Works (6)
2020 journal article
Estimation of Latent Variable Scores with Multiple Group Item Response Models: Implications for Integrative Data Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(6), 1–11.

2020 journal article
Psychometric Properties of the MacArthur Community Violence Screening Instrument
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 19(3), 253–268.

2019 journal article
Methodological limitations in the measurement and statistical modeling of violence among adults with mental illness
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(3).

2019 journal article
Reliability and Validity of START and LSI-R Assessments in Mental Health Jail Diversion Clients
ASSESSMENT, 26(7), 1347–1361.

2019 journal article
Results of the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen Across Repeated Jail Bookings
Psychiatric Services, 70(11), 1006–1012.

2018 journal article
Performance and clinical utility of a short violence risk screening tool in U.S. adults with mental illness.
Psychological Services, 15(4), 398–408.