@article{pandey_narayan_young_2021, title={FRONTIER: AUTONOMY IN DETECTION, ACTUATION, AND PLANNING FOR ROBOTIC WEEDING SYSTEMS}, volume={64}, ISSN={["2151-0040"]}, DOI={10.13031/trans.14085}, abstractNote={HighlightsRecent research and development efforts center around developing smaller, portable robotic weeding systems.Deep learning methods have resulted in accurate, fast, and robust weed detection and identification.Additional key technologies under development include precision actuation and multi-vehicle planning. Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Automated systems, Automated weeding, Weed control.}, number={2}, journal={TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE}, author={Pandey, P. and Narayan, Hemanth D. and Young, S. N.}, year={2021}, pages={557–563} } @article{wang_xu_pandey_cheng_li_qu_2012, title={Improvement of Sugar Production from Transgenic Switchgrass with Low-Temperature Alkali Pretreatment}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1520-5029"]}, DOI={10.1021/ef3004575}, abstractNote={Genetically modified switchgrass (cv. Alamo) and its conventional plant were both pretreated using two groups of conditions: lime at 50 °C and the combination of lime and NaOH at ambient temperature. The results show that the transgenic plant (with altered lignin content and composition) was more susceptible to alkali pretreatment than the conventional plant. At the recommended conditions (0.1 g/g of raw biomass and 12 h) for lime pretreatment at 50 °C, the glucan and xylan conversions of transgenic switchgrass were 12 and 10%, respectively, higher than those of the conventional plant. These increases were reduced to 7 and 8% for glucan and xylan conversions, respectively, when the best conditions (0.025 g of lime/g of raw biomass, 0.1 g of NaOH/g of raw biomass, and 6 h) for combined alkali pretreatment at ambient temperature were employed. The advantage of transgenics over a conventional plant in sugar production could be maximized if proper pretreatment conditions were used.}, number={5}, journal={ENERGY & FUELS}, author={Wang, Ziyu and Xu, Jiele and Pandey, Pankaj and Cheng, Jay J. and Li, Ruyu and Qu, Rongda}, year={2012}, month={May}, pages={3054–3061} }