@article{johnson_macpherson_smith_block_keyton_2016, title={Facilitating Teamwork in Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1935-469X"]}, DOI={10.1200/jop.2016.013870}, abstractNote={ A case of a young adult patient in the days immediately after a cancer diagnosis illustrates the critical importance of three interrelated core coordinating mechanisms—closed-loop communication, shared mental models, and mutual trust—of teamwork in an adolescent and young adult multidisciplinary oncology team. The case illustrates both the opportunities to increase team member coordination and the problems that can occur when coordination breaks down. A model for teamwork is presented, which highlights the relationships among these coordinating mechanisms and demonstrates how balance among them works to optimize team function and patient care. Implications for clinical practice and research suggested by the case are presented. }, number={11}, journal={JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY PRACTICE}, author={Johnson, Rebecca H. and Macpherson, Catherine Fiona and Smith, Ashley W. and Block, Rebecca G. and Keyton, Joann}, year={2016}, month={Nov}, pages={1067-+} } @article{mathieu_bodle_loboa_2014, title={Primary cilium mechanotransduction of tensile strain in 3D culture: Finite element analyses of strain amplification caused by tensile strain applied to a primary cilium embedded in a collagen matrix}, volume={47}, ISSN={["1873-2380"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.04.004}, abstractNote={Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASC) exhibit multilineage differentiation potential with lineage specification that is dictated by both the chemical and mechanical stimuli to which they are exposed. We have previously shown that 10% cyclic tensile strain increases hASC osteogenesis and cell-mediated calcium accretion. We have also recently shown that primary cilia are present on hASC and that chemically-induced lineage specification of hASC concurrently results in length and conformation changes of the primary cilia. Further, we have observed cilia length changes in hASC cultured within a collagen I gel in response to 10% cyclic tensile strain. We therefore hypothesize that primary cilia may play a key mechanotransduction role for hASC exposed to tensile strain. The goal of this study was to use finite element analysis (FEA) to determine strains occurring within the ciliary membrane in response to 10% tensile strain applied parallel, or perpendicular, to cilia orientation. To elucidate the mechanical environment experienced by the cilium, several lengths were modeled and evaluated based on cilia lengths measured on hASC grown under varied culture conditions. Principal tensile strains in both hASC and ciliary membranes were calculated using FEA, and the magnitude and location of maximum principal tensile strain determined. We found that maximum principal tensile strain was concentrated at the base of the cilium. In the linear elastic model, applying strain perpendicular to the cilium resulted in maximum strains within the ciliary membrane from 150% to 200%, while applying strain parallel to the cilium resulted in much higher strains, approximately 400%. In the hyperelastic model, applying strain perpendicular to the cilium resulted in maximum strains within the ciliary membrane around 30%, while applying strain parallel to the cilium resulted in much higher strains ranging from 50% to 70%. Interestingly, FEA results indicated that primary cilium length was not directly related to ciliary membrane strain. Rather, it appears that cilium orientation may be more important than cilium length in determining sensitivity of hASC to tensile strain. This is the first study to model the effects of tensile strain on the primary cilium and provides newfound insight into the potential role of the primary cilium as a mechanosensor, particularly in tensile strain and potentially a multitude of other mechanical stimuli beyond fluid shear.}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS}, author={Mathieu, Pattie S. and Bodle, Josephine C. and Loboa, Elizabeth G.}, year={2014}, month={Jun}, pages={2211–2217} } @article{mathieu_loboa_2012, title={Cytoskeletal and Focal Adhesion Influences on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Shape, Mechanical Properties, and Differentiation Down Osteogenic, Adipogenic, and Chondrogenic Pathways}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1937-3376"]}, DOI={10.1089/ten.teb.2012.0014}, abstractNote={Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) hold great potential for regenerative medicine and tissue-engineering applications. They have multipotent differentiation capabilities and have been shown to differentiate down various lineages, including osteoblasts, adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, and possibly neurons. The majority of approaches to control the MSC fate have been via the use of chemical factors in the form of growth factors within the culture medium. More recently, it has been understood that mechanical forces play a significant role in regulating MSC fate. We and others have shown that mechanical stimuli can control MSC lineage specification. The cytoskeleton is known to play a large role in mechanotransduction, and a growing number of studies are showing that it can also contribute to MSC differentiation. This review analyzes the significant contribution of actin and integrin distribution, and the smaller role of microtubules, in regulating MSC fate. Osteogenic differentiation is more prevalent in MSCs with a stiff, spread actin cytoskeleton and greater numbers of focal adhesions. Both adipogenic differentiation and chondrogenic differentiation are encouraged when MSCs have a spherical morphology associated with a dispersed actin cytoskeleton with few focal adhesions. Different mechanical stimuli can be implemented to alter these cytoskeletal patterns and encourage MSC differentiation to the desired lineage.}, number={6}, journal={TISSUE ENGINEERING PART B-REVIEWS}, author={Mathieu, Pattie S. and Loboa, Elizabeth G.}, year={2012}, month={Dec}, pages={436–444} }