2024 journal article
A Methodological Framework for Decomposing the Value-Chain Economic Contribution: A Case of Forest Resource Industries of the Lake States in the United States
FORESTS, 15(2).
2024 article
A Qualitative Assessment of Interrelated Impacts of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on the Timber Supply Chain in the Southern United States
Bruck, S. R., Chizmar, S., Parajuli, R., Frey, G. E., Lamica, A., & Sills, E. O. (2024, July 20). SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES, Vol. 7.
2024 content posted
Examining Drivers, Policies, and Efficiency of Wood Pellet Exports from the United States: An Application of the Stochastic Frontier Gravity Trade Model
2024 journal article
Impacts of the European renewable energy policy on forest resource markets in the Southern United States: A case of the wood pellet industry
2024 content posted
Projected Effects of the Russia-Ukraine War on Global Forest Products Markets
2024 journal article
Projected effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on global forest products markets
Forest Policy and Economics, 168, 103301.
2024 review
Urban heat mitigation by green and blue infrastructure: Drivers, effectiveness, and future needs
[Review of ]. INNOVATION, 5(2).
2023 journal article
Assessing the financial viability of growing industrial hemp with loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States
2023 journal article
Economic Contribution Analysis of Urban and Community Forestry in the Southern United States in 2019
JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, 121(3), 217–223.
2023 journal article
Educational Needs of North Carolina Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners and Barriers to Meeting These Needs
2023 journal article
Forest-Based Employment in the Southern United States amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Causal Inference Analysis
Forest Science, 70(1), 23–36.
2023 journal article
Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic policies on timber markets in the Southern United States
Journal of Forest Business Research, 2(1), 130–167.
2023 journal article
Perceived Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Private-Sector Urban and Community Forestry in the Southern United States
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 10, jauf.2023.020.
2023 journal article
Predictors of Landowners’ Intention to Manage Emerald Ash Borer in Kentucky
Forest Science, 69(4), 452–462.
2023 journal article
Toward the Adoption of New Farming Systems among Farmers: A Case study of Short Rotation Woody Crops in North Carolina
2023 journal article
What Determines the Adoption of Agroforestry Practices in Farmlands and Public Lands? A Case Study from the Terai Region in Nepal
Society & Natural Resources, 37(2), 234–250.
2022 journal article
Assessing interstate softwood roundwood trade in the southern United States: a gravity trade model approach
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(3), 151–162.
2022 journal article
Business Outlook of Private Urban Forestry in the Northeast-Midwest Region of the United States
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 48(5), 278–292.
2022 journal article
Economic Contribution Analysis of Urban Forestry in the Northeastern and Midwestern States of the United States in 2018
2022 journal article
Evaluating Structural and Temporal Factors Affecting Supply of Ecosystem Benefits in a University Urban Environment in South Carolina, USA
Open Journal of Forestry, 12(03), 297–311.
2022 journal article
Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the livelihoods of rural households in the community forestry landscape in the Middle Hills of Nepal
2022 journal article
Review of the Potential Effects of Shifting Southern Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus Frontalis) Population and Outbreak Dynamics
SSRN Electronic Journal.
2022 journal article
Spatial Analysis of Forest Product Manufacturers in North Carolina
Forest Science, 69(1), 24–36.
2022 report
The Covid-19 Pandemic, Migrant Returnees, and the Forest-Dependent Rural Livelihood in Mid-Hills of Nepal
[SSRN Preprint].
2022 journal article
Understanding Forest Landowner Attitudes, Perceived Risk, and Response to Emerald Ash Borer in Kentucky
Journal of Forestry, 121(2), 157–167.
2021 journal article
Allocation versus completion: Explaining the distribution of the Forest Development Program fund in North Carolina
2021 journal article
Challenges and opportunities for agroforestry practitioners to participate in state preferential property tax programs for agriculture and forestry
2021 journal article
Cropland Abandonment in the Community-Forestry Landscape in the Middle Hills of Nepal
EARTH INTERACTIONS, 25(1), 136–150.
2021 journal article
Financial Returns for Biomass on Short-Rotation Loblolly Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States
FOREST SCIENCE, 67(6), 670–681.
Contributors: A. Trlica n, R. Cook n , T. Albaugh*, n , D. Carter* & R. Rubilar*
2021 journal article
Species composition, diversity, and carbon stock in trees outside forests in middle hills of Nepal
2021 journal article
State Cost-Share Programs for Forest Landowners in the Southern United States: A Review
Journal of Forestry, 119(2), 177–195.
2021 journal article
Wood pellets versus pulp and paper: Quantifying the impacts of wood pellets on the pulpwood markets in the southeastern United States
2020 journal article
A Discounted Cash Flow and Capital Budgeting Analysis of Silvopastoral Systems in the Amazonas Region of Peru
Land, 9(10), 353.
2020 journal article
Educating Landowners on Forest-Based Alternative Income Streams in North Carolina: Program Evaluation and Lessons Learned
JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, 118(6), 551–554.
2020 report
Recent Research on Perceived Risks, Legal Liabilities, and Insurance Coverage Associated with Prescribed Burning on Private Lands
(SFE Fact Sheet No. 2020-2). Southern Fire Exchange.
2020 journal article
Spatial and cross-product price linkages in the Brazilian pine timber markets
Forest Policy and Economics, 117, 102186.
2020 journal article
Tools for Quickly Adapting During Pandemics, Disasters, and Other Unique Events
Journal of Extension, 58(2).
2019 conference paper
An Economic Assesment of Silvopasture Systems in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina
In C. Brandeis, D. G. Hodges, & N. Poudyal (Eds.), Forest Resource Economics in Transition: Traditional and Emerging Markets (p. 51).
Ed(s): C. Brandeis, D. Hodges & N. Poudyal
Event: International Society of Forest Resource Economics 2018 Annual Meeting at Gatlinburg, Tennessee on March 19-21, 2018
2019 report
An introduction to forest carbon offset markets
Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Cooperative Extension.
2019 journal article
Biological and market responses of pine forests in the US Southeast to carbon fertilization
2019 report
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT): An Overview and Prospects in the U.S. South
Athens, GA: Southern Regional Extension Forestry.
2019 journal article
Fee hikes at state parks in Georgia: Effects on visitation, revenues, welfare, and visitor diversity
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 38(3), 55–76.
2019 journal article
Incorporating Forests, Agriculture, and Energy Consumption in the Framework of the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
Sustainability, 11(9), 2688.
2019 conference paper
Influencer perceptions of cross-laminated timber in the US South Digitalisation and Circular Economy
Digitalisation and Circular Economy: Forestry and Forestry Based Industry Implications: Proceedings of Scientific Papers, 321.
Event: 12th Woodema Annual International Scientific Conference at Varna, Bulgaria on September 11-13, 2019
2019 journal article
Interpreting Forestry Economic Contribution Reports: A User's Guide
Journal of Extension, 57(4).
2019 report
Is Reforestation a Profitable Investment? An Economic Analysis
(Woodland Owner Note No. 8). https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/is-reforestation-a-profitable-investment
2019 journal article
Subregional Timber Supply Projections with Chip-n-Saw Stumpage: Implications for Southern Stumpage Markets
Forest Science, 65(6), 665–669.
2019 journal article
To Insure or not to Insure? Factors Affecting Acquisition of Prescribed Burning Insurance Coverage
2019 journal article
Understanding Market Opportunities Utilizing the Forest Resources of the Cross-timbers Ecoregion
JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, 117(3), 234–243.
2018 journal article
Economic Contribution Analysis of the Forest-Product Industry: A Comparison of the Two Methods for Multisector Contribution Analysis Using IMPLAN
JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, 116(6), 513–519.
2018 journal article
Evaluating Complementarity in Silvopasture Systems
Windbreaks, 24(2). https://www.aftaweb.org/about/what-is-agroforestry/windbreaks/138-2018-vol-24/volume-24-no-2-august-2018/236-evaluating-complementarity-in-silvopasture-systems.html
2018 journal article
Forest Management for Climate Change in New England and the Klamath Ecoregions: Motivations, Practices, and Barriers
FORESTS, 9(10).
2018 magazine article
Lumber and timber prices are projected to rise with tariffs on Canadian lumber
The Forestry Source, 17.
2018 report
Mass Timber Products: Innovative Wood-Based Building Materials
(NC Cooperative Extension No. AG-845). https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/mass-timber-products-innovative-wood-based-building-materials
2018 journal article
Province specific impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement: A seemingly unrelated regression approach
2018 journal article
Stakeholder opinions on scientific forest management policy implementation in Nepal
PLOS ONE, 13(9).
2018 magazine article
Timber Markets: Supply, Demand, and Extenuating Circumstances
Parajuli, R., Tanger, S., & Henderson, J. (2018, March). Forest Landowner Magazine, 35–38.
2018 journal article
Toward an Elasticity of Chip-N-Saw: Demand and Supply Models of Chip-N-Saw Stumpage in Louisiana
Forests, 9(4).
2018 report
Valuing Immature Forest Stands
(Woodland Owner Notes No. 63). https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/valuing-immature-forest-stands
2017 journal article
A regional assessment of wood resource sustainability and potential economic impact of the wood pellet market in the U.S. South
Biomass and Bioenergy, 105, 421–427.
2017 journal article
An Econometric Study of the Hardwood Sawtimber Stumpage Market in Louisiana
Forest Products Journal, 67(1-2), 91–100.
2017 report
Economic Impact of the Texas Forest Sector, 2015
Texas A&M Forest Service.
2017 report
Harvest Trends 2015
Texas A&M Forest Service.
2017 journal article
What's next in the U.S.-Canada softwood lumber dispute? An economic analysis of restrictive trade policy measures
Forest Policy and Economics, 85, 135–146.
2016 journal article
Modeling stumpage markets using vector error correction vs. simultaneous equation estimation approach: A case of the Louisiana sawtimber market
Forest Policy and Economics, 70, 16–19.
2016 journal article
Policy impacts estimates are sensitive to data selection in empirical analysis: evidence from the United States – Canada softwood lumber trade dispute
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(11), 1343–1347.
2016 journal article
Price Linkages between Spot and Futures Markets for Softwood Lumber
Forest Science, 62(5), 482–489.
2016 journal article
The United States-Canada softwood lumber trade: An actual versus optimal export tax
Forest Policy and Economics, 73, 112–119.
2016 journal article
Welfare impacts of the 2006 United States – Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(7), 950–958.
2015 journal article
Does Nepal's community forestry program improve the rural household economy? A cost–benefit analysis of community forestry user groups in Kaski and Syangja districts of Nepal
Journal of Forest Research, 20(6), 475–483.
2015 dissertation
Game Theoretic Analyses of the United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Trade
2015 journal article
How Effective Is the United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement 2006? An Econometric Study
Forest Science, 61(6), 1041–1049.
2015 conference paper
Real assets and inflation: which real assets hedge inflation
2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting. Presented at the 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Event: 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California on July 26-28, 2015
2015 journal article
The Softwood Sawtimber Stumpage Market in Louisiana: Market Dynamics, Structural Break, and Vector Error Correction Model
Forest Science, 61(5), 904–913.
2014 journal article
How good is the governance status in community forestry? A case study from midhills in Nepal
Journal of Ecosystems, 541374.
2013 journal article
Climate Change and Community Forestry in Nepal: Local People’s Perception
American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2(1), 1–6.
2012 journal article
Carbon sequestration and uneven-aged management of loblolly pine stands in the Southern USA: A joint optimization approach
Forest Policy and Economics, 22, 65–71.
2011 journal article
Forest Management, Engineering, and Operations / Global Competency and Issues in Contemporary Education
Journal of Forestry, 109(8), 584–588.
2009 conference paper
Status of Good Governance in Community Forestry: A Study from Gorkha District
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry. Presented at the Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry.
Event: Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry.
1970 journal article
Social discrimination in community forestry: Socio-economic and gender perspectives
Banko Janakari, 20(2), 26–33.
Updated: October 30th, 2018 16:20
2018 - present
Updated: October 30th, 2018 16:20
2011 - 2015
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