Works (21)
2024 journal article
Symposium Introduction: Education for Democratic Sustainability and Transformation
EDUCATIONAL THEORY, 74(5), 591–594.
2024 article
Theorizing <i>to</i> Cases: A Methodological Approach to Qualitative Normative Cases
Gatti, L., & McAvoy, P. (2024, January 7). EDUCATIONAL THEORY, Vol. 1.

2023 article
Social studies education research for sustainable democratic societies: Addressing persistent civic challenges
Levy, B. L. M., Busey, C. L., Cuenca, A., Evans, R. W., Halvorsen, A.-L., Ho, L.-C., … McGrew, S. (2023, January 26). THEORY AND RESEARCH IN SOCIAL EDUCATION, Vol. 1.

2021 article
Hard questions: Learning to teach controversial issues
Holmes, C., & McAvoy, P. (2021, September 10). THEORY AND RESEARCH IN SOCIAL EDUCATION, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Measuring student discussion engagement in the college classroom: a scale validation study
Studies in Higher Education, 47(8), 1761–1775.

2020 chapter
Motivating action: Attending to pride and solidarity as aims of civic education
In K. Sternhagen (Ed.), Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 2019 (pp. 112–116).
Ed(s): K. Sternhagen
2019 chapter
Framing and structuring discussions of controversial issues
In M. Levinson & J. Fay (Eds.), Democratic Discord in Schools: Cases and Commentaries in Educational Ethics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Ed(s): M. Levinson & J. Fay
2018 chapter
Philosophy of education: What’s it good for?
In N. Levinson (Ed.), Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook 2016 (pp. 470–472). Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.
Ed(s): N. Levinson
2017 chapter
Should teachers share their political views in the classroom?
In B. Warnick & L. Stone (Eds.), Philosophy: Education (pp. 373–383). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA.
Ed(s): B. Warnick & L. Stone
2017 chapter
Teaching and Learning about Controversial Issues and Topics in the Social Studies
In The Wiley Handbook of Social Studies Research (pp. 319–335).

2016 chapter
Preparing young adults for polarized America
In W. Journell (Ed.), Teaching Social Studies in an Era of Divisiveness: The Challenges of Discussing Social Issues in a Non-Partisan Way (pp. 31–46). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Press.
Ed(s): W. Journell
2015 book
The Political Classroom: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education
New York: Routledge Press.
2014 chapter
The pedagogical challenge of teaching politics in like-minded schools
In T. Misco (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Case Studies of Teaching Controversial Issues: Pathways and Challenges to Democratic Citizenship Education (pp. 237–253). Tilsburg: Legal Wolf Publishers.
Ed(s): T. Misco
2013 journal article
Classroom Deliberation in an Era of Political Polarization
Curriculum Inquiry, 43(1), 14–47.
2013 journal article
The Aims of Sex Education: Demoting Autonomy and Promoting Mutuality
Educational Theory, 63(5), 483–496.
2012 chapter
Investing in civic and political pluralism
In C. Ruitenberg (Ed.), Philosophy of Education Society Yearbook (pp. 160–162). Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society.
Ed(s): C. Ruitenberg
2012 journal article
“There Are No Housewives onStarTrek”: A Reexamination of Exit Rights for the Children of Insular Fundamentalist Parents
Educational Theory, 62(5), 535–552.

2010 chapter
Do children have any rights?
In R. Bailey (Ed.), Introduction to Philosophy of Education (pp. 74–85). New York: Continuum.
Ed(s): R. Bailey
2009 chapter
Liberal education, privilege, and higher education
In Y. Raley & G. Preyer (Eds.), Philosophy of Education in the Era of Globalization (pp. 165–180). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): Y. Raley & G. Preyer
2009 chapter
To disclose or not to disclose: A controversial choice for teachers
In D. Hess (Ed.), Controversy in the Classroom: The Democratic Power of Discussion (pp. 97–112). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): D. Hess
2008 journal article
Should arranged marriages for teenage girls be allowed?
Theory and Research in Education, 6(1), 5–20.