Works (8)
2024 journal article
Epidemiologic and clinical features of cyanobacteria harmful algal bloom exposures reported to the National Poison Data System, United States, 2010-2022: a descriptive analysis
2023 journal article
Assessing the impact of the early COVID-19 era on antibiotic resistant threats in inpatient settings: A mixed-Poisson regression approach
American Journal of Infection Control, 51(10), 1089–1094.
Contributors: & S. Rhea n n
2023 journal article
Geographic Variability, Seasonality, and Increase in ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Harmful Blue-Green Algae Calls-United States and Canada, 2010-2022
TOXINS, 15(8).
Contributors: , G. Faulkner n, E. Hilborn n , T. Wismer *, N. Martin * & S. Rhea n n

2022 journal article
Veterinary antimicrobial prescribing practices for treatment of presumptive sporadic urinary tract infections in dogs examined at primary care practices in the United States (2010-2019)
Contributors: , M. Papich n & T. Stürmer * *

2021 journal article
Veterinary Experiences can Inform One Health Strategies for Animal Coronaviruses
EcoHealth, 18(3), 301–314.
Contributors: O. Chan *, K. Bradley, A. Grioni, S. Lau *, W. Li, I. Magouras *, T. Naing, A. Padula *
2016 journal article
Congenital cleft palate and cardiac septal defects in a neonatal southern black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47(3), 876–878.
Contributors: S. Lewis*, M. Duncan*, M. Houck *, * & H. Haefele *
2014 journal article
Medical management of a patent urachus in a southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum) calf
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(2), 420–422.
2010 journal article
Evaluation of gastrointestinal tract transit times using barium-impregnated polyethylene spheres and barium sulfate suspension in a domestic pigeon (Columba livia) model
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 24(1), 1–8.
Contributors: , K. Cronin*, J. Hoover*, R. Pechman* & M. Payton * *
Updated: August 21st, 2024 11:36
2022 - present
Updated: August 21st, 2024 11:46