Works (9)
2014 journal article
Dynamics and evolution of beta-catenin-dependent Wnt signaling revealed through massively parallel clonogenic screening
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2014 journal article
Small Sample Sorting of Primary Adherent Cells by Automated Micropallet Imaging and Release
CYTOMETRY PART A, 85A(7), 642–649.
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2013 journal article
Capture and 3D culture of colonic crypts and colonoids in a microarray platform
Lab on a Chip, 13(23), 4625–4634.
2013 journal article
Microfluidic Chemical Cytometry of Peptide Degradation in Single Drug-Treated Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 85(10), 4991–4997.
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2013 journal article
Scalable synthesis of a biocompatible, transparent and superparamagnetic photoresist for microdevice fabrication
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23(10).
2012 review
Micro Total Analysis Systems: Fundamental Advances and Applications in the Laboratory, Clinic, and Field
[Review of ]. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 85(2), 451–472.
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2012 article
Trapping cells on a stretchable microwell array for single-cell analysis (vol 402, pg 1065, 2012)
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 404, pp. 2519–2519.
2011 journal article
Trapping cells on a stretchable microwell array for single-cell analysis
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2007 journal article
Probing protein adsorption onto mercaptoundecanoic acid stabilized gold nanoparticles and surfaces by quartz crystal microbalance and zeta-potential measurements
LANGMUIR, 23(11), 6053–6062.
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