@article{madison_2023, title={Tug-of-War: Bones and Stones as Scientific Objects in Postcolonial Indonesia}, volume={114}, ISSN={["1545-6994"]}, DOI={10.1086/723725}, abstractNote={This essay examines a controversy that erupted in 2004 over the bones of a human relative discovered in Indonesia, proclaimed to be a new species named Homo floresiensis. It argues that the controversy comprised two intertwined struggles with roots in Indonesia’s colonial history. Indonesia’s transition to an independent country, it contends, gave rise to a particular set of cultural values, scientific practices, and theories that resulted in scientific objects becoming tied to national identity in ways that shaped the debates. Highlighting the imbalances that can occur in cross-cultural negotiations over the study of human relatives, this essay reveals that the circulation of scientific objects is not a simple process. By focusing on how anthropological objects moved—and the claims of ownership and access embedded in those movements—it illustrates the role of local circumstances in shaping that knowledge as it contributes to increasingly global science.}, number={1}, journal={ISIS}, author={Madison, Paige}, year={2023}, month={Mar}, pages={77–98} }