Pavel Koprov Koprov, P., Fang, X., & Starly, B. (2024). Machine identity authentication via unobservable fingerprinting signature: A functional data analysis approach for MQTT 5.0 protocol. JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, 76, 59–74. Koprov, P. (2023). Systems and Methods for Authenticating Manufacturing Machines Through an Unobservable Fingerprinting System. North American Manufacturing Research Conference, 51. Koprov, P., Gadhwala, S., Walimbe, A., Fang, X., & Starly, B. (2023). Systems and methods for authenticating manufacturing Machines through an unobservable fingerprinting system. Manufacturing Letters, 35, 1009–1018. Starly, B., Koprov, P., Bharadwaj, A., Batchelder, T., & Breitenbach, B. (2023). “Unreal” factories: Next generation of digital twins of machines and factories in the Industrial Metaverse. Manufacturing Letters, 37, 50–52. Koprov, P., Ramachandran, A., Lee, Y.-S., Cohen, P., & Starly, B. (2022). Streaming Machine Generated Data via the MQTT Sparkplug B Protocol for Smart Factory Operations. Manufacturing Letters, 33, 66–73. Koprov, P. (2018). Design of a Compact Modular Marine Refrigeration Unit. In Marine Herald (1st ed.). Saint Petersburg. Pavel, K. (2017). Modernization of the Refrigeration System of the Navy Ship's Chambers: the Development of a Modular Refrigeration Unit, Materials of Contest. Engineer Shipbuilder of the year. Presented at the Engineer Shipbuilder of the year, Saint Petersburg. Koprov, P. (2016). Import Substitution for Naval Ships Built Abroad. International Conference on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Presented at the International Conference on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Saint Petersburg. Koprov, P. (2011). Wine Fermentation Temperature Maintenance System. Materials of International Scientifically Technological Conference of Students, Aspirants and Young Scholars, 17–19,