Works (19)
2000 journal article
Impact of forest genetics on sustainable forestry: results from two cycles of loblolly pine breeding in the U.S.
Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 10(1/2), 79–85.
1999 journal article
Mineral nutrient and carbohydrate status of loblolly pine during mist propagation as influenced by stock plant nitrogen fertility
HORTSCIENCE, 34(7), 1279–1285.

1999 journal article
Shoot produciton and rooting ability of cuttings from juvenile greenhouse loblolly pine hedges
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 92(1), 1–14.
1999 journal article
Tree improvement and sustainable forestry- impact of two cycles of loblolly pine breeding in the U.S.A.
Forest Genetics, 6(4), 229–234.
1998 report
Full-sib breeding values from 2nd-cycle diallel progeny tests
N.C. State University-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program.
1998 journal article
Investing in wood production in southern pine plantations
Paper Age, (Apr.), 20–21.
1998 report
Loblolly pine breeding values from 2nd-generation diallel progeny tests
N.C. State University-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program.
1997 report
Establishment of 2.5-generation seed orchards
(p. 11). North Carolina State University-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program.
1997 conference paper
Genetic gains of second generation selections from the NCSU-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program
Proceedings of the 24th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 234–238.
1997 journal article
Genetically improved seedlings can benefit small forest landowners
Forest Landowner, 55(5), 20–23.
1997 journal article
Seed orchard pest management: the case for Forest Service R & D
Seed orchard pest management: the case for Forest Service R & D. Journal of Forestry, 95(1), 29–32.
1996 report
Breeding value predictions and genetic gains from second generation loblolly pine open-pollinated progeny tests
In Special Technical Report (p. 78p.). N.C. State University-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program.
1996 conference paper
Genetic parameter estimates and selection efficiency for the loblolly pine breeding the south-eastern U.S
In A. C. M. M. J. Dieters, C. E. H. D. G. Nikles, & S. M. Walker (Eds.), Tree Improvement for Sustainable Tropical Forestry: Proceedings of the QFRI-IUFRO Conference (pp. 164–168).
Ed(s): A. M. J. Dieters, C. D. G. Nikles & S. Walker
1987 report
Selection and gain theory
In Tree Improvement Short Course (Vol. 11, p. 8). State University-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program.
1985 chapter
Loblolly pine tissue culture: laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies
In K. W. H. R. R. Henke & A. H. M. J. Constantin (Eds.), Tissue culture in forestry and agriculture (pp. 271–287).
Ed(s): K. R. R. Henke & A. M. J. Constantin

1984 journal article
Tissue culture and forest productivity
Journal of Forestry, 82, 212–218.
1983 conference paper
Economic benefits of an aggressive breeding program
Proceedings of the 17th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 99–105.
1983 conference paper
Potential of in vitro screening of loblolly pine for fusiform rust resistance
Proceedings of the seventeenth southern forest tree improvement conference , June 7-9, 1983., 325–331.
1982 conference paper
Trends in loblolly pine tree improvement in the southern United States
Proceedings of the Symposium on the Loblolly Pine Ecosystem (East Region), 102–114.