Works (4)
2013 journal article
Changes in commercial laying stock performance, 1958–2011: thirty-seven flocks of the North Carolina random sample and subsequent layer performance and management tests
World's Poultry Science Journal, 69(3), 489–514.
2007 journal article
Effects of genetic selection on behavioral profiles of single comb white Leghorn hens through two production cycles
POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(9), 1814–1820.
2007 journal article
Modeling the growth and death kinetics of Salmonella in poultry litter as a function of pH and water activity
POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(1), 191–201.

2004 journal article
Effects of bird age, density, and molt on behavioral profiles of two commercial layer strains in cages
POULTRY SCIENCE, 83(1), 15–23.