@article{radhakrishnan_ughradar_ojha_2023, title={Quantum information entropies for solitonic systems}, volume={8}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/2688310}, author={Radhakrishnan, Ramkumar and Ughradar, Mariyah and Ojha, Vikash Kumar}, year={2023}, month={Aug} } @article{radhakrishnan_ojha_2022, title={Wigner distribution of Sine-Gordon and Kink solitons}, volume={37}, ISSN={["1793-6632"]}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/2077796}, DOI={10.1142/S0217732322502364}, abstractNote={ Wigner distributions play a significant role in formulating the phase–space analog of quantum mechanics. The Schrödinger wave functional for solitons is needed to derive it for solitons. The Wigner distribution derived can further be used for calculating the charge distributions, current densities and wave function amplitude in position or momentum space. It can be also used to calculate the upper bound of the quantum speed limit time. We derive and analyze the Wigner distributions for Kink and Sine-Gordon solitons by evaluating the Schrödinger wave functional for both solitons. The charge, current density, and quantum speed limit for solitons are also discussed which we obtain from the derived analytical expression of Wigner distributions. }, number={37N38}, journal={MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A}, author={Radhakrishnan, Ramkumar and Ojha, Vikash Kumar}, year={2022}, month={Dec} } @article{radhakrishnan_2020, title={A study on the Friedmann-like Universe with torsion using Noether symmetry}, volume={35}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0217732320500273}, DOI={10.1142/s0217732320500273}, abstractNote={ This paper deals with the symmetry analysis of the Einstein Cartan Theory [E. Cartan, C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 174, 593 (1922); E. Cartan, Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super 40, 325 (1923)] which is an extension of the general relativity and it accounts for the spacetime torsion [S. Basilakos et al., Phys. Rev. D 88, 103526 (2013)]. We begin by applying Noether theorem [S. Capozziello, La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1978–1999) 19(4), 1 (1996)] to the Lagrangian of the FRW type cosmology with torsion and choose a point transformation: [Formula: see text], such that one of the transformed variables is cyclic [S. Capozziello, M. De Laurentis and S. D. Odintsov, Eur. Phys. J. C 72, 2068 (2012)] for the Lagrangian. Then using the conserved charge [S. Capozziello, M. De Laurentis and S. D. Odintsov, Eur. Phys. J. C 72, 2068 (2012)], which is obtained by applying Noether theorem, and the constant of motion, we get the solutions and conclude that due to the presence of torsion, the FRW type cosmology is in the de Sitter phase [D. Kranas, C. G. Tsagas, J. D. Barrow and D. Iosifidis, Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 341 (2019)]. }, number={06}, journal={Modern Physics Letters A}, author={Radhakrishnan, Ramkumar}, year={2020}, month={Feb}, pages={2050027} } @article{majhi_radhakrishnan, title={Inadequacy of Classical Logic in Classical Harmonic Oscillator and the Principle of Superposition}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/2032389}, DOI={10.13140/RG.2.2.24093.59365}, author={Majhi, Abhishek and Radhakrishnan, Ramkumar} } @article{majhi_radhakrishnan, title={Problem of Identity and Quadratic Equation}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/1951730}, DOI={10.13140/RG.2.2.35545.44646}, author={Majhi, Abhishek and Radhakrishnan, Ramkumar} }