Works (23)
2017 journal article
The rise in global atmospheric CO2, surface temperature, and sea level from emissions traced to major carbon producers
CLIMATIC CHANGE, 144(4), 579–590.

2016 journal article
Superensemble Regional Climate Modeling for the Western United States
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(2), 203–215.

2015 conference paper
Attribution of trends in rising nighttime temperatures in the Western US
Presented at the 26th Conference on Climate Variability and Change at the American Meteorological Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
2015 journal article
Climate change, climate justice and the application of probabilistic event attribution to summer heat extremes in the California Central Valley
Climatic Change, 133(3), 427–438.

2015 journal article
Evaluation of a Regional Climate Modeling Effort for the Western United States Using a Superensemble from Weather@home*
Journal of Climate, 28(19), 7470–7488.

2015 journal article
Using Weather Forecasts to Help Manage Meningitis in the West African Sahel
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(1), 103–115.

2014 conference paper
Attribution of Extreme Temperature Events for the Western US using a superensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations
Presented at the 26th Conference on Climate Variability and Change at the American Meteorological Society Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
2014 conference paper
Attribution of low precipitation in California during the winter of 2013-2014
Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
2014 journal article
Moisture Variability and Multiscale Interactions during Spring in West Africa
Monthly Weather Review, 142(9), 3178–3198.

2013 conference paper
Attributing Rise in Global Average Temperature to Emissions Traceable to Major Industrial Carbon Producer
Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
2011 conference paper
Analysis of Extreme Events in Regional Climate Model Simulations for the Pacific Northwest using weatherathome
Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
2011 conference paper
Application of Regional Climate Model Information for Climate Change Hazards Mapping over Oregon
Presented at the 2nd Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Seattle, Washington.
2011 chapter
The use of the Alpert–Stein Factor Separation Methodology for climate variable interaction studies in hydrological land surface models and crop yield models
In P. Alpert & T. Sholokhman (Eds.), Factor Separation in the Atmosphere: Applications and Future Prospects (pp. 171–183).
Ed(s): P. Alpert & T. Sholokhman

2010 conference paper
Investigation of the Interactions among Transient Atmospheric Wave Disturbances over West Africa During Boreal Spring of 2009
Presented at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NAC Meeting, Fresno, California.
2010 conference paper
Predictability of the Moisture Regime During the Preonset Period of Sahelian Rains
Presented at the 1st Environment and Health Symposium during the 90th American Meteorological Society Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
2010 conference paper
Variability of Atmospheric Moisture during the Boreal Spring in West Africa
Presented at the 29th Conference of Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Tucson, Arizona.
2009 conference paper
Application of WRF to investigate the moisture regime associated with the pre-onset of Sahelian rains
Presented at the 5th Education and Science Forum of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Educational Partnership Program, Washington, DC.
2009 conference paper
Predictability of the Moisture Regime During the Pre-onset Period of Sahelian Rains
Presented at the 10th Weather Research and Forecasting Model User’s Workshop, Boulder, Colorado.
2009 conference paper
Short-term weather forecasts to help allocate meningitis vaccine
Presented at the 3rd MERIT Technical Meeting and National Workshop, Niamey, Niger.
2008 conference paper
An Extended Procedure for the RelativeOperating Characteristics Graphical Method
Presented at the Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
2006 journal article
An extended procedure for implementing the relative operating characteristic graphical method

2006 journal article
Potential individual versus simultaneous climate change effects on soybean (C-3) and maize (C-4) crops: An agrotechnology model based study

2005 conference paper
Value-based Ensemble Analysis and Potential Individual Versus Simultaneous Climate Change Effects on Agriculture
Presented at the 15th Conference on Applied Climatology, Savannah, Georgia.
Updated: March 1st, 2020 16:05
2017 - present
Updated: March 1st, 2020 16:09
2006 - 2010
2003 - 2006
1997 - 2003