@article{song_gagliardi_2018, title={Streamlining Acquisition Workflows Through Collaboration and Innovation}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1879-095X"]}, DOI={10.1080/00987913.2018.1544844}, abstractNote={Abstract As a selector, have you ever wondered if the resource you requested was ordered? As an acquisitions staff member, are you struggling with keeping track of your order requests from various channels? As a manager, are you finding it challenging to monitor staff work? CORAL, an open source electronic resource management system, proved to be one solution to these concerns for North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries. This article discusses how to manage workflows in CORAL and outlines a NCSU initiative to evolve this tool through collaboration across departments and across the CORAL community.}, number={3}, journal={SERIALS REVIEW}, author={Song, Xiaoyan and Gagliardi, Ruth}, year={2018}, pages={197–203} }