@article{russell_correa_stauber_kase_2010, title={North Carolina Hispanic Farmworkers and Intestinal Parasitism: A Pilot Study of Prevalence and Health-Related Practices,and Potential Means of Foodborne Transmission}, volume={73}, ISSN={0362-028X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4315/0362-028x-73.5.985}, DOI={10.4315/0362-028x-73.5.985}, abstractNote={Migrant and seasonal farmworkers provide much of the necessary labor to harvest and process agricultural commodities desired by consumers. Little is known about the health status (especially the parasitic burden) of farm laborers, who handpick agricultural items such as fruits and vegetables, despite being implicated as a means of foodborne pathogen transmission. The goal of this research was to develop a framework to investigate enteric parasitic infections among Hispanic farmworkers in Eastern North Carolina. Seventy-one interviews were conducted, 16 stool samples were collected, and two parasite-positive workers were found. In addition, some potentially harmful health practices (e.g., self-medication) were identified. Further research is necessary to fully understand the scope of farmworker health issues and the potential risk of disseminating foodborne pathogens to humans. The study model presented provides a geographically expandable format to allow for various types of health investigations including the prevalence of other pathogens.}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Food Protection}, publisher={International Association for Food Protection}, author={Russell, Mindi D. and Correa, Maria T. and Stauber, Christine E. and Kase, Julie A.}, year={2010}, month={May}, pages={985–988} } @article{woodall_madoff_bodenheimer_cowen_damrongwatanapokin_ekue_garland_hugh-jones_shimshony_yuill_2010, title={PhD ProMED-mail and One Health}, volume={3}, number={1}, journal={One Health Newsletter}, author={Woodall, Jack and Madoff, Lawrence C. and Bodenheimer, Alison and Cowen, Peter and Damrongwatanapokin, Thanis and Ekue, Fabian and Garland, Tam and Hugh-Jones, Martin and Shimshony, Amon and Yuill, Tom}, year={2010} } @article{charles-smith_lewbart_aresco_cowen_2009, title={Detection of Salmonella in Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) During Two Relocation Efforts in Florida}, volume={8}, ISSN={1071-8443}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2744/ccb-0771.1}, DOI={10.2744/ccb-0771.1}, abstractNote={Abstract Two separate populations of threatened gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in Florida were found to carry Salmonella spp. during relocation efforts from Orange and St. Johns Counties to Walton County. The potentially zoonotic bacteria were detected using cloacal swabs for culture and PCR analysis. Although there was a difference in the amount of perceived clinical stress undergone in each group, the percentage of tortoises shedding Salmonella was not statistically significant between the cohorts (9% and 11%). All isolates underwent antibiotic sensitivity testing and were susceptible to 10 antibiotic compounds.}, number={2}, journal={Chelonian Conservation and Biology}, publisher={Chelonian Conservation and Biology Journal}, author={Charles-Smith, Lauren E. and Lewbart, Gregory A. and Aresco, Matthew J. and Cowen, Peter}, year={2009}, month={Dec}, pages={213–216} } @article{dunning_martin_tickel_gentry_cowen_slenning_2009, title={Preparedness and Disaster Response Training for Veterinary Students: Literature Review and Description of the North Carolina State University Credentialed Veterinary Responder Program}, volume={36}, ISSN={0748-321X 1943-7218}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/jvme/013}, DOI={10.3138/jvme/013}, abstractNote={The nation's veterinary colleges lack the curricula necessary to meet veterinary demands for animal/public health and emergency preparedness. To this end, the authors report a literature review summarizing training programs within human/veterinary medicine. In addition, the authors describe new competency-based Veterinary Credential Responder training at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine (NCSU CVM). From an evaluation of 257 PubMed-derived articles relating to veterinary/medical disaster training, 14 fulfilled all inclusion requirements (nine were veterinary oriented; five came from human medical programs). Few offered ideas on the core competencies required to produce disaster-planning and response professionals. The lack of published literature in this area points to a need for more formal discussion and research on core competencies. Non-veterinary articles emphasized learning objectives, commonly listing an incident command system, the National Incident Management System, teamwork, communications, and critical event management/problem solving. These learning objectives were accomplished either through short-course formats or via their integration into a larger curriculum. Formal disaster training in veterinary medicine mostly occurs within existing public health courses. Much of the literature focuses on changing academia to meet current and future needs in public/animal health disaster-preparedness and careers. The NCSU CVM program, in collaboration with North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service, Emergency Programs and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health, operates as a stand-alone third-year two-week core-curriculum training program that combines lecture, online, experiential, and group exercises to meet entry-level federal credentialing requirements. The authors report here its content, outcomes, and future development plans.}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Veterinary Medical Education}, publisher={University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)}, author={Dunning, Dianne and Martin, Michael P. and Tickel, Jimmy L. and Gentry, William B. and Cowen, Peter and Slenning, Barrett D.}, year={2009}, month={Sep}, pages={317–330} } @inbook{cowen_2008, place={Washington, D.C}, title={Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases ProMED-mail}, booktitle={Achieving Sustainable Global Capacity for Surveillance and Response to Emerging Diseases of Zoonotic Origin}, publisher={Institute of Medicine, National Academies Press}, author={Cowen, P.}, editor={Beatty, A. and Scott, K. and Tsai, P.Editors}, year={2008}, pages={57–59} } @article{cates_kosa_moore_jaykus_ten eyck_cowen_2007, title={Listeriosis prevention for older adults: Effective messages and delivery methods}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1521-0472"]}, DOI={10.1080/03601270701411023}, abstractNote={Individuals aged 60 years and older are at an increased risk for listeriosis and other foodborne illnesses. They can reduce their risk by following recommended food safety practices. A total of 8 focus groups were conducted to characterize older adults' food safety knowledge and practices, their impressions of educational materials on listeriosis prevention, barriers to adopting the recommended practices, and preferred delivery methods. Participants were not aware of listeriosis and recommended practices for listeriosis prevention. Adoption of the recommended practices was not widespread following exposure to the educational materials. This study identified the need to reach older adults with information on listeriosis prevention.}, number={7}, journal={EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY}, author={Cates, Sheryl C. and Kosa, Katherine M. and Moore, Christina M. and Jaykus, Lee-Ann and Ten Eyck, Toby A. and Cowen, Peter}, year={2007}, pages={587–606} } @article{vicari_mokhtari_morales_jaykus_frey_slenning_cowen_2007, title={Second-order modeling of variability and uncertainty in microbial hazard characterization}, volume={70}, ISSN={["0362-028X"]}, DOI={10.4315/0362-028X-70.2.363}, abstractNote={This study describes an analytical framework that permits quantitative consideration of variability and uncertainty in microbial hazard characterization. Second-order modeling that used two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation and stratification into homogeneous population subgroups was applied to integrate uncertainty and variability. Specifically, the bootstrap method was used to simulate sampling error due to the limited sample size in microbial dose-response modeling. A data set from human feeding trials with Campylobacter jejuni was fitted to the log-logistic dose-response model, and results from the analysis of FoodNet surveillance data provided further information on variability and uncertainty in Campylobacter susceptibility due to the effect of age. Results of our analyses indicate that uncertainty associated with dose-response modeling has a dominating influence on the analytical outcome. In contrast, inclusion of the age factor has a limited impact. While the advocacy of more closely modeling variability in hazard characterization is warranted, the characterization of key sources of uncertainties and their consistent propagation throughout a microbial risk assessment actually appear of greater importance.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION}, author={Vicari, Andrea S. and Mokhtari, Amirhossein and Morales, Roberta A. and Jaykus, Lee-Ann and Frey, H. Christopher and Slenning, Barrett D. and Cowen, Peter}, year={2007}, month={Feb}, pages={363–372} } @article{schopler_hall_cowen_2006, title={Comments on rehabilitators of rabies vector species - Response}, volume={228}, number={2}, journal={Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association}, author={Schopler, R. L. and Hall, A. J. and Cowen, P.}, year={2006}, pages={194} } @article{cates_morales_karns_jaykus_kosa_teneyck_moore_cowen_2006, title={Consumer knowledge, storage, and handling practices regarding Listeria in frankfurters and deli meats: Results of a web-based survey}, volume={69}, ISSN={["1944-9097"]}, DOI={10.4315/0362-028X-69.7.1630}, abstractNote={Proper storage and handling of refrigerated ready-to-eat foods can help reduce the risk of listeriosis. A national Web-based survey was conducted to measure consumer awareness and knowledge of Listeria and to estimate the prevalence of the U.S. Department of Agriculture-recommended consumer storage and handling practices for frankfurters and deli meats. The demographic characteristics of consumers who are unaware of Listeria and who do not follow the recommended storage guidelines were also assessed. In addition, predictive models were developed to determine which consumers engage in risky storage practices. Less than half of the consumers surveyed were aware of Listeria, and most of those aware were unable to identify associated food vehicles. Awareness was lower among adults 60 years of age and older, an at-risk population for listeriosis, and individuals with relatively less education and lower incomes. Most households safely stored and prepared frankfurters. Most households stored unopened packages of vacuum-packed deli meats in the refrigerator within the U.S. Department of Agriculture-recommended storage guidelines (< or =14 days); however, many stored opened packages of vacuum-packed deli meats and freshly sliced deli meats for longer than the recommended time (< or =5 days). Men, more-educated individuals, and individuals living in metropolitan areas were more likely to engage in risky storage practices. This study identified the need to develop targeted educational initiatives on listeriosis prevention.}, number={7}, journal={JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION}, author={Cates, Sheryl C. and Morales, Roberta A. and Karns, Shawn A. and Jaykus, Lee-Ann and Kosa, Katherine M. and Teneyck, Toby and Moore, Christina M. and Cowen, Peter}, year={2006}, month={Jul}, pages={1630–1639} } @article{yang_mokhtari_jaykus_morales_cates_cowen_2006, title={Consumer phase risk assessment for Listeria monocytogenes in deli meats}, volume={26}, DOI={10.1111/j.1539-6924.2006.00071.x}, number={1}, journal={Risk Analysis}, author={Yang, H. and Mokhtari, A. and Jaykus, L. A. and Morales, R. A. and Cates, S. C. and Cowen, P.}, year={2006}, pages={89–103} } @article{mokhtari_moore_yang_jaykus_morales_cates_cowen_2006, title={Consumer-phase Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis risk assessment for egg-containing food products}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1539-6924"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1539-6924.2006.00759.x}, abstractNote={We describe a one‐dimensional probabilistic model of the role of domestic food handling behaviors on salmonellosis risk associated with the consumption of eggs and egg‐containing foods. Six categories of egg‐containing foods were defined based on the amount of egg contained in the food, whether eggs are pooled, and the degree of cooking practiced by consumers. We used bootstrap simulation to quantify uncertainty in risk estimates due to sampling error, and sensitivity analysis to identify key sources of variability and uncertainty in the model. Because of typical model characteristics such as nonlinearity, interaction between inputs, thresholds, and saturation points, Sobol's method, a novel sensitivity analysis approach, was used to identify key sources of variability. Based on the mean probability of illness, examples of foods from the food categories ranked from most to least risk of illness were: (1) home‐made salad dressings/ice cream; (2) fried eggs/boiled eggs; (3) omelettes; and (4) baked foods/breads. For food categories that may include uncooked eggs (e.g., home‐made salad dressings/ice cream), consumer handling conditions such as storage time and temperature after food preparation were the key sources of variability. In contrast, for food categories associated with undercooked eggs (e.g., fried/soft‐boiled eggs), the initial level of Salmonella contamination and the log10 reduction due to cooking were the key sources of variability. Important sources of uncertainty varied with both the risk percentile and the food category under consideration. This work adds to previous risk assessments focused on egg production and storage practices, and provides a science‐based approach to inform consumer risk communications regarding safe egg handling practices.}, number={3}, journal={RISK ANALYSIS}, author={Mokhtari, Amirhossein and Moore, Christina M. and Yang, Hong and Jaykus, Lee-Ann and Morales, Roberta and Cates, Sheryl C. and Cowen, Peter}, year={2006}, month={Jun}, pages={753–768} } @article{degernes_heilman_trogdon_jordan_davison_kraege_correa_cowen_2006, title={Epidemiologic investigation of lead poisoning in trumpeter and tundra swans in Washington State, USA, 2000-2002}, volume={42}, ISSN={["1943-3700"]}, DOI={10.7589/0090-3558-42.2.345}, abstractNote={An observational study was conducted to determine the proportionate mortality of wild trumpeter (Cygnus buccinator) and tundra (Cygnus columbianus columbianus) swans that died during the winters of 2000–02 in northwestern Washington State, USA. Among 400 swans necropsied, 81% were lead poisoned (302/365 trumpeter swans; 20/35 tundra swans). Mortality started in mid-November and peaked from late December through mid-February; swan mortality that was not associated with lead poisoning was uniformly lower throughout the winter months. Lead poisoning was 24 times more likely to be the cause of death in swans found in Whatcom County compared to swans found in other locations in northwestern Washington State (95% CI: 12.7, 47.0). Mortality attributable to lead poisoning was twice as likely in adults as in juveniles (95% CI: 1.0, 4.2). Aspergillosis was documented in 62 trumpeter and two tundra swans, including 37 swans in which mortality was caused by lead poisoning. Males were twice as likely as females to have aspergillosis (95% CI: 1.1, 3.8). Traumatic injuries were documented in 37 trumpeter and seven tundra swans, including seven trumpeter swans with concurrent lead poisoning. Dead swans found outside Whatcom County were four times more likely to have traumatic injuries compared to those found in Whatcom County (95% CI: 1.6, 10.0). Overall, lead-poisoned swans were significantly less likely to have concurrent aspergillosis or traumatic injuries. There was no apparent association between grit ingestion (total mass or mass categorized by size) and lead poisoning or number of lead shot. Not surprisingly, lead-poisoned swans were more likely to have one or more lead shot compared to swans that died from other causes (OR 294; 95% CI: 92, 1,005); lead-poisoned swans were also more likely to have one or more nontoxic shot compared to swans that were not poisoned (OR 63; 95% CI: 19, 318). The source(s) of shot are unknown but likely are in or near Whatcom County, Washington.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES}, author={Degernes, Laurel and Heilman, Sarah and Trogdon, Maureen and Jordan, Martha and Davison, Mike and Kraege, Don and Correa, Maria and Cowen, Peter}, year={2006}, month={Apr}, pages={345–358} } @article{cowen_garland_hugh-jones_shimshony_handysides_kaye_madoff_pollack_woodall_2006, title={Evaluation of ProMED-mail as an electronic early warning system for emerging animal diseases: 1996 to 2004}, volume={229}, ISSN={["1943-569X"]}, DOI={10.2460/javma.229.7.1090}, abstractNote={Abstract Objective—To identify emerging animal and zoonotic diseases and associated geographic distribution, disease agents, animal hosts, and seasonality of reporting in the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED)-mail electronic early warning system. Design—Retrospective study. Sample Population—10,490 disease reports. Procedures—Descriptive statistics were collated for all animal disease reports appearing on the ProMED-mail system from January 1, 1996, to December 31, 2004. Results—Approximately 30% of reports concerned events in the United States; reports were next most common in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Russia, and China. Rabies, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, and anthrax were reported consistently over the study period, whereas avian influenza, Ebola virus, and Hantavirus infection were reported frequently in approximately half of the study years. Reports concerning viral agents composed more than half of the postings. Humans affected by zoonotic disease accounted for a third of the subjects. Cattle were affected in 1,080 reports, and wildlife species were affected in 825 reports. For the 10,490 postings studied, there was a retraction rate of 0.01 and a correction rate of 0.02. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—ProMED-mail provided global coverage, but gaps in coverage for individual countries were detected. The value of a global electronic reporting system for monitoring emerging diseases over a 9-year period illustrated how new technologies can augment disease surveillance strategies. The number of animal and zoonotic diseases highlights the importance of animals in the study of emerging diseases.}, number={7}, journal={JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Cowen, Peter and Garland, Tam and Hugh-Jones, Martin E. and Shimshony, Arnon and Handysides, Stuart and Kaye, Donald and Madoff, Lawrence C. and Pollack, Marjorie R. and Woodall, Jack}, year={2006}, month={Oct}, pages={1090–1099} } @article{schopler_hall_cowen_2005, title={Public veterinary medicine: Public health - Survey of wildlife rehabilitators regarding rabies vector species}, volume={227}, ISSN={["0003-1488"]}, DOI={10.2460/javma.2005.227.1568}, abstractNote={Abstract Objective—To evaluate the risks associated with wildlife rehabilitation and the reemergence of wildlife rabies in North Carolina through assessment of the status of knowledge and attitudes of licensed in-state wildlife rehabilitators about rabies and rabies vector species (RVS). Design—Questionnaire survey. Sample Population—672 North Carolina licensed wildlife rehabilitators registered in 1999. Procedure—Wildlife rehabilitators were contacted by mail to determine their status of knowledge and attitudes regarding rabies and RVS. The questionnaire was designed to determine rehabilitators' recent experiences with RVS, attitudes toward regulations, and knowledge of rabies virus transmission. Results were analyzed by use of the χ2 test. Results—Questionnaire responses were provided by 210 of the 672 (31.3%) wildlife rehabilitators. Among rehabilitators, there were some inconsistencies in their knowledge base regarding rabies (eg, 25% reported that they did not know at what age animals were capable of transmitting rabies virus). Most respondents were amenable to all proposed licensing prerequisites for handling RVS (ie, record keeping, additional training, and veterinarian support). Respondents reported > 580 calls annually about rehabilitating RVS, and 80% believed at least some of their peers were rehabilitating RVS illegally. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—With the establishment of rabies as a disease that is endemic among wildlife species in North Carolina, educational efforts directed at wildlife rehabilitators (a subpopulation of residents potentially at high risk of rabies virus infection) would have direct and indirect public health benefits; similar efforts may be useful to public health communities elsewhere in the United States. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005;227:1568–1572)}, number={10}, journal={JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Schopler, RL and Hall, AJ and Cowen, P}, year={2005}, month={Nov}, pages={1568–1572} } @article{latimer_jaykus_morales_cowen_crawford-brown_2002, title={Sensitivity analysis of Salmonella enteritidis levels in contaminated shell eggs using a biphasic growth model}, volume={75}, ISSN={["0168-1605"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0168-1605(02)00004-1}, abstractNote={Salmonella enteritidis (SE) is a common foodbome pathogen, the transmission of which is primarily associated with the consumption of contaminated Grade A shell eggs. In order to estimate the level of SE present in raw shell eggs, it is necessary to consider the protective effects of the egg albumin, which effectively inhibits SE growth in a time- and temperature-dependent manner. In this study, a SE growth model was produced by combining two mathematical equations that described both the extended lag phase of SE growth (food component) and a SE growth model (pathogen component). This biphasic growth model was then applied to various egg handling scenarios based on the farm-to-table continuum, including in-line and off-line processing facilities with consideration of key events in production, processing, transportation, and storage. Seasonal effects were also studied. Monte Carlo simulation was used to characterize variability in temperature and time parameter values influencing the level of SE to which individuals are exposed. The total level of SE consumed was estimated under best, most likely, and time-temperature abusive handling scenarios. The model estimated that, in most cases, there was no SE growth in contaminated eggs handled under most likely practices, because 10-70% of the yolk membrane remained intact. Under abusive handling scenarios, complete loss of yolk membrane integrity frequently occurred by the time eggs reach the distribution phase, followed by subsequent SE growth, which was often quite rapid. In general, the effect of season and processing method (in-line vs. off-line) was minimal. Further sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the initial SE contamination level significantly influenced the final exposure levels only under no-abuse or mildly abusive conditions. The results of our study suggest that, for maximum reduction of SE exposure level, cooling strategies should not only focus on the on-farm or processing phases, but should emphasize the importance of cooling strategies at the distribution and consumer phases of the farm-to-fork continuum.}, number={1-2}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY}, author={Latimer, HK and Jaykus, LA and Morales, RA and Cowen, P and Crawford-Brown, D}, year={2002}, month={May}, pages={71–87} } @article{latimer_jaykus_morales_cowen_crawford-brown_2001, title={A weighted composite dose-response model for human salmonellosis}, volume={21}, ISSN={["0272-4332"]}, DOI={10.1111/0272-4332.212112}, abstractNote={This article describes the development of a weighted composite dose – response model for human salmonellosis. Data from previously reported human challenge studies were categorized into two different groups representing low and moderately virulent/pathogenic Salmonella strains based on a disease end point. Because epidemiological data indicate that some Salmonella strains are particularly pathogenic, and in the absence of human feeding study data for such strains, Shigella dysenteriae was used as a proxy for highly virulent strains. Three single‐hit dose – response models were applied to the human feeding study data and evaluated for best fit using maximum likelihood estimation: (1) the exponential (E‐1pop), (2) the two‐subpopulation exponential (E‐2pop), and (3) the Beta‐Poisson (BP). Based on the goodness‐of‐fit test, the E‐1pop and BP were the best‐fit models for low and moderately virulent/pathogenic Salmonella strains, and the E‐2pop and BP models were better for highly virulent/pathogenic strains. Epistemic analysis was conducted by determining the degree of confidence associated with the selected models, which was found to be 50%/50% (E‐1pop/BP) for low and moderately pathogenic Salmonella strains, and 9.8%/90.2% (E‐2pop/BP) for highly virulent strains. The degree of confidence for each component model and variations in the proportion of strains within each virulence/pathogenicity category were incorporated into the overall composite model. This study describes the influence of variation in strain virulence and host susceptibility on the shape of the population dose – response relationship.}, number={2}, journal={RISK ANALYSIS}, author={Latimer, HK and Jaykus, LA and Morales, RA and Cowen, P and Crawford-Brown, D}, year={2001}, month={Apr}, pages={295–305} } @article{vicari_morales_jaykus_cowen_2000, title={Revisiting dose-response models of foodborne pathogens}, journal={Proceedings of the 9th symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, August 6-11 2000}, publisher={International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE)}, author={Vicari, A. S. and Morales, R. A. and Jaykus, L. A. and Cowen, P.}, year={2000}, pages={438} } @article{cowen_pacer_vanpeteghem_fetrow_1990, title={MANAGEMENT FACTORS AFFECTING TRICHINOSIS SEROPOSITIVITY AMONG 91 NORTH-CAROLINA SWINE FARMS}, volume={9}, ISSN={["0167-5877"]}, DOI={10.1016/0167-5877(90)90063-N}, abstractNote={Abstract Results of a prevalence survey for trichinosis, using a commercial kit adaption of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological test, were used to classify herds as seropositive or seronegative. The herds owners were then interviewed using a questionnaire to ascertain 85 specific management practices. Of 153 herds serotested, 91 owners completed the questionnaire. At the 6% ELISA-positive classification level, 1.22% of pigs, 41.7% of the shipment lots and 56% of the farms were seropositive, while the 15% ELISA classification level indicated only 0.48% of pigs, 22.4% of shipment lots and 35% of farms to be seropositive. Results of logistic regression analyses indicated that the access of cats to the swine houses, the purchase of gilts from commercial companies, tail biting, and the presence of wildlife (opossums and skunks) on the farm were related to serological status at the 6% ELISA level of testing. The access of cats to the swine houses, tail biting, and the importance the owner placed on trichinosis testing were related to serological status at the 15% ELISA level of testing.}, number={3}, journal={PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE}, author={COWEN, P and PACER, RA and VANPETEGHEM, PN and FETROW, JF}, year={1990}, month={Sep}, pages={165–172} } @article{cowen_li_mcginn_1990, title={Survey of trichinosis in breeding and cull swine, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay}, volume={51}, number={6}, journal={American Journal of Veterinary Research}, author={Cowen, P. and Li, S. and McGinn, T.}, year={1990}, pages={924} } @article{cowen_chen_morales_li_levine_tong_carlton_huff_1988, title={Descriptive analysis of diagnostic test results of quarantined pigs and cattle imported into the People's Republic of China from the United States}, volume={84}, journal={Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica}, author={Cowen, P. and Chen, B. and Morales, R. A. and Li, S. and Levine, J. F. and Tong, K. and Carlton, T. L. and Huff, D. R.}, year={1988}, pages={271–273} }