Works (5)
2016 journal article
Genome-wide search for translated upstream open reading frames in Arabidopsis thaliana
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 15(2), 150–159.
2016 journal article
Transcriptomic Signature of the <i>SHATTERPROOF2</i> Expression Domain Reveals the Meristematic Nature of Arabidopsis Gynoecial Medial Domain
Plant Physiology, 171(1), 42–61.
Contributors: G. Villarino n, n, S. Manrique *, M. Flores-Vergara n, B. Sehra n, L. Robles n, J. Brumos n, A. Stepanova n

2015 conference paper
A stacking-based approach to identify translated upstream open reading frames in Arabidopsis thaliana
Bioinformatics research and applications (isbra 2015), 9096, 138–149.
2015 journal article
Gene-Specific Translation Regulation Mediated by the Hormone-Signaling Molecule EIN2
Cell, 163(3), 684–697.
Contributors: C. Merchante n, J. Brumos n, J. Yun n, n, K. Spencer n, P. Enríquez n, B. Binder *, S. Heber n , A. Stepanova n , J. Alonso n
2015 conference paper
Mining transcript features related to translation in Arabidopsis using LASSO and random forest
2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, ICCABS 2015.
Contributors: C. Merchante n, A. Stepanova n , J. Alonso n & S. Heber n n,