Rebecca Elizabeth Irwin
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Works (162)
2024 journal article
As prey and pollinators, insects increase reproduction and allow for outcrossing in the carnivorous plant <i>Dionaea muscipula
American Journal of Botany, 111(2).

2024 report
Colorado Native Pollinating Insects Health Study
Denver, Colorado: Colorado Department of Natural Resources.
2024 journal article
Socioecological drivers of mutualistic and antagonistic plant-insect interactions and interaction outcomes in suburban landscapes
PLOS ONE, 19(11).

2024 journal article
The Hole Truth: Why Do Bumble Bees Rob Flowers More Than Once?
2023 journal article
Bee species richness through time in an urbanizing landscape of the southeastern <scp>United States
Global Change Biology, 30(1).

2023 journal article
Comparative analysis of 3 pollen sterilization methods for feeding bumble bees
Journal of Economic Entomology, 116(3), 662–673.
Ed(s): D. Tarpy

2023 journal article
Conflicting constraints on male mating success shape reward size in pollen‐rewarding plants
American Journal of Botany, 110(6).

2023 journal article
Current and lagged climate affects phenology across diverse taxonomic groups

2023 journal article
Differential bumble bee gene expression associated with pathogen infection and pollen diet
BMC Genomics, 24(1).

2023 journal article
Nature's chefs: Uniting the hidden diversity of food making and preparing species across the tree of life
BioScience, 73(6), 408–421.

2023 journal article
Sunflower plantings reduce a common gut pathogen and increase queen production in common eastern bumblebee colonies

2023 journal article
Sunflower spines and beyond: Mechanisms and breadth of pollen that reduce gut pathogen infection in the common eastern bumble bee
Functional Ecology, 37(6), 1757–1769.

2022 journal article
Comparative impacts of long‐term trends in snowmelt and species interactions on plant population dynamics
Journal of Ecology, 110(5), 1102–1112.

2022 journal article
Consuming sunflower pollen reduced pathogen infection but did not alter measures of immunity in bumblebees

2022 journal article
Effects of an alternative host on the prevalence and intensity of infection of a bumble bee parasite
Parasitology, 149(4), 562–567.

2022 article
Floral shape predicts bee-parasite transmission potential
Pinilla-Gallego, M. S., Ng, W. H., Amaral, V. E., & Irwin, R. E. (2022, June 12). ECOLOGY.

2022 journal article
Life-history traits predict responses of wild bees to climate variation

2022 journal article
Pollen limitation of native plant reproduction in an urban landscape
American Journal of Botany, 109(12), 1969–1980.

2022 journal article
Skewness in bee and flower phenological distributions
Ecology, 104(1).

2022 journal article
Sunflower pollen induces rapid excretion in bumble bees: Implications for host-pathogen interactions
Journal of Insect Physiology, 137, 104356.

2022 journal article
Sunflower pollen reduces a gut pathogen in the model bee species, <i>Bombus impatiens , but has weaker effects in three wild congeners

2022 journal article
Sunflower-Associated Reductions in Varroa Mite Infestation of Honey Bee Colonies
Journal of Economic Entomology, 116(1), 68–77.
Ed(s): R. Johnson

2022 journal article
What are the plant reproductive consequences of losing a nectar robber?
Journal of Pollination Ecology, 32, 97–109.

2022 journal article
Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems
Arctic Science, 8(3), 572–608.

2021 journal article
Floral traits affecting the transmission of beneficial and pathogenic pollinator-associated microbes
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 44, 1–7.

2021 journal article
Nectar addition changes pollinator behavior but not plant reproduction in pollen‐rewarding <i>Lupinus argenteus
American Journal of Botany, 108(3), 402–410.

2021 journal article
Plant removal across an elevational gradient marginally reduces rates, substantially reduces variation in mineralization
Ecology, 103(1).

2021 journal article
Seasonal Variation in Host Plant Chemistry Drives Sequestration in a Specialist Caterpillar
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 48(1), 79–88.
2021 journal article
The Sensory and Cognitive Ecology of Nectar Robbing
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9.

2021 journal article
The costs and benefits of sunflower pollen diet on bumble bee colony disease and health
Ecosphere, 12(7).

2021 journal article
The influence of floral resources and microclimate on pollinator visitation in an agro-ecosystem

2020 journal article
Assessing Chemical Mechanisms Underlying the Effects of Sunflower Pollen on a Gut Pathogen in Bumble Bees
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46(8), 649–658.

2020 journal article
Bee phenology is predicted by climatic variation and functional traits
Ecology Letters, 23(11), 1589–1598.
Ed(s): T. Coulson

2020 journal article
Bumble bees are constant to nectar-robbing behaviour despite low switching costs
ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 170, 177–188.

2020 journal article
Colony-Level Effects of Amygdalin on Honeybees and Their Microbes
Insects, 11(11), 783.

2020 journal article
Competition for nectar resources does not affect bee foraging tactic constancy
Ecological Entomology, 45(4), 904–909.

2020 journal article
Cross-infectivity of honey and bumble bee-associated parasites across three bee families
Parasitology, 147(12), 1290–1304.

2020 journal article
Flowering plant composition shapes pathogen infection intensity and reproduction in bumble bee colonies
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21), 11559–11565.

2020 journal article
Sunflower pollen reduces a gut pathogen in worker and queen but not male bumble bees
Ecological Entomology, 45(6), 1318–1326.

2020 journal article
Support early-career field researchers
Science, 368(6492), 724–725.
Ed(s): J. Sills

2020 chapter book
The Evolutionary Ecology of Mutualisms in Urban Landscapes

2020 journal article
Towards a US national program for monitoring native bees

2020 journal article
Within-Colony Transmission of Microsporidian and Trypanosomatid Parasites in Honey Bee and Bumble Bee Colonies
Environmental Entomology, 49(6), 1393–1401.
Ed(s): S. Perlman

2019 journal article
A comparison of coffee floral traits under two different agricultural practices
Scientific Reports, 9(1).

2019 journal article
Bee pathogen transmission dynamics: deposition, persistence and acquisition on flowers
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1903), 20190603.

2019 journal article
Chemistry of floral rewards: intra‐ and interspecific variability of nectar and pollen secondary metabolites across taxa
Ecological Monographs, 89(1).

2019 journal article
Effect of timing and exposure of sunflower pollen on a common gut pathogen of bumble bees

2019 journal article
Parasite defense mechanisms in bees: behavior, immunity, antimicrobials, and symbionts
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 4(1), 59–76.
Ed(s): A. Scott-Brown & H. Koch

2019 journal article
Pollen and vegetative secondary chemistry of three pollen‐rewarding lupines
American Journal of Botany, 106(5), 643–655.

2019 journal article
Pollen from multiple sunflower cultivars and species reduces a common bumblebee gut pathogen
Royal Society Open Science, 6(4), 190279.

2019 journal article
Preinfection Effects of Nectar Secondary Compounds on a Bumble Bee Gut Pathogen
Environmental Entomology, 48(3), 685–690.

2019 journal article
Secondary metabolites from nectar and pollen: a resource for ecological and evolutionary studies
Ecology, 100(4), e02621.
2019 journal article
The individual and combined effects of snowmelt timing and frost exposure on the reproductive success of montane forbs
Journal of Ecology, 107(4), 1970–1981.
Ed(s): A. Satake

2018 journal article
Consequences of secondary nectar robbing for male components of plant reproduction
American Journal of Botany, 105(5), 943–949.

2018 journal article
Costs and benefits of alternative food handling tactics help explain facultative exploitation of pollination mutualisms
Ecology, 99(8), 1815–1824.

2018 journal article
Crop Domestication Alters Floral Reward Chemistry With Potential Consequences for Pollinator Health
Frontiers in Plant Science, 9.

2018 journal article
Disease where you dine: plant species and floral traits associated with pathogen transmission in bumble bees
Ecology, 99(11), 2535–2545.

2018 journal article
Effects of short‐term exposure to naturally occurring thymol concentrations on transmission of a bumble bee parasite
Ecological Entomology, 43(5), 567–577.

2018 journal article
Medicinal value of sunflower pollen against bee pathogens
Scientific Reports, 8(1).

2018 journal article
Phenotypic selection on floral traits in an urban landscape
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1884), 20181239.

2018 journal article
Pollen limitation and reproduction of three plant species across a temperature gradient in western Greenland
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 50(1).

2018 journal article
Pollination Ecology and Morphology of Venus Flytrap in Sites of Varying Time Since Last Fire
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 112(3), 141–149.

2018 journal article
Publisher Correction to: The response of pollen-transport networks to landscape-scale climate variation
Polar Biology, 41(8), 1651–1651.

2018 journal article
Resurgence of specialized shade coffee cultivation: Effects on pollination services and quality of coffee production
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 265, 567–575.

2018 journal article
The ecology of insect–yeast relationships and its relevance to human industry
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1875), 20172733.
Contributors: A. Madden n, M. Epps *, T. Fukami *, n, J. Sheppard n, D. Sorger n, R. Dunn n

2018 journal article
Venus Flytrap Rarely Traps Its Pollinators
The American Naturalist, 191(4), 539–546.

2018 journal article
Why are some plant–nectar robber interactions commensalisms?
Oikos, 127(11), 1679–1689.

2017 journal article
Context-dependent medicinal effects of anabasine and infection-dependent toxicity in bumble bees
PLOS ONE, 12(8), e0183729.
Ed(s): J. Hull

2017 journal article
Direct and indirect effects of episodic frost on plant growth and reproduction in subalpine wildflowers
Global Change Biology, 24(2), 848–857.

2017 journal article
Facilitated exploitation of pollination mutualisms: fitness consequences for plants
Journal of Ecology, 105(1), 188–196.
Ed(s): I. Bartomeus

2017 journal article
Foraging strategy predicts foraging economy in a facultative secondary nectar robber
Oikos, 126(9), 1250–1257.

2017 journal article
Interannual bumble bee abundance is driven by indirect climate effects on floral resource phenology
Ecology Letters, 20(12), 1507–1515.
Ed(s): A. Bourke

2017 journal article
Landscape predictors of pathogen prevalence and range contractions in US bumblebees
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1867), 20172181.

2017 journal article
Nectar and Pollen Phytochemicals Stimulate Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Immunity to Viral Infection
Journal of Economic Entomology, 110(5), 1959–1972.

2017 journal article
Synergistic effects of floral phytochemicals against a bumble bee parasite
Ecology and Evolution, 7(6), 1836–1849.

2017 journal article
The behavioral ecology of nectar robbing: why be tactic constant?
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 21, 14–18.

2017 journal article
The response of pollen-transport networks to landscape-scale climate variation
Polar Biology, 40(11), 2253–2263.

2016 journal article
Bumble bee parasite strains vary in resistance to phytochemicals
Scientific Reports, 6(1).

2016 journal article
Consequences of a nectar yeast for pollinator preference and performance
Functional Ecology, 31(3), 613–621.
Ed(s): G. Kudo

2016 journal article
Effects of florivory on plant-pollinator interactions: Implications for male and female components of plant reproduction
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 103(6), 1061–1070.

2016 journal article
Food Limitation Affects Parasite Load and Survival of <i>Bombus impatiens</i> (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Infected With<i>Crithidia</i>(Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae)
Environmental Entomology, 45(5), 1212–1219.

2016 journal article
Geographic variation in resistance to nectar robbing and consequences for pollination
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 103(10), 1819–1828.

2016 journal article
Nectar chemistry mediates the behavior of parasitized bees: consequences for plant fitness
Ecology, 97(2), 325–337.
2016 journal article
Phenological change in a spring ephemeral: implications for pollination and plant reproduction
Global Change Biology, 22(5), 1779–1793.

2016 journal article
Seasonal variation in the secondary chemistry of foliar and reproductive tissues of Delphinium nuttallianum

2016 journal article
Species-specific diagnostics of Apis mellifera trypanosomatids: A nine-year survey (2007-2015) for trypanosomatids and microsporidians in Serbian honey bees

2015 journal article
Effects of fragmentation on a distinctive coastal sage scrub bee fauna revealed through incidental captures by pitfall traps
Journal of Insect Conservation, 19(1), 175–179.

2015 journal article
Nectar yeasts in Delphinium nuttallianum (Ranunculaceae) and their effects on nectar quality
Fungal Ecology, 18, 100–106.
2015 journal article
Pollination ecology and floral visitor spectrum of turtlehead (<i>Chelone glabra</i> L.; Plantaginaceae)
Journal of Pollination Ecology, 17, 132–144.
2015 journal article
Possible Synergistic Effects of Thymol and Nicotine against Crithidia bombi Parasitism in Bumble Bees
PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0144668.
Ed(s): C. Rodriguez-Saona

2015 journal article
Quantifying direct vs. indirect effects of nectar robbers on male and female components of plant fitness
Journal of Ecology, 103(6), 1487–1497.
Ed(s): S. Bonser

2015 journal article
Secondary metabolites in floral nectar reduce parasite infections in bumblebees
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1803), 20142471.
2015 journal article
Testing Dose-Dependent Effects of the Nectar Alkaloid Anabasine on Trypanosome Parasite Loads in Adult Bumble Bees
PLOS ONE, 10(11), e0142496.
Ed(s): J. Nieh

2015 journal article
The effect of repeated, lethal sampling on wild bee abundance and diversity
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(9), 1044–1054.
Ed(s): J. Vamosi
2015 journal article
Variable effects of nicotine and anabasine on parasitized bumble bees
F1000Research, 4, 880.

2014 journal article
Arranging the bouquet of disease: floral traits and the transmission of plant and animal pathogens
Ecology Letters, 17(5), 624–636.
Ed(s): J. Gurevitch

2014 journal article
Effects of Suburbanization on Forest Bee Communities
Environmental Entomology, 43(2), 253–262.

2014 journal article
Nectar Yeasts in the Tall Larkspur Delphinium barbeyi (Ranunculaceae) and Effects on Components of Pollinator Foraging Behavior
PLoS ONE, 9(10), e108214.
Ed(s): S. Huang
2014 journal article
Plant–animal interactions in suburban environments: implications for floral evolution
Oecologia, 174(3), 803–815.

2014 journal article
Secondary Compounds in Floral Rewards of Toxic Rangeland Plants: Impacts on Pollinators
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(30), 7335–7344.
2014 journal article
Yeasts in nectar enhance male fitness in a montane perennial herb
Ecology, 95(7), 1792–1798.
2013 journal article
Dose‐dependent effects of nectar alkaloids in a montane plant–pollinator community
Journal of Ecology, 101(6), 1604–1612.
Ed(s): M. Heil
2013 journal article
Norditerpene alkaloid concentrations in tissues and floral rewards of larkspurs and impacts on pollinators
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 48, 123–131.
2013 journal article
Using economic instruments to develop effective management of invasive species: insights from a bioeconomic model
Ecological Applications, 23(5), 1086–1100.
2012 journal article
Effects of abiotic factors and species interactions on estimates of male plant function: a meta‐analysis
Ecology Letters, 16(3), 399–408.
Ed(s): J. Gurevitch
2012 journal article
Nectar alkaloids decrease pollination and female reproduction in a native plant
Oecologia, 168(4), 1033–1041.
2012 chapter book
The role of trait-mediated indirect interactions for multispecies plant–animal mutualisms
2012 journal article
What you smell is more important than what you see? Natural selection on floral scent
New Phytologist, 195(3), 510–511.
2012 journal article
When resources don't rescue: flowering phenology and species interactions affect compensation to herbivory in <i>Ipomopsis aggregata
Oikos, 121(9), 1424–1434.
2011 journal article
Additive effects of herbivory, nectar robbing and seed predation on male and female fitness estimates of the host plant Ipomopsis aggregata
Oecologia, 166(3), 681–692.
2011 journal article
Selective seed abortion induced by nectar robbing in the selfing plant <i>Comastoma pulmonarium
New Phytologist, 192(1), 249–255.
2010 journal article
Beyond biomass: measuring the effects of community‐level nitrogen enrichment on floral traits, pollinator visitation and plant reproduction
Journal of Ecology, 98(3), 705–717.
2010 journal article
Evolutionary Ecology: When Pollinators Are Also Herbivores
Current Biology, 20(3), R100–R101.
2010 journal article
Nectar Robbing: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 41(1), 271–292.
2010 journal article
Variation in the phenology and abundance of flowering by native and exotic plants in subalpine meadows
Biological Invasions, 12(7), 2363–2372.

2009 journal article
Ecogeographic genetic epidemiology
Genetic Epidemiology, 33(4), 281–289.

2009 journal article
Ecology and evolution of plant–pollinator interactions
Annals of Botany, 103(9), 1355–1363.
2009 journal article
Effects of flowering plant density on pollinator visitation, pollen receipt, and seed production in <i>Delphinium barbeyi</i> (Ranunculaceae)
American Journal of Botany, 96(5), 912–919.
2009 journal article
Nectar Sugar Limits Larval Growth of Solitary Bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
Environmental Entomology, 38(4), 1293–1300.
2009 journal article
Realized tolerance to nectar robbing: compensation to floral enemies in Ipomopsis aggregata
Annals of Botany, 103(9), 1425–1433.
2009 journal article
The effects of nutrient addition on floral characters and pollination in two subalpine plants, Ipomopsis aggregata and Linum lewisii
Plant Ecology, 203(1), 83–98.
2009 journal article
The importance of interannual variation and bottom–up nitrogen enrichment for plant–pollinator networks
Oikos, 118(12), 1816–1829.
2008 journal article
Evaluation of the field impact of an adventitious herbivore on an invasive plant, yellow toadflax, in Colorado, USA
Plant Ecology, 199(1), 99–114.

2008 journal article
Interactions between nectar robbers and seed predators mediated by a shared host plant, Ipomopsis aggregata
Oecologia, 155(1), 75–84.
2008 journal article
Ecology, 89(11), 3093–3104.
2008 journal article
Ecology, 89(8), 2207–2217.
2008 journal article
Pre-meeting Conference; The Ecology and Evolution of Plant–Pollinator Interactions
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 89(4), 481–484.
2008 journal article
The nectar alkaloid, gelsemine, does not affect offspring performance of a native solitary bee, <i>Osmia lignaria</i> (Megachilidae)
Ecological Entomology, 33(2), 298–304.
2007 book review
Plant-Pollinator Interactions: From Specialization to Generalization N. M. Waser, J. Ollerton . 2006. Plant-Pollinator Interactions: From Specialization to Generalization. University of Chicago Press.<i>xii</i>+. 445 15 × 23 cm, softcover, US$45.00. ISBN: 0-226-87400-1.
[Review of Plant-Pollinator Interactions: From Specialization to Generalization, by N. M. Waser & J. Ollerton]. Ecoscience, 14(1), 135–136.

2007 journal article
Predicting the effects of nectar robbing on plant reproduction: implications of pollen limitation and plant mating system
American Journal of Botany, 94(12), 1935–1943.
2006 journal article
Correlations among traits associated with herbivore resistance and pollination: implications for pollination and nectar robbing in a distylous plant
American Journal of Botany, 93(1), 64–72.

2006 journal article
Florivory: the intersection of pollination and herbivory
Ecology Letters, 9(12), 1351–1365.
2006 journal article
The Consequences of Direct versus Indirect Species Interactions to Selection on Traits: Pollination and Nectar Robbing in <i>Ipomopsis aggregata
The American Naturalist, 167(3), 315–328.
2005 journal article
Comparison of Pollen Transfer Dynamics by Multiple Floral Visitors: Experiments with Pollen and Fluorescent Dye
Annals of Botany, 97(1), 141–150.

2005 journal article
Ecology, 86(11), 2968–2978.
2005 journal article
Flower Color Microevolution in Wild Radish: Evolutionary Response to Pollinator‐Mediated Selection
The American Naturalist, 165(2), 225–237.
2005 journal article
Ecology, 86(8), 2106–2116.

2004 journal article
Community and Evolutionary Ecology of Nectar<sup>1
Ecology, 85(6), 1477–1478.
2004 journal article
Direct and indirect effects of pollinators and seed predators to selection on plant and floral traits
Oikos, 104(1), 15–26.

2004 journal article
Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Multispecies Plant-Animal Interactions
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 35(1), 435–466.

2004 journal article
Linking economic activities to the distribution of exotic plants
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(51), 17725–17730.

2004 journal article
Optimal defence theory and flower petal colour predict variation in the secondary chemistry of wild radish
Journal of Ecology, 92(1), 132–141.
2004 journal article
Ecology, 85(6), 1503–1511.
2003 newspaper article
Attraction and defense: the role of floral traits for scarlet gilia
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory Newsletter.
2003 journal article
Ecology, 84(2), 485–495.
2003 journal article
Linking pollinator visitation rate and pollen receipt
American Journal of Botany, 90(11), 1612–1618.
2003 journal article
Ecology, 84(7), 1733–1743.

2002 book review
Alpine plants of North America
[Review of Alpine Plants of North America, by G. Nicholls]. Plant Science Bulletin, 49(2), 68–69.
2002 journal article
Direct and ecological costs of resistance to herbivory
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 17(6), 278–285.
2002 book review
Pollination Biology—Linking Botany and Zoology
[Review of Cognitive ecology of pollination: animal behavior and floral evolution, by L. Chittka & J. D. Thomson]. Ecology, 83(4), 1168–1169.
2002 journal article
Variation in nectar robbing over time, space, and species
Oecologia, 133(4), 525–533.
2002 journal article
Volatile Production by Buds and Corollas of Two Sympatric, Confamilial Plants, Ipomopsis aggregata and Polemonium foliosissimum
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28, 565–578.

2001 journal article
Field and allozyme studies investigating optimal mating success in two sympatric spring-ephemeral plants, Trillium erectum and T. grandiflorum
Heredity, 87(2), 178–189.
2001 book review
Invasive Plants of California Wildlands
[Review of Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands, by C. C. Bossard, J. M. Randall, & M. C. Hoshovsky]. Plant Science Bulletin, 47(4), 161–162.
2001 journal article
The impact of floral larceny on individuals, populations, and communities
Oecologia, 129(2), 161–168.
2000 journal article
Ecology, 81(9), 2637–2643.
2000 journal article
Hummingbird avoidance of nectar‐robbed plants: spatial location or visual cues
Oikos, 91(3), 499–506.
2000 journal article
Morphological variation and female reproductive success in two sympatric <i>Trillium</i> species: evidence for phenotypic selection in <i>Trillium erectum</i> and <i>Trillium grandiflorum</i> (Liliaceae)
American Journal of Botany, 87(2), 205–214.
1999 journal article
Nectar-Robbing Bumble Bees Reduce the Fitness of Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae)
Ecology, 80(5), 1703.
1998 journal article
A trade-off between the frequency and duration of bumblebee visits to flowers
Oecologia, 117(1-2), 161–168.
1998 journal article
Nectar robbing in Ipomopsis aggregata : effects on pollinator behavior and plant fitness
Oecologia, 116(4), 519–527.

weblog post
Of birds and bees: feuds over nectar
Irwin, R. E.