Works (66)
2024 journal article
Swin-Roleaf: A new method for characterizing leaf azimuth angle in large-scale maize plants

2023 journal article
Genetic mapping of maize metabolites using high-throughput mass profiling
Plant Science, 326, 111530.

2022 journal article
A B73×Palomero Toluqueño mapping population reveals local adaptation in Mexican highland maize
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 12(3).
Ed(s): E. Akhunov

2022 journal article
Allele-specific Expression Reveals Multiple Paths to Highland Adaptation in Maize
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39(11).
Ed(s): P. Wittkopp

2022 journal article
An adaptive teosinte mexicana introgression modulates phosphatidylcholine levels and is associated with maize flowering time
Contributors: P. Thompson n

2022 article
Demonstration of local adaptation in maize landraces by reciprocal transplantation
Janzen, G. M., Aguilar-Rangel, M. R., Cintora-Martinez, C., Blocher-Juarez, K. A., Gonzalez-Segovia, E., Studer, A. J., … Hufford, M. B. (2022, April 14). EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS, Vol. 4.

2022 article
Genome sequencing reveals evidence of adaptive variation in the genus Zea
Chen, L., Luo, J., Jin, M., Yang, N., Liu, X., Peng, Y., … Yan, J. (2022, October 20). NATURE GENETICS, Vol. 10.

2022 article
ROOT PENETRATION INDEX 3, a major quantitative trait locus associated with root system penetrability in Arabidopsis
Bello Bello, E., Rico Cambron, T. Y., Abril Ortiz Ramirez, L., Rellan alvarez, R., & Herrera-Estrella, L. (2022, May 5). JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY.

2021 article
Demonstration of local adaptation of maize landraces by reciprocal transplantation
Janzen, G. M., Aguilar-Rangel, M. R., Cíntora-Martínez, C., Blöcher-Juárez, K. A., González-Segovia, E., Studer, A. J., … Hufford, M. B. (2021, March 26).

2021 journal article
Molecular Parallelism Underlies Convergent Highland Adaptation of Maize Landraces
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38(9), 3567–3580.
Ed(s): M. Purugganan

2021 article
ROOT PENETRATION INDEX 3, a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with root system penetrability in Arabidopsis
Bello, E. B., Cambron, T. Y. R., Álvarez, R. R., & Estrella, L. H. (2021, December 23).

2021 report
Teosinte introgression modulates phosphatidylcholine levels and induces early maize flowering time
In [] (Vol. 1) [BioRxiv preprint].

2021 review
The arches and spandrels of maize domestication, adaptation, and improvement

2020 journal article
Gene regulatory effects of a large chromosomal inversion in highland maize
PLOS Genetics, 16(12), e1009213.
Ed(s): N. Springer

2020 report
Molecular Parallelism Underlies Convergent Highland Adaptation of Maize Landraces
(BioRxiv Preprint No. 227629).
2019 dataset
Gene regulatory effects of a large chromosomal inversion in highland maize
2019 journal article
Inoculation with the mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis modulates the relationship between root growth and nutrient content in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.)

2019 journal article
Single-gene resolution of locally adaptive genetic variation in Mexican maize
[BioRxiv preprint]. [Biorxiv], 7.

2017 journal article
Co-ordinated Changes in the Accumulation of Metal Ions in Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.) in Response to Inoculation with the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Funneliformis mosseae
Plant and Cell Physiology, 58(10), 1689–1699.
2017 speech
Convergent phospholipid metabolism in highland adapted maize?
Seminar presented at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Scientific Retreat, Olivette, Missouri.
2017 speech
Identification of phospholipid metabolic patterns involved in maize adaptation to highland conditions
Seminar presented at the Fiehn & Ross-Ibarra labs, University of California-Davis Genome Center, Davis, California.
2017 speech
Identification of phospholipid metabolic patterns involved in maize adaptation to low phosphorus and cold conditions
Seminar presented at the David Lowry Lab, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan.
2017 journal article
Malate-dependent Fe accumulation is a critical checkpoint in the root developmental response to low phosphate
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(17), E3563–E3572.

2017 journal article
Morphological Plant Modeling: Unleashing Geometric and Topological Potential within the Plant Sciences
Frontiers in Plant Science, 8.

2017 conference paper
The Role of Phospholipid Metabolism in Maize Adaptation to Low Phosphorus and Cold Conditions
Talk presented at the Gordon Research Conference Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism & Function, Galveston, TX.
2017 speech
Towards and understanding of maize adaptation to highlands using a combination of lipidomics and quantitative and population genetics
Presented at the Matthew Hufford lab, Genetics and Genomics Graduate Group, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
2016 journal article
Environmental Control of Root System Biology
Annual Review of Plant Biology, 67(1), null.
Contributors: , G. Lobet * & J. Dinneny * *
2016 journal article
Grasses suppress shoot-borne roots to conserve water during drought
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(31), 8861–8866.
Contributors: J. Sebastian *, M. Yee *, W. Viana *, * , M. Feldman *, H. Priest *, C. Trontin *, T. Lee *

2016 speech
Invited seminar Multidimensional mapping of root responses to soil environmental cues using a luminescence-based imaging system
Seminar presented at the Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, México City, México.
2016 journal article
Plant scientists: GM technology is safe
Science, 351(6275), 824–824.
Contributors: N. Fahlgren *, R. Bart *, L. Herrera-Estrella, * , D. Chitwood * & J. Dinneny *

2016 conference paper
The role of polar lipid metabolism reorganization in maize adaptation to low phosphorus soils of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt highlands
Talk presented at the 7th International Crop Science Congress, Beijing, China.
2016 speech
Towards a faster, more open and collaborative science. The future of scientific publishing beyond journals and impact factors
Seminar presented at the Langebio Academic Days, Langebio, Mexico.
2015 journal article
GLO-Roots: An imaging platform enabling multidimensional characterization of soil-grown root systems
ELife, 4(AUGUST2015).
Contributors: , G. Lobet *, H. Lindner *, P. Pradier *, J. Sebastian *, M. Yee *, Y. Geng *, C. Trontin * *

2015 speech
Multidimensional mapping of root responses to soil environmental cues using a luminescence-based imaging system
Seminar presented at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany.
2015 conference paper
Roundtable Organization Emerging technologies for root systems scale imaging and phenotyping
Presented at the Rhizosphere 4: Stretching the Interface of Life - Congress on rhizosphere hosted by the Centre for Soil Ecology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
2015 conference paper
Towards a root system level understanding of how plants adjust root function and shape and integrate heterogeneous environmental cues
Keynote talk presented at the XVI National Congress of Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Biology, IX Simposium, Mexico-USA Queretaro, México.
2014 speech
Growth and Luminescence Observatory of Roots (GLO-Roots) A platform for the Analysis of Root Structure and Physiology in Soil
Presented at the PAG XXII Plant Phenotypes Workshop, San Diego, California.
2014 speech
Symposium on Unlocking Yield Potential in Soil
Presented at the BASF, Limburgerhof, Germany.
2014 conference paper
Understanding Root Physiology in Soil Using a Novel Imaging Platform
Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biology, Portland, Oregon.
2014 speech
Understanding Root Physiology in Soil Using a Novel Imaging Platform
Seminar presented at the San José University, San Jose, CA.
2013 speech
Growth and Luminescence Observatory of Roots (GLO-Roots) A platform for the Analysis of Root Structure and Physiology in Soil
Talk presented at the XVII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Istanbul, Turkey.
2013 journal article
Iron-dependent modifications of the flower transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, and hormonal content in an <
Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(10), 2665–2688.
Contributors: D. Sudre*, E. Gutierrez-Carbonell*, G. Lattanzio *, * , F. Gaymard*, G. Wohlgemuth*, O. Fiehn*, A. Álvarez-Fernández *
2013 speech
Understanding Root Physiology in Soil Using a Novel Imaging Platform
Seminar presented at the California State University at Monterey Bay, CA.
2012 journal article
Nicotianamine Functions in the Phloem-Based Transport of Iron to Sink Organs, in Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Growth in Arabidopsis
Plant Cell, 24(6), 2380–2400.
Contributors: M. Schuler *, * , C. Fink-Straube*, J. Abadía * & P. Bauera
2012 journal article
Oxidative stress is a consequence, not a cause, of aluminum toxicity in the forage legume Lotus corniculatus
New Phytologist, 193(3), 625–636.
Contributors: J. Navascués *
2011 journal article
Carboxylate metabolism in sugar beet plants grown with excess Zn
Journal of Plant Physiology, 168(7), 730–733.
Contributors: R. Sagardoy*
2011 journal article
Development of a New HPLC-ESI-TOFMS Method for the Determination of Low Molecular Mass Organic Acids in Plant Tissue Extracts
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(13), 6864–6870.
2011 speech
Iron xylem transport, the long and short of it
Seminar presented at the 3rd Japan-China Joint Workshop on Plant Nutrition, Kurashiki, Japan.
2011 journal article
Metabolic response in roots of Prunus rootstocks submitted to iron chlorosis
Journal of Plant Physiology, 168(5), 415–423.
Contributors: S. Jiménez *
2011 journal article
Metabolite profile changes in xylem sap and leaf extracts of strategy I plants in response to iron deficiency and resupply
Frontiers Plant Science, 2(OCT), 66.

2011 journal article
Towards a knowledge-based correction of iron chlorosis
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 49(5), 471–482.
Contributors: J. Abadía *

2010 journal article
Changes in the proteomic and metabolic profiles of Beta vulgaris root tips in response to iron deficiency and resupply
BMC Plant Biology, 10.
2010 journal article
Changes induced by two levels of cadmium toxicity in the 2-DE protein profile of tomato roots
Journal of Proteomics, 73(9), 1694–1706.
Contributors: J. Rodríguez-Celma *
2010 speech
Delving into iron deficiency metabolomics
Talk presented at the XV International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, Budapest, Hungary.
2010 journal article
Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality of Pepper Plants Amended with Two Sanitized Sewage Sludges
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(11), 6951–6959.
Contributors: I. Pascual *

2010 journal article
Identification of a Tri-Iron(III), Tri-Citrate Complex in the Xylem Sap of Iron-Deficient Tomato Resupplied with Iron: New Insights into Plant Iron Long-Distance Transport
Plant and Cell Physiology, 51(1), 91–102.
2010 speech
Iron speciation in plant xylem sap using LC-ESI-TOFMS
Talk presented at the International Franco-Spanish Workshop on Bio-Inorganic Analytical Chemistry, Pau, Francia.
2009 speech
Changes in the proteomic and metabolic profiles of Beta vulgaris root tips in response to iron deficiency and resupply
Keynote presented at the XVI International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Sacramento, California, USA.
2009 journal article
Effect of oil refinery sludges on the growth and antioxidant system of alfalfa plants
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171(1-3), 879–885.
Contributors: M. Martí *
2009 conference paper
Iron is transported as a tri-Fe(III), tri-citrate complex in plant xylem sap
Presented at the XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal. XI Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal, Zaragoza, Spain.
2008 journal article
Formation of metal-nicotianamine complexes as affected by pH, ligand exchange with citrate and metal exchange. A study by electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 22(10), 1553–1562.

2007 journal article
Rapid alteration of cellular redox homeostasis upon exposure to cadmium and mercury in alfalfa seedlings
New Phytologist, 176(1), 96–107.
Contributors: C. Ortega-Villasante *
2006 journal article
Direct and simultaneous determination of reduced and oxidized glutathione and homoglutathione by liquid chromatographyelectrospray/mass spectrometry in plant tissue extracts
Analytical Biochemistry, 356(2), 254–264.
2006 journal article
Stress responses of Zea mays to cadmium and mercury
Plant and Soil, 279(1-2), 41–50.
2005 journal article
Cellular damage induced by cadmium and mercury in Medicago sativa
Journal of Experimental Botany, 56(418), 2239–2251.
Contributors: C. Ortega-Villasante *
Convergent phospholipid metabolism in highland adapted maize?
Rellan-Alvarez, R. Talk presented at the Future Trends in Common Bean and Maize Research, Instituto de Biotecnología, Cuernavaca, México.
Updated: December 19th, 2019 11:45
2019 - present
2015 - 2018
2012 - 2015