Rachel Levy
data science, AI, mathematical modeling, education, instructional design, communication
Rachel Levy is Executive Director of the NC State University Data Science and AI Academy and Professor of Mathematics. She previously served as a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow and as the Deputy Executive Director of the Mathematical Association of America. She is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, where she served as VP for Education and Editor in Chief of SIURO. She taught for over a decade in the Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, where she held the Critchell and CGU Fellowships and served as Associate Dean for Faculty Development. She also taught for almost a decade in middle and high school. She holds an MS in Educational Media and Instructional Design from UNC-Chapel Hill and an MS and PhD in Applied Mathematics from NC State University. She is known for innovation in mathematical modeling, data science and AI education, that works for learners with a variety of interests/experiences and aligns to current workforce needs. She also has led professional development for students and faculty in public speaking and press communication. Her mathematics research has focused on applied fluid mechanics. She has been continuously funded by organizations such as the National Science Foundation, Alfred P Sloan Foundation, Research Corporation, and the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
Works (73)
2024 journal article
Tell your story: Metrics of success for academic data science collaboration and consulting programs
STAT, 13(2).

2024 journal article
The Hidden Rigors of Data Science
Educational Leadership. https://ascd.org/el/articles/the-hidden-rigors-of-data-science?_hsenc=p2ANqtz--0Zs5FesCqjvrDCIoz4_QY274Cq1DnfpPNKDeAXxUjDVBPzn0zfQ8lPNrFjTXepAHPBPsfE4LKXkH8SJf5ZzeZCsCkWQ&_hsmi=303117934
2022 book
Justice through the lens of calculus: Framing new Possibilities for diversity, equity, and inclusion
[Preprint]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.11486.
2021 chapter book
A Window into Mathematical Modeling in Kindergarten
2021 journal article
Three questions from CCTM teachers about Mathematical Modeling
Colorado Mathematics Teacher, 54(1), 1.
2021 journal article
Three questions from CCTM teachers about Mathematical Modeling
Colorado Mathematics Teacher, 54(1), 1.
2020 book
2019 journal article
Tondeur Initiative Builds Career Activities at MAA Sections
MAA Focus, 39(6), 14–15.
2018 book
BIG Jobs Guide: Business, Industry, and Government Careers for Mathematical Scientists, Statisticians, and Operations Researchers
Philadelphia, PA: SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
2018 book
Math Modeling: Computing and Communicating
Philadelphia, PA: SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
2017 journal article
Birth of the BIG Math Network
MAA Focus, 37(6), 17–19.
2017 chapter
Euphemia Haynes Lofton
In P. A. Lamphier & R. Welch (Eds.), Women in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Ed(s): P. Lamphier & R. Welch
2017 journal article
SIAM Education Subcommittee Report on Undergraduate Degree Programs in Applied Mathematics
SIAM Review, 59(1), 199–204.
2017 journal article
Simulating surfactant spreading: Influence of a physically motivated equation of state
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 29(1), 30–54.

2017 chapter
The Association for Women in Mathematics
In P. Lamphier & R. Welch (Eds.), Women in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Ed(s): P. Lamphier & R. Welch
2016 journal article
Careers Outside Academia: How Should Math and Applied Math Students Prepare?
SIAM News, 49(7), 6.
2016 book
GAIMME : Guidelines for assessment & instruction in mathematical modeling education
GAIMME : Guidelines for assessment & instruction in mathematical modeling education. Bedford, MA: Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications & Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
2016 book
GAIMME : Guidelines for assessment & instruction in mathematical modeling education
GAIMME : Guidelines for assessment & instruction in mathematical modeling education. Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications & Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
2016 journal article
Launch of the Center for Mathematical Modeling: Carlos Castillo-Chavez in El Salvador
SIAM News, 49(4), 11.
2016 journal article
Mathematical Modeling in the High School Curriculum
The Mathematics Teacher, 110(5), 336–342.
2016 weblog post
Mathematics Society Presidents Endorse Active Learning Statement
Levy, R. (2016, December 20). https://sinews.siam.org/Details-Page/mathematics-society-presidents-endorse-active-learning-statement
2016 article
Mathematics Society Presidents Endorse Active Learning Statement
SIAM News Blog. https://sinews.siam.org/Details-Page/mathematics-society-presidents-endorse-active-learning-statement
2016 journal article
NSF-IPAM Workshop Tackles Workforce Issues
SIAM News, 49(3), 4.
2016 conference paper
Probing the Flipped Classroom: Results of A Controlled Study of Teaching and Learning Outcomes in Undergraduate Engineering and Mathematics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. Presented at the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

2016 journal article
Teaching Mathematical Modeling to Students: From Kindergarten Through College and Beyond
SIAM News, 49(4), 5.
2016 chapter
The GAIMME Report: Mathematical Modeling in the K-16 Curriculum
In C. R. Hirsch & A. R. McDuffie (Eds.), Mathematical modeling and modeling mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Ed(s): C. Hirsch & A. McDuffie
2015 weblog post
5 Reasons to Teach Mathematical Modeling
Levy, R. (2015, May 5). https://www.americanscientist.org/blog/macroscope/5-reasons-to-teach-mathematical-modeling
2015 article
5 Reasons to Teach Mathematical Modeling
American Scientist Macroscope Blogs. https://www.americanscientist.org/blog/macroscope/5-reasons-to-teach-mathematical-modeling
2015 journal article
Collaboration in the Mathematical Sciences Community on Mathematical Modeling Across the Curriculum
CHANCE, 28(4), 12–18.
2015 journal article
How Can the SIAM Community Help Embed Math Modeling in K–16 Curricula?
SIAM News, 48(3), 6–7.
2015 chapter
Industrial Mathematics Inspires Mathematical Modeling Tasks with High Cognitive Demand
In N. J. Higham & M. R. Dennis (Eds.), The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Ed(s): N. Higham & M. Dennis
2015 weblog post
Internships Connect Math Students to New Career Paths
Levy, R. (2015, July 7). https://www.americanscientist.org/blog/macroscope/internships-connect-math-students-to-new-career-paths
2015 article
Internships Connect Math Students to New Career Paths
American Scientist Macroscope Blogs. https://www.americanscientist.org/blog/macroscope/internships-connect-math-students-to-new-career-paths
2015 report
Mathematical Sciences Internships: Building Career Pathways
[Report from the September 1-2, 2015 NSF-IPAM Mathematical Sciences Internship Workshop]. http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/NSF-IPAM-industry-internship-workshop-report.pdf
2015 book
Mathematical Sciences Internships: Building Career Pathways
2015 book
Partial Differential Equations: an Introduction to Theory and Applications
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
2015 journal article
SIAM at the National Math Festival
SIAM News, 48(6), 1,6.
2015 journal article
Should Your Research Be on YouTube?
SIAM News, 48(5), 3.
2015 journal article
The Moody’s Mega Math Challenge Marks 10th Year
SIAM News, 48(5), 6–7.
2015 journal article
Why No Difference? A Controlled Flipped Classroom Study for an Introductory Differential Equations Course
PRIMUS, 25(9-10), 907–921.

2014 journal article
AFTERMATH: Every Math Major Should Take a Public-Speaking Course
Math Horizons, 21(4), 34–34.

2014 weblog post
Can Flipped Classrooms Help Students Learn? We're Trying to Find Out
Lape, N. K., Levy, R., & Yong, D. (2014, April 25). https://slate.com/technology/2014/04/flipped-classrooms-can-they-help-students-learn.html
2014 article
Can Flipped Classrooms Help Students Learn? We're Trying to Find Out
Slate Future Tense Blog. https://slate.com/technology/2014/04/flipped-classrooms-can-they-help-students-learn.html
2014 report
Modeling Across the Curriculum II
[Report on the Second SIAM-NSF Workshop* Alexandria, Virginia January 12–14, 2014]. http://evoq-eval.siam.org/Portals/0/Publications/Reports/ModelingAcross%20Curr_2014.pdf?ver=2018-03-19-103126-827
2014 book
Modeling Across the Curriculum II
2014 journal article
Postdoc Mentorship Can Launch Careers
American Scientist, 102(6), 418.
2014 conference paper
Probing the Inverted Classroom: A Controlled Study of Teaching and Learning Outcomes in Undergraduate Engineering and Mathematics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. Presented at the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.

2014 journal article
Pulmonary Fluid Flow Challenges for Experimental and Mathematical Modeling
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 54(6), 985–1000.
2014 journal article
SIAM Education Committee Releases Timely Report on Undergraduate Programs
SIAM News, 47(5), 2.
2014 report
SIAM Education Committee Report on Undergraduate Degree Programs in Applied Mathematics
2014 book
SIAM Education Committee Report on Undergraduate Degree Programs in Applied Mathematics
2014 journal article
Self-healing dynamics of surfactant coatings on thin viscous films
Physics of Fluids, 26(4), 042109.

2014 journal article
Surface-Tension Phenomena in Organismal Biology: An Introduction to the Symposium
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 54(6), 955–958.
2014 journal article
The Scientist-Reporter Collaboration: A Guide to Working with the Press
SIAM News, 47(3), 5–7.
2014 chapter book
Two Fluid Flow in a Capillary Tube

2013 journal article
Activities for Students: Soap and Slope: Mathematical Adventures in Fluid Dynamics
The Mathematics Teacher, 107(5), 378–384.
2013 journal article
Grandma Got STEM turns 100 posts old!
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 3(2), 149–152.
2013 journal article
Hitting the Target: Connecting Parents to STEM
MAA Focus, 33(6), 15–17.
2013 journal article
Quantitative Approaches to Sustainability Seminars
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 60(04), 1.
2013 journal article
SIURO: A Flourishing Home for Undergraduate Research
SIAM News, 46(8), 5.
2012 article proceedings
Cooperative search with autonomous vehicles in a 3D aquatic testbed
Presented at the 2012 American Control Conference - ACC 2012.

2012 chapter book
Formation of Ocean Surface Patterns by Cetacean Fluke Oscillations

2010 journal article
A theory for the hydrodynamic origin of whale flukeprints
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 46(4), 616–626.

2010 journal article
Engineering flow states with localized forcing in a thin Marangoni-driven inclined film
Physical Review E, 82(5).

2009 journal article
Self-similarity in particle-laden flows at constant volume
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 66(1-3), 53–63.

2009 other
Stability of traveling waves in thin liquid films driven by gravity and surfactant
2007 journal article
Automated Review of Prerequisite Material for Intermediate-Level Undergraduate Mathematics
PRIMUS, 17(2), 167–180.

2007 journal article
Gravity-driven thin liquid films with insoluble surfactant: smooth traveling waves
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 18(6), 679–708.

2006 journal article
Communicating Applied Mathematics: Four Examples
SIAM Review, 48(2), 359–389.

2006 journal article
Growing surfactant waves in thin liquid films driven by gravity
Applied Mathematics Research EXpress, 1.
2006 journal article
The Motion of a Thin Liquid Film Driven by Surfactant and Gravity
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 66(5), 1588–1609.

2005 journal article
Kinetics and nucleation for driven thin film flow
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 209(1-4), 145–163.

2004 journal article
Comparison of two dynamic contact line models for driven thin liquid films
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 15(6), 625–642.

Updated: February 25th, 2025 17:02
2020 - 2021
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2015 - 2018
2011 - 2015
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Updated: February 3rd, 2025 15:07
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Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: February 16th, 2025 18:11