Raul Eduard Salinas-Mondragon
Works (3)
2009 journal article
Analysis of neuronal proliferation, migration and differentiation in the postnatal brain using equine infectious anemia virus-based lentiviral vectors
GENE THERAPY, 16(8), 1021–1033.

2009 journal article
FoxJ1-dependent gene expression is required for differentiation of radial glia into ependymal cells and a subset of astrocytes in the postnatal brain
DEVELOPMENT, 136(23), 4021–4031.

2004 journal article
The fast and transient transcriptional network of gravity and mechanical stimulation in the Arabidopsis root Apex
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 136(1), 2790–2805.
Contributors: J. Kimbrough n, , W. Boss n, C. Brown n & H. Sederoff n