@article{brown_harrison_havrylyuk_mcbride_glazer_castellano_theis_2025, title={Photo-ejected ligands hyperpolarized by parahydrogen in reversible exchange}, url={https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CC06807F}, DOI={10.1039/D4CC06807F}, abstractNote={Hyperpolarization derived from signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) is valued for its relative simplicity among hyperpolarization approaches. Here, we demonstrate that photoejection of the ligands pyridazine and pyrazine from...}, journal={Chemical Communications}, author={Brown, Emily E. and Harrison, Rielly J. and Havrylyuk, Dmytro and McBride, Stephen J. and Glazer, Edith C. and Castellano, Felix N. and Theis, Thomas}, year={2025} }