2011 journal article

Is ticketing aggressive cars and trucks effective in changing driver behavior? Evidence from North Carolina

Transportation Research Record, (2265), 100–108.

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

Working concept of accessibility performance measures for usability of crosswalks by pedestrians with vision impairments

Transportation Research Record, (2140), 103–110.

By: B. Schroeder, N. Rouphail & R. Hughes

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2008 journal article

Toward roundabout accessibility - Exploring the operational impact of pedestrian signalization options at modern roundabouts

Journal of Transportation Engineering, 134(6), 262–271.

By: B. Schroeder n, N. Rouphail n & R. Hughes n

Contributors: B. Schroeder n, N. Rouphail n & R. Hughes n

TL;DR: The results suggest that the impact of pedestrian signals at roundabouts is greatest as vehicle volumes approach capacity, but that vehicle delay and queuing can be mitigated through innovative signal configurations. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Research agenda for the application of visualization to transportation systems

Human Performance: Simulation and Visualization, 1937, 145–151.

By: R. Hughes n

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 chapter

User perceptions of the quality of service on shared paths

In Bicycles and pedestrians: Developing countries, 2005 (pp. 28–36). Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board.

By: J. Hummer, N. Rouphail, R. Hughes, S. Fain, J. Toole, R. Patten, R. Schneider, J. Monahan, A. Do

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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