Robert Graham Franks
Plant Development, Molecular Genetics
Works (46)
2024 journal article
Machine Learning Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks in Developing <i>Mimulus</i> Seeds
2023 article
Assessing the role of REM13, REM34 and REM46 during the transition to the reproductive phase in Arabidopsis thaliana
Manrique, S., Caselli, F., Matias-Hernandez, L., Franks, R. G., Colombo, L., & Gregis, V. (2023, May 12). PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, Vol. 5.

2023 article
HISTONE DEACETYLASE19 Controls Ovule Number Determination and Transmitting Tract Differentiation
Manrique, S., Cavalleri, A., Guazzotti, A., Villarino, G. H., Simonini, S., Bombarely, A., … Colombo, L. (2023, December 7). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 12.

2020 journal article
Developmental Analysis of Mimulus Seed Transcriptomes Reveals Functional Gene Expression Clusters and Four Imprinted, Endosperm-Expressed Genes
Frontiers in Plant Science, 11.

2019 journal article
Functional characterization of Terminal Flower1 homolog in Cornus canadensis by genetic transformation
Plant Cell Reports, 38(3), 333–343.

2017 journal article
Redundant CArG Box Cis-motif Activity Mediates SHATTERPROOF2 Transcriptional Regulation during Arabidopsis thaliana Gynoecium Development
Contributors: B. Sehra n & n

2016 journal article
Alterations of CorTFL1 and CorAP1 expression correlate with major evolutionary shifts of inflorescence architecture in Cornus (Cornaceae) - a proposed model for variation of closed inflorescence forms
New Phytologist, 216(2), 519–535.
Contributors: Q. Ma n, X. Liu n, n & Q. Xiang n

2016 journal article
Analysis of two TFL1 homologs of dogwood species (Cornus L.) indicates functional conservation in control of transition to flowering
Planta, 243(5), 1129–1141.
Contributors: X. Liu n, J. Zhang *, A. Abuahmad n, n , D. Xie n & Q. Xiang n

2016 journal article
Analysis of two TFL1 homologs of dogwood species (Cornus L.) indicates functional conservation in control of transition to flowering.
2016 journal article
Disruption of endosperm development is a major cause of hybrid seed inviability between Mimulus guttatus and Mimulus nudatus
NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 210(3), 1107–1120.
Contributors: E. Oneal *, J. Willis * & n

2016 article
Histological Analysis of the Arabidopsis Gynoecium and Ovules Using Chloral Hydrate Clearing and Differential Interference Contrast Light Microscopy

2016 journal article
SEUSS Integrates Gibberellin Signaling with Transcriptional Inputs from the SHR-SCR-SCL3 Module to Regulate Middle Cortex Formation in the Arabidopsis Root
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 170(3), 1675–1683.

2016 journal article
SEUSS integrates gibberellin signaling with transcriptional inputs from the SHR-SCR-SCL3 module to regulate middle cortex formation in the Arabidopsis root.
Plant Physiology.
2016 journal article
Transcriptomic Signature of the <i>SHATTERPROOF2</i> Expression Domain Reveals the Meristematic Nature of Arabidopsis Gynoecial Medial Domain
Plant Physiology, 171(1), 42–61.
Contributors: G. Villarino n, Q. Hu n, S. Manrique *, M. Flores-Vergara n, B. Sehra n, L. Robles n, J. Brumos n, A. Stepanova n

2015 review
Auxin and cytokinin act during gynoecial patterning and the development of ovules from the meristematic medial domain
Contributors: B. Sehra n & n

2015 article
Molecular basis of fruit development
Liu, Z., & Franks, R. G. (2015, February 5). FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, Vol. 6.
Contributors: Z. Liu * & n

2015 book

2014 article
Corrigendum: [Novel functional roles for PERIANTHIA and SEUSS during floral organ identity specification, floral meristem termination and gynoecial development]
Franks, R. G. (2014, August 29). FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, Vol. 5.
2014 book
Flower development: Open questions and future directions
In Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 1110, pp. 103–124).
2014 journal article
Novel functional roles for PERIANTHIA and SEUSS during floral organ identity specification, floral meristem termination, and gynoecial development
Frontiers in Plant Science, 5(APR).
Contributors: A. Wynn n, A. Seaman n, A. Jones n & n

2014 journal article
Polar Auxin Transport Is Essential for Medial versus Lateral Tissue Specification and Vascular-Mediated Valve Outgrowth in Arabidopsis Gynoecia[W]
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 166(4), 1998–U1237.
Contributors: E. Larsson *, C. Roberts*, A. Claes *, n & E. Sundberg *

2014 journal article
Tissue-specific gene expression in maize seeds during colonization by Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides
Contributors: X. Shu n, D. Livingston n, n , R. Boston n, C. Woloshuk * & G. Payne n
2013 review
Auxin and the Arabidopsis thaliana gynoecium
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 64(9), 2619–2627.
Contributors: E. Larsson *, n & E. Sundberg *

2013 journal article
Characterization of the sequence and expression pattern of LFY homologues from dogwood species (Cornus) with divergent inflorescence architectures
Annals of Botany, 112(8), 1629–1641.

2013 journal article
De novo Sequencing, Characterization, and Comparison of Inflorescence Transcriptomes of Cornus canadensis and C. florida (Cornaceae)
PLoS ONE, 8(12), e82674.
Contributors: J. Zhang n, n , X. Liu n, M. Kang *, J. Keebler n, J. Schaff n, H. Huang*, Q. Xiang n
Ed(s): T. Wang

2013 book
Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis of floral development
In Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 1110, pp. 263–273).
2013 journal article
The arabidopsis thaliana GRF-interacting factor gene family plays an essential role in control of male and female reproductive development
Developmental Biology, 386(1), 12–24.
Contributors: B. Lee *, A. Wynn n, n , Y. Hwang *, J. Lim * & J. Kim *

2012 journal article
Evolution of bract development and B‐class MADS box gene expression in petaloid bracts of Cornus s. l. (Cornaceae)
New Phytologist, 196(2), 631–643.
Contributors: C. Feng n, X. Liu n, Y. Yu n, D. Xie n , n & Q. Xiang n

2012 journal article
Plant regeneration and genetic transformation of C. canadensis: a non-model plant appropriate for investigation of flower development in Cornus (Cornaceae)
Plant Cell Reports, 32(1), 77–87.
Contributors: X. Liu n, C. Feng n, n , R. Qu n, D. Xie n & Q. Xiang n

2011 journal article
Phylogeny-based developmental analyses illuminate evolution of inflorescence architectures in dogwoods (Cornus s. l., Cornaceae)
NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 191(3), 850–869.
Contributors: C. Feng n, Q. Xiang n & n

2011 journal article
Transcriptomic Characterization of a Synergistic Genetic Interaction during Carpel Margin Meristem Development in Arabidopsis thaliana
PLOS ONE, 6(10).
Contributors: A. Wynn n, E. Rueschhoff * & n

2010 journal article
Polar auxin transport together with AINTEGUMENTA and REVOLUTA coordinate early Arabidopsis gynoecium development
Contributors: S. Nole-Wilson n, S. Azhakanandam n & n

2010 journal article
Synergistic disruptions in seuss cyp85A2 double mutants reveal a role for brassinolide synthesis during gynoecium and ovule development
Contributors: S. Nole-Wilson n, E. Rueschhoff n, H. Bhatti n & n

2009 journal article
SEUSS and SEUSS-LIKE Transcriptional Adaptors Regulate Floral and Embryonic Development in Arabidopsis
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 152(2), 821–836.
Contributors: F. Bao n, S. Azhakanandam n & n

2008 journal article
SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 146(3), 1165–1181.
Contributors: S. Azhakanandam n, S. Nole-Wilson n, F. Bao n & n

2006 journal article
SEUSS and LEUNIG regulate cell proliferation, vascular development and organ polarity in Arabidopsis petals
PLANTA, 224(4), 801–811.
Contributors: , Z. Liu * & R. Fischer * n

2004 journal article
Repression of AGAMOUS by BELLRINGER in floral and inflorescence meristems
PLANT CELL, 16(6), 1478–1489.
Contributors: X. Bao*, n , J. Levin & Z. Liu *

2002 journal article
SEUSS, a member of a novel family of plant regulatory proteins, represses floral homeotic gene expression with LEUNIG
Development, 129(1), 253–263.
2002 journal article
SEUSS, a member of a novel family of plant regulatory proteins, represses floral homeotic gene expression with LEUNIG.
129(1), 253–263.
2001 article
Floral Homeotic Gene Regulation
Franks, R. G., & Liu, Z. (2010, June). Horticultural Reviews, pp. 41–77.
2000 journal article
Regulation of gynoecium marginal tissue formation by LEUNIG and AINTEGUMENTA
Plant Cell, 12(10), 1879–1891.
Contributors: Z. Liu *, * & V. Klink *
1994 journal article
Control of CNS midline transcription by asymmetric E-box-like elements: similarity to xenobiotic responsive regulation.
120(12), 3563–3569.
1994 journal article
Controls of CNS midline transcription by asymmetric E-box-like elements: Similarity to xenobiotic responsive regulation
Development, 120(12), 3563–3569.
1994 journal article
Transcriptional activation domains of the single-minded bHLH protein are required for CNS midline cell development
Mechanisms of Development, 45(3), 269–277.
Contributors: & S. Crews * *
1992 journal article
Drosophila single‐minded gene and the molecular genetics of CNS midline development
Journal of Experimental Zoology, 261(3), 234–244.
Contributors: S. Crews *, * , S. Hu *, B. Matthews * & J. Nambu*
1990 journal article
The single-minded gene of Drosophila is required for the expression of genes important for the development of CNS midline cells
Cell, 63(1), 63–75.
Contributors: J. Nambu*, * , S. Hu * & S. Crews *
Updated: February 19th, 2018 14:47
2004 - present
Updated: November 5th, 2015 08:19
1986 - 1994
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: November 25th, 2019 07:46