Paul T Hamilton
Works (36)
2021 journal article
Remodeling hydrogen bond Interactions results in relaxed specificity of Caspase-3

2020 journal article
Caspases from scleractinian coral show unique regulatory features

2019 journal article
Resurrection of ancestral effector caspases identifies novel networks for evolution of substrate specificity.
The Biochemical Journal.

2017 journal article
An Internship May Not Be Enough: Enhancing Bioscience Industry Job Readiness through Practicum Experiences.
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 18(1).

2016 journal article
Phage display and structural studies reveal plasticity in substrate specificity of caspase-3a from zebrafish
Protein Science, 25(11), 2076–2088.
Contributors: M. Tucker n, S. MacKenzie n, J. Maciag n, H. Dirscherl Ackerman, P. Swartz n, J. Yoder n , n , A. Clay Clark *

2015 article
High-Throughput and High-Content Screening Using Peptides
Carlson, R., Hyde-DeRuyscher, R., & Hamilton, P. (2015, February). Phage Display In Biotechnology and Drug Discovery, Second Edition, pp. 249–274.
2015 book
High-throughput and high-content screening using peptides
In Phage Display in Biotechnology and Drug Discovery, Second Edition (pp. 249–274).
2014 journal article
Characterization of a thermophilic bacteriophage of Geobacillus kaustophilus
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 159(10), 2771–2775.

2013 journal article
Cooperative Learning through Team-Based Projects in the Biotechnology Industry †
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 14(2), 221–229.

2013 journal article
Improved Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Retention in an Injectable Collagen Matrix Using Bifunctional Peptides
PLOS ONE, 8(8).
Contributors: , M. Jansen*, S. Ganesan*, R. Benson*, R. Hyde-DeRuyscher*, W. Beyer, J. Gile, S. Nair*, J. Hodges*, H. Grøn* n
Ed(s): F. Gelain

2012 journal article
Preparing Science-Trained Professionals for the Biotechnology Industry: A Ten-Year Perspective on a Professional Science Master’s Program
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education : JMBE, 13(1), 39–44.

2009 journal article
Directed Assembly of PEGylated-Peptide Coatings for Infection-Resistant Titanium Metal
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(31), 10992–10997.
Contributors: X. Khoo*, * , . G.A. O'Toole, B. Snyder *, D. Kenan * & M. Grinstaff *
2008 conference paper
A peptide coating for the endothelialization of intravascular devices
8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008, 1, 200.
2008 conference paper
Growth factor coated sutures for improved tendon repair
8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008, 1, 179.
2007 journal article
Endothelialization of Titanium Surfaces
Adv. Mater., 19(18), 2492–2498.
Contributors: S. Meyers *, * , E. Walsh*, D. Kenan * & M. Grinstaff *

2005 article
High Throughput and High Content Screening Using Peptides
Hamilton, P., Carlson, R., & Hyde-Deruyscher, R. (2005, July). Phage Display In Biotechnology and Drug Discovery, pp. 347–384.
2003 journal article
Identification and characterization of peptide probes directed against PKCα conformations
The Journal of Peptide Research, 61(5), 263–273.
2003 journal article
Intracellular Expression of Peptide Fusions for Demonstration of Protein Essentiality in Bacteria
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 47(9), 2875–2881.
2003 article
Surrogate Ligand-Based Assay Systems for Discovery of Antibacterial Agents for Genomic Targets
Hamilton, P., & Christensen, D. (2003, May). Microbial Genomics and Drug Discovery, pp. 173–185.
2001 journal article
Identification of Enzyme Inhibitors from Phage-Displayed Combinatorial Peptide Libraries
CCHTS, 4(7), 535–543.
Contributors: B. Kay * & *
2001 journal article
Phage display for target-based antibacterial drug discovery
Drug Discovery Today, 6(14), 721–727.

2000 journal article
Detection of small-molecule enzyme inhibitors with peptides isolated from phage-displayed combinatorial peptide libraries
Chemistry & Biology, 7(1), 17–25.
Contributors: R. Hyde-Deruyscher*, L. Paige, D. Christensen, N. Hyde-Deruyscher, A. Lim*, Z. Fredericks*, J. Kranz *, P. Gallant*
1999 journal article
Dissection of the LXXLL Nuclear Receptor-Coactivator Interaction Motif Using Combinatorial Peptide Libraries: Discovery of Peptide Antagonists of Estrogen Receptors α and β
Mol. Cell. Biol., 19(12), 8226–8239.
Contributors: C. Chang *, J. Norris, H. Grøn, L. Paige, * , D. Kenan *, D. Fowlkes, D. McDonnell
1999 journal article
Estrogen receptor (ER) modulators each induce distinct conformational changes in ER and ER
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96(7), 3999–4004.
Contributors: L. Paige*, D. Christensen*, H. Grøn*, J. Norris *, E. Gottlin *, K. Padilla*, C. Chang *, L. Ballas*

1999 journal article
Peptide antagonists of the human estrogen receptor
Science, 285(5428), 744–746.
Contributors: J. Norris *, L. Paige, D. Christensen, C. Chang *, M. Huacani*, D. Fan*, * , D. Fowlkes, D. McDonnell *

1995 article
Applying Genetic Engineering to the Structural Analysis of Proteins
Physical Methods to Characterize Pharmaceutical Proteins, pp. 329–350.
1995 journal article
Applying genetic engineering to the structural analysis of proteins.
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 7, 329–350.
1993 journal article
Expression of a single-chain antibody as a maltose binding protein fusion
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, 6, 88.
1989 journal article
A hydrogenase-linked gene in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum strain delta H encodes a polyferredoxin.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 86(9), 3031–3035.
Contributors: J. Reeve *, G. Beckler*, D. Cram *, * , J. Brown *, J. Krzycki*, A. Kolodziej*, L. Alex*, W. Orme-Johnson*, C. Walsh*
1989 journal article
Nucleotide sequence of the major outer membrane protein gene from Chlamydia trachomatis serovar H
Nucl Acids Res, 17(20), 8366–8366.
1989 journal article
Polyferredoxin: A methanogen hydrogenase operon encodes a gene for a 12 × (4Fe4S) protein
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 36(3-4), 221.
1987 article
Divergence of Methanogens, Conservation of the His I Gene Sequence in all Three Biological Kingdoms and the Status of Methanobacterium Thermoautotrophicum
Microbial Growth on C1 Compounds, pp. 255–260.
1986 journal article
Structure of methanogen genes
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 7(1), 5–12.
Contributors: J. Reeve *, * , G. Beckler*, C. Morris * & C. Clarke*
1985 journal article
Sequence divergence of an archaebacterial gene cloned from a mesophilic and a thermophilic methanogen
J Mol Evol, 22(4), 351–360.
Contributors: & J. Reeve * *
1985 journal article
Structure of genes and an insertion element in the methane producing archaebacterium Methanobrevibacter smithii
Molec. Gen. Genet., 200(1), 47–59.
Contributors: & J. Reeve * *
1982 journal article
Beginning genetics with methanogens.
Basic Life Sciences, 19, 233–244.
Updated: July 5th, 2016 10:20
2009 - present
Updated: July 5th, 2016 10:27
1980 - 1984
1976 - 1980
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: December 10th, 2019 19:37