@article{montanino_moreno_alessandrini_appetecchi_passerini_zhou_henderson_2012, title={Physical and electrochemical properties of binary ionic liquid mixtures: (1-x) PYR14TFSI-(x) PYR14IM14}, volume={60}, journal={Electrochimica Acta}, author={Montanino, M. and Moreno, M. and Alessandrini, F. and Appetecchi, G. B. and Passerini, S. and Zhou, Q. and Henderson, W. A.}, year={2012}, pages={163–169} } @article{zhou_boyle_malpezzi_mele_shin_passerini_henderson_2011, title={Phase Behavior of Ionic Liquid-LiX Mixtures: Pyrrolidinium Cations and TFSI- Anions - Linking Structure to Transport Properties}, volume={23}, ISSN={["0897-4756"]}, DOI={10.1021/cm201427k}, abstractNote={The thermal phase behavior and ionic conductivity of mixtures of N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ionic liquids (PY1RTFSI where R = 4 or 5 for butyl or pentyl) with LiTFSI have been examined as model systems for ionic liquid-based lithium battery electrolytes. Several mixed salt crystalline phases form. The ionic conductivity variability of the mixtures correlates well with the reported phase behavior. The crystal structures for the (1-x) PY1RTFSI-(x) LiTFSI (x = 0.67) (or 1/2 PY1RTFSI/LiTFSI with R = 4 or 5) phases have been determined. These phases are isostructural, consisting of ionic planar layers formed by Li+···TFSI– linkages in which the uncoordinated PY1R+ cations reside in cavities within the layers. These structures have been used to aid in correlating Raman data with cation–anion coordination in the IL-LiTFSI binary salt mixtures.}, number={19}, journal={CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS}, author={Zhou, Qian and Boyle, Paul D. and Malpezzi, Luciana and Mele, Andrea and Shin, Joon-Ho and Passerini, Stefano and Henderson, Wesley A.}, year={2011}, month={Oct}, pages={4331–4337} } @article{zhao_zhang_bradford_zhou_jia_yuan_zhu_2010, title={Carbon nanotube yarn strain sensors}, volume={21}, ISSN={["1361-6528"]}, DOI={10.1088/0957-4484/21/30/305502}, abstractNote={Carbon nanotube (CNT) based sensors are often fabricated by dispersing CNTs into different types of polymer. In this paper, a prototype carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn strain sensor with excellent repeatability and stability for in situ structural health monitoring was developed. The CNT yarn was spun directly from CNT arrays, and its electrical resistance increased linearly with tensile strain, making it an ideal strain sensor. It showed consistent piezoresistive behavior under repetitive straining and unloading, and good resistance stability at temperatures ranging from 77 to 373 K. The sensors can be easily embedded into composite structures with minimal invasiveness and weight penalty. We have also demonstrated their ability to monitor crack initiation and propagation.}, number={30}, journal={NANOTECHNOLOGY}, author={Zhao, Haibo and Zhang, Yingying and Bradford, Philip D. and Zhou, Qian and Jia, Quanxi and Yuan, Fuh-Gwo and Zhu, Yuntian}, year={2010}, month={Jul} } @article{zhou_henderson_appetecchi_passerini_2010, title={Phase behavior and thermal properties of ternary ionic liquid-lithium salt (IL-IL-LiX) electrolytes}, volume={114}, number={13}, journal={Journal of Physical Chemistry. C}, author={Zhou, Q. and Henderson, W. A. and Appetecchi, G. B. and Passerini, S.}, year={2010}, pages={6201–6204} } @article{paillard_zhou_henderson_appetecchi_montanino_passerini_2009, title={Electrochemical and Physicochemical Properties of PY(14)FSI-Based Electrolytes with LiFSI}, volume={156}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.3208048}, abstractNote={We report here the characterization of Li battery electrolytes based upon the N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide ionic liquid (PY 14 FSI) with lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) as a support salt. These electrolytes show low viscosity relative to other pyrrolidinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) and corresponding higher conductivity at subambient temperatures. The melting point of the IL decreases with the addition of LiFSI and concentrated samples remain totally amorphous. The electrolytes exhibit decreased thermal stability and increased parasitic cathodic reactions with increasing LiFSI fraction relative to the pure IL, probably due to a higher impurity level for the commercial LiFSI. Despite this, the electrolytes have excellent lithium cycling behavior at 20°C.}, number={11}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={Paillard, Elie and Zhou, Qian and Henderson, Wesley A. and Appetecchi, Giovanni B. and Montanino, Maria and Passerini, Stefano}, year={2009}, pages={A891–A895} } @article{zhou_fitzgerald_boyle_henderson_2010, title={Phase Behavior and Crystalline Phases of Ionic Liquid-Lithium Salt Mixtures with 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Salts}, volume={22}, ISSN={["1520-5002"]}, DOI={10.1021/cm902691v}, abstractNote={The thermal phase behavior of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (IM10RTFSI where R = 1, 2, or 4 for methyl, ethyl or butyl, respectively) ionic liquid binary mixtures with LiTFSI have been investigated as models for electrolytes for lithium batteries. Diverse phase behavior is found with significant variations noted from similar mixtures in which the imidazolium cations are replaced with N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium cations. The crystal structure for a (1−x) IM101TFSI-(x) LiTFSI (x = 0.50) (or 1/1 IM101TFSI/LiTFSI) phase is reported to further clarify the molecular level interactions occurring in these binary salt mixtures.}, number={3}, journal={CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS}, author={Zhou, Qian and Fitzgerald, Kendall and Boyle, Paul D. and Henderson, Wesley A.}, year={2010}, month={Feb}, pages={1203–1208} } @article{zhou_henderson_appetecchi_montanino_passerini_2008, title={Physical and electrochemical properties of N-Alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium Bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide ionic liquids: PY13FSI and PY14FSI}, volume={112}, number={43}, journal={Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical}, author={Zhou, Q. and Henderson, W. A. and Appetecchi, G. B. and Montanino, M. and Passerini, S.}, year={2008}, pages={13577–13580} } @inproceedings{zhou_dai_2006, title={Asymptotic analysis on spatial diversity versus multiuser diversity in wireless networks}, DOI={10.1109/icc.2006.255017}, abstractNote={Spatial diversity provided by multiple antennas implemented at the physical layer (PHY) can protect a wireless link from harmful fading, while opportunistic scheduling that exploits multiuser diversity at the media access control (MAC) layer can increase the system throughput with the aid of constructive fading in a multiuser wireless network. In this paper, by studying the average system capacity of opportunistic scheduling and scheduling gain (defined as the average system capacity difference between opportunistic scheduling and conventional round-robin scheduling), we investigate the cross-layer interaction between spatial diversity and multiuser diversity. Our analyses focus on the asymptotic scenarios, by allowing either the number of users or the number of antennas, or both, to go to infinity, for which some succinct closed-form expressions can be obtained and the connections among system parameters become clear.}, booktitle={2006 ieee international conference on communications, vols 1-12}, author={Zhou, Q. and Dai, H. Y.}, year={2006}, pages={1464–1469} }