Rebecca Jones

College of Engineering

2022 journal article

Transcranial Neuromodulation Array With Imaging Aperture for Simultaneous Multifocus Stimulation in Nonhuman Primates


By: R. Jones n, C. Caskey*, P. Dayton n, O. Oralkan n & G. Pinton n

author keywords: Ultrasonic imaging; Neuromodulation; Brain modeling; Imaging; Focusing; Attenuation; Transducers; Customized array; focused ultrasound; neuromodulation; phase aberration correction; simultaneous stimulation; transcranial
MeSH headings : Animals; Brain / diagnostic imaging; Primates; Skull / diagnostic imaging; Transducers; Ultrasonic Therapy
TL;DR: Using 3-D Fullwave simulations, this work has designed an ultrasound neuromodulation array for nonhuman primates that can simultaneously focus on multiple targets and include an imaging aperture for additional functional imaging. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: January 1, 2022

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