Rajade M Berry-James
Social Equity, Program Evaluation, Research Methods, COVID-19, Language Access, Food Security
RaJade M. Berry-James, Ph.D., is the senior associate dean of faculty and academic affairs at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Berry-James is an elected fellow of the congressionally chartered National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and Vice Chair of the Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance. She has spent more than 30 years in higher education, serving as Chair of the Faculty, MPA Program Coordinator, Ph.D. Program Coordinator, and Director of Graduate Programs for small, large and research-intensive graduate programs. She is also a consultant, specializing in diversity, equity and inclusion as well as assessment and accreditation in higher education. Berry-James' research, teaching, and community engagement focus on the theory of change and the applied practice of public administration. Co-authored with Gooden (2018), her recent book, Why Research Methods Matter: Essential Skills in Decision Making (2018), examines real-world policymaking and evidence to support decision making. Berry-James designed two NASPAA award-winning courses, MPA Capstone and Cultural Competence in the Public Sector, and has taught master- and doctoral-level courses such as Basic Quantitative Research, Advanced Research and Statistical Methods, Research Methods and Analysis, Public Policymaking, Implementation and Evaluation, Survey Research, Program Evaluation, Public Bureaucracy, Personnel Management, Conflict Resolution and Social Equity. Her scholarly research has appeared in the Public Administration Review (PAR), Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE), Review of Public Personnel Administration (ROPPA), Public Performance and Management Review (PPMR), International Journal of Public Administration, International Association for the Study of Global Achievement of Gap, International Journal of the Humanities, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, Journal of Black Political Research, Journal of the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners, and Journal of Public Management & Social Policy (JPMSP). Berry-James has received several research awards and sponsored grants to evaluate community-based projects and initiatives funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS), Summit County (OH) Juvenile Court, Summit County (OH) Department of Jobs and Family Services, and Akron Center for Policy Studies. In recognition of her applied scholarship, she received the Carolyn L. Lattimore Education Excellence Award (2020), Outstanding Engagement Award (2019), Rutgers University - Newark Alumni Spotlight (2018), NASPAA Social Justice Curriculum Award (2017), ASPA Presidential Merit Citation (2017), COMPA National Public Service Award (2016), Chancellor's Creating Community Award for Outstanding Faculty (2013), NASPAA Diversity Award (2013) and COMPA Sylvester Murray Distinguished Mentor Award (2011). In October 2022, Berry-James was elected as Dr. Berry-James was elected Vice President and President-Elect at the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) annual conference, having previously served on NASPAA’s Executive Council, and as a two-time chair of the NASPAA Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA). In addition, Berry-James was elected to American Society for Public Administration’s National Council and served with distinction for nearly 10 years. She earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Rider University (1987), an MPA from Kean University (1993), and a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Rutgers University (Newark), with a specialization in productive public management (1999). Her dissertation, Implementing Affirmative Action, examined factors influencing program efficacy in higher education.
Works (249)
2023 article
The scholarship of teaching and learning in public administration: An agenda for future research
Mcdonald, B. D., Hatcher, W., Bacot, H., Evans, M. D., Mccandless, S. A., Mcdougle, L. M., … Zhang, Y. (2023, December 24). JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS EDUCATION.
2022 conference paper
A Guided Discussion: Using Research Opportunities to Develop Graduate Student Competencies in Social Equity
Berry-James, R. M., Moore, P., & Wesseln, C. (2022, June 8). Presented at the 2022 NAPA Social Equity Leadership Conference, Track: Innovative Public Service Pedagogy to Foster and Enhance Social Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
2022 speech
Duty and Honor
Berry-James, R. M. (2022, May). Presented at the Kean University Honors Convocation, Union, NJ.
2022 chapter
Racial Disparities in Pandemic Public Opinion: Findings from the Wilder School Commonwealth Poll
In E. Harper-Anderson, S. T. Gooden, & J. Albanese (Eds.), Triple Pandemic: Implications for racial equity and public policy. London: Routledge.
Ed(s): E. Harper-Anderson, S. Gooden & J. Albanese
2022 chapter
The COVID-19 Pandemic Response by Institutions of Higher Education (IHE): Negative Consequences for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC)
In E. Harper-Anderson, S. T. Gooden, & J. Albanese (Eds.), Triple Pandemic: Implications for racial equity and public policy. London: Routledge.
Ed(s): E. Harper-Anderson, S. Gooden & J. Albanese
2022 conference paper
The Future of Social Equity in Public Administration: An Examination of Policies, Programs and Practices in a Post-COVID World
Berry-James, R. M., Dickens, A., & Moore, P. (2022, March 18). Presented at the 2022 ASPA Annual Conference Democracy Under Threat The Future of Equality in a Post-COVID World.
2022 speech
The Learning Agenda for Social Equity and Social Justice
Berry-James, R. M. (2022, April). Presented at the Annual Richard L. Cole Symposium, University of Texas-Arlington, Arlington, TX.
2022 journal article
What the Hell is Wrong with America? The Truth about Racism and Justice for All
[Symposium Scholar Strike]. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, 29(1), 5–9.
2022 conference paper
Why Leadership Matters in Higher Education
Berry-James, R. M. (2022, June 8). Presented at the NAPA Social Equity Leadership Conference, Theme: Promoting Leadership for Democracy and Social Justice, Track: Innovative Public Service Pedagogy to Foster and Enhance Social Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
2021 speech
A is for Ally: The Essential Elements of Allyship!
Berry-James, R. M. (2021, August). Presented at the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) 96th Venue Connect Annual Conference and Trade Show, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA.
2021 speech
Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in the Workplace
Berry-James, R. M., Walton, K., & Wells, R. (2021, October). Presented at the National Academy of Public Administration, Standing Panel for Public Service.
2021 conference paper
Bringing Student Voices into the Goverance and Academic Professional Associations
Presented at the NASPAA 2021, Reimagining the Civic Square, Track 3: Reach Beyond Inclusion, Virtual Conference.
2021 speech
How Can Accreditation Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? A Conversation with Current and Past COPRA and Standards Committee Members
Berry-James, R. M. (2021, October). Presented at the NASPAA 2021, Reimagining the Civic Square, Track 3: Reach Beyond Inclusion, Virtual Conference.
2021 speech
Junior Faculty Forum
Berry-James, R. M. (2021, September). Presented at the NC State Research Week, hosted by the Office of Research and Innoation.
2021 speech
Shifting Power through Racial Equity-Centered Evaluation
Berry-James, R. M. (2021, September). Presented at the National Farm to School Network, Zoom Webinar.
2021 speech
Telling Herstory: Pandemics, Social Equity and COVID-19: Is there a Disproportionate Impact on Women?
Berry-James, R. M. (2021, March). Presented at the Youngstown State University, Women’s History Month, The Pandemic Series.
2021 speech
The Politicizing of COVID-19: A Public Sector Response
Berry-James, R. M. (2021, December). Presented at the ASPA Zoom Webinar hosted by San Francisco Bay Area Chapter.
2021 speech
The Pursuit of Civil Rights and Public Sector Values in the 21st Century: Examining Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision in the Trump Era
Berry-James, R. M., Greggory, R., III, & Gooden, S. T. (2021, March). Presented at the Section on Democracy and Social Justice, Research Symposium Roundtable, hosted by ASPA, PAR, ASPA.
2020 speech
ASPA Book Talk Webinar Series. Why Research Methods Matter: Essential Skills for Decision Making
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, December). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, ASPA Book Talk Webinar Series.
2020 speech
Addressing COVID-19: Fostering Equity In and Out of the Classroom
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, June). Presented at the ASPA/NASPAA joint webinar.
2020 report
Annual Evaluation of the North Carolina Farm to Early Care and Education Evaluation Report: Year 3
Raleigh, NC: W. K. Kellogg Foundation/Center for Environmental Systems.
2020 conference paper
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and The Equitable Use of Technology. Why Research Methods Matter: Artificial Intelligence and Inequities
Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, 2020 Vision for Politics, Policy and Administration Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (Conference Cancellled).
2020 conference paper
Book Signing: Why Research Methods Matter: Essential Skills for Decision-making
Berry-James, R. M., & Gooden, S. (2020, April 4). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, 2020 Vision for Politics, Policy and Administration Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (Conference Cancelled).
2020 speech
Building a Successful Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, December). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Student and New Professional Webinar Series.
2020 speech
COMPA Students/Young Professional Virtual Town Hall
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, July). Presented at the ASPA COMPA Webinar.
2020 speech
Center Stage Session: The Future of Work: Are You Ready?
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, October). Presented at the Virtual ACT – IAC Advancing Government Executive Leadership Conference (ELC). Reimagine Nation ELC 2020.
2020 journal article
Civil Rights, Social Equity, and Census 2020
Public Administration Review, 80(6), 1100–1108.
2020 speech
Conducting SEDI Research: Why Research Methods Matter
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, October). Presented at the 3rd Annual Social Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (SEDI) Workshops. American Society of Public Administration Webinar.
2020 conference paper
Conducting Social Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Research
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, April 4). Presented at the 3rd Annual Social Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (SEDI) Workshop at the American Society for Public Administration, 2020 Vision for Politics, Policy and Administration Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (Conference Cancelled).
2020 speech
Cultural Perceptions regarding GMO: Engaging, Sampling and Inclusion Strategies
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, September). Presented at the Rutgers University - PhD Colloquium.
2020 speech
Dismantling Inequities and injustices in Health Care and Public Health
Berry-James, R. M., Golembeski, C., Lopez-Littleton, V., & Sampson, C. J. (2020, September). Presented at the ASPA Section Democracy and Social Justice Webinar, Part Five of DSJ’s series on Dismantling White Supremacy.
2020 conference paper
Dissertations Focused on Social Equity and Social Justice
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, January 30). Presented at the ASPA Student and New Professional Webinar.
2020 speech
Diversity Accountability and Talent Management
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, January). Presented at the NYU Silver School of Social Work, New York, NY.
2020 speech
Does Responsible Innovation Really Matter? Examining Cultural Perceptions of Biotechnology in Food Systems
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, September). Podcast presented at the NC State GES Colloquium Webinar.
2020 conference paper
Examining Social Equity in the Evidence-building Process: A Case Study of Food Wealth and Good Health in North Carolina
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, November 13). Presented at the APPAM, Virtual Fall Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
2020 conference paper
Fostering Social Equity in the Face of Housing, Food, and Voting Insecurities
Berry-James, R. M., Johnson, C. C., Nwakpuda, E., Jackson-Leftwich, C., Foxworth, R., & Boulding, C. (2020, November 13). Presented at the APPAM, Virtual Fall Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
2020 speech
Graduate student recommendations for Northam Administration’s Health Equity Team
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, June). Presented at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University.
2020 report
Improving Child Well-being & Reducing Food Insecurity: An Action Plan for 2021
Improving Child Well-being & Reducing Food Insecurity: An Action Plan for 2021. https://napawash.org/uploads/Election_2020_Social_Equity_Food_Insecurity.pdf
2020 speech
Leveraging Talent: Research and Best Practices in Public Administration
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, January). Presented at the Medgar Evers College of the City of University of New York (CUNY), New York, NY.
2020 speech
Looking Back and Looking Forward: Next Steps for Ethics Education in PA
Berry-James, R. M., Jacobs, R., & Meyer, S. (2020, November). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, The Section on Democracy and Social Justice, Part 6 of 6 DSJ’s Ethics Education series,
2020 conference paper
Mindful Movers Breaking the Cycle
Berry-James, R. M., & Ishak, A. (2020, April 20). Poster presented at the Break the Cycle 15 of Health Disparities: Exploring Social, Economic, and Environmental Determinants of Health Online Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2020 speech
Online Roundtable on Social Equity
Berry-James, R. M., Birdsell, D., & Wooldridge, B. (2020, June). Presented at the National Academy of Public Administration Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity.
2020 report
Promoting Social Equity in an Evidence-Based Policy Environment: An Action Plan for 2021
2020 speech
Society Equity Perspectives: A Balanced Discussion on Law Enforcement Budgeting
Presented at the Standing Panel on Social Equity, National Academy of Public Administration Webinar.
2020 journal article
Stepping up to the plate: Making social equity a priority in public administration’s troubled times
Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(1), 5–15.
2020 journal article
Symposium Introduction: The Pursuit of Civil Rights and Public Sector Values in the 21st Century: Examining Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision in the Trump Era
Public Administration Review, 80(6), 1035–1037.

2020 speech
Teaching Online During COVID-19
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, April). Presented at the PA Theory Network webinar.
2020 speech
The Impact on COVID-19 on Faculty, Students and Staff
Berry-James, R. M., Wooldridge, B., & Smith-Mason, J. (2020, September). Presented at the COMPA Webinar.
2020 speech
The Intersection of Positive Momentum: Racial Equity & Justice
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, June). The Intersection of Positive Momentum: Racial Equity & Justice. Presented at the National Association of Asian American Professionals North Carolina chapter (NAAAP NC) webinar.
2020 conference paper
The Places and Spaces Where Race and Gender Intersect in Public Administration on SWPA Social Equity Panel: Public Administration’s Response to Gender in the 21st Century: A Social Equity Perspective
Berry-James, R. M. (2020, April 3). Panel presented at the American Society for Public Administration, 2020 Vision for Politics, Policy and Administration Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (Conference Cancelled).
2019 speech
#MeToo The Role of Universities in the Me Too Movement
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, March). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC.
2019 report
Annual Evaluation of the North Carolina Farm to Early Care and Education Evaluation Report: Year 2
Raleigh, NC: W. K. Kellogg Foundation/Center for Environmental Systems.
2019 speech
Diversity in Education: Research on Diversity, Cultural Competence and Social Equity. African American History Month (AAHM)
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, February). Presented at the U. S. Marine Corps Camp, Johnson, NC.
2019 speech
Educating Future Public Administrators and City Managers at Managing the City: Honoring the Career of Professor Sylvester Murray Conference
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, March). Presented at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH.
2019 report
Evaluation of the Coalition of NC Farm to School NC Awards Initiative
Raleigh, NC: Center for Environmental Systems.
2019 conference paper
Institutionalizing Social Equity into the Public Policy Decision Process
Proceedings of the National Academy of Public Administration. Presented at the National Academy of Public Administration, Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance, Fall 2019 Annual Meeting.
2019 conference paper
Institutionalizing Social Equity into the Public Policy Decision Process: Examining Trends and Disproportionality in Juvenile Justice
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, November 7). Presented at the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
2019 conference paper
Leading Change in Social Equity through Planning, Research, and the Dissemination of Information
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, March 12). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC.
2019 conference paper
NASPAA Accreditation Training
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, October 16). Presented at the NASPAA Accreditation Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
2019 conference paper
NC Farm to Early Care and Education Collaborative: Clarifying Program Theory through Life of the Program
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, September 24). Poster presented at the Farm to ECE Community of Practice Meeting/Kellogg Foundation, Washington, DC.
2019 conference paper
Naming Privilege, Social Justice, and Racism through Reflective Pedagogy and Student Experiences: A Case Study at North Carolina State University
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, October 16). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference: Reconstructing Governance for the Next 50 Years, Los Angeles, CA.
2019 conference paper
Responsible Innovation: Cultural Perceptions of Biotechnology in Food Systems
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, March 21). Poster presented at the NC State 2019 University Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2019 conference paper
Social Determinants of Health Starts with Food Wealth: Examining Emerging Practices, Best Practices and Breakthrough Practices
Berry-James, R. M. (2019, March 12). Panel organizer and paper presented at the American Society of Public Administration, Washington, DC.
2018 report
Annual Evaluation of the North Carolina Farm to Early Care and Education Evaluation Report: Year 1
Raleigh, NC: W. K. Kellogg Foundation/Center for Environmental Systems.
2018 journal article
Assessing the Six-Factor Model of Organizational Justice in the Context of Workplace Mediation
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40(3), 0734371X1881675.
Contributors: J. Coggburn n , D. Daley n, J. Jameson n & n
2018 speech
Deep Dive in Research and Evaluation
Berry-James, R. M. (2018, May). Presented at the National Farm to School Network (NFSN) Farm to Early Care and Education Working Group, Research and Evaluation Ad Hoc Subgroup.
2018 conference paper
Disrupting Patterns and Distracting Practices in Social Structures: An Examination of Food Sustainable Capital in North Carolina
Presented at the 5th World Conference on Remedies to Racial & Ethnic Economic Inequality, Vitoria, Brazil.
2018 conference paper
Embracing Disruption to Advance Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Presented at the 2018 NASPAA Annual Conference, Making a Difference: Good Governance in Disrupted State(s), Atlanta, GA.
2018 conference paper
Excellence in Diversity and Social Equity Practices
Berry-James, R. M. (2018, October 10). Presented at the 2018 NASPAA Annual Conference, Making a Difference: Good Governance in Disrupted State(s), Atlanta, GA.
2018 conference paper
NASPAA Site-Visitor Training
Berry-James, R. M. (2018, February 13). Presented at the COMPA Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 conference paper
NASPAA Standards Colloquium
Berry-James, R. M., Callaruse, C., Meek, J., & Billingsley, G. (2018, February 13). Presented at the COMPA Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 conference paper
NRT Agricultural Biotechnology in Our Evolving Food, Energy, and Water Systems (AgBioFEWS)
Berry-James, R. M. (2018, October 25). Presented at the Interdisciplinary Research Traineeship, 2018 Institute for Teaching and Mentoring, Arlington, VA.
2018 speech
Policymaker Education Day with members of Congress to discuss community needs and ideas
Berry-James, R. M. (2018, March). Presented at the Good Food for All (GFFA) Conference, Washington, DC.
2018 conference paper
Racial Equity in Farm to School and Farm to Early Care Education
Poster presented at the 9th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
2018 conference paper
The Promise of Communities of Practice: Innovative Policy Solutions and Sustainable Practices for Vulnerable Communities
Berry-James, R. M. (2018, March 9). Panel presented at the ASPA 2018 Annual Conference, Mission Focused and Service First, Track: All Are Not Equal: Advancing Social Equity, Denver, CO.
2018 conference paper
The Tradeoff between Economic Growth and Social Inequality
Presented at the 5th World Conference on Remedies to Racial & Ethnic Economic Inequality, Vitoria, Brazil.
2018 book
Why Research Methods Matter
In Melvin & Leigh. Leigh, Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh.
2017 speech
Diversity and Inclusion. 2017-2018 The State of Diversity in Government and Public Service, Public Administration and Policy
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, November). Presented at the School of Public & International Affairs, University of Georgia.
2017 chapter
Effectiveness of mediation in the state agency grievance process
In The Mediation Handbook (pp. 164–169).
Contributors: J. Jameson, , D. Daley & J. Coggburn* *
2017 conference paper
Evaluating the Complexity of Food Systems for Vulnerable Citizens: Sustainable Policy Practices
Berry-James, R. M., Chojnacki, K., & Decker, W. (2017, October 4). Presented at the Policy, Planning and Program Evaluation Track, 2017 SECoPA Conference Defending Public Administration in a Time of Uncertainty, Hollywood, FL.
2017 speech
Fortune Favors the Brave!
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, October). Judge at the Voinovich Public Innovation Challenge presented at the 2017 NASPAA Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
2017 speech
Luncheon Plenary on Perspectives on Social Equity in a Mythical Post Racial Society training
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, March). Presented at the 2017 COMPA 46th Annual Conference on Emerging Strategies Leading to a More Inclusive and Diverse Society, Atlanta, GA.
2017 speech
NASPAA Accreditation Site Visitor Training
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, March). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference Saluting the Public Service: a Bold & Noble Profession, Atlanta, GA.
2017 conference paper
NASPAA Accreditation Site Visitor Training
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, March 17). Workshop presented at the 2017 COMPA 46th Annual Conference on Emerging Strategies Leading to a More Inclusive and Diverse Society, Atlanta, GA.
2017 conference paper
Responsible Innovation in Food Biotechnology: Exploring Cultural Attitudes and Public Trust
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, October 11). Presented at the 2017 NASPAA Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
2017 conference paper
Responsible Innovation: New Directions in Public Service on track Human Resources, Leadership and Public Management
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, March 17). Presented at the 2017 Annual Conference Saluting the Public Service: a Bold & Noble Profession, Atlanta, GA.
2017 conference paper
Teaching Cultural Competence in Public Administration: Lessons Learned from Problem Based Approaches
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, March 17). Presented at the Program Evaluation: Enhancing Credibility and Building Ownership of Lessons Learned, 2017 Annual Conference Saluting the Public Service: a Bold & Noble Profession, Atlanta, GA.
2017 conference paper
The Skills and Resources Needed to be Effective MPA and PhD Directors
Berry-James, R. M. (2017, October 11). Presented at the 2017 NASPAA Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
2016 speech
Academic Speaker for Public Service Week
Berry-James, R. M. (2016, October). Presented at the Old Dominion University, Department of Public Administration, School of Public Service, Norfolk, VA.
2016 speech
Accreditation Readiness Consulting
Berry-James, R. M. (2016, October). Presented at the NASPAA Advisory Services Pilot Training Incubator, Columbus, Ohio.
2016 speech
Accreditation Standards Training
Workshop presented at the COMPA 45th Annual Meeting and Conference of Minority Public Administrators, Jackson, MS.
2016 conference paper
Black Lives Matter Forum: Exploring the Hashtag Forum Organizer. Forum on human rights and policing practices that affect the African American community
Berry-James, R. M. (2016, January). Presented at the North Carolina State University, African American Cultural Center, Raleigh, NC.
2016 report
Genetic Engineering and Society: Cultural Attitudes toward Genetically Modified (GM) Foods
[Genetic Engineering & Society Center Resident Fellow Summary Report]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2016 speech
Responsible Innovation in Food Biotechnology: Exploring Cultural Perceptions and Engaging Public Trust
Berry-James, R. M. (2016, September). Keynote presented at the North Carolina Central University, College of Behavioral and Social Science 10th Anniversary, Durham, NC.
2016 speech
Site Visitor Training
Workshop presented at the COMPA 45th Annual Meeting and Conference of Minority Public Administrators, Jackson, MS.
2016 conference paper
Teaching the Ferguson Syllabus: Cultural Competence in the Public Sector
Berry-James, R. M. (2016, March). Presented at the 2015 NASPAA Annual Conference, Brooklyn, NY.
2015 conference paper
In God We Trust: Why we don’t trust government with your food
Berry-James, R. M., King, S., & Riester, M. (2015, July 6). Presented at the 2015 International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) Conference, Track WG V: Gender, Diversity and Equity, Paris, France.
2015 conference paper
NASPAA Site Visitor Training
Berry-James, R. M., & Gooden, S. (2015, February 17). Workshop presented at the 2015 National Conference of Minority Public Administrator (COMPA), Philadelphia, PA.
2015 speech
National Security Seminar (NSS)
Berry-James, R. M. (2015, June). Presented at the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, PA.
2015 conference paper
Promising Practices and Coordinated Approaches to End and Prevent Homelessness
Presented at the 2014 SECoPA Conference on Social Welfare Policy track, Atlanta, GA.
2015 conference paper
Public Trust and Legitimacy: Cultural Perceptions regarding Genetically Modified Foods
Berry-James, R. M., King, S., & Riester, M. (2015, February 18). Presented at the 2015 National Conference of Minority Public Administrator (COMPA), Philadelphia, PA.
2015 speech
Social Equity, Democratic Values and the Ethic of Getting Things Done
Berry-James, R. M. (2015, March). Presented at the ASPA 2015 Annual Conference, Building a Stronger and More Equitable Society, Chicago, IL.
2015 chapter
Tasa de universitarios graduados y su relación con la ausencia de administradores hispanos de alto nivel en los estados fronterizos de Arizona, California y Texas
In D. Klingner & R. Moreno Espinosa (Eds.), La Tormenta Perfecta: El tráfico en las drogas ilegales en la zona fronteriza Mexico - Estados Unidos y las administraciones publicas. Tlalpan (pp. 226–251). Mexico: IAPAS.
Ed(s): D. Klingner & R. Moreno Espinosa
2014 conference paper
Beyond an Internship: Securing Professional Development Experiences for Early Career Students
Berry-James, R. M. (2014, November 6). Presented at the 2014 NASPAA Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
2014 chapter
Critically Low Hispanic College Graduation Rates and Under-Representation in Public Administration
In R. Moreno & D. Klingner (Eds.), Using the “Narcotrafico” Threat to Build Public Administration Capacity between the US and Mexico (pp. 119–141). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis.
Ed(s): R. Moreno & D. Klingner
2014 conference paper
Cultural Attitudes toward Genetically Modified (GM) Foods: Examining Trust in the NC African American Community
Berry-James, R. M. (2014, October 21). Presented at the NC State Genetic Engineering and Society Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2014 chapter
Cultural Competency in Health Care: Standards, Practices, and Measures RaJade M. Berry-James
In K. A. Norman-Major & S. T. Gooden (Eds.), Cultural Competency for Public Administrators (pp. 189–204).
Ed(s): K. Norman-Major & S. Gooden
2014 conference paper
Diversity 2.0: Not your mother’s rules
Berry-James, R. M., Mwarabu, S., & King, S. (2014, March 13). Presented at the 2014 Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) Annual Conference, Public Administration: Global Perspectives for Addressing the Needs of Under-represented Communities, Washington, DC.
2014 conference paper
From best practices to breakthrough outcomes: Examining where we stand in the academy
Berry-James, R. M. (2014, March 14). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Celebrating the Successes and Promoting the Future of Public Service, Washington, DC.
2014 conference paper
Interested in becoming a NASPAA site visitor?
Berry-James, R. M., Gooden, S., & Calarusse, C. (2014, March 14). Workshop presented at the 2014 Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
2014 conference paper
The Role of Government in Sustaining Social Equity and Promoting Justice: Avenues for access, diversity and inclusion
Presented at the 2014 Social Equity Leadership Conference, The 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Assessing Social Equity and Civil Rights in the Light of Growing Income Inequity, Pittsburgh, PA.
2014 conference paper
University Recruiter at 21st Annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring
Berry-James, R. M., & Morgan, G. (2014, October 30). Presented at the COMPACT for Faculty Diversity, Southern Regional Education Board.
2014 conference paper
Using Alternative Resources to Help Develop a Climate of Inclusiveness and Cultural Competency in MPA Programs at Predominately White Universities
Berry-James, R. M. (2014, November 5). Presented at the 2014 NASPAA Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
2014 speech
Winning the Race
Berry-James, R. M. (2014, November). Keynote presented at the United Nations Day of Tolerance. Co-sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, Raritan Valley Community College, Somerville, NJ.
2013 conference paper
Creative pedagogies for teaching cultural competencies
Berry-James, R. M., Rubaii, N., Newbauer, B., & Sinclair, T. (2013, October 11). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Turning Outward: The Evolving Context of Public Service Education, Washington, DC.
2013 conference paper
Implementing the new ASPA code of ethics with special emphasis on social equity
Berry-James, R. M., Svara, J., Wooldridge, B., & Gooden, S. T. (2013, June 7). Presented at the 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2013 conference paper
International Accreditation: Potential benefits, applicability of NASPAA standards, and special challenges preparing the self-study report and determining program compliance with standards. Panel at the NASPAA Accreditation Institute
Berry-James, R. M., Ott, S., Wenhao, C., & Yongping, W. (2013, October 10). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Turning Outward: The Evolving Context of Public Service Education, Washington, DC.
2013 conference paper
NASPAA Accreditation: Standards 2009 policy interpretations
Berry-James, R. M., Rathgeb Smith, S., Johnston, J., & Rios, P. (2013, October 10). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Turning Outward: The Evolving Context of Public Service Education, Washington, DC.
2013 conference paper
NASPAA Site Visitor Training
Berry-James, R. M., & Calarusse, C. (2013, June 7). Presented at the 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2013 conference paper
Preparing the accreditation self-study report
Berry-James, R. M., Calarusse, C., Moore, P., Rathgeb Smith, S., & Musso, J. (2013, October 9). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Turning Outward: The Evolving Context of Public Service Education, Washington, DC.
2013 conference paper
Promising practices, best practices and breakthrough practices for promoting social equity
Berry-James, R. M., Ray, T., Woodard, J., & Braden, J. (2013, June 5). Presented at the 12th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2013 conference paper
The Cost of Organizational Conflict: Disparities in Race, Gender and Income
Berry-James, R. M., Camilleri, S., McCartha, E., Coggburn, J. D., Daley, D. M., & Jameson, J. (2013, March 15). Presented at the ASPA Annual Conference, Governance and Sustainability: Local Concerns, Global Challenges, New Orleans, LA.
2013 conference paper
The Rising Epidemic of Homelessness: Risk Factors and Barriers to Shelter for Displaced Families in North Carolina
Berry-James, R. M., Mwarabu, S., Nwakpuda, E., & Morizingo, M. (2013, September 25). Presented at the 2013 SECoPA, Fueled by the past, racing towards a brighter future in public service, Charlotte, SC.
2013 journal article
The Voices and Choices of Women in the Academy
Journal of the International Association for the Study of the Global Achievement Gap, 9, 3–28. http://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jiasgag/9
2013 conference paper
The future of accreditation: The value and burden
Berry-James, R. M., Meek, J., & Mizrav, E. (2013, October 12). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Turning Outward: The Evolving Context of Public Service Education, Washington, DC.
2013 conference paper
The path to accreditation for first-time applicants
Berry-James, R. M., Calarusse, C., Moore, P., Rathgeb Smith, S., & Musso, J. (2013, October 9). Presented at the NASPAA Annual Conference, Turning Outward: The Evolving Context of Public Service Education, Washington, DC.
2013 conference paper
The role of the government in sustaining social equity and promoting justice: Avenues for access, diversity and inclusion
Berry-James, R. M. (2013, August 14). Presented at the Academy of Business Administration, 2013 International conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 conference paper
Building Evaluation Capacity at the Local Level
Berry-James, R. M., & Brun, L. (2012, October 5). Presented at the SECoPA 2012 Conference, Promoting a Positive Transition for the Public Service: Hope for the Future, Ft Lauderdale, FL.
2012 conference paper
COPRA Accreditation Institute, COPRA Interpretations Panel and Site Visitor Training Workshop
Berry-James, R. M. (2012, October 17). Presented at the 2012 NASPAA Conference, Horizons in Public Affairs: Visions, Innovations, & Strategies, Austin, TX.
2012 conference paper
Celebrating Faculty Diversity
Berry-James, R. M. (2012, March 23). Presented at the Building Future Faculty Program, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2012 report
Community Needs Assessment for a Certificate in Cultural Competence
[Research Monograph]. Raleigh, NC: Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, NC State University.
2012 conference paper
Effective and Ethical Practices for Nonprofit In-House Research
Berry-James, R. M., & Moss, S. (2012, April 18). Presented at the North Carolina Institute for Nonprofits, Raleigh, NC.
2012 conference paper
Managing Competing Work, Family and Life Demands
Berry-James, R. M. (2012, March 21). Presented at the Building Future Faculty Program, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2012 conference paper
Mediation Cost Analysis: : Preliminary Report for NC Office of State Personnel
Berry-James, R. M., Jameson, J. K., Daley, D. M., & Coggburn, J. D. (2012, March 13). Presented at the 2012 Advanced Mediation Training, Cary, NC.
2012 journal article
Mexican American public sector professionals: Perceptions of affirmative action policies and workplace discrimination
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32(1), 24–44.
2012 report
North Carolina Office of State Personnel Statewide Mediation & Grievance Programs Cost/Benefit Analysis
North Carolina Office of State Personnel Statewide Mediation & Grievance Programs Cost/Benefit Analysis [Research Monograph]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 speech
Pi Alpha Alpha National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
Berry-James, R. M. (2012, December). Presented at the Savannah State University, Dept. of Political Science and Public Affairs, Savannah, GA.
2012 chapter
Private Prisons and Juvenile Facilities in Prison Privatization: The Many Facets of a Controversial Industry
In J. C. Morris & B. E. Price (Eds.), The environment of private prisons (Vol. 1, pp. 199–222). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Ed(s): J. Morris & B. Price
2012 conference paper
Training and Development
Berry-James, R. M. (2012, June 6). Presented at the Change and Sustainability in Public Services Delivery, The Problem with Nonprofits. 11th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference, Research Practices in Social Equity Urbanization and Sustainability, Savannah, GA.
2011 conference paper
Building Greater Connections to Strengthen the Value of Pi Alpha Alpha
Berry-James, R. M. (2011, October 19). Presented at the 2011 NASPAA Conference, Cultivating Connections: Strategic Innovations in Public Affairs Education, Kansas City, MO.
2011 conference paper
Closing the Loop: Best Practices for Achieving Standards on Diversity
Berry-James, R. M. (2011, May 17). Presented at the Closing the Loop: Assessing NASPAA Standards on Diversity. 34th Annual Teaching Public Administration Conference (TPAC 2011), Williamsburg, Virginia.
2011 speech
Crucial Conversations with Nonprofit Organizations. Training Workshop
Berry-James, R. M. (2011, February). Presented at the Triangle Family Services, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Educational Excellence, Grant Information and Community Partnerships
Berry-James, R. M., Barnes, J. B., & Girton-Mitchell, B. (2011, December 10). Presented at the Wake County Chapter of National Congress of Black Women, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Public Administration Alumni Association (NCSU) Luncheon on Change Management – Maintaining a Productive Work Environment
Berry-James, R. M. (2011, September 16). Presented at the Marbles Kid Museum, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Tales from the Trenches: How Public Administrators can Mentor for a Competitive Market
Presented at the COMPA 2011 National Conference, “Embracing New Opportunities and Developments", Fort Worth, Texas.
2011 conference paper
The Crisis of the African American Male in Higher Education
Berry-James, R. M., Wallace, D., Moore, H., & Nicholson, F. (2011, February 19). Presented at the Closing the Gap at The COMPA 2011 National Conference, “Embracing New Opportunities and Developments,” Fort Worth Texas.
2011 chapter
The Face of America: Promises, Directions and Challenges
In American Government. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
2011 conference paper
The State of Health Care Reforms in US State and Local Jurisdictions
Berry-James, R. M. (2011, March 11). Presented at the Health Care Trends and Challenges. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) 2011 Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
2010 conference paper
Challenges to Workplace Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Berry-James, R. M. (2010, October 13). Presented at the Southeast Conference on Public Administration (SECoPA), “Setting the Course for Excellence in Public Service.,” University of North Carolina-Wilmington. Wilmington, NC.
2010 conference paper
Evaluating Faith-Based and Community Partnerships: Implementation Strategies, Community Examples and Best Practices
Berry-James, R. M., Morris-Anderson, T., Nicholson, F., & Brown, K. (2010, October 22). Presented at the Northeast Conference on Public Administration (NECoPA), “Public Service Under Pressure,” Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.
2010 book
Evaluation of Akron Alternative Program
[Research Monograph]. Akron, OH: Akron Public Schools.
2010 chapter
Managing Diversity: Moving Beyond Organizational Conflict in Diversity and Public Administration
In M. F. Rice (Ed.), Diversity and Public Administration (2nd ed., pp. 61–80). New York: M. E. Sharpe.
Ed(s): M. Rice
2010 conference paper
Speaking of Faith: Positive change for all in faith-based and neighborhood partnerships
Berry-James, R. M., Moore, H., Francis, K., Jackson, C., & Hendrickson, K. (2010, April 9). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) National Conference, San Jose, CA.
2010 speech
The Dimensions of Diversity
Berry-James, R. M. (2010, March). Workshop presented at the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) 2010 Annual Director’s Conference, Columbus, OH.
2010 speech
Three Strategies for Granting Writing and Initiating Research: New to Town, Reach for the Skies and Volunteer My Time
Berry-James, R. M. (2010, September). Presented at the Assistant Professor’s Learning Community. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Becoming a Culturally and Linguistically Competent Organization
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, March 4). Workshop presented at the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) 2009 Annual Director Conference, Columbus, OH.
2009 conference paper
Crucial Conversations in Human Resource Management: From Affirmative Action to Cultural Competency
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, March 20). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) National Conference, Miami, FL.
2009 conference paper
Crucial Conversations in the Public Sector: Cultural Competence
Berry-James, R. M., & Moore, H. (2009, June 16). Training workshop presented at the Ohio Association of Public Treasurers, Akron, OH.
2009 conference paper
Crucial Conversations with Juvenile Court Magistrates
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, May 21). Presented at the Summit County Juvenile Court, Akron, OH.
2009 conference paper
Crucial Conversations – Seven Competencies for Public Managers
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, February 9). Presented at the Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) 2009 National Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
2009 conference paper
Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline: Disproportionate Minority Contact
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, February 9). Presented at the Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) 2009 National Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
2009 report
Evaluation of Akron Alternative Program
[Research Monograph]. Akron, OH: Akron Public Schools.
2009 speech
Evidenced-Based Programs, Practices and Approaches
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, February). Workshop presented at the Texas Southern University Barbara Jordan – Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Houston, TX.
2009 conference paper
Faith-based and Community Approaches
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, February 10). Presented at the Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) 2009 National Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
2009 speech
OJJDP DMC Reduction Model: The Toolkit for Success
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, October). Presented at the National Conference Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) 2009 State Relations and Assistance Division, Austin, TX.
2009 speech
Overcoming Obstacles
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, February). Presented at the Akron Alternative Academy, Akron Public Schools, Akron, OH.
2009 speech
S/he who learns, teaches
Berry-James, R. M. (2009, June). Presented at the Akron Alternative Academy, Akron Public Schools Commencement, Akron, OH.
2008 conference paper
A Critique of the Association between COMPA and ASPA: Is it a Mutually Beneficial Partnership Committed to Improving the Quality of Life through Outstanding Public Service
Berry-James, R. M., Massiah, M., Murray, S., Coleman, S., & Samuel, T. (2008, February 13). Presented at the International Conference of Minority Public Administrators, Hamilton, Bermuda.
2008 conference paper
Contemporary Issues facing the Minority Community
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, February 13). Presented at the International Conference of Minority of Public Administrators, Hamilton, Bermuda.
2008 conference paper
Cultural Competence as a Standard of Care
Keynote presented at the Council on Healthy Mothers and Babies/Caring for 2 Conference on Improving Healthcare Services in a Diverse Community, Columbus, OH.
2008 speech
Cultural Competence in Juvenile Justice Systems
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, January). Workshop presented at the Summit County Juvenile Court, Akron, OH.
2008 speech
Cultural Competency as a Standard of Care for Women
Plenary session presented at the Ohio Women’s Wellness Symposium, Newark, Ohio.
2008 speech
Cultural Competency in Juvenile Justice: Innovations in Cultural Brokering
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, June). Workshop presented at the Summit County Juvenile Court, Akron, OH.
2008 speech
Cultural Competency: A Window of Opportunity for Tomorrows Leaders
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, April). Presented at the University of Akron Graduate Student Government Colloquium, Akron, OH.
2008 report
Final Evaluation of Gate House Program (for Minorities Living with HIV/AIDS) – September 29, 2003 – September 30, 2007
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/Community Health Center.
2008 conference paper
Our Journey Towards Cultural Competence: Color Blind vs. Color Consciousness
Berry-James, R. M., Bunner, N., Elton, J., & Githiora, R. (2008, May 6). Presented at the 14th Annual National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning, “From ‘Excellence to Eminence’: Establishing an Academic & Community Diversity Legacy,” The Ohio State University.
2008 journal article
Riots and Rebirth: The Role of Policy Sciences in Addressing Disparities in Healthcare
Endarch: Journal of Black Political Research, 2008(3), 9–44. http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/enda/vol2008/iss3/3
2008 conference paper
S/he Who Learns, Teaches – Influencing Social Equity The Educational Opportunity Fund Professional Association of New Jersey
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, March 16). Keynote presented at the 38th Annual Spring Conference, Commission on Higher Education Student Leadership Conference and Graduate Awardee Luncheon, Atlantic City, NJ.
2008 speech
Successful Models of Recruiting, Graduating and Placing PhD Students
Presented at the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration Annual Conference on NASPAA Meets the Future, Charleston, SC.
2008 report
Summit County (Ohio) Juvenile Court Disproportionate Minority Contact Assessment Report
[Research Monograph]. Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Youth Services.
2008 conference paper
The Dynamics of Difference
Berry-James, R. M., Ortega, R., & Marina, B. (2008, February 13). Presented at the International Conference of Minority Public Administrators, Hamilton, Bermuda.
2008 conference paper
The Essential KSA’s in Cultural Competence: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, March 7). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), Dallas, TX.
2008 conference paper
You’re the Key to our Success. Keynote Speaker. Head Start Parent and Community Volunteer Recognition Dinner
Berry-James, R. M. (2008, May 5). Presented at the Akron Summit Community Action, Inc, Akron, OH.
2007 conference paper
Career Services Resume Review
Berry-James, R. M. (2007, February 24). Presented at the 2007 National Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) Conference, Memphis, TN.
2007 conference paper
Cultural Competence - Essential KSAs for Substance Abuse Treatment Providers and Consumers
Berry-James, R. M. (2007, March 6). Workshop presented at the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) Conference, Columbus, OH.
2007 speech
Cultural Competence for Community Health Organizations
Workshop presented at the Community Health Center, Akron, OH.
2007 report
Evaluation of Project PANDA (Prevent and Neutralize Drug and Alcohol Abuse): A School-Based Prevention and Education Program for Middle School Students
[Research Mongraph]. Akron, OH: Community Health Center.
2007 report
Final Evaluation of GREAT Program (for Adolescents Addicted to Cannabis) – October 2004 – September 2007
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/Community Health Center.
2007 conference paper
Got Web? Internet Follow-up Strategies for Evaluators
Berry-James, R. M. (2007, April 26). Workshop presented at the Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness (JMATE), Washington, DC.
2007 speech
On the Web: Internet Outreach for Adolescents
Berry-James, R. M. (2007, June). Audio Teleconference presented at the CSAT Adolescent Program Area Grantees, Washington, DC.
2007 magazine article
Pay It Forward ... Career Advice from an ASPA Member
Berry-James, R. M. (2007, November). PA Times, 30(11), 21.
2007 book review
Teaching Research Methods for the Public Sector: New Approaches in the Discipline
[Review of Applied Statistics for Public Policy]. Public Administration Quarterly, 31(1), 121–124.
2007 conference paper
Writing for Publication: How Do I Get Started?
Berry-James, R. M. (2007, February 23). Presented at the 2007 National Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA), Memphis TN.
2006 conference paper
Cultural Competence as a Standard of Care
Berry, R. M. (2006, March 26). Workshop presented at the Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness (JMATE) National Conference, Washington, DC.
2006 conference paper
Cultural Competence – Bridging the Gap between Cultural Awareness and Treatment Outcomes
Berry-James, R. M., Hendrickson, K., & Henning, J. (2006, October 26). Presented at the Blood borne Pathogen National Conference, Chicago, IL.
2006 conference paper
Cultural Competence: Concepts and Measures
Berry, R. M. (2006, April 1). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) 67th National Conference, Denver, CO.
2006 report
Evaluation of GREAT Program (for Adolescents Addicted to Cannabis) – October 2004 – September 2004
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment /Community Health Center.
2006 report
Third Year Evaluation of Gate House Program (for Minorities Living with HIV/AIDS) – October 2004 – September 2005
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/Community Health Center.
2006 report
Workforce in Action (WIA) Program: Assessing Parent Satisfaction
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Akron Public Schools.
2005 chapter
An Office Romance
In E. D. Olshfski, K. Callahan, & E. Schwella (Eds.), Global Public Management: Cases and Comments (pp. 48–51). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Ed(s): E. Olshfski, K. Callahan & E. Schwella
2005 journal article
Comments on the Case Study - The Problem of Phase IV: A Case Study Analysis of Building a Society in Northern Iraq
Public Performance and Management Review, 29(2), 246–248.
2005 conference paper
Diversity in Academia Seminar: Framing an Academic Identity and Publishing, Teaching, Resource Development, and Community Outreach
Berry, R. M. (2005, April 2). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration 66th National Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
2005 report
Joy Dance Evaluation – July 2004 to June 2005
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Summit County Department of Job and Family Services.
2005 report
Project THRIVE (Truancy Habits Reduced, Interventions via Education) Evaluation Report SY 2004-2005
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
2005 report
Second Year Evaluation of Gate House Program (for Minorities Living with HIV/AIDS) – September 29, 2003 – September 30, 2004
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/Community Health Center.
2005 conference paper
Strong Community Partnership to Address Truancy: Evaluation Goals for Project THRIVE
Berry-James, R. M. (2005, November 18). Presented at the Ohio Prevention and Education Conference (OPEC), Columbus, OH.
2005 journal article
Web-based Survey Research: Lessons from the University of Akron Study
International Journal of Public Administration, 28(1-2), 57–72.
2004 journal article
Affirmative action in higher education: costs, benefits, and implementation
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 16(2), 257–276.
2004 conference paper
Evaluation Results for Treatment Services for Women in Public Housing
Berry, R. M., Sharp, B., & Whiting, E. (2004, February 11). Presented at the 2004 SAMHSA/CSAT Co-occurring Grantee Conference – Strengthening the Recovery/Consumer Community Through Science and Service, Washington, DC.
2004 report
Final Program Report: Treatment Services for Women in Public Housing (TI12438/B&D 44300
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
2004 report
Joy Dance Evaluation – 2003 to 2004
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Summit County Department of Job and Family Services.
2004 report
Project THRIVE (Truancy Habits Reduced, Interventions via Education) Evaluation Summary & Categorical Assistance Performance Report SY 2003-2004
Project THRIVE (Truancy Habits Reduced, Interventions via Education) Evaluation Summary & Categorical Assistance Performance Report SY 2003-2004 [Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
2004 report
Project THRIVE (Truancy Habits Reduced, Interventions via Education) Mid-year Evaluation Report - 2004
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
2004 journal article
Teaching International Students Using WebCT Technology: Are there differences between U.S. and foreign-born graduate students?
The International Journal of the Humanities, 2(2), 1035–1050.
2003 report
First Year Evaluation of the Gate House Program (for Minorities Living with HIV/AIDS) – October 2002 - September 2003
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – SAMHSA/Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
2003 report
Joy Dance Evaluation – 2002 to 2003
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Summit County Department of Job and Family Services.
2003 report
Project THRIVE (Truancy Habits Reduced, Interventions via Education) Final Evaluation Report – 2003
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
2003 report
Project THRIVE (Truancy Habits Reduced, Interventions via Education) Second Mid-year Evaluation Report – 2003
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
2003 report
Second-Year Evaluation Report
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Summit County Enhancement Services for Women in Public Housing Cluster Apartment Program.
2003 conference paper
Teaching Research Methods in Public and Nonprofit Programs
Democracy in a Knowledge, Academy of Management Proceedings, 154.
2002 journal article
Citizen’s Abuse and Misuse of the City of Akron’s Emergency and Non-Emergency Phones Lines
Journal of the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners, 9, 85–96.
2002 conference paper
Diversity Committee Panel
Berry, R. M., & Francis, K. (2002, October 17). Presented at the 2002 NASPAA Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
2002 conference paper
Diversity and Leadership Panel - Administering the Concept of ‘Managing Diversity’ within Public Sector Organizations
Berry, R. M. (2002, February 6). Presented at the National COMPA Conference, Jackson, MS.
2002 conference paper
Economic Development Panel – A Discussion of Municipal Economic Development Trends in the 21st Century
Berry, R. M. (2002, February 6). Presented at the National COMPA Conference, Jackson, MS.
2002 report
First-Year Analysis Report
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: Community Health Center – Summit County Enhancement Services for Women in Public Housing Cluster Apartment Program.
2002 conference paper
Managing for Performance: A Case Study of Practical Program Evaluation in Akron, Ohio
Leahy, P. J., & Berry, R. M. (2002, March 23). Presented at the American Society for Public Administration 63rd National Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
2001 conference paper
Affirmative Action Advocacy: The Critical Role of Affirmative Action Officers In Higher Education
Berry, R. M. (2001, February 15). Presented at the National Association of African American Studies, 2001 National Conference, Houston, TX.
2001 report
Citizen’s Abuse and Misuse of the City of Akron’s Emergency and Non-Emergency Phone Lines
[Research Monograph]. Akron, Ohio: City of Akron Communication Division.
2001 report
External Evaluation: Job Analysis of Administrative Titles
[Research Monograph]. Franklin Township, New Jersey: Department of Personnel.
2001 report
Focus Group with Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton, Ohio
[Research Monograph]. Canton, Ohio: Sisters of Charity.
2001 journal article
Implementing Affirmative Action in Higher Education: The Effect of Race and Institutional Factors on Program Efficacy
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy, 7(2), 1–13.
2001 conference paper
Implementing Affirmative Action: The Effect of Race, Staff Size and Institutional Factors on Program Efficacy
Berry, R. M., & Deason, L. (2001, December 18). Presented at the 2002 Global Trends Academy of Business Administration Conference, Aruba.
2001 conference paper
Performance Measurement: Evaluation of the 911 Emergency Communications System in Akron, Ohio
Berry, R. M., & Deason, L. (2001, October 10). Presented at the 2001 South Eastern Conference on Public Administration (SECOPA), Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
2001 conference paper
Public Policy Research and Paradigms: The Impact on Black Families and Low Income Communities
Berry, R. M. (2001, February 24). Presented at the COMPA 2001 National Conference, Little Rock, AR.
2001 conference paper
The Legal and Administrative Challenges of Implementing Affirmative Action: Is Diversity A Social Good?
Berry, R. M., & Wallace, J. (2001, February 22). Presented at the COMPA 2001 National Conference, Little Rock, AR.
2001 conference paper
Web Based Survey Research: Lessons from the University of Akron Study on Racial on Profiling
Berry, R. M. (2001, October 10). Presented at the 2001 South Eastern Conference on Public Administration (SECOPA), Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
2000 journal article
Ellen's Dilemma
Public Productivity & Management Review, 23(4), 495.
2000 magazine article
The Reality of Implementing Affirmative Action
Berry, R. M. (2000, February). PA Times, 23(2), 2.
1999 journal article
Implementing affirmative action: The critical role of affirmative action officers in higher education
Dissertation Abstracts International, 60–65.
1998 report
Investigating the Utilization of Emergency Room Health Services by the Medically Uninsured
[Research Monograph]. Michigan: Calhoun County Health Improvement Program.
1997 conference paper
Affirmative Action
Berry, R. M., & Dashield, R. (1997, November 7). Workshop presented at the Annual Fall 1997 New Jersey College Personnel Association (NJCPA) Conference hosted by Rutgers University, Douglass College, New Brunswick, NJ.
1997 conference paper
An Affirmative Action Assessment of New Jersey Higher Education Institutions
Berry, R. M., & Laury, M. M. (1997, July 26). Presented at the 1997 National Conference of The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), Philadelphia, PA.
1997 conference paper
Kean University Affirmative Action Then & Now: Are the Current Attacks on Affirmative Action Justified?
Berry, R. M., & Laury, M. M. (1997, December 12). Kean University Affirmative Action Then & Now: Are the Current Attacks on Affirmative Action Justified? Workshop presented at the Kean University Office of Affirmative Action Programs, Union, NJ.
1996 conference paper
The Impact of Tuition Increases on Student Decision Making: An Action/Reaction Analysis
Whicker, M., Robbins, D., Collins, M., Berry, R., & Carrington, C. (1996, October 27). Presented at the Governing in the Northeast Corridor, ASPA Regions I, II, and IV Conference, Princeton, NJ.
1994 speech
The Importance of a Mentor in a Professional Woman’s Career. Women’s History Month program for Brothers in Progress (BIP)
Berry, R. M. (1994, March). Presented at the Kean College of New Jersey, Union, NJ.
1992 journal article
Dropping Out: Hispanic Students, Attrition, and the Family
College & University, 67(2), 145–150.
1989 conference paper
Improving the Prospects of Minority Student Student Success through Shared Governance
The Minority Student Today: Recruitment, Retention, and Success, Proceedings of a Conference on the Minority Student Today, 72–74.
1989 conference paper
Improving the Prospects of Minority Student Success through Shared Governance
Proceedings of a Conference on the Minority Student Today Conference: Recruitment, Retention, and Success, 72.
1988 report
Patterns of Hispanic Attrition and Persistence at Kean College
[Research Monograph]. Union, New Jersey: Office of Institutional Research, Kean University.
Updated: October 24th, 2022 00:21
2010 - present
Updated: December 15th, 2021 17:03
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