Works (5)
2014 journal article
Digital Image Analysis Method for Estimation of Fusarium-Damaged Kernels in Wheat
CROP SCIENCE, 54(5), 2077–2083.
2014 journal article
Vernalization Duration Requirement in Soft Winter Wheat is Associated with Variation at the VRN-B1 Locus
CROP SCIENCE, 54(5), 1960–1971.
2011 journal article
Marker Development and Quantitative Trait Loci in a Fall-Sown Oat Recombinant Inbred Population
CROP SCIENCE, 51(2), 490–502.
2009 conference paper
Advances in breeding for winter hardiness in oats
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy.
2008 conference paper
Additional markers added to the fulghum/Norline genetic map and QTL scan for winter hardiness traits in Avena sativa
Proceedings, 8th International Oat Conference, Minneapolis, Minn.