, journal={FIBERS AND POLYMERS}, author={Yilmaz, Nazire Deniz and Powell, Nancy B. and Banks-Lee, Pamela and Michielsen, Stephen}, year={2012}, month={Sep}, pages={915–922} } @article{yilmaz_powell_banks-lee_michielsen_2013, title={Multi-fiber needle-punched nonwoven composites: Effects of heat treatment on sound absorption performance}, volume={43}, ISSN={["1530-8057"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000324590000006&KeyUID=WOS:000324590000006}, DOI={10.1177/1528083712452899}, abstractNote={ Nonwovens have been increasingly used in car interiors for noise reduction. Most of these nonwovens are subjected to thermal treatments to give the nonwovens their final three-dimensional forms. Therefore, it became crucial to investigate the effects of thermal treatment on sound absorption characteristics of nonwovens. In this study, the effects of the material and treatment parameters on airflow resistivity and normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient of thermally treated three-layered nonwoven composites have been studied. The material parameters included fiber size and porosity. The treatment factors included the temperature and duration. The thermally treated three-layered nonwoven composites are classified into three types based on the material content and fiber blend. Sandwich structures consisting of polylactide/hemp/polylactide and polypropylene/glassfiber/polypropylene layers were called LHL and PGP, respectively. The sample which consisted of three layers of an intimate blend of polypropylene-glassfiber was named as PGI. Both temperature and duration of thermal treatment have been found to affect air flow resistivity and sound absorption. An increase in air flow resistivity and a decrease in sound absorption have been detected with heat treatment. A similarity has been observed between the thermal behaviors of PGP and PGI, which included the same thermoplastic polymer fiber. Variation in air flow resistivity of sandwich structure nonwoven composites increased with the increase in temperature, which was not observed in the intimate blend ones. The air flow resistivity of heat-treated nonwovens followed a steeper trend compared to unheated nonwovens per change in material parameters. In terms of treatment parameters, the difference between the thermal treatment and the melting point of the thermoplastics constituent of the nonwoven composite was found to be a significant factor on sound absorption. This effect of treatment temperature on sound absorption changed with treatment duration. The sound absorptive characteristic of the nonwoven composites in terms of sound frequency underwent a change with thermal treatment due to the structural changes with exposure to high temperature. }, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES}, author={Yilmaz, Nazire Deniz and Powell, Nancy B. and Banks-Lee, Pamela and Michielsen, Stephen}, year={2013}, month={Oct}, pages={231–246} } @article{yilmaz_michielsen_banks-lee_powell_2012, title={Effects of Material and Treatment Parameters on Noise-Control Performance of Compressed Three-Layered Multifiber Needle-Punched Nonwovens}, volume={123}, ISSN={["1097-4628"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000297932300024&KeyUID=WOS:000297932300024}, DOI={10.1002/app.34712}, abstractNote={AbstractThe effects of material and treatment parameters on airflow resistivity and normal‐incidence sound absorption coefficient (NAC) of compressed three‐layer nonwoven composites have been studied. Material parameters included fiber size and porosity, and treatment factors included applied pressure and duration of compression. Fibers used included poly(lactic acid) (PLA), polypropylene (PP), glassfiber, and hemp. Three‐layered nonwoven composites were classified based on material content and fiber blend. LHL and PGP were sandwiched structures consisting of PLA/Hemp/PLA and PP/glassfiber/PP layers, respectively. PGI consisted of three layers of an intimate blend of PP and glassfiber. Statistical models were developed to predict air flow resistivity from material parameters and the change in air flow resistivity from compression parameters. Independent variables in the first model were porosity and fiber size and, in the latter model, were compressibility, pressure, and initial material parameters. An increase in air flow resistivity was found with increased compression. No significant effect of compression duration was detected. Two additional statistical models were developed for the prediction of sound absorption coefficient based on material and treatment parameters. The independent variables of the first model were air flow resistivity, thickness, and frequency, and those of the second model were compressibility, initial thickness, and initial density of the composite, diameter and density of the fiber, compression pressure, and frequency. A decrease in sound absorption coefficient was detected with increasing compression, while no effect of duration was detected. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE}, author={Yilmaz, Nazire Deniz and Michielsen, Stephen and Banks-Lee, Pamela and Powell, Nancy B.}, year={2012}, month={Feb}, pages={2095–2106} } @article{yilmaz_banks-lee_powell_michielsen_2011, title={Effects of Porosity, Fiber Size, and Layering Sequence on Sound Absorption Performance of Needle-Punched Nonwovens}, volume={121}, ISSN={["1097-4628"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000291598100069&KeyUID=WOS:000291598100069}, DOI={10.1002/app.33312}, abstractNote={AbstractThe relationships between the material parameters, i.e., the fiber fineness, porosity, areal density, layering sequence, and airflow resistivity with the normal‐incidence sound absorption coefficient of nonwoven composites consisting of three layers have been studied. The monofiber or multifiber needle‐punched nonwovens included poly(lactic acid) (PLA), polypropylene (PP), glass fiber, and hemp fibers. Air flow resistivity was statistically modeled and was found to increase with decreasing fiber size and nonwoven porosity. The former models developed for glass fiber mats in the literature were found to be inconsistent with the air flow resistance of the nonwovens reported below. The effects of the layering sequence on air flow resistivity and sound absorption were obtained. It was found that when the layer including reinforcement fibers, i.e., hemp or glass fiber, faced the air flow/sound source, the air flow resistance and the absorption coefficient were higher than the case when the layer including reinforcement fibers was farthest from the air flow/sound source. The difference was more pronounced if there was a greater difference between the resistivity values of the constituent layers of the nonwoven composite. Sound absorption coefficient was statistically modeled in terms of air flow resistivity and frequency. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE}, author={Yilmaz, Nazire Deniz and Banks-Lee, Pamela and Powell, Nancy B. and Michielsen, Stephen}, year={2011}, month={Sep}, pages={3056–3069} } @article{vallabh_ducoste_seyam_banks-leel_2011, title={Modeling tortuosity in thin fibrous porous media using computational fluid dynamics}, volume={14}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80053462291&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1615/jpormedia.v14.i9.40}, abstractNote={VALLABH, RAHUL. Modeling Tortuosity in Fibrous Porous Media using Computational Fluid Dynamics. (Under the direction of Dr. Pamela Banks-Lee and Dr. Abdel-Fattah Seyam). Tortuosity factor is often used to characterize the structure of the pore volume in fibrous porous media. This work involves the determination of tortuosity using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation and particle tracking analysis. A new method has been adopted to generate 3-D geometry for modeling fibrous porous structures using ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). Computation fluid dynamics has been used to simulate permeability of modeled 3-D fiberweb structures. The simulated permeability results are in good agreement with the models proposed by other authors. The experimental results were found to be slightly higher compared to simulated results and existing models due to the layered configuration of the samples. Permeability is found to be significantly influenced by fiber diameter, and porosity as well as fiberweb thickness. The relationship between air permeability and fiberweb thickness has been used to develop an indirect method for determination of tortuosity factor. Tortuosity factor has also been determined using a more direct method involving CFD simulation and Particle Tracking analysis. Different models established using the direct and indirect methods of determination show that tortuosity is significantly influenced by porosity, fiber diameter and fiberweb thickness, whereas the models available in the literature express tortuosity as a function of porosity only. Modeling Tortuosity in Fibrous Porous Media using Computational Fluid Dynamics}, number={9}, journal={Journal of Porous Media}, author={Vallabh, R. and Ducoste, J. and Seyam, Abdel-Fattah and Banks-Leel, P.}, year={2011}, pages={791–804} } @article{vallabh_banks-lee_seyam_2010, title={New approach for determining tortuosity in fibrous porous media}, volume={5}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics}, author={Vallabh, R. and Banks-Lee, P. and Seyam, A. F.}, year={2010}, pages={7–15} } @article{dyk_peralta_peszlen_banks-lee_2009, title={An innovative wood-fiber composite incorporating nonwoven textile technologies}, volume={59}, DOI={10.13073/0015-7473-59.11.11}, abstractNote={This article is the first to describe a process of manufacturing engineered wood composites that combine two nonwoven textile technologies: bicomponent fiber and needle punching. Hardwood fiber was blended with 10 percent urea formaldehyde and formed into mats. The mats were sandwiched with polypropylene/polyester bicomponent fibers and then needle punched. Needle punching was done by means of barbed needles that oscillated in a vertical direction with regard to the surface of the fiber mat. The barbed needles mechanically interlaced the bicomponent web to the wood-fiber mat and pulled some of the polymer fibers through the thickness direction of the mat. During hot pressing, the polypropylene sheath of the bicomponent fiber flowed, bonded with adjacent wood fibers, and coalesced with the sheath of the adjacent bicomponent fibers. The mats were pressed until the urea formaldehyde was fully cured. Bending and tensile properties of the needle-punched wood composite were assessed and compared with medium-den...}, number={11-12}, journal={Forest Products Journal}, author={Dyk, H. and Peralta, P. and PESZLEN, ILONA and Banks-Lee, P.}, year={2009}, pages={11–17} } @article{vallabh_banks-lee_mohammadi_2008, title={Determination of radiative thermal conductivity in needlepunched nonwovens}, volume={3}, ISBN={1558-9250}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics}, author={Vallabh, R. and Banks-Lee, P. and Mohammadi, M.}, year={2008}, pages={46–52} } @article{greer_banks-lee_jones_2007, title={Physical and mechanical properties of chiengora fibers}, volume={7}, number={5}, journal={AATCC Review}, author={Greer, S. and Banks-Lee, P. and Jones, M.}, year={2007}, pages={42–46} } @article{banks-lee_turner_seyam_2004, title={Evaluating the effectiveness of bifid medical needles for protection from needle-stick injuries}, volume={74}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051750407400203}, abstractNote={ Most blood-borne pathogen transmissions in the healthcare industry are caused by needle-stick injuries, and protection from sharp invasive instruments is of great concern. Recently, a modified design of medical needles (bifid needles) has been proposed to prevent needle-stick injuries. The bifid needle is designed to provide protection for users by entangling itself with an article of personal protective clothing. The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of bifid medical needles for protection against needle-stick injuries. A comparison of bifid and standard needles is conducted by evalu ating the forces experienced by the needle during penetration through Spectra 1000® woven fabric using a force measurement device. A predictive model is derived, expressing resistance to needle penetration in terms of needle and fabric parameters. Our study shows that bifid and standard needles behave differently when penetrating through a fabric. The predictive model indicates that the independent parameters of fabric orientation, needle penetration depth, and needle gap and their interactions significantly affect fabric resis tance to needle penetration. }, number={2}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Banks-Lee, P and Turner, LDC and Seyam, AM}, year={2004}, month={Feb}, pages={101–107} } @article{mohammadi_banks-lee_ghadimi_2003, title={Determining effective thermal conductivity of multilayered nonwoven fabrics}, volume={73}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051750307300909}, abstractNote={ The average effective thermal conductivity Keff is measured for forty-eight multilayered needle-punched nonwoven samples. Samples are produced using glass and ceramic fibers layered in several different constructions and punched with needles with varying numbers of barbs. The thermal conductivities are determined at steady state, using a Holometrix guard hot plate at an average applied temperature of 455°C. Statistical results show an ability to predict effective thermal conductivity with greater than 88% accuracy. Important parameters of the model include fabric weight, thickness, porosity, and structure, along with the applied temperature. Results also show that the nine-barbed structure with the highest ceramic content has the greatest potential for thermal insulation at elevated temperatures. }, number={9}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Mohammadi, M and Banks-Lee, P and Ghadimi, P}, year={2003}, month={Sep}, pages={802–808} } @article{mohammadi_banks-lee_ghadimi_2003, title={Determining radiative heat transfer through heterogeneous multilayer nonwoven materials}, volume={73}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051750307301008}, abstractNote={ A theoretical equation of the combined thermal conductive, convective, and radiative heat flow through heterogeneous multilayer fibrous materials is presented. Samples whose properties are analyzed by this equation were constructed from glass and ceramic webs and used in an earlier work to experimentally determine their thermal conductivities. In that experimental work, overall effective thermal conductivities were determined using a guarded hot plate instrument with temperatures ranging from 430 to 480°C. In the theoretical equation presented here, thermal convective heat flow is ignored because of fabric structural conditions, and the conduction component of the overall conductivity is determined by Fricke's equation. Furthermore, the results of Fricke's equation and the overall effective thermal conductivity are used to estimate the radiative thermal conduc tivity of the samples. }, number={10}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Mohammadi, M and Banks-Lee, P and Ghadimi, P}, year={2003}, month={Oct}, pages={896–900} } @article{turner_seyam_banks-lee_2003, title={Protective system from medical needle-sticks. Part I: Background and system development}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1229-9197"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF02875437}, number={2}, journal={FIBERS AND POLYMERS}, author={Turner, LC and Seyam, AM and Banks-Lee, P}, year={2003}, month={Jun}, pages={54–58} } @article{seyam_turner_banks-lee_2003, title={Protective system from medical needle-sticks. Part II: Evaluation of woven structures and bifid needles}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1229-9197"]}, DOI={10.1007/BF02875460}, number={3}, journal={FIBERS AND POLYMERS}, author={Seyam, AM and Turner, LC and Banks-Lee, P}, year={2003}, month={Sep}, pages={129–134} } @article{mohhammadi_banks-lee_ghadimi_2002, title={Air permeability of multi-layered nonwoven fabrics: Experimental method}, volume={32}, DOI={10.1106/152808302031161}, abstractNote={ In many applications, fabric structure has a dominant influence on the performance characteristics of a material, particularly in controlling transport of flows. Experimental air permeability was determined for 12 multilayer, heterogeneous, needle punched nonwoven materials. Samples were produced using multiple layers of ceramic and glass fibers. The fibers used to produce the ceramic layers for all samples have approximately the same diameter and density as the fibers used to produce the glass layers for all samples. Therefore, the samples were assumed to be multilayer homogeneous fabrics. In this paper, the experimental permeability is measured usingstandard equipment and results are discussed as a function of fabric construction parameters. Results showed that increasingthe fraction of glass and/or the fraction of ceramic content, and increasingthe number of needle barbs all cause a decrease in air permeability. Statistical results showed that the experimental air permeability can be predicted with greater than 99% confidence when using fabric thickness, fraction of glass in the sample, and fabric density as independent variables in the model. }, number={2}, journal={Journal of Industrial Textiles}, author={Mohhammadi, M. and Banks-Lee, P. and Ghadimi, P.}, year={2002}, pages={139–150} } @article{mohammadi_banks-lee_ghadimi_2002, title={Air permeability of multi-layered nonwoven fabrics: Theoritical method}, volume={32}, DOI={10.1106/152808302031065}, abstractNote={ The theoretical permeability of multilayered nonwoven fabrics was studied using a modified Kozeny equation. The Kozeny equation is based on the concept of a hydraulic radius, i.e., a characteristic length parameter. It is limited to structures with porosities less than 0.94. The structures used in this research are intended for use as high temperature insulation and all had porosities of greater than 0.96. The Kozeny equation was therefore modified to extend its usefulness to fabrics with higher porosity. Fabric construction parameters, along with fabric and fiber properties were used as inputs to this model and theoretical air permeability was determined. The effect of number of barbs and layering structure on the determination of theoretical air permeability was also considered and discussed. Statistical analysis was performed showing that fabric thickness, number of needle barbs, mean pore size and fabric density are significant factors in predicting theoretical air permeability. }, number={1}, journal={Journal of Industrial Textiles}, author={Mohammadi, M. and Banks-Lee, P. and Ghadimi, P.}, year={2002}, pages={45–57} } @article{mohammadi_banks-lee_2002, title={Air permeability of multilayered nonwoven fabrics: Comparison of experimental and theoretical results}, volume={72}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051750207200708}, abstractNote={ The experimental and theoretical air permeabilities of twelve multilayered. needle punched nonwoven samples are compared in this paper. Samples are made from ceramic and glass with varying layer structures. The density and diameter of all fibers used to make individual webs are approximately the same, and so the fabric samples made from these webs are assumed to be homogeneous, multilayered structures. The porosity of all fabric structures is greater than 0.96. Thus, the theoretical air permeability is based on a modified Kozeny equation. Experimental measurements involve the Frazier air permeability tester. }, number={7}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Mohammadi, M and Banks-Lee, P}, year={2002}, month={Jul}, pages={613–617} } @article{hergeth_chowoe_banks-lee_2001, title={The effect of abrasion on sound absorption of automotive fabrics}, volume={82}, number={8}, journal={Melliand Textilberichte}, author={Hergeth, H. and Chowoe, S. and Banks-Lee, P.}, year={2001}, pages={158–159} } @article{grewal_banks-lee_1999, title={Development of thermal insulation for textile wet processing machinery using needlepunched nonwoven fabrics}, volume={8}, number={2}, journal={International Nonwovens Journal}, author={Grewal, R. S. and Banks-Lee, P.}, year={1999}, pages={61–66} } @inbook{banks-lee_pegram_1997, title={Testing road}, volume={23}, ISBN={9780471526919}, booktitle={Encyclopedia of chemical technology (4th ed.)}, publisher={New York: Wiley}, author={Banks-Lee, P. and Pegram, J.}, editor={J. I. Kroschwitz and Howe-Grant, M.Editors}, year={1997} } @article{datar_bankslee_grady_1996, title={Acoustical characteristics of fabrics in high-intensity ultrasound}, volume={48}, ISSN={["0003-682X"]}, DOI={10.1016/0003-682X(95)00045-B}, abstractNote={In utilizing ultrasound to aid in wet processing (dyeing and washing) of fabrics, it is important to know an effective way to introduce the ultrasound to the fabric. The process of increasing dye transfer from the dye bath to the fabric using ultrasonic energy is a function of the acoustic impedance characteristics of the fabrics. A large acoustic impedance mismatch between the dye bath and the fabric implies that the ultrasound is not able to penetrate the fabric. This means that multiple layers of fabric could not be processed in an ultrasound tank without supplying ultrasound to both sides of the fabric. Hence, knowing the reflection, absorption and transmission of the ultrasonic energy at the fabric-water interface will help in determining the fabric processability. There is no published literature on this problem. The purpose of the research presented here is to gain better insight into this interaction. The work shown here is restricted to only the transmission and absorption of high intensity ultrasound through fabrics.}, number={1}, journal={APPLIED ACOUSTICS}, author={Datar, GV and BanksLee, P and Grady, PL}, year={1996}, month={May}, pages={33–45} } @article{datar_bankslee_grady_1996, title={Acoustical properties of fabrics in low-intensity ultrasound}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0003-682X"]}, DOI={10.1016/0003-682X(95)00044-A}, abstractNote={In utilizing ultrasound to aid in the wet processing (dyeing and washing) of fabrics, it is important to know an effective way of introducing the ultrasound to the fabric. The process of increasing dye transfer from the dye bath to the fabric using ultrasonic energy is a function of the acoustic impedance characteristics of the fabrics. Previous research showed that fabrics transmit less than 4% of incident energy and have negligible absorption of high-intensity ultrasound. The transmission results show a great deal of scatter due to uncontrollable causes. Also, there is no standard method to quantify reflection when high-intensity ultrasound is used. This paper investigates the acoustical properties of fabrics in low-intensity ultrasound. These results are then compared with those obtained for high-intensity ultrasound. Tests showed that fabrics transmit about 15% and reflect about 50% of the low-intensity ultrasound. However, when thoroughly wetted, fabrics transmit 100% low-intensity ultrasound.}, number={4}, journal={APPLIED ACOUSTICS}, author={Datar, GV and BanksLee, P and Grady, PL}, year={1996}, month={Apr}, pages={345–350} } @article{sun_bankslee_peng_1993, title={SOUND-ABSORPTION IN AN ANISOTROPIC PERIODICALLY LAYERED FLUID-SATURATED POROUS-MEDIUM}, volume={39}, ISSN={["0003-682X"]}, DOI={10.1016/0003-682X(93)90030-A}, abstractNote={A study was made of harmonic plane wave propagation through an anisotropic, periodically layered, fluid-saturated, porous medium. Biot's theory was used to describe the constitutive equations of a fluid-saturated porous solid. Employing the idea of introducing fundamental elasticity tensors, the field equations governing the wave propagation were derived in terms of first-order ordinary differential equations. Propagator matrix formulation was adopted to treat the periodically layered property. The reflection at oblique incidence between fluid and a fluid-saturated material, backed by a rigid impervious surface, was determined and the sound-absorption coefficient of the material was obtained. The calculated results agree well with the experimental results.}, number={1-2}, journal={APPLIED ACOUSTICS}, author={SUN, F and BANKSLEE, P and PENG, H}, year={1993}, pages={65–76} } @article{sun_bankslee_peng_1993, title={WAVE-PROPAGATION THEORY IN ANISOTROPIC PERIODICALLY LAYERED FLUID-SATURATED POROUS-MEDIA}, volume={93}, ISSN={["0001-4966"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.405412}, abstractNote={A study is made of harmonic plane-wave propagation through an anisotropic, periodically layered, fluid-saturated, porous medium. Biot’s theory is used to describe the constitutive equations of a fluid-saturated porous solid. Employing the idea of introducing fundamental elasticity tensors, the field equations governing the wave propagation are derived in terms of first-order matrix ordinary differential equations. Propagator matrix formulation is adopted to treat the periodically layered property. Within this framework, the inhomogeneous medium is treated by dividing it into homogeneous layers. This technique is acceptable provided the coefficient matrix of ordinary differential equations consists of piecewise constants. Also, within each layer, the general case of anisotropic, fluid-saturated, porous materials can be considered. Based on this approach, a numerical model was developed and results are presented for a fluid-saturated, fabric material.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={SUN, F and BANKSLEE, P and PENG, H}, year={1993}, month={Mar}, pages={1277–1285} } @article{ghosh_peng_hamouda_shin_1992, title={ANALYSIS OF FABRIC DEFORMATION IN A ROLL-MAKING OPERATION}, volume={62}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051759206201107}, abstractNote={ The relationship between various parameters of roll making, fabric properties, and the resultant stresses developed within a fabric roll has been discussed in Parts I and II of this series. A discrete continuum model was used to describe fabric deformation during roll making. In the present model, the fabric is assumed to be in plane stress state and the effect in the filling direction is entirely neglected. The fabric is considered as anisotropic in warp and thickness directions. The effect of fabric viscoelasticity in the warp direction is also considered. A simple two-term Maxwell viscoelastic model is used to describe the fabric viscoelastic behavior. The stress relaxation process within fabric rolls during and after roll formation is discussed through numerical examples. }, number={11}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={ghosh and Peng, H. and Hamouda, H. and Shin, D. H.}, year={1992}, month={Nov}, pages={669–676} } @inproceedings{banks-lee_peng_diggs_1992, title={Sound absorption properties of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics}, booktitle={Proceedings: 1992 Nonwovens Conference: Marriott's Marco Island Hotel, Marco Island, FL, May 10-14}, publisher={Atlanta, GA : TAPPI Press}, author={Banks-Lee, P. and Peng, H. and Diggs, A.L.}, year={1992} } @article{ghosh_peng_bankslee_hamouda_shin_1991, title={ANALYSIS OF FABRIC DEFORMATION IN A ROLL-MAKING OPERATION}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051759106100305}, abstractNote={ Fabric deformation in the roll-making operation and the resulting state of stress in the fabric roll are analyzed through a discrete continuum model. The fabric elastic properties are assumed to be linear and anisotropic. Only the static case is considered, wherein dynamic effects in roll making are neglected. Effects of fabric Young's modulus in the warp and thickness directions, tube elastic modulus, fabric Poisson's ratios, and fabric weight per unit area on the state of stress inside the roll are parametrically investigated. Numerical results are obtained and discussed for each parameter. Theo retical results show that when a constant in-plane tension is applied for winding, the fabric may actually come under in-plane compression inside the roll. This observation is believed to be important, since it may reveal one of the causes of possible buckling and unevenness inside the roll. The theoretical model and the numercial solution procedures developed can easily be modified to incorporate nonlinear load-deformation behavior of fabrics. }, number={3}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={GHOSH, TK and PENG, H and BANKSLEE, P and HAMOUDA, H and SHIN, DH}, year={1991}, month={Mar}, pages={153–161} } @article{ghosh_peng_bankslee_hamouda_shin_1991, title={ANALYSIS OF FABRIC DEFORMATION IN A ROLL-MAKING OPERATION .2. A DYNAMIC CASE}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051759106100401}, abstractNote={ The analysis of stress and displacement fields within a fabric roll is presented as a continuation of Part I of this series of papers. A discrete continuum model is used again to describe fabric deformation during the roll-making ( batching ) operation. The roll of fabric is considered to be in a state of plane stress, and the fabric is assumed to be anisotropic. The rotational speed of the fabric roll during the batching operation or the resultant fabric winding speed is considered as a parameter in the analysis. The effects of fabric winding speed on the state of stresses inside the roll is investigated, as is the problem of nonlinear lateral compressional behavior of the fabric. }, number={4}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={GHOSH, TK and PENG, H and BANKSLEE, P and HAMOUDA, H and SHIN, DH}, year={1991}, month={Apr}, pages={185–192} } @article{bankslee_emerson_keltie_tucker_1991, title={OPTIMIZING TEXTILE SPINDLE DESIGN USING FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS}, volume={61}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/004051759106101106}, abstractNote={ A discussion is presented on developing a finite element model to predict natural frequencies and mode shapes of an existing oil-lubricated spindle, testing the ability of the model to accurately predict the effect of changes in the spindle mass and stiffness, and using the model to determine a method of increasing the second natural frequency, thus reducing spindle vibration. In each step, model results are verified by making appropriate modifications in the existing spindle and testing the modified spindle under static conditions. Results appear promising and show an effective means of reducing spindle vibration. There is also a brief discussion of the expected performance of the modified spindle. Performance considerations are based on mode shape deflection at the top of the spindle. Results predict that the modified spindle will not cause increased performance problems. }, number={11}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={BANKSLEE, P and EMERSON, PD and KELTIE, RF and TUCKER, PA}, year={1991}, month={Nov}, pages={659–667} } @article{banks-lee_peng_1990, title={Comments on hydrodynamics in packed textile beds}, volume={60}, number={7}, journal={Textile Research Journal}, author={Banks-Lee, P. and Peng, H.}, year={1990}, pages={427–428} } @article{peng_bankslee_1990, title={EDGE EFFECT ON RADIATION EFFICIENCY OF A BAFFLED BEAM BELOW THE CRITICAL FREQUENCY}, volume={88}, ISSN={["0001-4966"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.400173}, abstractNote={The radiation efficiency of a beam is theoretically determined from the total acoustic power radiated from the vibrating surface. The beam is supported in an infinite baffle, with edges constrained by either rotational or translational springs. Asymptotic solutions are derived for frequencies well below the critical frequency (KL≪1). In the range of KL<1, the asymptotic solutions are validated by numerical evaluation. For comparison, the low-frequency solutions are normalized by dividing them by the radiation efficiency of a beam with hinged supports. Numerical results show that a beam with edges constrained by soft springs may generate higher radiation efficiency than one with edges constrained by stiff springs. For a beam with edges constrained by translational springs, the maximum value of normalized efficiency ratio asymptotically approaches 2 as the mode number tends to infinity. For a beam with edges constrained by rotational springs, the radiation may be higher than that of a clamped beam. This phenomenon exists only for low-order modes.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={PENG, H and BANKSLEE, P}, year={1990}, month={Oct}, pages={2001–2006} } @misc{bankslee_peng_1989, title={LENGTH ERROR ANALYSIS FOR IMPEDANCE TUBE MEASUREMENTS}, volume={85}, ISSN={["0001-4966"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.397967}, abstractNote={Length error analysis of the transfer function method and improved standing wave ratio (SWR) method for impedance tube measurements is presented in this letter. The error of measuring the complex reflection coefficients R is caused by errors in measuring the positions of the two microphones (or the two pressure points for the improved SWR method). Results agree with Abom and Boden’s [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 83, 2429–2438 (1988)] conclusions, i.e., errors will be large if s, the separation distance of the two microphones, is about one-half wavelength and will be small if s is about one-quarter wavelength. Results also show that in order to reduce the amplitude error of R, it is better to locate one microphone near a minimum pressure point and the other near the adjacent maximum pressure point. To reduce the phase error of R for the transfer function method, preference of the two microphone locations depends on the combination of length errors Δl1 and Δl2. Phase error reduction for the improved SWR method requires an accurate measurement of the minimum pressure point.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={BANKSLEE, P and PENG, H}, year={1989}, month={Apr}, pages={1769–1772} } @article{peng_bankslee_1989, title={SOURCE CORRELATION-EFFECTS ON THE SOUND POWER RADIATION FROM SPHERICAL-SHELLS}, volume={86}, ISSN={["0001-4966"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.398718}, abstractNote={The sound power radiated from a fluid-loaded thin spherical shell under the action of correlated axisymmetric annular forces is formulated in this study. By assuming that two forces possess identical bandlimited white-noise spectra, uniformly distributed against the equator of the spherical shell, numerical evaluations of the nondimensional sound power are performed for a steel shell immersed in air and water, respectively. The results show that (1) keeping the input power the same, point forces always produce higher sound power levels than distributed forces; (2) when the band of excitation falls into a relatively low frequency region where only very few, if any, shell modes can be excited, the cross spectra between forces generally have important effects on the radiated sound power level; (3) when the band covers a relatively wide frequency range where more shell modes can be excited, the role of source correlations becomes important only if the two forces are located close to one another; (4) when two forces are positively correlated (r=+1), there always exists an optimal separation distance (expressed as angle Θ1) between the two forces that will produce a relatively minimum sound power level. This phenomenon of sound power reduction is discussed by means of sound power spectrum analysis. These conclusions are applicable for spherical shells immersed in air and in water.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={PENG, H and BANKSLEE, P}, year={1989}, month={Oct}, pages={1586–1594} }