2019 journal article

Computing base-stock levels for a two-stage supply chain with uncertain supply

Omega, 89, 92–109.

By: D. Warsing n, W. Wangwatcharakul* & R. King n

Contributors: D. Warsing n, W. Wangwatcharakul* & R. King n

author keywords: Inventory; Base-stock system; Uncertain supply
TL;DR: This work uses a recently published computational algorithm to generate independent, single-stage (ISS) base-stock inventory solutions for each stage in a two-stage supply chain subject to uncertainty in upstream supply, and finds that the downstream stocking levels are strongly influenced by the properties of the downstream demand, while the upstream stocking level is very strongly influences by the holding costs and supply uncertainty. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 21, 2019

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