Paula Marques Figueiredo
Active Tectonics, Neotectonics, Geology, Geomorphology, Quaternary
Works (97)
2025 article
Mantle-related late Cenozoic surface uplift in NW Iberia revealed by 10Be cosmogenic nuclide dating and non-linear river profile inversion
Babault, J., Figueiredo, P., Owen, L. A., Fullea, J., Negredo, A., Arroucau, P., … Caffee, M. (2025, January 20).
Contributors: J. Babault, P. Figueiredo, L. Owen, J. Fullea, A. Negredo, P. Arroucau, L. Bodet, . al.
2024 journal article
Complex rupture dynamics of the extremely shallow August 2020 M5.1 Sparta, North Carolina earthquake
Contributors: M. Neves *, L. Chuang *, W. Li *, Z. Peng *, P. Figueiredo n & S. Ni *

2024 journal article
Imaging Left-Lateral and Reverse Near-Surface Slip of the 2020 M<sub>w</sub> 5.1 Sparta, North Carolina, Earthquake
Contributors: E. Szymanski *, E. Hetland * & P. Figueiredo n

2024 chapter
Mesoproterozoic to Paleozoic tectonics, Pleistocene landforms, and Holocene seismicity in the Blue Ridge: Results from integrated studies of the 9 August 2020, Mw 5.1 earthquake area near Sparta, North Carolina, USA
In Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Blue Ridge: Field Excursions for the 2024 GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
Contributors: A. Merschat* *, M. Carter* *, A. Lynn**, K. Stewart**, P. Figueiredo* n, W. Odom* *, R. McAleer* *, . al.
2023 article
Evidence for a prehistoric multifault rupture along the southern Calico fault system, Eastern California Shear Zone, USA
Vadman, M. J., Garvue, M. M., Spotila, J. A., Bemis, S. P., Stamps, D. S., Owen, L. A., & Figueiredo, P. M. (2023, September 8). GEOSPHERE.
Contributors: M. Vadman*, M. Garvue *, J. Spotila *, S. Bemis *, D. Stamps *, L. Owen n, P. Figueiredo n

2023 conference paper
Geologic and Paleoliquefaction constraints on past seismicity in the epicentral area of the 9 August 2020 M5.1 Sparta, North Carolina, earthquake
Geological Society of America.
Contributors: M. Carter, A. Merschat, W. Odom, P. Figueiredo, K. Stewart, A. Lyyn, S. Mahan
2023 conference paper
Investigations of surface rupture caused by the 2020 Mw 5.1 Sparta, North Carolina, USA earthquake and associated paleoseismology of the Little River Fault
Geological Society of America.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, D. Bohnenstiehl, A. Merschat, M. Carter, K. Wegmann, E. Szymanski, L. Owen, M. Ricker
2023 journal article
New developments in onshore paleoseismic methods, and their impact on Quaternary tectonic studies
Contributors: J. McCalpin *, F. Ferrario *, P. Figueiredo n, F. Livio *, C. Grützner *, M. Pisarska-Jamroży *, M. Quigley *, K. Reicherter *

2022 chapter
Application of Coastal Landforms to Active Tectonic Studies
In J. J. F. Shroder (Ed.), Treatise of Geomorphology, 2nd edition (Vol. 2, pp. 443–476).
Ed(s): J. Shroder
2022 chapter
Application of Coastal Landforms to Active Tectonic Studies
In Treatise on Geomorphology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo n & T. Rockwell *

2022 chapter
Paleoseismological Studies
In J. J. F. Shroder (Ed.), Treatise of Geomorphology, 2nd edition (Vol. 2, pp. 495–562).
Ed(s): J. Shroder
2022 conference paper
Surface rupture of the 2020 Mw 5.1 Sparta, North Carolina, USA Earthquake and evidence of an active structure with recurrent Quaternary deformation
11th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, A. Merschat, M. Carter, D. Bohnenstiehl, K. Wegmann, M. Neves, M. Ricker, L. Owen
2022 chapter
Tectonic Geomorphology of Normal Faults and Their Scarps
In J. J. F. Shroder (Ed.), Treatise of Geomorphology, 2nd edition (Vol. 2, pp. 404–428).
Ed(s): J. Shroder
2022 journal article
The Mw 5.1, 9 August 2020, Sparta Earthquake, North Carolina: The First Documented Seismic Surface Rupture in the Eastern United States
GSA Today.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Hill, A. Merschat, C. Scheip, K. Stewart, L. Owen, R. Wooten, . al.
2021 report
Determination of slip rate along the southern Calico fault in the southernmost Eastern California Shear Zone, Mojave Desert, California, Final Technical Report U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program USGS External Award # G19AP00102
Contributors: J. Spotila, M. Garvue, M. Vadman, S. Bemis, L. Owen & P. Figueiredo
2021 journal article
Large Holocene ruptures on the Canada David detachment, Baja California, Mexico; implications for the seismogenesis of low-angle normal faults
Contributors: K. Karlsson *, T. Rockwell *, J. Fletcher *, P. Figueiredo n, J. Rosas*, A. Gontz *, S. Naik *, P. Lacan *

2021 journal article
Late Quaternary Intraplate Deformation Defined by the Las Chacras Fault Zone, West-Central Argentina
Contributors: J. Rimando *, L. Schoenbohm *, G. Ortiz *, P. Alvarado*, A. Venerdini *, L. Owen n, E. Seagren *, P. Figueiredo n, S. Hammer*

2021 conference paper
Multidisciplinary Quaternary Deformation Analysis in a Complex Low Tectonic Setting The Example of SW Portugal
2021 Seismological Society of America.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, T. Rockwell & J. Cabral
2021 webpage
Recorded presentation of Multidisciplinary Quaternary Deformation Analysis in a Complex Low Tectonic Setting - The Example of SW Portugal, Europe, Seismological Society of America
Contributors: P. Figueiredo
2021 conference paper
The kinematic evolution of transpression in the Eastern California Shear Zone
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Contributors: M. Garvue, J. Spotila, M. Vadman, S. Bemis, L. Owen & P. Figueiredo
2020 conference paper
Active Tectonics in SW Portugal - Quaternary deformation analysis in a low tectonic rate area
Geological Society of America.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo & P. Figueiredo
2020 report
Collaborative Research with the University of South Florida and the University of Cincinnati: Determining Slip Rates for Camp Rock Fault (Eastern California Shear Zone) using Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating Final Technical Report U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program USGS External Award # G18AP00065, 37 p
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, L. Owen, P. Wetmore & T. Dixon
2020 journal article
Cosmogenic Be-10 and Cl-36 geochronology of cryoplanation terraces in the Alaskan Yukon-Tanana Upland
Contributors: K. Nyland *, F. Nelson * & P. Figueiredo n

2020 conference paper
Geomorphic and paleoseismic trenching evidence that the Glen Helen fault has not experienced surface rupture in the past 2000 years, and implications for slip transfer between the San Andreas and San Jacinto fault zones
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: C. Nate Onderdonk, D. Kerr & P. Figueiredo
2020 journal article
Geomorphometry and Statistical Analyses of Landslides Triggered by the 2015M(w)7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and theM(w)7.3 Aftershock, Nepal

2020 journal article
Landslide development within 3 years after the 2015 M-w 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
LANDSLIDES, 17(5), 1251–1267.

2020 conference paper
Late Pleistocene and Holocene paleoseismology and deformation rates of the Pleasant Valley Fault (Nevada, USA)
10th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology PATA (online).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, S. Wesnousky & L. Owen
2020 conference paper
Preliminary observations of Mw 5.1 Sparta (North Carolina) surface deformation – a first documented Mw 5 instrumental earthquake surface rupture in Eastern USA?
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, B. Cattanach, T. Douglas, J. Hill, E. Kirby, K. Korte, A. Lynn, . al.
2020 webpage
Recorded Presentation Active Tectonics in SW Portugal - Quaternary deformation analysis in a low tectonic rate area GSA 2020
(2020, October).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo
2020 conference paper
Surface deformation associated with the Mw 5.1 Sparta, NC, Earthquake, Late Breaking Session Current Understanding of Intraplate Seismicity and Surface Deformation Associated with the August 9th, 2020 Mw 5.1 Earthquake Near Sparta, North Carolina
Geological Society of America.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, L. Owen, J. Hill, A. Merschat, C. Scheip, K. Stewart, M. Carter, . al.
2020 conference paper
Surface rupture of the Little River fault in response to the August 9, 2020 Mw 5.1 earthquake near Sparta, North Carolina
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: J. Hill, B. Cattanach, T. Douglas, P. Figueiredo, E. Kirby, K. Korte, A. Lynn, . al.
2020 journal article
Time‐Invariant Late Quaternary Slip Rates Along the Agua Blanca Fault, northern Baja California, Mexico
Tectonics, 39(9).
Contributors: P. Gold *, W. Behr *, J. Fletcher *, T. Rockwell * & P. Figueiredo n

2020 conference paper
Understanding of Intraplate Seismicity and Surface Deformation Associated with the August 9th, 2020 Mw 5.1 Earthquake Near Sparta, North Carolina
Geological Society of America 2020 Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, L. Owen, J. Hill, C. Scheip, K. Stewart, M. Carter, R. Wooten, . al.
2019 journal article
A new geological slip rate estimate for the Calico Fault, eastern California: implications for geodetic versus geologic rate estimates in the Eastern California Shear Zone
International Geology Review, 61(13), 1613–1641.
Contributors: S. Xie *, E. Gallant *, P. Wetmore *, P. Figueiredo *, L. Owen *, C. Rasmussen *, R. Malservisi *, T. Dixon *
2019 journal article
Active tectonics in the Cheb Basin: youngest documented Holocene surface faulting in Central Europe?
Contributors: P. tepancíková *, T. Fischer *, J. Stemberk *, L. Nováková *, F. Hartvich * & P. Figueiredo *
2019 conference paper
Controls on 10Be-derived basin-wide erosion rates in the south-central Andes: a multivariate Bayesian approach
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Contributors: E. Seagren, L. Schoenbohm, L. Owen, P. Figueiredo & S. Hammer
2019 conference paper
Cross-correlation of OSL, 14 C and 10 Be dating methods applied to active tectonic studies on the Banning strand of the San Andreas Fault
13th New World Luminescence Workshop.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, L. Owen & S. McGill
2019 manuscript
Data Management for GIS
Contributors: A. Koshoffer, P. Figueiredo & J. Latessa
2019 conference paper
Kinematic Models for the development of the Eastern California Shear Zone, Mojave Desert
Geological Society A merica Annual Meeting.
Contributors: T. Dixon, P. Figueiredo, L. Owen, C. Rasmussen, P. Wetmore & S. Xie
2019 conference paper
Late Quaternary deformation and recency of faulting of the northernmost San Jacinto fault zone, and implications for slip transfer to San Andreas fault.
(2019, August).
Contributors: D. Kerr, N. Onderdonk & P. Figueiredo
2019 conference paper
Late Quaternary intraplate deformation: The Las Chacras Fault Zone (LCFZ), West-Central Argentina
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Contributors: J. Rimando, L. Schoenbohm, L. Ortiz, P. Alvarado, A. Venerdini, L. Owen, E. Seagren, P. Figueiredo, S. Hammer
2019 journal article
Late Quaternary slip rates for faults of the central Walker Lane (Nevada, USA): Spatiotemporal strain release in a strike-slip fault system
Contributors: S. Angster *, S. Wesnousky *, P. Figueiredo *, L. Owen * & S. Hammer*

2019 conference paper
Long term slip rate of Camp Rock Fault (Eastern California Shear Zone) and implications for the regional understanding of geological rate
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, P. Wetmore, C. Rasmussen, L. Owen, A. Votor & T. Dixon
2019 journal article
Morphotectonics in a low tectonic rate area: Analysis of the southern Portuguese Atlantic coastal region
Contributors: P. Figueiredo *, T. Rockwell *, J. Cabral * & C. Ponte Lira *

2019 webpage
Paleoseismology - creating a grid for reference
(2019, October).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo
2019 webpage
Paleoseismology Trenching across the Pleasant Valley -Part 1
(2019, October).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo
2019 webpage
Paleoseismology Trenching across the Pleasant Valley fault - Part 2
(2019, October).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo
2019 conference paper
Pleistocene rapid decrease in extensional exhumation of the Diancang Shan implies tectonic changes in SE Tibet
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Contributors: X. Shi, C. Fan, P. Figueiredo, D. Zheng, R. Yang, R. Almeida, L. Owen
2019 conference paper
Preliminary Geochronology data for Cajon Pass Terraces- implications to the regional chronosequence
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, W. Weldon, L. Owen & N. Onderdonk
2019 conference paper
Uniform Late Quaternary Slip Rate along the Jinghong Fault, SE of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, GSA
. Geological Society of America.
Contributors: X. Shi, W. Weldon, J. Liu-Zeng, W. Wiwegwin, Z. Li, Y. Shao, L. Owen, . al.
2019 conference paper
Using UAV-mounted LiDAR surveys to investigate potential slip rate sites along the northernmost San Jacinto fault zone near its junction with the San Andreas fault in the Cajon Pass area, California
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, N. Onderdonk & D. Kerr
2018 conference paper
Morphotectonic analysis of the southern Portuguese Atlantic Coastal Zone- implications for Active Tectonics
3rd Iberia Meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, T. Rockwell, J. Cabral & C. Lira
2018 conference paper
On-going Holocene slip-rates analysis for the Banning strand of the San Andreas Fault: Challenges with estimating slip-rates along a rapidly moving fault
9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeseismology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, S. McGill, L. Owen, A. Gontz & P. Figueiredo
2018 conference paper
Paleoseismology and Neotectonics of the Southern Sierra El Mayor, Baja California, Mexico.
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: K. Karlsson, T. Rockwell, J. Fletcher, A. Gontz, P. Figueiredo & L. Owen
2018 conference paper
Pleistocene Activity, Morphotectonics and seismotectonics of the São Teotónio-Aljezur-Sinceira Fault system, Southwest Portugal
3rd Iberia Meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, T. Rockwell, J. Cabral & P. Figueiredo
2018 conference paper
Quaternary differential vertical motion at SW Iberia inferred by Plio-Pleistocene marine terraces and morphotectonics. Is there a new kid in the block?
9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeseismology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, T. Rockwell, J. Cabral, P. Cunha & D. Rood
2018 conference paper
Revisiting late Pleistocene uplifted marine terraces at South Portugal: new geochronology data and its implications
9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeseismology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, L. Owen, T. Rockwell & P. Figueiredo
2018 conference paper
Revisiting the Cajon Pass Quaternary Terraces with Geochronology dating implications for the long-term slip rates of the San Jacinto and San Andreas systems
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, R. Weldon & L. Owen
2017 journal article
Active tectonics in Southern Portugal (SW Iberia) inferred from GPS data. Implications on the regional geodynamics
Journal of Geodynamics.
Contributors: J. Cabral *, V. Mendes *, P. Figueiredo *, A. Silveira *, J. Pagarete*, A. Ribeiro *, R. Dias *, R. Ressurreição *

2017 conference paper
Do low-angle normal faults produce large earthquakes? A case study of the Cañada David Detachment of northern Baja California, Mexico
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: J. Fletcher, J. Cambron, T. Rockwell, K. Karlsson, P. Figueiredo, R. Spelz, P. Lachan, . al.
2017 conference paper
Puzzling results in a slip rate study for the Banning Strand of the San Andreas Fault near North Palm Springs
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: S. McGill, P. Figueiredo & L. Owen
2017 conference paper
Quaternary Rates of Slip for faults of the Central Walker Lane
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: S. Angster, S. Wesnousky, L. Owen, P. Figueiredo & S. Hammer
2016 conference paper
Late Pleistocene deformation at Aljezur fault system, SW Portugal: Seismicity triggering within a slow tectonic rate setting and relationships with sea-level rise
International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeseismology,
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, T. Rockwell & J. Cabral
2016 conference paper
Slip variability and temporal clustering along the Imperial fault at Mesquite Basin, Imperial Valley, California, and possible through-going rupture to the San Andreas Fault
(2016, August).
Contributors: A. Meltzner, T. Rockwell, R. Tsang & P. Figueiredo
2016 conference paper
Work in progress to estimate a Latest Pleistocene slip rate for the Banning Strand of the San Andreas Fault near North Palm Springs
Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting.
Contributors: S. McGill, P. Figueiredo & L. Owen
2015 thesis
Neotectonic and Seismotectonic Studies along the Southwest Portugal sector: Implications for the regional seismicity
2015 conference paper
Southwest Iberia uplift investigated by flexural modeling
VIII Atlantic Iberian Margin.
Contributors: U. Maria Conceição Neves, P. Figueiredo, S. Martinez-Loriente & U. Maria Conceição Neves
2015 journal article
The effect of sea level changes on fault reactivation potential in Portugal
Tectonophysics, 658, 206–220.
Contributors: M. Neves *, J. Cabral *, K. Luttrell *, P. Figueiredo *, T. Rockwell * & D. Sandwell *

2014 conference paper
Pleistocene Marine Terraces for SW Portugal regional uplift
2nd Iberfault Meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & T. Rockwell
2014 journal article
Seismic triggering induced by lithospheric flexure due to eustatic sea level rise | Sismicidade desencadeada em Portugal Continental por flexão litosférica associada a subida eustática do nível do mar
Comunicacoes Geologicas, 101, 913–917.
Contributors: M. Neves, J. Cabral, P. Figueiredo, D. Sandwell, T. Rockwell & K. Luttrell
2014 journal article
Seismic triggering induced by lithospheric flexure due to eustatic sea level rise | Sismicidade desencadeada em Portugal Continental por flexão litosférica associada a subida eustática do nível do mar
Comunicacoes Geologicas.
Contributors: M. Neves, J. Cabral, P. Figueiredo, D. Sandwell, T. Rockwell & K. Luttrell
2014 conference paper
Stress changes in Iberia induced by eustatic sea-level rise
2nd Iberfault Meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology.
Contributors: U. Maria Conceição Neves, J. Cabral, P. Figueiredo, R. Neves, U. David Sandwell, T. Rockwell, U. Maria Conceição Neves
2013 journal article
Recognition of Pleistocene marine terraces in the southwest of Portugal (Iberian Peninsula): Evidences of regional quaternary uplift
Annals of Geophysics, 56(6).
Contributors: P. Figueiredo *, J. Cabral * & T. Rockwell *

2013 journal article
The 1909 Benavente (Portugal) earthquake: Search for the source
Natural Hazards, 69(2), 1211–1227.
Contributors: J. Cabral, C. Moniz*, J. Batlló, P. Figueiredo, J. Carvalho *, L. Matias, P. Teves-Costa, R. Dias *, N. Simão *
2012 journal article
Late Pliocene to Pleistocene tectonic activity in SW Portugal: the S. Teotónio-Aljezur-Sinceira fault system – a review
Trabajos De Geologia.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral, T. Rockwell & R. Dias
2012 conference paper
Uplifted Pleistocene Marine Terraces at the Southwest Coast of Portugal. Is there more than we know?
XIX Congrés de Doctorants, Institute de Physique Global du Paris.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & T. Rockwell
2011 journal article
Active surface faulting or landsliding in the Lower Tagus Valley (Portugal)? A solved controversy concerning the Vila Chã de Ourique site
Journal of Seismology, 15(2), 215–234.
Contributors: J. Cabral, F. Marques, P. Figueiredo & L. Matias
2010 conference paper
Neotectonics and paleoseismic studies at SW Portugal mainland: The S. Teotónio- Aljezur- Sinceira Fault System
8th Portuguese Geological Congress.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & T. Rockwell
2010 conference paper
Quaternary seismic activity of the Vilariça fault (NE Portugal): Preliminary results of a paleoseismological study
8th Portuguese Geological Congress.
Contributors: H.Perea, J. Cabral, P. Figueiredo, G. Besana, A. Silveira, P. Cunha, A. Gomes, . al.
2010 conference paper
Southwest Portugal Plio-Pleistocene Tectonic Activity Studies: The S.Teotónio- Aljezur - Sinceira Fault System and Coastal Tectonic Uplift Evidences,
1st Iberfault, Active Tectonics and Paleoseismology Iberian Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & T. Rockwell
2009 conference paper
Actividade Tectónica Plistocénica no SW de Portugal: O sistema de falhas São Teotónio – Aljezur – Sinceira e evidências de levantamento ao longo do Litoral.
VII Meeting Iberian Quaternary, GTPEQ & AEQUA.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & T. Rockwell
2009 book
Palaeoseismology of the Vilariça segment of the Manteigas-Bragança fault in northeastern Portugal
In Geological Society Special Publication (Vol. 316, pp. 237–258).
Contributors: T. Rockwell, J. Fonseca *, C. Madden, T. Dawson*, L. Owen *, S. Vilanova, P. Figueiredo *
2009 conference paper
S.Teotónio- Aljezur- Sinceira Fault System: A Seismogenic source at SW Portugal?
1st SHARE (Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe) Iberian Workshop for Active Faults and Seismogenic Sources.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & T. Rockwell
2008 conference paper
Late Pliocene to Pleistocene tectonic activity in SW Portugal: New data from field observations and trenching
6th Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral, T. Rockwell, R. Tsang, A. Meltzner & R. Dias
2007 conference paper
Analysis on the Azambuja fault tectonic - a morphotectonic approach.
1st Young Geosc. Res. Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & A. Martins
2007 conference paper
Preliminary data on the sedimentary dinamics at Carcavelos Beach
1st Young Geosc. Res. Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, C. Andrade, R. Taborda & C. Antunes
2007 conference paper
Seismic characterization of the Vilariça fault: Comparison between a segmentation model and paleoseismology
Ass. of Env. & Eng. Geol. Ann. Meeting.
Contributors: T. Rockwell, C. Madden, T. Dawson, L. Owen, S. Vilanova, P. Figueiredo, J. Fonseca, T. Rockwell
2007 conference paper
Topographical surface deformation, at Vila Chã de Ourique
1st Young Geosc. Res. Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, J. Cabral & F. Marques
2006 conference paper
Carcavelos beach sedimentary dynamics
5th Geophysics and Geodesy Portuguese- Spanish Meeting.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, C. Andrade, C. Antunes & P. Carreira
2006 thesis
Multidisciplinary approach for the Seismotectonic study of the Tagus Lower Valley
Contributors: P. Figueiredo
2004 journal article
The Azambuja fault: An active structure located in an intraplate basin with significant seismicity (Lower Tagus Valley, Portugal)
Journal of Seismology, 8(3), 347–362.
Contributors: J. Cabral, P. Ribeiro *, P. Figueiredo, N. Pimentel * & A. Martins *
2003 conference paper
New data on the active surface faulting vs. landsliding controversy concerning the Vila Chã de Ourique site (Lower Tagus Valley)
6th Portuguese Geological Congress.
Contributors: J. Cabral, F. Marques, P. Figueiredo, N. Simão & L. Matias
2003 journal article
Paleoseismological data from a new trench across the El Camp Fault (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberian Peninsula)
Annals of Geophysics, 46(5), 763–774.
Contributors: H. Perea, P. Figueiredo, J. Carner, S. Gambini & K. Boydell
2003 journal article
Paleoseismological data from a new trench across the El Camp Fault (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberian Peninsula)
Annals of Geophysics.
Contributors: H. Perea, P. Figueiredo, J. Carner, S. Gambini & K. Boydell
2002 conference paper
Paleoseismicity evidence in the Lower Tagus Valley? An example of misinterpretation of geological data
3rd Geophysics and Geodesy Port.- Spain Meeting.
Contributors: J. Cabral, F. Marques & P. Figueiredo
2002 conference paper
Surface Evidence of Seismogenic Activity in the Vila Franca de Xira Fault (Tagus Valley, Portugal),
XXVIII General Assembly European Seismological Commission.
Contributors: J. Cabral, P. Figueiredo, N. Pimentel & P. Ribeiro
2001 conference paper
Europaleos: New data on paleoseismological studies in El Camp Fault, Spain
Ten years of paleoseismology in the ILP: progress and prospects.
Contributors: P. Figueiredo, H. Perea, J. Carner, S. Gambini & K. Boydell
Updated: March 14th, 2024 16:50
2024 - present
2019 - 2024
2016 - 2019
Updated: April 28th, 2015 15:49
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: May 6th, 2023 09:59