Works (8)
2019 journal article
High-Efficiency and High-Density Single-Phase Dual-Mode Cascaded Buck-Boost Multilevel Transformerless PV Inverter With GaN AC Switches

2016 conference paper
1200v/200a freedm-pair: loss and cost reduction analysis
2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (wipda), 152–157.
2016 conference paper
15kV/40A FREEDM super-cascode: A cost effective SiC high voltage and high frequency power switch
2016 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce).
2016 conference paper
Analysis and loss comparison of megahertz high voltage isolated dc/dc converters utilizing integrated sic mosfet module
2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (wipda), 291–296.

2016 conference paper
Hierarchical protection architecture for 380v dc data center application
2016 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce).

2016 conference paper
High bandwidth current sensing of sic mosfet with a si current mirror
2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (wipda), 200–203.

2016 conference paper
Performance evaluation of multiple Si and SiC solid state devices for circuit breaker application in 380VDC delivery system
Apec 2016 31st annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition, 983–989.

2016 conference paper
Zero standby power high efficiency hot plugging outlet for 380VDC power delivery system
Apec 2016 31st annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition, 132–137.