Works (18)
2023 journal article
Spray-Dried Plasma Promotes Broiler Chick Growth by Enhancing Immune Surveillance
ANIMALS, 13(9).
2020 journal article
Attenuated Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium, Strain NC983, Is Immunogenic, and Protective against Virulent Typhimurium Challenges in Mice

2020 article
Connecting the microbiome to host metabolites: understanding how the microbiome controls immune activity in birds
Koci, M., Ballou, A., Wei, X., Zhang, L., Liew, Z., & Ali, R. (2020, April). FASEB JOURNAL, Vol. 34.

2017 journal article
A comparison of sequencing platforms and bioinformatics pipelines for compositional analysis of the gut microbiome

2017 journal article
An Attenuated Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Strain and Galacto-Oligosaccharides Accelerate Clearance of Salmonella Infections in Poultry through Modifications to the Gut Microbiome
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84(5).
Ed(s): J. Schottel

2014 journal article
Genetic Variation within the Mx Gene of Commercially Selected Chicken Lines Reveals Multiple Haplotypes, Recombination and a Protein under Selection Pressure
PLoS ONE, 9(9), e108054.
Contributors: J. Fulton *, J. Arango *, n, E. Bohorquez n, A. Lund*, C. Ashwell n , P. Settar*, . N.P. O'Sullivan, M. Koci n
Ed(s): A. Arez

2013 journal article
Broiler breeder feeding programs and trace minerals on maternal antibody transfer and broiler humoral immune response1
The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 22(3), 499–510.
Contributors: E. Oviedo-Rondón n , N. Leandro n, n, M. Koci n , V. Moraes n & J. Brake n

2012 journal article
Comprehensive analysis of commercially available mouse antichicken monoclonal antibodies for cross-reactivity with peripheral blood leukocytes from commercial turkeys
POULTRY SCIENCE, 91(2), 383–392.
Contributors: R. Meyerhoff n, n, K. Liu *, G. Huang * & M. Koci*

2012 article
Comprehensive analysis of commercially available mouse antichicken monoclonal antibodies for cross-reactivity with peripheral blood leukocytes from commercial turkeys (vol 91, pg 383, 2012)
Meyerhoff, R. R., Ali, R. A., Liu, K., Huang, G.-Q., & Koci, M. D. (2012, April 1). POULTRY SCIENCE, Vol. 91, pp. 1043–1043.

2012 journal article
Direct fed microbial supplementation repartitions host energy to the immune system
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 90(8), 2639–2651.
Contributors: R. Qiu n, J. Croom n, n, A. Ballou n, C. Smith n, C. Ashwell n , H. Hassan n , C. Chiang, M. Koci n

2011 journal article
Characterization of turkey inducible nitric oxide synthase and identification of its expression in the intestinal epithelium following astrovirus infection
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 35(1), 63–69.
Contributors: R. Meyerhoff n, P. Nighot n, n, A. Blikslager n & M. Koci n

2011 journal article
Effects of broiler breeder genetic, diet type, and feeding program on maternal antibody transfer and development of lymphoid tissues in chicken progeny
The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 20(4), 474–484.
Contributors: N. Leandro n, n, M. Koci n , V. Moraes n, R. Malheiros n, M. Wineland n, E. Oviedo-Rondón n

2011 journal article
Maternal antibody transfer to broiler progeny varies among strains and is affected by grain source and cage density
Poultry Science, 90(12), 2730–2739.
Contributors: N. Leandro n, n, M. Koci n , V. Moraes n, P. Eusebio-Balcazar n, J. Jornigan n, R. Malheiros n, M. Wineland n, J. Brake n, E. Oviedo-Rondon n
2010 journal article
Astrovirus infection induces sodium malabsorption and redistributes sodium hydrogen exchanger expression
Virology, 401(2), 146–154.
Contributors: P. Nighot n, A. Moeser n, n, A. Blikslager n & M. Koci n

2003 journal article
The influence of beta-glucan on immune responses in broiler chicks
2002 journal article
Interactions of poult enteritis and mortality syndrome-associated reovirus with various cell types in vitro
POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(11), 1661–1667.

2000 journal article
Alloantigen systems L and P influence phagocytic function independent of the major histocompatability complex (B) in chickens
POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(9), 1271–1275.

1997 journal article
T-2 tetraol is cytotoxic to a chicken macrophage cell line
POULTRY SCIENCE, 76(2), 311–313.