Peter Ferket Rajab, S. A. S., Andersen, L. K., Kenter, L. W., Berlinsky, D. L., Borski, R. J., McGinty, A. S., … Reading, B. J. (2024). Combinatorial metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of muscle growth in hybrid striped bass (female white bass Morone chrysops x male striped bass M. saxatilis). BMC GENOMICS, 25(1). Omaliko, P. C., Ferket, P. R., Ogundare, T. E., Apalowo, O. O., Enenya, I. G., Iwuozo, O. C., … Fasina, Y. O. (2024). Impact of dietary fat types on expression levels of dopamine and serotonin transporters in the ileum of broiler chickens. POULTRY SCIENCE, 103(11). Flores, K. R., Carvalho, L. V. F. M., Reading, B. J., Fahrenholz, A., Ferket, P. R., & Grimes, J. L. (2023). Machine learning and data mining methodology to predict nominal and numeric performance body weight values using Large White male turkey datasets. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 32(4). Deck, C. A., Salger, S. A., Reynolds, H. M., Tada, M. D., Severance, M. E., Ferket, P., … Borski, R. J. (2023). Nutritional programming in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Effect of low dietary protein on growth and the intestinal microbiome and transcriptome. PLOS ONE, 18(10). Dosu, G., Obanla, T. O., Zhang, S., Sang, S., Adetunji, A. O., Fahrenholz, A. C., … Fasina, Y. O. (2023). Supplementation of ginger root extract into broiler chicken diet: effects on growth performance and immunocompetence. POULTRY SCIENCE, 102(10). Alig, B. N., Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., & Anderson, K. E. (2023). The Effect of Housing Environment on Commercial Brown Egg Layer Production, USDA Grade and USDA Size Distribution. ANIMALS, 13(4). Malheiros, D. M., Malheiros, R. D., Anderson, K. E., Toomer, O. T., & Ferket, P. R. (2022). Breeders fed diets supplemented with conventional free or lipid microencapsulated premix forms of trace minerals at standard or high levels. Poultry Science, 101(Supplement 1). Tedeschi, L. O., Bureau, D. P., Ferket, P. R., & Trottier, N. L. (2021). ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: Mathematical modeling in animal nutrition: training the future generation in data and predictive analytics for sustainable development. A Summary. Journal of Animal Science, 99(2). Ferket, P. (2021). An ecological approach to manage gut health in turkeys. PEAK 2021. Presented at the PEAK 2021 - Midwest Poultry Foundation Conference. Retrieved from Fasina, Y. O., Obanla, T. O., Ferket, P. R., & Shah, D. H. (2021). Comparative efficacy of spray-dried plasma and bacitracin methylene disalicylate in reducing cecal colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 100(7), 101134. Flores, K. R., Fahrenholz, A., Ferket, P. R., Biggs, T. J., & Grimes, J. L. (2021). Effect of methionine chelated Zn and Mn and corn particle size on Large White male turkey live performance and carcass yields. POULTRY SCIENCE, 100(11). Chen, C., & Ferket, P. (2021). The animal health and nutrition consortium: a collaborative model to fund pre-competitive research and career development. Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals. 10/31-11/3/2021, St. Louis Missouri. Presented at the Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals, St. Louis Missouri. Givisiez, P. E. N., Moreira Filho, A. L. B., Santos, M. R. B., Oliveira, H. B., Ferket, P. R., Oliveira, C. J. B., & Malheiros, R. D. (2020). Chicken embryo development: metabolic and morphological basis for in ovo feeding technology. POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(12), 6774–6782. Jababu, Y., Blue, C., Ferket, P. R., & Fasina, Y. O. (2020). Comparative Effects of Spray-Dried Plasma and Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate on Intestinal Development in Broiler Chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science, 19(4), 161–168. Jazi, V., Farahi, M., Khajali, F., Abousaad, S., Ferket, P., & Assadi Soumeh, E. (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation of whey powder and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, gut and hepatic function, and muscle antioxidant capacity of Japanese quail. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 104(3), 886–897. Anderson, K. A., Alig, B. N., Ferket, P. R., & Malheiros, R. D. (2020). Effect of housing environment and hen age on white shell egg solids and quality. Poultry Science, 99(Supplement), 52. Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., Moraes, V. M. B., Ayoola, A. A., Barasch, I., Toomer, O. T., & Torrent, J. (2020). Effects of functional oils on the growth, carcass and meat characteristics, and intestinal morphology of commercial turkey toms. Poultry Science, 99(7), 3752–3760. Vieira, R., Ferket, P., Malheiros, R., Hannas, M., Crivellari, R., Moraes, V., & Elliott, S. (2020). Feeding low dietary levels of organic trace minerals improves broiler performance and reduces excretion of minerals in litter. British Poultry Science, 61(5), 574–582. Wedegaertner, O., Fahrenholz, A., Bunod, J.-D., Fontaine, J., & Ferket, P. (2020). Handling Characteristic Evaluation of Free, Standard and Lipid Microencapsulated Vitamin and Mineral Premixes. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A, 10(5). Abousaad, S. M., Malheiros, R. D., & Ferket, P. R. (2020). In ovo feeding of clostridiale strains modulate gut microbiome. Poultry Science, 99(Supplement 1), 130. Toomer, O. T., Sanders, E., Vu, T. C., Livingston, M. L., Wall, B., Malheiros, R. D., … Anderson, K. E. (2020). Potential Transfer of Peanut and/or Soy Proteins from Poultry Feed to the Meat and/or Eggs Produced. ACS Omega, 5(2), 1080–1085. Alig, B., Malheiros, R., Ferket, P., & Anderson, K. (2020). The effect of housing environment on commercial brown egg layer performance. 2020 International Poultry Scientific Forum, 38. Alig, B., Ferket, P., Malheiros, R., & Anderson, K. (2020). The effect of housing environment on commercial white egg layer performance. Poultry Science, 99(Supplement 1), 51. Alig, B. N., Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., & Anderson, K. A. (2020). The effect of housing environment on egg quality and solids of commercial brown egg layers. Poultry Science, 99(Supplement 1), 53. Toomer, O. T., Sanders, E., Vu, T. C., Malheiros, R. D., Redhead, A. K., Livingston, M. L., … Ferket, P. R. (2020). The effects of high-oleic peanuts as an alternative feed ingredient on broiler performance, ileal digestibility, apparent metabolizable energy, and histology of the intestine. TRANSLATIONAL ANIMAL SCIENCE, 4(3). Wedegaertner, O., Chadwick, E., Beckstead, R., Santin, E., Bodin, J. C. F., & Ferket, P. (2019). Economically important production traits and enteric health of broilers fed free or lipid matrix-encapsulated vitamin and trace mineral elements at recommended and reduced levels [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 98(E-Supplement 1), 6. Aristimunha, P. C., Mallheiros, R. D., Ferket, P. R., Cardinal, K. M., Moreira Filho, A. L. B., Santos, E. T., … Ribeiro, A. M. L. (2020). Effect of Dietary Organic Acids and Humic Substance Supplementation on Performance, Immune Response and Gut Morphology of Broiler Chickens. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 29(1), 85–94. Ramos de Meja, L. J., Camacho, H., Ugalde, H., Menjivar, M., Cura, E., & Ferket, P. (2019). Effect of dietary calcium to non-phytate phosphorus ratio on growth performance of broilers raised under low and high heat stress tropical conditions. 2019 International Poultry Scientific Forum Abstracts. Abstract presented at the 2019 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Retrieved from Ferket, P. R. (2019). Effect of early nutrition to improve the development of enteric disease. Proceedings XXIst WVPAC 2019. Presented at the XXIst WVPAC 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. Wedegaertner, O., Farhrenholz, A., Bodin, J. C., Fountaine, J., & Ferket, P. (2019). Feed ingredient handling characteristic evaluation of lipid encapsulated versus non-encapsulated poultry vitamin and trace mineral premixes. 2019 International Poultry Scientific Forum Abstracts. Abstract presented at the 2019 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Retrieved from Ferket, P. R. (2019). How to manage the enteric ecosystem for optimum gut health. Proceedings XXIst WVPAC 2019. Presented at the XXIst WVPAC 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. Ward, N. E., Levy, A. W., Malheiros, R. D., & Ferket, P. R. (2019). Impact of Balancius supplementation on broiler performance [Abstract]. 2019 International Poultry Scientific Forum Abstracts, 99. Retrieved from Abousaad, S., Malheiros, R., Jones, S., Tracy, B., & Ferket, P. (2019). In ovo feeding dose response of Clostrideale strains on hatch and early growth performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 98(E-Supplement 1), 55. Abousaad, S., Ferket, P., Malheiros, R., Jones, S., & Tracy, B. (2019). In ovo feeding dose response of probiotic Clostridium species on hatch performance and hatchling quality of broilers [Abstract]. 2019 Southern Poultry Science Forum Abstracts, 82. Retrieved from Toomer, O. T., Livingston, M. L., Wall, B., Sanders, E., Vu, T. C., Malheiros, R. D., … Ferket, P. R. (2019). Meat quality and sensory attributes of meat produced from broiler chickens fed a high oleic peanut diet. Poultry Science, 98(10), 5188–5197. Redhead, A., & Ferket, P. (2019). The animal food and nutrition consortium established to fund pre-competitive research, outreach, and career development [Abstract]. 2019 International Poultry Scientific Forum Abstracts, 60. Retrieved from Sanders, E., Livingston, M., Wall, B., Vu, T., Malheiros, R., Livingston, K., … Toomer, O. (2019). The effects of feeding high-oleic peanuts on the growth performance of broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 98(E-Supplement 1), 75. Livingston, M., Ferket, P., Brake, J., & Livingston, K. (2018). Blood physiology of broilers presented with breast myopathies and supplemented with dietary glutamine and arginine [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 267. Wedegaertner, O., Fahrenholtz, A., & Ferket, P. (2018). Correlation of feed ingredient characteristics with flow- ability as measured by angle of repose [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 199. Livingston, M. L., Ferket, P. R., Brake, J., & Livingston, K. A. (2018). Dietary amino acids under hypoxic conditions exacerbates muscle myopathies including wooden breast and white stripping. Poultry Science, 98(3), 1517–1527. Fasina, Y., Ferket, P., Blue, C., Jababu, Y., Hooks, A., & Noble, R. (2018). Dietary spray-dried plasma influences early intestinal development and broiler chick growth [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 185. Malheiros, D., Moraes, V., Ferket, P., Anderson, K., & Malheiros, R. (2018). Effect of use of annatto (Bixa orellana) on the internal quality of eggs [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 177. Moreira Filho, A. L. B., Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., Oliveira, C. J. B., Aristimunha, P. C., Wilsmann, D. E., & Givisiez, P. E. N. (2018). Enrichment of the amnion with threonine in chicken embryos affects the small intestine development, ileal gene expression and performance of broilers between 1 and 21 days of age. Poultry Science, 98(3), 1363–1370. Ferket, P. (2018). In ovo feeding solution volume and osmolality is critical for optimum hatchability [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 164. Jababu, Y., Blue, C., Ferket, P., Ibrahim, S., Gyawali, R., & Fasina, Y. (2018). Influence of dietary spray dried plasma on fecal micro- biota in broiler chickens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 154. Chadwick, E., Malheiros, R., Ferket, P., & Beckstead, R. (2018). Microbiota, growth performance, and processing characteristics of broilers fed a standard vs low vitamin and trace mineral diet [Absrtact]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 287. Herchler, M., Black, S., Warren, M., Malheiros, R., & Ferket, P. (2018). The effects of phytase super-dosing in combination with xylanase on the ileal microbial profile of market turkey hens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 97(E-Supplement 1), 273. Mendoza, S. M., Boyd, R. D., Zier-Rush, C. E., Ferket, P. R., Haydon, K. D., & van Heugten, E. (2017). Effect of natural betaine and ractopamine HCl on whole-body and carcass growth in pigs housed under high ambient temperatures. Journal of Animal Science, 95(7), 3047–3056. Black, S., Herchler, M., Schramm, V., Crivellari, R., Malheiros, R., & Ferket, P. (2017). Effect of poult hatch weight on their subsequent growth response to dietary energy, phosphorus, calcium and Azomite [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 96(e-Supplement 1), 275. Xu, Y., Lin, Y. M., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Williams, C. M., & Brake, J. (2017). Effects of dietary coarsely ground corn and 3 bedding floor types on broiler live performance, litter characteristics, gizzard and proventriculus weight, and nutrient digestibility. Poultry Science, 96(7), 2110–2119. Mendoza, S. M., Boyd, R. D., Ferket, P. R., & van Heugten, E. (2017). Effects of dietary supplementation of the osmolyte betaine on growing pig performance and serological and hematological indices during thermoneutral and heat-stressed conditions. Journal of Animal Science, 95(11), 5040. Park, I., Pasquetti, T., Malheiros, R. D., Ferket, P. R., & Kim, S. W. (2018). Effects of supplemental L-methionine on growth performance and redox status of turkey poults compared with the use of DL-methionine. Poultry Science, 97(1), 102–109. Ferket, P. R. (2017). Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition. 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition. Presented at the 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition. Herchler, M., Black, S., Schramm, V., Crivellari, R., Malheiros, R., & Ferket, P. (2017). The effects of Hostazym® and Optiphos® super dosing in combination with Azomite® on growth performance in market turkey hens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 96(e-Supplement 1), 275. Ferket, P. R. (2017). The potential of perinatal nutrition: in ovo and prestarter feeding. In M. Francesch, D. Torrallardona, & J. Brufau (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition (pp. 64–69). Wagenengen Academic Publishers. Crivellari, R., Malheiros, R., Ferket, P. R., & Anderson, K. E. (2016). Comparison of egg production parameters and quality between molted and non-molted hens in enriched colony cages at two different densities from 73 to 109 weeks of age [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 95(E-Supplement 1), 5. Viguie, M., Livingston, K. A., Malheiros, R., & Ferket, P. R. (2016). Content and bioavailability of carotenoids in corn distillers solubles oil for skin pigmentation in broilers [Abstract]. XXV World Poultry Congress, 112. Ferket, P. R. (2016). Cultivating the enteric ecosystem to resist enteric pathogens: the poultry model. Proceedings 4th IHSIG Symposium; One World, One Health. Linked to intestinal health and poultry production, 17–29. Viguie, M., Livingston, K. A., Malheiros, R., & Ferket, P. R. (2016). Effect of corn distillers solubles oil on broiler chicken skin pigmentation and plasma carotenoid content [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 95(E-Supplement 1), 13. Pacheco, W. J., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Brake, J., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2016). Effect of heat treatment on TMEn and AA digestibility of expeller-extracted soybean meal [Abstract]. XXV World Poultry Congress, 112. Akbari Moghaddam Kakhki, R., Bakhshalinejad, R., Hassanabadi, A., & Ferket, P. (2016). Effects of dietary organic zinc and α-tocopheryl acetate supplements on growth performance, meat quality, tissues minerals, and α-tocopherol deposition in broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 96(5), pew386. Malheiros, R. D., Ferket, P. R., Viguie, M., Livingston, K., Anderson, K. E., Crivellari, R., … Aristimunha, P. C. (2016). Enhancement of EggQuality and Yolk Color by Corn Distillers Solubles Oil and Other Commercial Pigment Sources [Abstract]. XXV World Poultry Congress, 123. Moran, K., de Lange, C. F. M., Ferket, P., Fellner, V., Wilcock, P., & van Heugten, E. (2016). Enzyme supplementation to improve the nutritional value of fibrous feed ingredients in swine diets fed in dry or liquid form. Journal of Animal Science, 94(3), 1031–1040. Ferket, P. R. (2016). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. In Feedstuffs Reference Issue & Buyers Guide (Vol. 87, pp. 42–49). Coffey, D., Dawson, K., Ferket, P., & Connolly, A. (2016). Review of the feed industry from a historical perspective and implications for its future. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 4. Coffey, D., Dawson, K., Ferket, P., & Connolly, A. (2016). Review of the feed industry from a historical perspective and implications for its future – CORRIGENDUM. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 4. Viguie, M., Livingston, K., Malheiros, R., & Ferket, P. (2016). Variability of corn distillers solubles oil quality and carotenoid content bioavailability as determined by skin pigmentation in broiler chickens. Proceedings 2016 International Poultry Scientific Forum, 38. Ayoola, A. A., Malheiros, R. D., Grimes, J. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2015). Effect of Dietary Exogenous Enzyme Supplementation on Enteric Mucosal Morphological Development and Adherent Mucin Thickness in Turkeys. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2. Xu, Y., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Williams, C. M., Pacheco, W. J., & Brake, J. (2015). Effect of dietary coarsely ground corn on broiler live performance, gastrointestinal tract development, apparent ileal digestibility of energy and nitrogen, and digesta particle size distribution and retention time. Poultry Science, 94(1), 53–60. Passos, A. A., Park, I., Ferket, P., von Heimendahl, E., & Kim, S. W. (2015). Effect of dietary supplementation of xylanase on apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients, viscosity of digesta, and intestinal morphology of growing pigs fed corn and soybean meal based diet. Animal Nutrition, 1(1), 19–23. Xu, Y., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Williams, C. M., Auttawong, S., & Brake, J. (2015). Effects of dietary coarsely ground corn and litter type on broiler live performance, litter characteristics, gastrointestinal tract development, apparent ileal digestibility of energy and nitrogen, and intestinal morphology. Poultry Science, 94(3), 353–361. Xu, Y., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Williams, C. M., & Brake, J. (2015). Effects of feed form and dietary coarse ground corn on broiler live performance, body weight uniformity, relative gizzard weight, excreta nitrogen, and particle size preference behaviors. Poultry Science, 94(7), 1549–1556. Shen, Y. B., Ferket, P., Park, I., Malheiros, R. D., & Kim, S. W. (2015). Effects of feed grade L-methionine on intestinal redox status, intestinal development, and growth performance of young chickens compared with conventional DL-methionine. Journal of Animal Science, 93(6), 2977–2986. Xu, Y., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Williams, C. M., Nusairat, B., & Brake, J. (2015). Evaluation of litter type and dietary coarse ground corn inclusion on broiler live performance, gastrointestinal tract development, and litter characteristics. Poultry Science, 94(3), 362–370. Ferket, P., & Leeson, S. (2015). Nutrition and Health: Poultry. In Feedstuffs Reference Issue & Buyers guide (Vol. 88, pp. 42–51). Ferket, P. R. (2014). Early Nutrition for Gut Development and Health. In Y. Guo & P. R. Ferket (Eds.), International Symposium on Poultry Nutrition and Gut Health (pp. 157–183). Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A., Stark, C., Ferket, P., & Brake, J. T. (2014). Effect of inclusion level and metabolizable energy values of DDGS on pellet quality, nutrient digestibility, incidence of footpad lesions, and broiler live performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 93(E-Supplement 1), 200. Pacheco, W. J., Fahrenholz, A. C., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2014). Effect of particle size of distillers dried grains with solubles and soybean meal on pellet quality, nutrient digestibility, and broiler live performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 93(E-Supplement 1), 24. Zhang, L., Cao, G. T., Zeng, X. F., Zhou, L., Ferket, P. R., Xiao, Y. P., … Yang, C. M. (2014). Effects of Clostridium butyricum on growth performance, immune function, and cecal microflora in broiler chickens challenged with Escherichia coli K88. POULTRY SCIENCE, 93(1), 46–53. Pacheco, W. J., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2014). Effects of trypsin inhibitor and particle size of expeller-extracted soybean meal on broiler live performance and weight of gizzard and pancreas. Poultry Science, 93(9), 2245–2252. Vieira, R. A., Malheiros, R. D., Albino, L. F. T., Hannas, M. I., Crivellari, R., Borges, L. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2014). Evaluation of inorganic (sulfates) and chelated trace minerals zinc, copper, manganese, and iron in low levels for broiler [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 93(E-Supplement 1), 84. Havenstein, G. B., & Ferket, P. R. (2014). Genetics and Nutrition during the Last 50 Years in Poultry Science and Production. Avian Nutrigenomics Course. Presented at the FACTA-WPSA Brazilian Branch, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ferket, P. R. (2014). Gut Physiology and Health: The Key for Meat Productivity. Proceedings 41 Poultry Nutrition Conference, 64. Ferket, P. R. (2014). NCSU Nutrition Update. Proceedings 37th Annual North Carolina Turkey Industry Days, 1–20. Ferket, P. R. (2014). Practical considerations of influencing and measuring impacts of fetal and early nutrition programming in poultry. Proceedings of the 35th Western Nutrition Conference, 15–21. Xu, Y., Li, L. W., Stark, C., Ferket, P., Williams, M., & Brake, J. (2014). The Effects of Coarsely Ground Corn Inclusion on Female Broiler Live Performance, Gizzard and Proventriculus Weight, Litter Characteristics and Ammonia Emission [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 93(E-Supplement 1), 197. Malheiros, R., Ferket, P., & Torrent, J. (2014). The Effects of Functional Oils in Finisher Turkey Diets [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 93(E-Supplement 1), 262. Ferket, P. R. (2014). The Potential of in ovo feeding and perinatal nutrition. Proceedings of 2014 Eastern Nutrition Conference, 1–7. Animal Nutrition Association of Canada. Rungcharoen, P., Therdthai, N., Dhamvithee, P., Attamangkune, S., Ruangpanit, Y., Ferket, P. R., & Amornthewaphat, N. (2013). By-product of Tropical Vermicelli Waste as a Novel Alternative Feedstuff in Broiler Diets. ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES, 26(12), 1732–1741. Ferket, P., Ao, T., Samuel, R., Malheiros, R., Ford, M., Pescatore, A., & Cantor, A. (2013). Effect of in ovo feeding and programmed nutrition strategy on the growth performance and meat yield of Ross 708 Broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(E-Supplement 1), 79. Pacheco, W., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2013). Effect of particle grind size of DDGS and SBM on feed manufacturing and broiler performance. Proceedings 40th Annual Poultry Nutrition Conference, 55. Pacheco, W. J., Fahrenholz, A. C., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2013). Effect of particle size and inclusion level of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and pellet quality on growth performance and gastro-intestinal (GIT) development of broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(E-Supplement 1), 14. Xu, Y., Stark, C., Ferket, P., & Brake, J. (2013). Effect of roller mill ground corn inclusion and floor types on gastric development, live performance, and litter moisture in broilers, 2013 [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(E-Supplement 1), 65. Ayoola, A. A., Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., & Grimes, J. (2013). Effect of β-mannanase on nutrients digestibility, gut morphology, and ileal mucin secretion. Proceedings 40th Annual Poultry Nutrition Conference, 70. Ayoola, A., Ferket, P., Malheiros, R., & Grimes, J. (2013). Effect of β-mannanase supplementation of high and low fat diets on energy and protein utilization, gut morphology, and mucin secretion of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(Supplement 1), 196. Malheiros, R. D., Ayoola, A. A., Carvalho, L. V. F. M., & Ferket, P. R. (2013). Evaluation of a hydrocolloid hatchery supplement on consumption rate and weight loss of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(E-Supplement 1), 32. Xu, Y., Stark, C., Ferket, P., & Brake, J. (2013). Evaluation of roller mill ground corn inclusions on broiler growth performance, digesta retention time, and gastrointestinal tract characteristics [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(Supplement 1), 196. Pacheco, W. J., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2013). Evaluation of soybean meal source and particle size on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, and gizzard development. Poultry Science, 92(11), 2914–2922. Xu, Y., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2013). Impact of particle grind size of corn on broilers. Proceedings 40th Annual Poultry Nutrition Conference, 44. Asai, M., Ramachandrappa, S., Joachim, M., Shen, Y., Zhang, R., Nuthalapati, N., … Majzoub, J. A. (2013). Loss of Function of the Melanocortin 2 Receptor Accessory Protein 2 Is Associated with Mammalian Obesity. SCIENCE, 341(6143), 275–278. Oliveira, J. E., Druyan, S., Uni, Z., Ashwell, C. M., & Ferket, P. R. (2013). Metabolic profiling of late-term turkey embryos by microarrays. POULTRY SCIENCE, 92(4), 1011–1028. Ferket, P. R. (2013). Novel applications to optimize feed efficiency in turkeys. Turkey Science Proceedings, 1–9. Woodbank, Cheshire: Turkey Times. Ferket, P. R. (2013). Nutrition and feed strategies to control the enteric ecosystem and gut health. In Total Nutrition, The Importance of Intestinal Health in Poultry. Des Moines, IA: Kemin Industries. Auttawong, S., Brake, J. T., Ferket, P. R., Stark, C. R., & Yahav, S. (2013). The effect of corn particle size, dietary energy level, post pellet liquid fat application, and time-limited feeding on broiler live performance to 28 days of age [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(Supplement 1), 195. Malheiros, R., Ayoola, A., Ferket, P., & Grimes, J. (2013). The effect of enzymes and direct-fed microbial (DFM) supplementation of diets containing 6 and 18% DDGS on the growth performance, gut morphology, and mucin secretion in turkey hens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(Supplement 1), 227. Ayoola, A. A., Malheiros, R. D., Carvalho, L. V. F. M., Indrakumar, S., Romero, L. F., & Ferket, P. R. (2013). The effect of supplementing corn-DDGS diet with exogenous enzymes and direct-fed microbials on nutrient digestibility in turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 92(E-Supplement 1), 36. Ferket, P. R. (2013). The potential of feeding the perinatal chick in the hatchery: programming for efficiency and meat quality by in ovo and early feeding. Proceedings 6a reunion Annual AECACEM. Presented at the 6a reunion Annual AECACEM, Queretaro, Mexico. Baurhoo, B., Ferket, P., Ashwell, C. M., de Oliviera, J., & Zhao, X. (2012). Cell Walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Differentially Modulated Innate Immunity and Glucose Metabolism during Late Systemic Inflammation. PLoS ONE, 7(1), e30323. Yang, C. M., Ferket, P. R., Hong, Q. H., Zhou, J., Cao, G. T., Zhou, L., & Chen, A. G. (2012). Effect of chito-oligosaccharide on growth performance, intestinal barrier function, intestinal morphology and cecal microflora in weaned pigs. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 90(8), 2671–2676. Auttawong, S., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2012). Effect of coarse corn and DDGS inclusion in pelleted diets on broiler performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 45. Xu, Y., Stark, C., Ferket, P., & Brake, J. (2012). Effect of roller mill ground corn inclusion and litter type on broiler performance and fecal characteristics [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 188. Xu, Y., Stark, C., Ferket, P., & Brake, J. (2012). Effect of roller mill ground corn inclusion and litter type on broiler performance, gastrointestinal and litter characteristics, and nutrient apparent ileal digestibility [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 46. Cao, G. T., Xiao, Y. P., Yang, C. M., Chen, A. G., Liu, T. T., Zhou, L., … Ferket, P. (2012). Effects of clostridium butyricum on growth performance, nitrogen metabolism intestinal morphology and cecal microflora in broiler chickens. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(15), 2665–2671. Yang, C. M., Cao, G. T., Ferket, P. R., Liu, T. T., Zhou, L., Zhang, L., … Chen, A. G. (2012). Effects of probiotic, Clostridium butyricum, on growth performance, immune function, and cecal microflora in broiler chickens. POULTRY SCIENCE, 91(9), 2121–2129. Ferket, P. R. (2012). Embryo epigenomic response to breeder management and nutrition. Proceedings XXIV World’s Poultry Congress, 144. Ferket, P. R. (2012). Epigenetic programming by parent stock and progeny perinatal nutrition – The Poultry Model. Proceedings of the California Animal Nutrition Conference. Presented at the California Animal Nutrition Conference, Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Fresno, CA. Pacheco, W., Stark, C., Brake, J., & Ferket, P. R. (2012). Evaluation of ESBM and corn particle size on broiler performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 189. Ferket, P. R. (2012). Feed enzymes to optimize the gut ecosystem for peak performance and profitability [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 62. Smith, D. P., Northcutt, J. K., Grimes, J. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2012). Feed withdrawal effects on turkey live shrink and gastro-intestinal contents [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 76. Ferket, P., Malheiros, R., Moraes, V., Ayoola, A., Barasch, I., & Torrent, J. (2012). Functional oils are an alternative to pharmaceutical growth promoters in turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 212. Malheiros, R. D., Ferket, P. R., & Goncalves, F. M. (2012). Oxidative stress protection of embryos by “in ovo” supplementation. Proceedings of the XXIV World’s Poultry Congress, 121. Goncalves, F. M., Santos, V. L., Nunes, J. K., Novelini, L., Anciuti, M. A., Rutz, F., & Ferket, P. R. (2012). Total dietary replacement of sodium selenite by selenium yeast (Sel-Plex) improves carcass yield characteristics of male broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 91(Supplement 1), 145. Barasch, I. B., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., Stark, C. R., & Malheiros, R. D. (2011). Effect of dietary inclusion of Actigen and virginiamycin on the growth performance of turkey toms. Abstracts, 2011 International Poultry Scientific forum, 229. Barasch, I. B., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., Stark, C. R., & Malheiros, R. D. (2011). Effect of dietary inclusion of Actigen on ileal villi morphology of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 90(E-supplement 1), 146. Malheiros, R. D., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., & Kim, S. W. (2011). Effect of dietary supplementation of beta-mananase (CTCzyme) on the growth performance of turkey hens. Abstracts, 2011 International Poultry Scientific forum, 230. Bohórquez, N. E., Bohórquez, D. V., Malhieros, R. D., Wineland, M. J., & Ferket, P. R. (2011). Effect of genetic cross, broiler breeder weight management, and incubation profile on jejunum mucosa development and growth performance of broiler progeny. Abstracts, 2011 International Poultry Scientific forum, 149. van Rooij, J. C. A., Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., Latour, K., Wineland, M. J., Fletcher, O. J., & vanden Brand, H. (2011). Effect of reduced egg shell conductance during late-term incubation on the morphological development of lymphoid tissues in turkey embryos and poults. Abstracts, 2011 International Poultry Scientific forum, 284. Malheiros, R. D., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., Moraes, V. M. B., Barasch, I. B., & Torrent, J. (2011). Effects of feeding functional oils on performance and jejunum morphology in turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 90(E-supplement 1), 13. Pacheco, W. J., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2011). Evaluation of different levels of trypsin inhibitor and particle size of expeller-extracted SBM on broiler performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 90(E-supplement 1), 103. Bohorquez, D. V., & Ferket, P. R. (2011). Feeding the maturing gut for lifetime performance. Proceedings 5th Turkey Science and Production Symposium conference. Presented at the 5th Turkey Science and Production Symposium conference, Shrigley Hall Hotel, Macclesfield, UK. Rivera-Torres, V., Ferket, P. R., & Sauvant, D. (2011). Mechanistic modeling of turkey growth response to genotype and nutrition. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 89(10), 3170–3188. Ferket, P. R. (2011). Nutrition-disease interactions regarding gut health in chickens. Proceedings 18th European Symposium of Poultry Nutrition, Working Group 2 of WPSA, 180–192. Ferket, P. R. (2011). Strategies for finding alternatives to growth promoters. Proceedings of the XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de aviculture. Presented at the XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de aviculture. Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., Barasch, I., Wineland, M. J., & Moore, D. (2011). The effect of feeding Original XPC to turkey breeder hens and progeny on the growth performance of turkey toms. Abstracts, 2011 International Poultry Scientific forum, 230. Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2011). The egg comes first: in ovo feeding and the promise of perinatal nutrition. Proceedings of the Alltech Symposium. Presented at the Alltech Symposium. Bohórquez, D. V., Bohórquez, N. E., & Ferket, P. R. (2011). Ultrastructural development of the small intestinal mucosa in the embryo and turkey poult: A light and electron microscopy study. Poultry Science, 90(4), 842–855. Stark, C. R., & Ferket, P. R. (2010). Asynchronous distance education in feed science [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 788. Oviedo-Rondón, E. O., Wineland, M. J., Ashwell, C. M., & Ferket, P. R. (2010). Bone development of three breed crosses of broilers is affected by incubation profiles [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 543. Zhao, Y., Ferket, P. R., Wu, G., Nakagawa, K., & Kim, S. W. (2010). Dietary supplementation of L-glutamine and L-glutamate to newly hatched broiler chickens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 209. Pacheco, W. J., Malheiros, R. D., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2010). Effect of percentage pellet fines and house-walking schedule on broiler growth performance [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 562. Schwartz, M. H., Ward, N. E., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2010). Enzyme supplementation of corn-based diets with or without distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) for broilers. ABSTRACTS 2010 International Poultry Scientific Forum, 8. Pacheco, W. J., Stark, C. R., Ferket, P. R., & Brake, J. (2010). Evaluation of expeller-produced and solvent-extracted soybean meal at two particle sizes on broiler performance. ABSTRACTS 2010 International Poultry Scientific Forum, 8. Bohórquez, D. V., Bohórquez, N. E., & Ferket, P. R. (2010). Gut microbiota in the avian embryo. ABSTRACTS 2010 International Poultry Scientific Forum, 53. Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2010). In ovo nutrition effects on neonatal development and performance. Poultry beyond 2010: sustaining profitability growth in a volatile environment, 105–121. Rivera-Torres, V., Ferket, P., & Sauvant, D. (2010). Modeling the response of growing turkeys to nutrition: from experimental to commercial data [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 563. Ferket, P. R., & Stark, C. R. (2010). Recent developments in feed technology. Poultry beyond 2010: sustaining profitability growth in a volatile environment, 188–205. Malheiros, R. D., & Ferket, P. R. (2010). Starter feed supplementation level effects of coated sodium butyrate (ADIMIX) on growth performance of broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 813. Ferket, P. R., Malheiros, R. D., Wineland, M. J., Grimes, J. L., & Moore, D. T. (2010). The effect of feeding Original XPC to turkey breeder hens and progeny on starter poult performance and early breast muscle development [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 89(E-Supplement 1), 815. Freeman, S. R., Poore, M. H., Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). Alternative methods for disposal of spent laying hens: Evaluation of the efficacy of grinding, mechanical deboning, and of keratinase in the rendering process. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 100(19), 4515–4520. Rivera-Torres, V. C., Ferket, P. R., & Sauvant, D. (2009). Characterization of turkey growth profiles through mechanistic modeling [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 43. Schwartz, M. H., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., & Stark, C. R. (2009). Effect of phytase and carbohydrase supplementation of corn-soy diets with or without inclusion of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), 2009 [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 67. Baurhoo, B., Ferket, P. R., & Zhao, X. (2009). Effects of diets containing different concentrations of mannanoligosaccharide or antibiotics on growth performance, intestinal development, cecal and litter microbial populations, and carcass parameters of broilers. POULTRY SCIENCE, 88(11), 2262–2272. Schwartz, M. H., Bohorquez, D. V., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). Effects of water and feed supplementation of oregano essential oil (Ragano®) of coccidian-challenged turkey poults on growth performance and gut morphology, 2009 [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 188. Ferket, P. R. (2009). Epigenetic adaptations in poultry: A case for in ovo feeding strategies. Proceedings 70th Minnesota Nutrition Conference, 60–76. Bohorquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). Evaluatoin of mucosal development of the small intestine in perinatal turkeys by light and electron microscopy [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 198. Ange-van Heugten, K. D., van Heugten, E., Timmer, S., Bosch, G., Elias, A., Whisnant, S., … Verstegen, M. W. A. (2009). Fecal and Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in Woolly (Lagothrix ssp.) and Spider Monkeys (Ateles spp.). International Journal of Zoology, 2009, 1–9. Ferket, P. R. (2009). How to resolve leg problems in turkeys. Proceedings Midwest Poultry Federation Meetings. Presented at the Midwest Poultry Federation Meetings, Minneapolis, MN. Bohorquez, D. V., de Oliveira, J. E., Ashwell, C. M., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). In ovo feeding effects on post-hatch development of the small intestinal epithelium of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 151. Bohorquez, D. V., Bohorquez, N. E., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). In-ovo feeding and dietary NUPRO® enhances triodothyronine activity and morphological maturation of the small intestinal epithelium of turkey embryos and poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 42. Wineland, M. J., Evans, H. R. C., Oviedo, E. O., Ahswell, C. M., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). In-ovo feeding and dietary β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate effects on poult quality, growth performance and ileum microanatomy of turkey poults from 1 to 11 days of age [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 88(Supplement 1), 48. de Oliveira, J. E., Druyan, S., Uni, Z., Ashwell, C. M., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). Prehatch intestinal maturation of turkey embryos demonstrated through gene expression patterns. Poultry Science, 88(12), 2600–2609. Foye, O. T., Ashwell, C., Uni, Z., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). The Effects of Intra-Amnionic Feeding of Arginine And/or ß-Hyroxy-ß-Methylbutyrate on Jejunal Gene Expression in the Turkey Embryo and Hatchling. International Journal of Poultry Science, 8(5), 437–445. Upton, J. R., Edens, F. W., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). The effects of dietary oxidized fat and selenium source on performance, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activity in broiler chickens. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 18(2), 193–202. Santos, A. A., Jr., Ferket, P. R., Santos, F. B. O., Nakamura, N., & Collier, C. (2008). Change in the ileal bacterial population of turkeys fed different diets and after infection with Salmonella as determined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of amplified 16S ribosomal DNA. POULTRY SCIENCE, 87(7), 1415–1427. Freeman, S. R., Poore, M. H., Huntington, G. B., Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (2009). Determination of nitrogen balance in goats fed a meal produced from hydrolyzed spent hen hard tissues. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 87(3), 1068–1076. De Oliveira, J. E., Ashwell, C. M., Uni, Z., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). Effect of in ovo feeding on turkey embryo intestinal morphology [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 87(Supplement 1), 31. Bohorquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., Rojas, J. O., Uni, Z., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). Effects of in-ovo feeding (IOF) and dietary β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) on the small intestinal microanatomy of turkey poults. Proceedings XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 2008, 414. World’s Poultry Science Association. De Oliveira, J. E., Uni, Z., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). [Review of Important metabolic pathways in poultry embryos prior to hatch]. WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 64(4), 488–499. Bohórquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). In-ovo feeding and dietary β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate effects on poult quality, growth performance and ileum microanatomy of turkey poults from 1 to 11 days of age [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 87(Supplement 1), 139. Santos, F. B. O., Sheldon, B. W., Santos, A. A., Jr., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). Influence of housing system, grain type, and particle size on Salmonella colonization and shedding of broilers fed triticale or corn-soybean meal diets. POULTRY SCIENCE, 87(3), 405–420. Oviedo-Rondón, E. O., Mente, P. L., Lascelles, B. D. X., Grimes, J., Ferket, P., & Mitchell, A. (2008). Leg defects and gait patterns on turkey bone biomechanical properties [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 87(Supplement 1), 58. Bohorquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., Nanney, R. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). Nutrient digestibility value of Nuproo® yeast extract for broilers. Proceedings XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 2008, 1261. Ferket, P. R. (2008). Nutrition and management factors that affect gut health in broiler breeders. Proceedings 2008 North Carolina Broiler Breeder and Hatchery Management Conference, 79–86. Ferket, P. R. (2008). Nutrition of the Perinatal Turkey. Proceedings of the 2nd Turkey Science and Production Conference, 63–67. Macclesfield: Shrigley Hall. Ferket, P. R., Oviedo-Rondon, E. O., Mente, P. L., Bohorquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., Grimes, J. L., … Felts, V. (2009). Organic trace minerals and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol affect performance characteristics, leg abnormalities, and biomechanical properties of leg bones of turkeys. POULTRY SCIENCE, 88(1), 118–131. Edens, F. W., Upton, J. R., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). Selenium Yeast Effect on Broiler Performance. International Journal of Poultry Science, 7(8), 798–805. Ange-van Heugten, K., Verstegen, M., Ferket, P. R., Stoskopf, M., & van Heugten, E. (2008). Serum chemistry concentrations of captive woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha). Zoo Biology, 27(3), 188–199. Bohorquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., Nanney, R. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2008). Small intestine development and growth performance of turkey poults is enhanced by dietary supplementation of Nupro® yeast extract. Proceedings XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 2008, 1258. Ferket, P. R., Oviedo, E. O., & Powel, K. E. (2008). Solving leg problems in turkeys. Proceedings XXIII World’s Poultry Congress 2008, 1255. Ferket, P. R. (2008). The effect of nutrition on epigenetics in poultry. Proceedings of the 29th Western Nutrition Conference. Presented at the 29th Western Nutrition Conference, Edmonton AB. de Oliveira, J. E., Ferket, P. R., Ashwell, C. M., Uni, Z., & Heggen-Peay, C. (2007). Changes in the late term turkey embryo metabolism due to in ovo feeding [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 86(Supplement 1), 214. Cheema, M. A., Qureshi, M. A., Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., & Nestor, K. E. (2007). Comparison of the immune response of 2003 commercial turkeys and a 1966 randombred strain when fed representative 2003 and 1966 turkey diets. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(2), 241–248. Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., Qureshi, M. A., & Nestor, K. E. (2007). Comparison of the performance of 1966-versus 2003-type turkeys when fed representative 1966 and 2003 turkey diets: Growth rate, livability, and feed conversion. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(2), 232–240. Santos, F. B. O., Sheldon, B. W., Santos, A. A., Jr., Ferket, P. R., Lee, M. D., Petroso, A., & Smith, D. (2007). Determination of ileum microbial diversity of broilers fed triticale- or corn-based diets and colonized by Salmonella. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 16(4), 563–573. Heggen-Peay, C. L., Garrell, M., Doeling, V. W., & Ferket, P. R. (2007). Development of an automated delivery system for in ovo feeding of turkey embryos [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 86(Supplement 1), 214. Ferket, P. (2007). Development of time-enhanced internet-based distance education in feed mill management and feed formulation [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 86(Supplement 1), 463. Ange-van Heugten, K. D., Burns, R., Verstegen, M. W. A., Jansen, W. L., Ferket, P. R., & Heugten, E. (2007). Evaluation of diabetes determinants in woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION, 91(11-12), 481–491. Santos, A. A., & Ferket, P. R. (2007). Fatores Dietéticos que Afetam a Saúde Intestinal e a Colonização por Patógenos. Conferência APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas 2007. Presented at the Conferência APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas 2007, Mendes Convention Center, Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Ferket, P. R., & Santos, A. A. (2007). Feed formulation strategies to optimize gut development and health. Proceedings World’s Poultry Veterinary Congress. Presented at the World’s Poultry Veterinary Congress, Beijing, China. Santos, F. B. O., D'Souza, D. H., Jaykus, L., Ferket, P. R., & Sheldon, B. W. (2007). Genotypes, serotypes, and antibiotic resistance profiles of Salmonella isolated from commercial North Carolina Turkey farms. JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 70(6), 1328–1333. Bohorquez, D. V., Santos, A. A., Jr., & Ferket, P. R. (2007). In ovo-fed lactose augments small intestinal surface and body weight of 3 day-old turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 86(Supplement 1), 214. de Oliveira, J., Ferket, P. R., Wineland, M. J., & Oviedo-Rondon, E. O. (2007). Inuence of in ovo feeding on turkey poult quality [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 86(Supplement 1), 318. Foye, O. T., Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2007). Ontogeny of energy and carbohydrate utilisation of the precocial avian embryo and hatchling. AVIAN AND POULTRY BIOLOGY REVIEWS, 18(3), 93–101. Biohorquez, D., Santos, A., Ferket, P., & Richards, J. (2007). Supplementatin with MINTREX® organic trace minerals enhances intestinal health and feed efficiency of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 86(Supplement 1), 782. Foye, T., Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2007). The effects of in ovo feeding arginine, beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl-butyrate, and protein on Jejunal digestive and absorptive activity in embryonic and neonatal turkey poults. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(11), 2343–2349. Rutz, F., Ferket, P. R., Santos, A. A., & Oviedo-Rondon, E. (2006). Antimicrobianos nas racoes de aves e suinos. In Anais de Simposios da 43o Reuniao Anual da SBZ, Joao Pessoa (pp. 394–433). deOliveira, J., Ferket, P., Ashwell, C., & Uni, Z. (2006). Assessing liver energy metabolism of late term turkey embryos using microarrays [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 35. Santos, A. A., Ferket, P. R., Santos, F. B. O., Nakamura, N., Collier, C., & Gaskins, H. R. (2006). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA amplicons to analyze changes in ileum bacterial population of turkeys fed different diets and after infection with Salmonella spp [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 32. Foye, O. T., Uni, Z., & Ferket, P. R. (2006). Effect of in ovo feeding egg white protein, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, and carbohydrates on glycogen status and neonatal growth of turkeys. POULTRY SCIENCE, 85(7), 1185–1192. Warner, J. D., Ferket, P. R., Christensen, V. L., & Felts, J. V. (2006). Effect of season, hatch time, and post-hatch holding on glycogen status of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 56. Ferket, P. R., & Gernat, A. G. (2006). Factors That Affect Feed Intake of Meat Birds: A Review. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(10), 905–911. de Oliveira, J., Ferket, P., Uni, Z., Jones, B., Upton, R., Doeling, V., & Ricks, C. (2006). Glycogen status and growth of poults in ovo fed carbohydrate and hydrolyzed soy relative to positive and negative controls [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 206. Bohorquez, D., Plunske, R., Oviedo-Rondon, E., & Ferket, P. (2006). Growth performance of salmonella-challenged broilers fed normal and high threonine (THR) diets supplemented with egg immunoglobulins (IgY [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 168. Bohorquez, D., Plunske, R., Oviedo, E., & Ferket, P. (2006). Growth performance, gut health, and feed passage of Salmonella-challenged chickens reared on litter floors or in cages [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 32. Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2006). In ovo feeding enhances early gut development and digestive capacity of poultry. Worlds’ Poultry Science, (Supplement 64), 300. Uni, Z., Ferket, P. R., & Tako, E. (2006). In ovo feeding: impact in gut development, engergetic status, gene expression, and growth performance. Proceedings of the 29th Technical Turkey Conference. Presented at the 29th Technical Turkey Conference, Shrigley Hall Hotel. Ferket, P. R. (2006). Incubation and in ovo nutrition effects on neonatal development. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 18–28. Santos, F. B. O., Santos, A. A., Jr., Ferket, P. R., & Sheldon, B. W. (2006). Influence of Grain Particle Size and Insoluble Fiber Content on Salmonella Colonization and Shedding of Turkeys Fed Corn-Soybean Meal Diets. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(8), 731–739. Santos, F., Santos, A., Ferket, P., & Sheldon, B. (2006). Influence of housing system, grain type and particle size on Salmonella colonization and shedding in broilers fed triticale and corn-soybean meal diets [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 18. Smirnov, A., Tako, E., Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2006). Mucin gene expression and mucin content in the chicken intestinal goblet cells are affected by in ovo feeding of carbohydrates. POULTRY SCIENCE, 85(4), 669–673. Oviedo-Rondon, E. O., Ferket, P. R., & Havenstein, G. B. (2006). [Review of Nutritional factors that affect leg problems in broilers and turkeys]. AVIAN AND POULTRY BIOLOGY REVIEWS, 17(3), 89–103. Ferket, P. R. (2006). Nutritional fueling of the genetic turkey engine. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Poultry Health Conference, 63–74. Santos, A. A., & Ferket, P. R. (2006). Nutritional strategies to modulate microflora. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 66–89. Fasina, Y. O., Classen, H. L., Garlich, J. D., Black, B. L., Ferket, P. R., Uni, Z., & Olkowski, A. A. (2006). Response of turkey poults to soybean lectin levels typically encountered in commercial diets. 2. Effect on intestinal development and lymphoid organs. POULTRY SCIENCE, 85(5), 870–877. Ferket, P. R., Oviedo, E. O., Grimes, J. L., Bohroques, D. V., Santos, A. A., Richards, J. D., & Felts, V. (2006). Supplementation with MINTREX® organic trace minerals improves growth performance and leg abnormalities in turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 85(Supplement 1), 31. Foye, O. T., Uni, Z., McMurtry, J. P., & Ferket, P. R. (2006). The Effects of Amniotic Nutrient Administration, "In ovo Feeding" of Arginine And/or ß-Hydroxy- Betß-Methyl Butyrate (HMB) on Insulin-like Growth Factors, Energy Metabolism and Growth in Turkey Poults. International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(4), 309–317. Oviedo-Rondon, E. O., Ferket, P. R., & Havenstein, G. B. (2006). Understanding long bone development in broilers and turkeys. Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews, 17(3), 77–88. Tako, E., Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2005). Changes in chicken intestinal zinc exporter mRNA expression and small intestinal functionality following intra-amniotic zinc-methionine administration. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 16(6), 339–346. Ferket, P. R., Santos, A. A., & Oviedo-Rondon, E. O. (2005). Dietary Factors that affect gut health and pathogen colonization. Proceedings 32nd Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 1–22. Santos, A. A., Jr., Santos, F. B. O., & Ferket, P. R. (2005). Dietary inclusion of non-starch polysaccharides and enzymes discourages salmonella colonization in turkeys. In G. B. Havenstein (Ed.), The development of alternative technologies for the processing and use of animal waste (pp. 636–641). Moore, D. T., Ferket, P. R., & Mozdziak, P. E. (2005). Early post-hatch fasting induces satellite cell self-renewal. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY, 142(3), 331–339. Ferket, P., de Oliveira, J., Ghane, A., & Uni, Z. (2005). Effect of in ovo feeding solution osmolality on hatching turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 84(Supplement 1), 118. Parks, C. W., Grimes, J. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2005). 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The effects of in ovo feeding of arginine and/or beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on glycogen metabolism and growth in turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 84(Supplement 1), 9. Foye, O., Ferket, P., & Uni, Z. (2005). The effects of in ovo feeding of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) and arginine on jejunal expression and function in turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 84(Supplement 1), 41. Foye, O., Ferket, P., & Uni, Z. (2005). The effects of in ovo feeding of protein and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on nutrient digestion and absorption in neonatal turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 84(Supplement 1), 95. Ferket, P. R. (2004). Alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production: responses, practical experience and recommendations. In T. P. Lyons & K. A. Jacques (Eds.), Re-imaging the feed industry. Proceedings from Alltech’s 20th Annual Symposium (pp. 57–67). Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press. Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., Qureshi, M. A., & Nestor, K. E. (2004). Changes in the performance of turkeys – 1966-2003. Proceedings of the 27th Technical Turkeys Conference, 1–13. Kim, I. B., Ferket, P. R., Powers, W. J., Stein, H. H., & Kempen, T. A. T. G. (2004). Effects of different dietary acidifier sources of calcium and phosphorus on ammonia, methane and odorant emission from growing-finishing pigs. ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES, 17(8), 1131–1138. Tako, E., Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2004). Effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate on the development of chicken intestine. POULTRY SCIENCE, 83(12), 2023–2028. Fasina, Y. O., Garlich, J. D., Classen, H. L., Uni, Z., Ferket, P. R., & Mckee, S. R. (2004). Feeding a semi-purified diet induced early gut development in young turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 83(Supplement 1), 265. Hadri, L. E., Garlich, J. D., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P., & Odetallah, N. H. (2004). 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Response of turkey poults to soybean lectin levels typically encountered in commercial diets. 1. Effect on growth and nutrient digestibility. POULTRY SCIENCE, 83(9), 1559–1571. Ferket, P. R., & Santos, A. A., Jr. (2004). Review of enzymes—how do they work. Proceedings 2004 Midwest Poultry Federation Conference, Pre-show nutrition symposium. Presented at the 2004 Midwest Poultry Federation Conference, Pre-show nutrition symposium, St. Paul, MN. Ferket, P. R. (2004). What do we expect and need from our commodities? Zootecnica International, (1), 50. Tako, E., Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2004). Zinc-methionine enhances the intestine development and functionality in the late term embryos and chicks [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 83(Supplement 1), 267. Ferket, P. R. (2003). Achieving Uniform Weight for Age. Proceedings of the 32 Annual Poultry Health Conference, Poultry Industry Council for Research and Education, 33–35. Ferket, P. R. (2003). Alternatives to antibiotics in poultry production: responses, practical experience and recommendations. In T. P. Lyons & K. A. Jacques (Eds.), Nutritional biotechnology in the feed and food industries (pp. 57–67). Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press. Ferket, P. R. (2003). Antibiotic Free – What is happening in Europe and North America? Proceedings of the 32 Annual Poultry Health Conference, Poultry Industry Council for Research and Education, 8–9. Moore, D. T., Ferket, P. R., & Mozdziak, P. E. (2003). BrdU administration to avian embryos [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 82(Supplement 1), 82. Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (2003). Carcass composition and yield of 1957 versus 2001 broilers when fed representative 1957 and 2001 broiler diets. POULTRY SCIENCE, 82(10), 1509–1518. Ferket, P. R. (2003). Controlling gut health without the use of antibiotics. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 57–68. Santos, A. A., Jr., Ferket, P. 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Educational Forum, 21–30. Ferket, P. R., Gernat, A., & Grimes, J. (2003). The effects of various feed additives on food safety. Proceedings of the Educational Forum, AFIA Microbial, enzyme, and forage technology council, 21–30. Grimes, J. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2003). Turkey breeder hen weight control. Zootecnica International, (11), 18. Edens, F. W., Parkhurst, C. R., Ferket, P. R., Havenstein, G. B., & Sefton, A. E. (2002). A demonstration of postpellet application of dry phytase to broiler diets. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 11(1), 34–45. Foye, O. T., Black, B. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2002). Amino acid absorptive capacity of wild and domestic turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 81(Supplement 1), 112. Veldkamp., T., Ferket, P. R., Kwakkel, R. P., & Verstegen, M. W. A. (2002). Amino acid requirements and heat stress in turkeys. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 1–19. Ferket, P. R., Parks, C. W., & Grimes, J. L. (2002). 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Poultry Science, 81(Supplement 1), 41. Odetallah, N. H., Parks, C. W., & Ferket, P. R. (2002). Effect of wheat enzyme preparation on the performance characteristics of tom turkeys fed wheat-based rations. POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(7), 987–994. Havenstein, G. B., & Ferket, P. R. (2002). Estimated change in broiler growth, feed conversion and yield, 1991-2001. Proceedings of the 11th European Poultry Conference. Presented at the 11th European Poultry Conference, Bremen, Germany. Fasina, Y. O., Garlich, J. D., Classen, H. L., Swaisgood, H. E., Havenstein, G. B., & Ferket, P. R. (2002). Estimated change in broiler growth, feed conversion and yield, 1991-2001. Proceedings of the 11th European Poultry Conference. Presented at the 11th European Poultry Conference, Bremen, Germany. Ferket, P. R. (2002). Factors that affect feed intake of meat birds. Proceedings of the 63rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference and Pre-Conference symposium: Rendering: A foundation for food security, 191–201. Parks, C. W., Ferket, P. R., & Grimes, G. L. (2002). Growth Performance and Immune Status of Turkeys Fed Antibiotics and Mannanoligosaccharides. CD Proceedings of the 11th European Poultry Conference. Presented at the 11th European Poultry Conference, Bremen, Germany. Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (2002). Growth, feed efficiency and livability of 1957 vs. 2001-type broilers when fed typical 1957 and 2001-type diets [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 81(Supplement 1), 86. Veldkamp, T., Kwakkel, R. P., Ferket, P. R., & Verstegen, M. W. A. (2002). [Review of Impact of ambient temperature and age on dietary lysine and energy in turkey production]. WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 58(4), 475–491. Parks, C. W., Ferket, P. R., & Grimes, G. L. (2002). Influence of Antibiotics and Mannanoligosaccharides on the Enteric Characteristics of Turkeys. Proceedings of the 11th European Poultry Conference. Presented at the 11th European Poultry Conference, Bremen, Germany. Ferket, P. R., Parks, C. W., & Grimes, J. L. (2002). Mannan oligosaccharides versus antibiotics for turkeys. In T. P. Lyons & K. A. Jacques (Eds.), Nutritional biotechnology in the feed and food industries (pp. 43–63). Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press. Ferket, P. R., & Uni, Z. (2002). New methods to increase gastrointestinal development at hatch and improve neonatal digestive function in poultry. Proceedings 49th Maryland Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, 43–57. Ferket, P. R., & Gernat, A. (2002). Nutritional factors that affect gut health. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 73–89. Ferket, P. R. (2002). Online feed mill management training. Proceedings of the 23rd Western Nutrition Conference, 55–64. Upton, R. J., Edens, F. W., Mahmoud, K. Z., Ferket, P. R., & Parkhurst, C. R. (2002). The effects of feeding oxidized fat and selenium source on performance, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activity in broiler chickens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 81(Supplement 1), 72. Grimes, J. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2002). Turkey breeder hen nutrition and weight control. Proceedings 29th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 51–60. Ferket, P. R. (2002). Use of oligosaccharides and gut modifiers as replacements for dietary antibiotics. Proceedings of the 63rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference and Pre-Conference symposium: Rendering: A foundation for food security, 169–182. Ferket, P. R. (2002). What do we expect and need from our commodities? Proceedings 2002 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, 11–21. Middleton, T. F., Ferket, P. R., Boyd, L. C., Daniels, H. V., & Gallagher, M. L. (2001). An evaluation of co-extruded poultry silage and culled jewel sweet potatoes as a feed ingredient for hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O-mossambicus). AQUACULTURE, 198(3-4), 269–280. Ferket, P. R., Israel, A. D., & Morris, E. B. (2001). Comparison of inert markers in poultry digestibility studies [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 80(Supplement 1), 480. Ferket, P. R., Middleton, T. F., Crow, S. D., & Sungwaraporn, Y. (2001). Conversion of poultry and swine mortality into value-added feed products. Proceedings addressing animal production and environmental issues, 440–450. Research Triangle Park, NC: NC State University animal and Poultry Waste Management Center. Roberson, K. D., Hill, C. H., & Ferket, P. (2002). Effect of intermittent feed deprivation on plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 and tibial dyschondroplasia in broiler chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science, 1(1), 22. Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (2001). Effect of level of acidification by phosphoric acid, storage temperature, and length of storage on the chemical and biological stability of ground poultry mortality carcasses. POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(8), 1144–1153. El-Hadri, L., Qureshi, M. A., Garlich, J. D., & Ferket, P. R. (2001). Fluid therapy of poults infected with turkey corona virus (TCV) and E. coli [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 80(Supplement 1), 170. Odetallah, N. H., Ferket, P. R., Garlich, J. D., Elhadri, L., & Kruger, K. K. (2001). Growth and digestive function of turkeys surviving the poult enteritis and mortality syndrome. POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(8), 1223–1230. Ferket, P. R., Parks, C. W., & Grimes, J. L. (2001). Mannan oligosaccharides as an alternative to antibiotics in turkey nutrition. In L. Babinszky (Ed.), Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Nutrition (pp. 79–123). Ferket, P. R., Angel, R. C., van Heugten, E., & van Kempen, T. A. (2001). Nutritional strategies to reduce environmental emissions from non-ruminants [Abstract]. Poultry Science, (Supplement 1), 142. Crow, S. D., Ferket, P. R., & Middleton, T. F. (2001). Nutritional value of hydrolyzed whole swine for turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 80(Supplement 1), 49. Crow, S. D., Ferket, P. R., & Middleton, T. F. (2001). Nutritional value of hydrolyzed whole swine for turkey poults. Proceedings addressing animal production and environmental issues, 457–467. Research Triangle Park, NC: NC State University animal and Poultry Waste Management Center. Sungwaraporn, Y., Ferket, P. R., & Middleton, T. F. (2001). Protein and fat quality in poultry mortality silage and dissolved air floatation sludge preserved with different sources and levels of phosphoric acid. Proceedings addressing animal production and environmental issues, 796–799. Research Triangle Park, NC: NC State University animal and Poultry Waste Management Center. Middleton, T. F., Ferket, P. R., & Boyd, L. C. (2001). The effect of ethoxyquin on the quality of ground poultry mortality carcasses preserved by lactic acid fermentation and phosphoric acid stabilization. POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(8), 1154–1163. Parks, C. W., Grimes, J. L., Ferket, P. R., & Fairchild, A. S. (2001). The effect of mannanoligosaccharides, bambermycins, and virginiamycin on performance of large white male market turkeys. POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(6), 718–723. Parks, C. W., Grimes, J. L., & Ferket, P. R. (2001). The effect of mannanoligosaccharides, bambermycins, and virginiamycin on the physical and microbial characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of large white male turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 80(Supplement 1), 169. Morrow, W. E. M., Ferket, P. R., & Middleton, T. (2000). Alternative methods of carcass disposal. Pig Journal, 46, 104. Sheldon, B., Ferket, P., & Middleton, T. (2000). Biological safety of phosphoric acid-preserved poultry mortality [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 79(Supplement 1), 91. Odetallah, N. H., Ferket, P. R., Grimes, J. L., & McNaughton, J. L. (2000). Effect of Hemicell on the growth performance of turkeys fed diets containing 44% and 48% C.P. soybean meal [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 79(Supplement 1), 93. Veldkamp, T., Kwakkel, R. P., Ferket, P. R., Simons, P. C. M., Noordhuizen, J. P. T. M., & Pijpers, A. (2000). Effects of ambient temperature, arginine-to-lysine ratio, and electrolyte balance on performance, carcass, and blood parameters in commercial male turkeys. POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(11), 1608–1616. Edens, F. W., Parkhurst, C. R., Havenstein, G. B., & Ferket, P. R. (2000). Influence of selenium yeast (Sel Plex) on performance and carcass yield of broiler males grown in a cage environment [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 79(Supplement 1), 55. Veldkamp, T., Ferket, P., Kwakkel, R. P., & Nixey, C. (2000). Interaction between ambient temperature and supplementation of synthetic amino acids on performance and carcass parameters in commercial male turkeys. Poultry Science, 79(10), 1472–1477. Ferket, P. R. (2000). Los efectos nutriciones sobre las enfermedades entericas = Nutrition and its effect on intestinal health. Proceedings Seminario Avicola International - Enfermedades entericas de las Aves. Academia Santandereana Patologia Aviar, 61–78. Scheideler, S. E., & Ferket, P. R. (2000). Phytase in broiler rations - Effects on carcass yields and incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 9(4), 468–475. Ferket, P. R. (2000). Practical nutritional perspective on gut health and development. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference and Soybean Meal Symposium, 74–86. Ferket, P. R. (2000). Pronutrients and water supplements. Proceedings 2000 North Carolina Broiler Breeder and Hatchery Management Conference, 40–47. Veldkamp, T., Kwakkel, R. P., & Ferket, P. R. (2000). Response of young male turkeys to dietary lysine at low and high ambient temperature. Proceedings XXI World's Poultry Congress. Presented at the XXI World's Poultry Congress, Montreal, Canada. Parks, C. W., Grimes, J. L., Ferket, P. R., & Fairchild, A. S. (2000). The case for mannanoligosaccharides in poultry diets. An alternative to growth promotant antibiotics? Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. Proceedings of Alltech's 16th Annual Symposium: the Future of Food, 45. Parks, C. W., Grimes, J. L., Ferket, P. R., & Godwin, J. L. (2000). The effects of Bio-Mos on the performance of male turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 79(Supplement 1), 94. Croom, J., Edens, F. W., & Ferket, P. R. (2000). The impact of nutrient digestion and digestion on poultry performance and health. Proceedings 27th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference and Soybean Meal Symposium, 65–73. Ferket, P. R. (2000). The nutrition of commercial turkeys. Proceedings Multi-State Poultry Feeding and Nutrition Conference and BASF Corporation Technical Symposium, 5–24. Middleton, T. F., Ferket, P. R., Daniels, H. V., Boyd, L. C., Stikeleather, L. F., & Hines, R. J. (2000). The use of poultry mortalities as an alternative bait for the harvesting of blue crabs Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1885). Journal of Shellfish Research, 19(2), 723–729. Kidd, M. T., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Thomas, L. N. (2000). 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L., Postma, T., & Cummings, T. S. (1999). Effect of virginiamycin and dietary energy on turkey growth characteristics [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 78(Supplement 1), 54. Postma, J., Ferket, P. R., Croom, W. J., & Kwakkel, R. P. (1999). Effect of virginiamycin on intestinal characteristics of turkeys. Proceedings 12th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, 188. Peterson, A. L., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Fuller, J. C. (1999). Enhancement of cellular and humoral immunity in young broilers by the dietary supplementation of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY AND IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY, 21(2), 307–330. Ferket, P. R. (1999). Fatores que afetam a resposta imunologica: nutricao (Factors that affect immunological response: Nutrition. Proceedings I Congresso de Producao e Consumo de Ovos, 53–66. Ferket, P. R. (1999). Flushing and poult enteritis. In Poultry Industry Council Fact Sheet (Fact Sheet No. 106). Peterson, A. L., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Fuller, J. C. (1999). In vitro exposure with beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate enhances chicken macrophage growth and function. VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY, 67(1), 67–78. Edens, F. W., Parkhurst, C. R., Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., & Sefton, A. E. (1999). Influence of allzyme phytase on fecal phosphorus and nitrogen loss in broilers reared in cages and in floor pens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 78(Supplement 1), 13. Ferket, P. R. (1999). La nutricion de pavos y reproductoras comerciales = Nutrition of commercial turkeys and breeders. Proceedings XVI Congreso Latinoamerican de Avicultura, 141–151. Ferket, P. R. (1999). Nutrition and gut health in turkeys. Proceedings Canadian Feed Industry Association Eastern Nutrition Conference, 195–208. Ferket, P. R. (1999). Nutritional applications to reduce mineral emission from production animals. Proceedings 1999 Animal Waste Management Symposium, 205–214. Middleton, T., Ferket, P. R., & Crow, S. D. (1999). 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Proceedings of the Turkey Nutrition Workshop, 78. Shin, H. Y., Garlich, J. D., & Ferket, P. R. (1998). Investigation of betaine as an osmolyte in turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 77(Supplement 1), 118. Shin, H. Y., Garlich, J. D., & Ferket, P. R. (1998). Investigation of betaine as an osmolyte in turkeys. Proceedings of the Turkey Nutrition Workshop, 80. Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (1998). On-farm acid preservation of mortality. Proceedings of the Mortality Preservation Workshop, 4–17. Crow, S. D., Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (1998). Production of value-added products from mortality silage. Proceedings of the Mortality Preservation Workshop, 35–40. Ferket, P. R. (1998). Recycling mortality into nutrients. Proceedings of the Mortality Preservation Workshop, 1–3. Hester, P. Y., & Ferket, P. R. (1998). Relationship between long bone distortion and tibial dyschondroplasia in male turkeys. POULTRY SCIENCE, 77(9), 1300–1302. Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (1998). 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Proceedings of the 21st Technical Turkey Conference, 42–51. Ferket, P. R., Garlich, J. D., & Kuiper, R. (1998). Use of cottonseed meal for growing and finishing toms. Proceedings of the Turkey Nutrition Workshop, 22–26. Middleton, T. F., & Ferket, P. R. (1997). A comparison of lactic acid fermentation and acidification with phosphoric acid as stabilization methods for ground poultry mortality. Proceedings of the Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 99–101. Ferket, P. R. (1997). Alternative Turkey Management Systems. Proceedings of the NC Turkey Industry Days Conference, 1–4. Ferket, P. R., & van Horne, P. L. M. (1997). Comparison of layer manure drying and processing systems [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 76(Supplement 1), 140. Garlich, J. D., Shin, H. Y., & Ferket, P. R. (1997). Cottonseed meal and sodium bicarbonate in diets for broilers in warm and cold environments. Poultry Science, 76(Supplement 1), 60. Ferket, P. R., Chen, F., & Thomas, L. N. (1997). 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Poultry Science, 73(9), 1381–1389. Havenstein, G. B., Ferket, P. R., Scheideler, S. E., & Rives, D. V. (1994). Carcass Composition and Yield of 1991 vs 1957 Broilers When Fed “Typical” 1957 and 1991 Broiler Diets. Poultry Science, 73(12), 1795–1804. Ferket, P. R., Rives, D. V., Brewer, C. E., & Thomas, L. N. (1994). Dietary fat level does not influence efficacy of coccidiostats in market turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 73(Supplement 1), 135. Ferket, P. R., Rives, D. V., Brewer, C. E., & Thomas, L. N. (1994). Dietary supplementation of Zoamix, Roxarsone, and Coban in turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 73(Supplement 1), 135. Kidd, M. T., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Thomas, L. N. (1994). Dietary zinc-methionine enhances mononuclear-phagocytic function in young turkeys. Biological Trace Element Research, 42(3), 217–229. Breeding, S. W., McRee, W. A., Ficken, M. D., & Ferket, P. R. (1994). Effect of Protein Restriction during Brooding on Spontaneous Turkey Cardiomyopathy. 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E., Ferket, P. R., & Rives, D. V. (1993). Carcass composition and yield of 1957 VS. 1991-type broilers when fed typical 1957 and 1991-type diets [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 169. Ferket, P. R., Garlich, J. D., & Thomas, L. N. (1993). Dietary choline and labile methyl donor requirement of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 13. Clarke, J. P., Ferket, P. R., Elkin, R. G., Mcdaniel, C. D., Freed, M., Mcmurtry, J. P., … Hester, P. Y. (1993). Early Dietary Protein Restriction and Intermittent Lighting. Poultry Science, 72(11), 2144–2151. Clarke, J. P., Ferket, P. R., Elkin, R. G., Mcdaniel, C. D., Mcmurtry, J. P., Freed, M., … Hester, P. Y. (1993). Early Dietary Protein Restriction and Intermittent Lighting. Poultry Science, 72(11), 2131–2143. Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Garlich, J. D. (1993). Effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin E on the immune function of turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 56. Nissen, S., Fuller, J., Jr., Sell, J., Ferket, P. R., & Rives, D. V. (1993). Effect of feeding the leucine catabolite ß-hydroxy ß-methyl-butyrate to growing broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(1), 36. Ferket, P. R., Rives, D. V., Nissen, S., & Fuller, J. (1993). Effect of feeding the leucine catabolite ß-hydroxy ß-methyle butyrate and growth promotants to growing broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 36. Kidd, M. T., Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (1993). Effect of zinc-amino acid complex on immune function. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 22–28. Kidd, M. T., Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (1993). Effect of zinc-methionine and manganese-methionine on the performance and immune response of young turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 174. Havenstein, G. B., Scheideler, S. E., Ferket, P. R., & Larson, B. T. (1993). Growth, feed efficiency, and livability of 1957 VS. 1991-type broilers when fed typical 1957 and 1991-type diets [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 169. Yoong, C. K., Ferket, P. R., & Thomas, L. N. (1993). Nutritional value of extruded poultry and sweet potato by-products. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Research Symposium, Institute of Nutrition, 137. Ferket, P. R. (1993). Practical nutrition and health of turkeys. Proceedings of the California Turkey Industry Conference, 1–14. Ferket, P. (1993). Practical use of feed enzymes for turkeys and broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 2(1), 75. Brake, J., Havenstein, G. B., Scheideler, S. E., Ferket, P. R., & Rives, D. V. (1993). Relationship of Sex, Age, and Body Weight to Broiler Carcass Yield and Offal Production. Poultry Science, 72(6), 1137–1145. Morrow, W., & Ferket, P. R. (1993). The disposal of dead pigs: A review. Swine Health and Production, 1(3), 7–13. Ferket, P. R. (1993). Using barley in turkey diets. In North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service (Small Grains 1993 Report No. AG‐464; pp. 50–52). Ferket, P. R., Qureshi, M. A., Garlich, J. D., Rives, D. V., & Kidd, M. T. (1993). Vitamin E and performance, immunity, and meat quality of turkeys. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 1–21. Roberson, K. D., Hill, C. H., & Ferket, P. R. (1992). Additive amelioration of tibial dyschondroplasia in broilers by supplemental calcium and fasting [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 172. Garlich, J. D., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Aslam, S. M. (1992). Dietary calcium modulates the immune response [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 60. Clarke, J. P., Hester, P. Y., Elkin, R. G., McDaniel, C. D., Watkins, B. A., Ferket, P. R., … McMurtry, J. P. (1992). Early dietary protein restriction and intermittent lighting. 1. Effects on performance of male turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 17. Clarke, J. P., Hester, P. Y., Elkin, R. G., McDaniel, C. D., Watkins, B. A., Ferket, P. R., … McMurtry, J. P. (1992). Early dietary protein restriction and intermittent lighting. 2. Effects on lameness and carcass yields in male turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 17. Yoong, C. K., Jones, F. T., & Ferket, P. R. (1992). Effect of extrusion processing on broiler feed characteristics [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 96. Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (1992). Effect of level of inorganic and organic zinc and manganese on the immune function of turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 18. Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (1992). Effect of level of inorganic and organic zinc and manganese on the performance and leg abnormalities of turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 60. Roberson, K. D., Hill, C. H., & Ferket, P. R. (1992). Effects of calcium:phosphorus ratio and fasting during the starter period on performance and tibial dyschondroplasia in broilers at six weeks of age [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 173. Jones, F. T., Yoong, C. K., & Ferket, P. R. (1992). Effects of extrusion feed processing on broiler performance and carcass characteristics [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 96. Garlich, J. D., Qureshi, M. A., Ferket, P. R., & Aslam, S. M. (1992). Immune system modulation by dietary calcium. Proceedings of the XIX World's Poultry Congress. Presented at the XIX World's Poultry Congress, Amsterdam. Roberson, K. D., Hill, C. H., & Ferket, P. R. (1992). Influence of calcium:phosphorus ratio in two dietary regimes on tibial dyschondroplasia in young broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 173. Garlich, J. D., Nicholson, L., & Ferket, P. R. (1992). Maintenance of ionized calcium by poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 71(Supplement 1), 150. Ferket, P. R. (1992). Nutrition of water-soluble vitamins in poultry. Proceedings of the Takeda Technical Symposium, 53rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference. Presented at the Takeda Technical Symposium, 53rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference, University of Minnesota, MN. FERKET, P. R., & QURESHI, M. A. (1992). PERFORMANCE AND IMMUNITY OF HEAT-STRESSED BROILERS FED VITAMIN-SUPPLEMENTED AND ELECTROLYTE-SUPPLEMENTED DRINKING-WATER. POULTRY SCIENCE, 71(1), 88–97. Donaldson, W. E., Brewer, C. E., Ferket, P. R., & Christensen, V. L. (1992). Posthatch Carbohydrate Feeding and Subsequent Performance of Turkey Poults. Poultry Science, 71(1), 128–132. Havenstein, G. B., Brake, J., Scheideler, S. E., Ferket, P. R., & Rives, D. V. (1992). Relationship of broiler sex, age, and body weight to offal yield and organ weights [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 72(Supplement 1), 29. Ferket, P. R. (1992). Use of barley in growing turkey diets. Proceedings of the 53rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference, 251–259. Ferket, P. R. (1992). Using barley in turkey diets. In North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service (Small Grains 1992 Report No. AG-464; pp. 45–48). Parsons, J., & Ferket, P. R. (1991). Alternative dead bird disposal methods--central pickup and fermentation. Proceedings of the Poultry Servicemen's Short Course, 7–20. Ferket, P. R., Qureshi, M. A., & Garlich, J. D. (1991). Breeder hen age affects progeny performance. Turkeys 14th Technical Turkey Conference. Presented at the Turkeys 14th Technical Turkey Conference, Buxton, Derbyshire, England. Lee, H., Garlich, J. D., & Ferket, P. R. (1991). Effect of Overcooked Soybean Meal on Turkey Performance. Poultry Science, 70(12), 2509–2515. Ferket, P. R., Roberson, K. D., & Nicholson, L. (1991). Effect of calcium:phosphorus ratios and manganese source on the performance and leg weakness of market toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 70(Supplement 1), 41. Ferket, P. R. (1991). Effect of diet on gut microflora of poultry. Zootecnica International, (7), 44. Roberson, K. D., Hill, C. H., & Ferket, P. R. (1991). Effect of short-term fasting on plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 and tibial dyschondroplasia in broiler chickens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 70(Supplement 1), 99. Nicholson, L., Donaldson, W. E., & Ferket, P. R. (1991). Effects of tyrosine injections on feed consumption in day-old turkey poults [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 70(Supplement 1), 88. Ferket, P. R., Scheideler, S. E., Yoong, C., & Ivusic, S. (1991). Feasibility of using extruded poultry by-product wastes in least-cost broiler rations. Proceedings of 2nd Annual Research Symposium, Institute of Nutrition. Presented at the Annual Research Symposium, Institute of Nutrition, Chapel Hill, NC. Ferket, P. R. (1991). Leg problems in turkey toms--influence of nutrition and management. Turkeys 14th Technical Turkey Conference. Presented at the Turkeys 14th Technical Turkey Conference, Buxton, Derbyshire, England. Ferket, P. R. (1991). Management of leg problems and breast buttons. Proceedings of 7th Minnesota Poultry Service Workshop, 47–49. Ferket, P. R. (1991). NCSU turkey nutrition update. Proceedings of 18th Annual Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 105–111. Ferket, P. R. (1991). Technological advances could make extrusion an economically feasible alternative to pelleting. Feedstuffs, 63(9), 1. Lee, C. G., Ferket, P. R., & Shih, J. C. H. (1990). Amino Acid digestibility of feather-lysate as a feed protein [Abstract]. FASEB Journal, 4(3), A383. Garlich, J. D., Zatari, I. M., & Ferket, P. R. (1990). Apparent absorbability of commercial restaurant greases and animal-vegetable fat blend by large turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 69(Supplement 1), 155. FERKET, P. R., & SELL, J. L. (1990). EFFECT OF EARLY PROTEIN AND ENERGY RESTRICTION OF LARGE TURKEY TOMS FED HIGH-FAT OR LOW-FAT REALIMENTATION DIETS .2. CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS. POULTRY SCIENCE, 69(11), 1982–1990. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1990). Effect of Early Protein and Energy Restriction of Large Turkey Toms Fed High-Fat or Low-Fat Realimentation Diets. Poultry Science, 69(11), 1974–1981. Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (1990). Effect of Vitamin Stress Paks on Broiler Performance and Immunity. Proceedings of the BASF Technical Symposium. Presented at the BASF Technical Symposium, Atlanta, GA. Ferket, P. R. (1990). Effect of diet on Gut Microflora of Poultry. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Georgia Nutrition Conference. Presented at the 27th Annual Georgia Nutrition Conference, Atlanta, GA. Zatari, I. M., Ferket, P. R., & Scheideler, S. E. (1990). Effect of pellet integrity, calcium lignosulfonate, and dietary energy on the performance of summer-raised broiler chickens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 69(Supplement 1), 198. Ferket, P. R., Qureshi, M. A., Garlich, J. D., & Krueger, K. K. (1990). Egg/poult size and breeder hen age affects performance of commercial turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 69(Supplement 1), 50. Ferket, P. R., & Davis, G. S. (1990). Feeding Ducks. In Poultry Science FACTS (Fact Sheet No. 2). Ferket, P. R. (1990, May). Get Ready for Hot Weather! Feed Management Guide for Poultry Extension Poultry Science Newsletter, pp. G-1. Owings, W. J., Reynolds, D. L., Hasiak, R. J., & Ferket, P. R. (1990). Influence of Dietary Supplementation with Streptococcus faecium M-74 on Broiler Body Weight, Feed Conversion, Carcass Characteristics, and Intestinal Microbial Colonization. Poultry Science, 69(8), 1257–1264. Ferket, P. R. (1990). North Carolina Turkey Nutrition Update. Proceedings of the 51st Minnesota Nutrition Conference, 260–267. Ferket, P. R. (1990). Nutrition and Gut Microflora of Poultry. Proceedings of the Biozyme Technical Symposium, 68–75. Fresno, CA: Biozyme Enterprises, Inc. Ferket, P. R. (1990). Nutrition and Leg Problems in Turkey Toms. Proceedings of the Arkansas Nutrition Conference, 74–85. Ferket, P. R. (1990). Nutrition and Leg Weakness in turkeys. Proceedings of the California Animal Nutrition Conference, 72–83. Alvi, T. A., Ferket, P. R., & Garlich, J. D. (1990). Prophylactic effect of elevated levels of ferrous sulfate on broilers fed high levels of cottonseed meal [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 69(Supplement 1), 6. Roberson, K. D., Hill, C. H., & Ferket, P. R. (1990). Response of broilers to inorganic and methionine complexed manganese at two Ca/P ratios [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 69(Supplement 1), 112. Zatari, I. M., & Ferket, P. R. (1990). The effect of enzyme supplementation of corn-soy diets on the performance of broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 69(Supplement 1), 149. Ferket, P. R., Qureshi, M. A., Garlich, J. D., & Krueger, K. K. (1990). Turkey Breeder Age and Progeny Performance. Proceedings of the Carolina Poultry Nutrition Conference, 36–40. Scheideler, S. E., & Ferket, P. R. (1989, April). Acclimation of poultry to heat stress and water supplements to use during heat stress. Extension Poultry Science Newsletter. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1989). Effect of Severity of Early Protein Restriction on Large Turkey Toms. Poultry Science, 68(5), 687–697. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1989). Effect of Severity of Early Protein Restriction on Large Turkey Toms. Poultry Science, 68(5), 676–686. Ferket, P. R., Brewer, C. E., & Grimes, J. L. (1989). Effect of level of supplemental -glucanase in barley-soy diets on the performance of market turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 181. Ferket, P. R., Scheideler, S. E., & Jackson, M. E. (1989). Effects of dietary protein, amino acid (AA) supplementation and early protein restriction on carcass yield and composition of roasters [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 53. Ferket, P. R., Scheideler, S. E., & Jackson, M. E. (1989). Effects of dietary protein, amino acid (AA) supplementation and early protein restriction on the performance of roasters [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 53. Ferket, P. R., Brewer, C. E., & Grimes, J. L. (1989). Encapsulation of -glucanase supplemented to barley-soy diets of market turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 182. Ferket, P. R. (1989). Feeding Bobwhite Quail. In Extension Poultry Science Technology Guide. North Carolina State University. Ferket, P. R. (1989, May). Mycotoxins and Poultry Management. Extension Poultry Science Newsletter. Ferket, P. R. (1989). Nutrition and management programs to alter turkey composition. Proceedings of the 1989 Nutrition Institute, National Feed Ingredient Association. Presented at the 1989 Nutrition Institute, National Feed Ingredient Association, Des Moines, IA. Sell, J., Ferket, P. R., Angel, R., Scheideler, S. E., Escribano, F., & Zatari, I. M. (1989). Performance and carcass characteristics of toms as influenced by dietary protein [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 131. Sell, J. L., Ferket, P. R., Angel, C. R., Scheideler, S. E., Escribano, F., & Zatari, I. (1989). Performance and carcass characteristics of turkey toms as influenced by dietary protein and metabolizable energy. International Journal of Nutrition, 40, 979–992. Ferket, P. R., & Qureshi, M. A. (1989). Performance and immune function of heat-stressed broilers fed vitamin and electrolyte supplemented water [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 53. Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1989). Poultry Science Special Report: Poultry Feed Ingredient Annual Quality Report, 1988. North Carolina State University. Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1989). Summary of Ingredient Data: Apr - June. In Feed Ingredient Quality Memorandum. North Carolina State University. Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1989). Summary of Ingredient Data: Jan. - Mar. In Feed Ingredient Quality Memorandum. Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1989). Summary of Ingredient Data: Oct. - Dec. 1988. In Feed Ingredient Quality Memorandum. North Carolina State University. Brewer, C. E., & Ferket, P. R. (1989). The effect of pellet integrity and lignosulfonate on performance of growing toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 18. Garlich, J. D., Ferket, P. R., & Rives, D. V. (1989). Tolerance of turkeys to acidulated soapstock and bound gossypol [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 68(Supplement 1), 57. Ferket, P. R. (1988). Current concepts of amino acid nutrition in turkeys. Heartland Lysine Symposium. Presented at the Heartland Lysine Symposium, Temple, Texas. Ferket, P. R. (1988, June). Early Protein Restriction Reduces Leg Problems 50 Percent. Poultry Tips. Owings, W. J., & Ferket, P. R. (1988). Feeding streptococcus faecium M-74 to broilers [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 67(Supplement 1), 132. Owings, W. J., Sell, J. L., Ferket, P., & Hasiak, R. J. (1988). Growth Performance and Carcass Composition of Turkey Hens Fed Corn Gluten Feed. Poultry Science, 67(4), 585–589. Ferket, P. R. (1988, July). Malabsorption Syndrome in Broilers and Turkeys. North Carolina State University Nutrition Newsletter. Sell, J. L., Scheideler, S. E., Ferket, P. R., Angel, R., Escribrano, F., & Zatari, I. M. (1988). Parts yield and composition of carcasses of tom turkeys in relation to body weight [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 67(Supplement 1), 153. Ferket, P. R. (1988). Suggestions for Dietary Adjustments in Hot Weather. Nicholas Turkey News, 32(4-9). Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1988). Summary of Ingredient Data: April - June, 1988. In Feed Ingredient Quality Memorandum (No. 62). North Carolina State University. Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1988). Summary of Ingredient Data: January - March, 1988. In Feed Ingredient Quality Memorandum (No. 61). North Carolina State University. Ferket, P. R., & Jones, F. T. (1988). Summary of Ingredient Data: July - Sept., 1988. In Feed Ingredient Quality Memorandum (No. 63). North Carolina State University. Kaiser, M., Ferket, P. R., & Lamont, S. J. (1987). Effect of age on immunocompetence of turkeys [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 66(Supplement 1), 122. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1987). Effect of early protein and energy restriction on plasma VLDL levels in turkeys [Abstract]. Federation Proceedings, 46(4), 1334. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1987). Effect of severity of early protein restriction and subsequent realimentation on structural development and carcass composition of large turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 66(Supplement 1), 99. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1987). Effect of severity of protein restriction from 1 to 6 weeks of age and subsequent realimentation on the performance of large turkey toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 66(Supplement 1), 99. Moran, E. T., Ferket, P. R., & Lun, A. K. (1987). Impact of High Dietary Vomitoxin on Yolk Yield and Embryonic Mortality. Poultry Science, 66(6), 977–982. Ferket, P. R., & Moran, E. T. (1986). Effect of Plane of Nutrition from Starting to and Through the Breeder Period on Reproductive Performance of Hen Turkeys. Poultry Science, 65(8), 1581–1590. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1986). Effect of protein and/or energy restrictions during early growth on subsequent structural development, organ size, and carcass composition of large turkey toms given high or low fat diets [Abstract]. Federation Proceedings, 45(3), 607. Ferket, P. R., Sell, J. L., & Nissen, S. (1986). Performance of growing turkey hens as influenced by early protein nutrition and feeding of 2-Ketoisocaproate [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 65(Supplement 1), 42. Ferket, P. R., & Moran, E. T. (1985). Effect of Plane of Nutrition from Starting Through the Breeder Period on the Reproductive Performance of Tom Turkeys. Poultry Science, 64(11), 2110–2118. Ferket, P. R., & Sell, J. L. (1985). Effect of protein and/or energy restrictions from 10 days to 6 weeks of age on subsequent performance of large turkey toms given high or low fat diets [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 64(Supplement 1), 100. Moran, E. T., Poste, L. M., Ferket, P. R., & Agar, V. (1984). Response of Large Tom Turkeys Differing in Growth Characteristics to Divergent Feeding Systems: Performance, Carcass Quality, and Sensory Evaluation. Poultry Science, 63(9), 1778–1792. Ferket, P. R., & Moran, E. T., Jr. (1983). Effect of low plane nutrition from starting to and through reproduction on performance of turkey hens [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 62(Supplement 1), 1221. Moran, E. T., Jr., Ferket, P. R., Hunter, B., & Young, L. G. (1983). Effect of vomitoxin contaminated corn on poultry production. Proceedings of the Maryland Nutrition Conference, 61–65. Moran, E. T., Ferket, P. R., Etches, R. J., & Blackman, J. R. (1983). Influence of a Low Plane of Nutrition During Sexual Development on Subsequent Reproductive Performance of Small White Breeder Toms. Poultry Science, 62(6), 1093–1100. Moran, E. T., Ferket, P. R., & Blackman, J. R. (1983). Maintenance Nitrogen Requirement of the Turkey Breeder Hen with an Estimate of Associated Essential Amino Acid Needs. Poultry Science, 62(9), 1823–1829. Moran, E. T., Jr., Ferket, P. R., & Blackman, J. R. (1983). Maintenance nitrogen requirement of the small white turkey breeder hen [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 61(Supplement 1), 1516. Moran, E. T., Jr., Hunter, B., Ferket, P. R., & Young, L. G. (1983). Vomitoxin contaminated grain in laying rations. Proceedings of the University of Guelph Poultry Industry School, 13–16. Ferket, P. R., & Moran, E. T., Jr. (1982). Effect of low plane nutrition from starting through the breeder period on the reproductive performance of large white toms [Abstract]. Poultry Science, 61(Supplement 1), 1464. Moran, E. T., Hunter, B., Ferket, P., Young, L. G., & McGIRR, L. G. (1982). High Tolerance of Broilers to Vomitoxin from Corn Infected with Fusarium graminearum. Poultry Science, 61(9), 1828–1831. Moran, E. T., Jr., Hunter, B., Ferket, P. R., & Young, L. G. (1982). Performance and lesions with broiler chicks fed progressive levels of vomitoxin contaminated corn. Proceedings of University of Guelph Poultry Industry School, 17–20. Ferket, P. R. Nutritional effects on enteric disorders, 1996. Proceedings of Symposium on Enteric Disease Control, American Association of Avian Pathologists, 17–21.