Works (22)
2024 journal article
Confronting Conundrums of Care in College Student Advising
International Conference on Gender Research.
2023 journal article
Weaponizing Resilience: Women in the Trenches and Fringes of Pandemic Pedagogy
International Conference on Gender Research.
2021 chapter
COVIDiots and Cogency
In Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies (pp. 1–24).

2021 chapter
Risky Jews
In Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies (pp. 1–17).

2021 chapter
Trumping Reason
2021 journal article
Unpacking Privilege in Pandemic Pedagogy: Social Media Debates on Power Dynamics of Online Education
Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 5, 17–24.
2020 journal article
(Re)Mediating Holocaust Survivor Testimony
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(12), 68–80.
2020 journal article
Communication Centers as Wellsprings of Community Engagement and Collaborative Research
2020 journal article
2017 journal article
Unma(s)king Education in the Image of Business: A Vivisection of Educational Consumerism
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 17(4), 333–346.
2016 journal article
Communication Centers As Sites for Identity (Re)Negotiation
2015 journal article
Sutured Identities in Jewish Holocaust Survivor Testimonies
Journal of Social Issues, 71(2), 279–293.
2013 journal article
Reviving a Digital Dinosaur: Text-Only Synchronous Online Chats and Peer Tutoring in Communication Centers
2012 journal article
Re-searching my scar: Interrogating otherness in the searchers and in my racial rearing
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 12(6), 513–517.
2010 chapter
Collaborative student groups and critical thinking in an online basic communication course
In Cases on Online Discussion and Interaction: Experiences and Outcomes (pp. 39–65).

2008 journal article
A Car of Her Own: Volvo's 'Your Concept Car' as a Vehicle for Feminism?
2007 journal article
Refining the question: How can online instruction maximize opportunities for all students?
Communication Education, 56(1), 113–117.

2002 journal article
Poeticizing scholarship
American Communication Journal, 6(1).
2000 journal article
Recasting the American Dream through Horatio Alger's Success Stories
1997 journal article
Letter to the brother I never had: Pa[i]ra-/dia-/logically talking back to Ono
Western Journal of Communication, 61(4), 485–492.
1997 journal article
Peer review as the enforcement of disciplinary orthodoxy
Southern Communication Journal, 63(1), 69–75.

1996 book
Racial Theory and Propaganda in Triumph of the Will
Updated: April 5th, 2023 21:32
2023 - present
2006 - 2023
Updated: November 6th, 2020 15:16
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: November 14th, 2020 20:49