Works (22)
2018 review
From head shops to whole foods: The rise and fall of activist entrepreneurs
[Review of ]. Journal of American History (Bloomington, Ind.), 105(1), 220–221.
2016 magazine article
The Birth of an IT Powerhouse
(2016, September). MIT Technology Review.
2016 book
The Technological Indian
In Harvard University Press.
2015 journal article
From Technological India to Technological Indian
Technology and South Asia.
2012 article
Nucleus and Nation: Scientists, International Networks, and Power in India
Bassett, R. (2012, June). ISIS, Vol. 103, pp. 424–425.
2009 journal article
Aligning India in the Cold War Era: Indian Technical Elites, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, and Computing in India and the United States
Technology and Culture, 50(4), 783–810.
2009 article
Internet alley: High technology in Tysons Corner, 1945-2005
Technology and Culture, Vol. 50, pp. 483–484.
2009 journal article
MIT-Trained Swadeshis: MIT and Indian Nationalism, 1880-1947
OSIRIS, 24, 212–230.
2007 article
From counterculture to cyberculture: Stewart brand, the whole earth network, and the rise of digital utopianism
Bassett, R. K. (2007, September). JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY, Vol. 94, pp. 629–630.
2007 book review
The Mysteries of the Trade: Christophe Lécuyer's "Making Silicon Valley".
[Review of]. Technology and Culture.
2007 review
The mysteries of the trade - Christophe Lecuyer's making Silicon Valley
[Review of ]. TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE, 48(2), 401–403.
2004 article
Between human and machine: Feedback, control, and computing before cybernetics.
Bassett, R. (2004, February). AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, Vol. 109, pp. 220–220.
2004 article
Microchip: An idea, its genesis, and the revolution it created
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 26, pp. 73–74.
2004 journal article
T. F. Peterson. Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT. Foreword by, Jane Pickering. xi + 178 pp., illus. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press in association with the MIT Museum, 2003. $19.95 (paper).
Isis, 95(4), 749–750.
2003 article
MIT and the rise of entrepreneurial science.
Bassett, R. (2003, December). ISIS, Vol. 94, pp. 768–769.

2002 book
To the Digital Age Research Labs, Start-up Companies, and the Rise of MOS Technology
In Johns Hopkins University Press.
2002 book
To the digital age: Research labs, start-up companies, and the rise of MOS technology
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
2000 chapter
When is a Microprocessor Not a Mircroprocessor: The Industrial Construction of a Semiconductor Innovation
In B. Finn (Ed.), Exposing Electronics. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic.
Ed(s): B. Finn
1999 article
Electronic genie: The tangled history of silicon
1999 review
Endless frontier: Vannevar Bush, engineer of the American century.
[Review of ]. Technology and Culture, 40(3), 685–686.
1998 journal article
New Technology, New People, New Organizations: The Rise of the MOS Transistor, 1945-1975
Business and Economic History.
1998 thesis
New Technology, New People, New Organizations: The Rise of the MOS Transistor, 1945-1975
(Thesis). Ph.D.)--Princeton University.