Works (22)
2024 journal article
Tissue cytokines in chickens from lines selected for high or low humoral antibody responses, given supplemental <i>Limosilactobacillus reuteri</i> and challenged with <i>Histomonas meleagridis</i>

2020 journal article
Histomonas meleagridis isolates compared by virulence and gene expression

2020 journal article
Oviduct Fluke (Prosthogonimus macrorchis) Found Inside a Chicken Egg in North Carolina
AVIAN DISEASES, 64(3), 352–353.

2020 journal article
Sodium bisulfate feed additive aids broilers in growth and intestinal health during a coccidiosis challenge
POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(11), 5324–5330.

2020 journal article
The effect of sodium bisulfate and coccidiostat on intestinal lesions and growth performance of Eimeria spp.-challenged broilers
POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(10), 4769–4775.

2020 journal article
Two Blackhead Disease Outbreaks in Commercial Turkey Flocks Were Potentially Exacerbated by Poor Poult Quality and Coccidiosis
AVIAN DISEASES, 64(4), 522–524.

2019 journal article
Blackhead Disease: Recovery of Layer Flock After Disease Challenge
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28(3), 755–760.

2019 journal article
PCR detection of Heterakis gallinarum in environmental samples

2017 journal article
Development of a Dry Medium for Isolation of Histomonas meleagridis in the Field
AVIAN DISEASES, 61(2), 242–244.

2017 journal article
Relationship Between Broiler Body Weights, Eimeria maxima Gross Lesion Scores, and Microscores in Three Anticoccidial Sensitivity Tests
AVIAN DISEASES, 61(2), 237–241.

2016 journal article
Distribution of α-Gustducin and Vimentin in premature and mature taste buds in chickens
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 479(2), 305–311.
2016 journal article
Labeling and analysis of chicken taste buds using molecular markers in oral epithelial sheets
Scientific Reports, 6(1).
2015 journal article
Amino acid sequence of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) and northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) myoglobin
Food Chemistry, 181, 256–262.
2014 journal article
Drosophila Valosin-Containing Protein is required for dendrite pruning through a regulatory role in mRNA metabolism
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(20), 7331–7336.
2014 journal article
Expression of green fluorescent protein in the chicken using in vivo transfection of the piggyBac transposon
Journal of Biotechnology, 173, 86–89.

2013 journal article
Corrigendum to “Molecular confirmation of Trichomonas gallinae and other parabasalids from Brazil using the 5.8S and ITS-1 rRNA regions” [Vet. Parasitol. 190 (1–2) (2012) 36–42]
Veterinary Parasitology, 196(3-4), 552.

2012 journal article
Molecular confirmation of Trichomonas gallinae and other parabasalids from Brazil using the 5.8S and ITS-1 rRNA regions
Veterinary Parasitology, 190(1-2), 36–42.
2010 journal article
Sox14 is required for transcriptional and developmental responses to 20-hydroxyecdysone at the onset of drosophila metamorphosis
Developmental Dynamics, 239(10), 2685–2694.
2008 journal article
Septate junctions are required for ommatidial integrity and blood–eye barrier function in Drosophila
Developmental Biology, 317(2), 585–599.
2007 journal article
Prothoracicotropic Hormone Regulates Developmental Timing and Body Size in Drosophila
Developmental Cell, 13(6), 857–871.

2007 journal article
Specific transcriptional responses to juvenile hormone and ecdysone in Drosophila
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 37(6), 570–578.
2006 journal article
Indicted: Worms Caught using Steroids
Cell, 124(6), 1137–1140.