Works (21)
2024 journal article
To use financial incentives or not? Insights from experiments in encouraging sanitation investments in four countries
2023 journal article
Social and financial incentives for overcoming a collective action problem

2023 journal article
statacons: An SCons-based build tool for Stata
STATA JOURNAL, 23(1), 148–196.

2022 article
statacons: An SCons-Based Build Tool for Stata
Guiteras, R., Kim, A., Quistorff, B., & Shumway, C. (2022, January 15).
2021 journal article
Biology, behavior and policy, or, Dr. Fauci, Sen. Paul and Prof. Lucas walk into a pandemic
EClinicalMedicine, 31, 100719.

2021 article
The Lancet Commission on water, sanitation and hygiene, and health
Amebelu, A., Ban, R., Bhagwan, J., Brown, J., Chandler, C., Chilengi, R., … Wolf, J. (2021, October 23). LANCET, Vol. 398, pp. 1469–1470.

2020 journal article
Poultry Ownership Associated with Increased Risk of Child Diarrhea: Cross-Sectional Evidence from Uganda
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102(3), 526–533.
Contributors: A. Ercumen n

2019 report
Demand Estimation with Strategic Complementarities: Sanitation in Bangladesh
(BREAD Working Paper No. 553).
2019 journal article
Eliciting and Utilizing Willingness to Pay: Evidence from Field Trials in Northern Ghana
Journal of Political Economy, 128(4), 1436–1473.

2019 journal article
The implications of three major new trials for the effect of water, sanitation and hygiene on childhood diarrhea and stunting: a consensus statement
BMC Medicine, 17(1), 173.
Contributors: O. Cumming *, B. Arnold *, R. Ban*, T. Clasen *, J. Esteves Mills *, M. Freeman *, B. Gordon*, n

2018 journal article
Productivity in piece-rate labor markets: Evidence from rural Malawi
Journal of Development Economics, 131, 42–61.

2017 report
A Practitioner’s Guide to Randomization Inference, Preliminary and Incomplete Draft
2017 journal article
Microcredit and willingness to pay for environmental quality: Evidence from a randomized-controlled trial of finance for sanitation in rural Cambodia
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 86, 121–140.
Contributors: A. Ben Yishay*, A. Fraker*, n , G. Palloni*, N. Shah*, S. Shirrell*, P. Wang *

2017 journal article
Social and Financial Incentives for Overcoming Collective Action Problems
AEA Randomized Controlled Trials, 5.
2016 report
Credit Constraints, Discounting and Investment in Health: Evidence from Micropayments for Clean Water in Dhaka
[Working paper].
2016 journal article
Disgust, Shame, and Soapy Water: Tests of Novel Interventions to Promote Safe Water and Hygiene
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 3(2), 321–359.
2016 report
Does Development Aid Undermine Political Accountability? Leader and Constituent Responses to a Large-Scale Intervention
(BREAD Working Paper No. 489).
2016 journal article
The pursuit of balance in sequential randomized trials
Development Engineering, 1, 12–25.
Contributors: , D. Levine * & T. Polley* *
2015 journal article
Encouraging sanitation investment in the developing world: A cluster-randomized trial
Science, 348(6237), 903–906.
Contributors: , J. Levinsohn* & A. Mobarak * *
2015 report
Routine Disasters: Floods, Human Capital and Adaptation in Bangladesh
Working paper.
2015 journal article
Satellites, Self-reports, and Submersion: Exposure to Floods in Bangladesh
American Economic Review, 105(5), 232–236.
Contributors: , A. Jina * & A. Mushfiq Mobarak * *

Updated: September 20th, 2016 13:53
2016 - present
Updated: August 15th, 2022 15:23
2003 - 2008
1993 - 1998